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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2526688 No.2526688 [Reply] [Original]

>Wanted to participate in STATUS
>Remember too late to open Parity
>Needs to sync 100k blocks at 5blocks/s
>Won't be done for like 6 hours

Oh, golly
Feels good to be retarded

>> No.2526758

Why don't you just use myetherwallet?

>> No.2526786

Jesus stop pumping useless coins. Status is JUST a motherfucking Facebook Messenger rip off that uses other people's DApps. Buying their coin is like buying facebook money, except nobody uses it.

>> No.2526806

The longer im here the more transparent you all become.

>> No.2526811

yes you're right, stop pumping useless coins, now let's all go back talking about niggercoin, dgbyte and bitbean, amirite? I mean, it's not like status is already in beta and its userbase is constantly increasing and it has already a working product behind it that will facilitate over-the-counter transactions (localbitcoins on suicide watch), amirite? better buying dogecoin, amirite? you fucking retard. you must be american, aren't you?

>> No.2526826

yep, the more I'm here the more I want to genocide all /biz/. a bunch of shills trying to FUD when it suits their retarded bagholder agenda

>> No.2526929

>niggercoin, dgbyte and bitbean
Other useless coins.

>status is already in beta
Anyone can make a Messenger app, there are tons of open source apps that they could adapt to eth in a weekend. They literally just did that + integrated browser to use DApps. I saw the fucking app you dip. Plus, you call that a beta? That's a fucking alpha, it's shitty as fuck, slow and unresponsive on a 2017 phone with SD820.

>userbase is constantly increasing
With Blockfolio shilling it, no wonder. People install it, see it's shit, and say bye. Check the numbers after the ICO and talk to me.

>it has already a working product behind it that will facilitate over-the-counter transactions (localbitcoins on suicide watch)
Sure, tell me how they'll handle all types of btc for (insert money) here and how they'll handle dispute with a small team. LBC has been around since you even knew crypto existed.

>you fucking retard. you must be american, aren't you?
Unlike you shithead, no, I'm europoor.

Also, good luck with your shitty tokens when ETH drops ;)

>> No.2526989

So your only argument boils down to
>It's new and experimental
Gee golly gosh batman. What do..?

>> No.2527012

parity --warp

>> No.2527032

My arguments are that this is but a messenger app with no value to it. The only thing is does it agglomerate others DApps. The only money you spend on it is ETH on said DApps, and never on Social. Therefore, spending money on it is but a scam. Like most of the ICOs.

>> No.2527156
File: 10 KB, 400x400, 1444707989271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It doesn't work.
Even with snapshot peers activated, peer numbers always stay under 30 (and under 15 most of the time), so warp never activates and I'm stuck with 0-6 blocks per second.

>> No.2527180

Every single ICO that hits market has earned it's initial investors money, after that it depends on the coin. Saying any ICO is a scam and is worthless isn't a full truth is it?

As for
>A messenger app with no value
It's value is assigned to it by how many people use it.

>> No.2527428
File: 26 KB, 625x564, 138205358691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every single ICO that hits market has earned it's initial investors money
Jesus I dropped a tear. Most people don't give a SINGLE fuck. Bancor's 40 lines of code (that suck shit, since it creates more problems than it resolves) are worth about 3.6 mill each. Are you telling me that people actually understand what it does? It doesn't.

And yes, value isn't instrinsic, value is what we assign to it. But this is just shit. Screencap this if you want - it'll go down on the exchanges lower than the other ICOs.

>> No.2527433

GUIDE: >>2527377

GUIDE: >>2527377

>> No.2527487


Did you even read the thread?
The issue isn't not knowing what to do, it's Parity's slow sync times

>> No.2527567

Parity is being slow as fuck for me too

>> No.2527609

parity is trash

>> No.2527628

>Bancor sucks shit
>hasn't launched yet

>> No.2527635

Can you create transactions on parity and start them elsewhere?

>> No.2527787

How do you set the gas price on parity?

>> No.2527832

Long article, but read it. You'll see what I mean. http://hackingdistributed.com/2017/06/19/bancor-is-flawed/

If after this you still don't understand it, take a Macroeconomics course.

>> No.2527883

what a retarded piece of gay horseshit you're. low quality FUD. I screencapped you, see ya when it'll be 3x on the exchanges next week

>> No.2527951

I'll be here waiting for you ;)

Also if you think that's FUD, you really shouldn't even be trading. That's simple Supply vs Demand. Well, simple for anyone not dumb as you.

>> No.2528031

yes that's why I profited from almost every single ICO I took part. and most of those ICO didn't even have a working product behind it, unlike STATUS. and 10k status tokens per eth is dirty cheap for a 50millions total supply, do the math faggot and enjoy being poor

>> No.2528046

Check ICO vs ETH performance and talk back to me ;)

>> No.2528061

>thinking the plan isnt to flip them back to eth as soon as they hit exchanges

anon, i...

>> No.2528094

Totally understand your plan and believe me, I know some of those ICOs really go big, I've seen most of them go. But you should take into consideration that the amount of funds going into ICOs is getting too big for one to be able to do those flips. Keep an eye on that.

>> No.2528831

>Check ICO vs ETH performance and talk back to me ;)
They're all shit-tier. Holding ETH is better performing over the long run. Your odds are worse than 50-50.


>> No.2528893


I'm legitimately curious, do you have a mental disability?
I mean, after an entire thread of people saying that their plan is flipping back to ETH with short term 3-4x gains (something that happens with pretty much every ICO), you bring up long term charts?

Is everything alright anon?
Does your carer know you're on the internet right now?

>> No.2528972

99.9% of the retards here aren't capable of using the exchange API in order to actually accomplish this, though
>typed all this shit up just to feel smart
lol you are stupid

>> No.2529122
File: 6 KB, 449x123, Screenshot_13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waiting on status ico
>ready to move ETH i bought to myether
>this happens
its been 2 hours already Fuck