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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2527074 No.2527074 [Reply] [Original]

>hate my job
>check charts every morning/lunch
>hope one day ill check and see that I have enough to quit

anyone else?

>> No.2527090

The feels man. Picked up side job delivering pizzas. Most of the money is going straight into the pump. Make me moon crypto gods.

>> No.2527092

This is my main motivation for crypto.

>> No.2527100

with this kind of attitude, you'll probably will never be happy.
>Money can't buy you happiness
is a stupid saying, but if you think money is your only hope to "escape" your shitty life, you got more things to worry about.
Fix your life first, before you fix your bank account!

>> No.2527143

neat. is there a term for when complete strangers have very similar situations/end up following the same path

>> No.2527170

It's called kekism

>> No.2527182

hope you enjoy your trust fund.

>> No.2527193

I'm totally different, I'm in crypto for the sake of freedom in my jobs, not quiting it.

>> No.2527194
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fuck off waggie

>> No.2527212
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>Fix your life first

the fuck do you think we're trying to do here? My low quality of life is ENTIRELY because of a lack of money. I dont want to be wagecucked for the rest of my life. The modern normie life is simply not worth living, its become so insane to even own a home requires working and living frugally for DECADES.

I've got 2 younger sisters who need speech therapy and medical bills paid for, parents cant do it by themselves. They gave me 4k to invest which i put all on ETH @$90, so ive done ok.

This is it for me. I truly believe crypto is the only chance i have to ascend from this hell.

>> No.2527223

Money might not buy happiness.. bullshit. I have everything in life except money and I am constantly scrambling, constantly tired, constantly miserable all because I don't have money. Anything I want to do costs money, significant money, to start up. Any job I can get now I hate. I have a good girl but she'll want kids in 3-4 years and they are the best way to be poor for fucking ever. Money is everything and this is coming from someone with plenty of good friends, a good relationship, and a job that pays necessary bills and what not but will never allow true freedom. Money is everything.

>> No.2527224
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Nope not me. I'm not sat at my desk waiting to for my digital ants to moon.

>> No.2527229
File: 167 KB, 1017x759, cox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure about the exact translation, but I think I did.
>mfw I enjoy being paid to do stuff that I like to easily pay for all daily expenses, while the money I saved magically becomes more due to being invested in crypto and stocks.
Who's the cuck now?

>> No.2527238

and i thought my 50k in crypto were nohing... will give this 3years and then retire with what i have

rather no money at 50 than no time left at 70

>> No.2527279

OK, the thing with your sisters sucks, sorry man, and you can't do anything for being a
>Oh, so you are ill? Well, we'll make sure that you'll also be poor!
burger, but this
>I dont want to be wagecucked for the rest of my life. The modern normie life is simply not worth living, its become so insane to even own a home requires working and living frugally for DECADES.
is 100% your own fault, and this attitude (quite common at this place, with the hotspots being /r9k/ and /pol/) is really fucking up your life and your happiness.
This is not 18th century Africa. You are only a slave if you "want" to be one.
And exchanging work for money is simply the foundation this society is built on. You just gotta make the best out of it.

>> No.2527285

The only thing money does is give you options. And I want fucking options.

>> No.2527309


These feels right here.

It's probably my last hope of ever having anything.

>> No.2527354

>Who's the cuck now?
the waggie

>> No.2527370

this thread made me realize your all a bunch of miserable faggots

i am leaving and never coming to this shithole of a place ever again

>> No.2527375


>> No.2527387

On what kind of bizzarro 4chan//biz/ have you been so far, if you didn't realize this already?

>> No.2527447

y u in, bro?
I don't feel like I belong in here

>> No.2527466


I've actually got great career prospects but the normie grind can feel like a bit much when I'm thinking about my next payday every time I order a drink
More importantly even if I work my ass off, my second hand lambo could be a reality, but 25 years down the road when most of my youth is spent
If I can get that seed cash for the rest of my life under my belt from the crypto bubble I'll at worst have a comfortable leg up on my peers who thought I'd amount to nothing in school (I can already pay off my student loans, not that I would lol), and if I play my cards right, I could end up being a bit more carefree in my youth and achieving my goals that much sooner

Times are good Bros, work hard, be careful, and maintain a positive attitude!

>> No.2527482

>y u in, bro?
Back when /biz/ was about stocks and general money/biz discussions, it was quite OK.
Became rather annoying at first when it became 100% crypto, but then I finally caved in and started to play with crypto too.
So far, I'm up 600% and I assume I'm going to be making some more, if this bull market lasts, and if your timing is right, you can make quite some money with /biz/.
And I occasionally like to tease the sad fucks with tales from my happy normie life.
BTW, did I tell you folks that I have a hot, employed, financially stable and homey gf? ;^)

>I don't feel like I belong in here
so far, the ROI of this place is still positive for me.

>> No.2527606

>work minimum wage for 5 years
>live with parents
>don't pay rent
>save almost $60k
>put $15k into crypto over last 2 months
>$45k in bank
>$40k in crypto
>loading up on coinbase to buy the fork dip
Tell me it's real /biz/. Don't let my dreams be memes

>> No.2527684

Stay sharp anon, don't let your gains evaporate.

>> No.2527718

Give me a quick rundown on the fork, bruh
What is it, what's going to happen?