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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25268596 No.25268596 [Reply] [Original]

Be brutally honest with me biz. I longed the "dip" like a degenerate the other day, it started off well but it's crashing again. If it goes below 18 cents I am financially ruined. Will the euros dump it more?

>> No.25268616
File: 80 KB, 600x430, 1609175956514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over

>> No.25268628

its over faggot

>> No.25268632

>Be brutally honest with me biz.
you're a fucking moron if you still hold onto this poison

>> No.25268652

I didn't to hold it I just wanted to trade and flip it AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH

>> No.25268660

I think it will dump more as more exchanges take precautions ahead of the sec lawsuit. Coin base is probably the biggest blow, but the smaller exchanges will follow.

>> No.25268682

for a few to make it, most have to get burned. You didn't get lucky this time

>> No.25268686

Yeah, buy eth.

>> No.25268690

This lawsuit reminds me of the women who come 30 years later to falsely accuse someone of assault for monetary purposes. Why didn't SEC take action back in 2014? And why now?. Just a stunt

>> No.25268703
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It’s ogre

>> No.25268706

Close it and treat it as an expensive lesson.

>> No.25268710

rip anon. sell now or at .05

>> No.25268732

This is not like other cryptos.

Personally Im waiting for ECB digital Euro, Fed coin or IMF announcements on CBDC infrastructure. If XRP is not used, then I will sell at a yuge loss

>> No.25268737


>> No.25268748

Sell now to write some loss off on your taxes, buy a small amount at intervals down to 0 and move to cold storage just in case the schizos are right after delisting...they are occasionally right

>> No.25268770

Get out. Seriously

>> No.25268787

theyve been wrong for three years straight

>> No.25268813


It's going to zero, get the fuck out and salvage what you can.

>> No.25268830

yeah man - i would sell. its about to start falling in market cap rank pretty soon and its gonna be hard for it to climb back up.

>> No.25268862

Sounds like they're due to get one right :3

>> No.25268898

if you were dumb enough to buy xrp, this is exactly what you get
now fuck off back to twitter so that you can read up on twitter larpers to cope like the dumb xrpaypigs that you are

>> No.25268927

If you’re a tax paying goy, you can sell it now and do a good tax writeoff.

>> No.25268939

this is bitconnect tier history anon. next up is binance, we'll see if CZ takes the risk

>> No.25268969

Lel if Binance goes down, it’s the end of the bullrun.

>> No.25269047
File: 67 KB, 1000x750, mehh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XRP dying satisfies me.
I would have allowed almost any coin to moon and even flip BTC or shit like that but not XRP. Fakest and gayest anti-crypto coin there is.. in bed with the banks for day 1 and it had to buy them like whores.

F to spit on the grave.

>> No.25269060

Binance dropping it? I wanted to buy it at 1 cent just in case

>> No.25269147

cut your losses early when you're wrong

>> No.25269150

It took the most gullible anons with it.
I hope they find peace and don’t take drastic decisions.
There is plenty of money to be made in crypto, look at fundamentals and token usage rather than schizo clues and riddles.

>> No.25269179

The Bogdanoffs have made the phone call

>> No.25269217

we've been brutally honest about this scam for years. you chose not to listen.

>> No.25269229

the classic hindsight in 20/20 post

>> No.25269275


XRP has to go under for the bull run to begin. There is no way this scam gets rewarded TWICE. They already got lucky in 2017/2018.

>> No.25269477

>Personally Im waiting for ECB digital Euro, Fed coin or IMF announcements on CBDC infrastructure. If XRP is not used, then I will sell at a yuge loss
Why would they possibly use XRP? Imagine you're some central bank and you want a digital currency, you can either pay garlicman and some strange jew several trillion dollars, or you can hire some developers and issue yourself trillions in your new currency.

>> No.25269480

I lost a good chunk of money on this shitcoin and became a degenerate like you longing and shorting the fuck outta this coin, I’ll long this dead cat bounce just for x1.5 gains and short it all the way, I just hope I break even so I can hodl eth or some shit like that

>> No.25269507

Dude get out with something left btc is looking to correct and zero chance this will pump against a btc dump

>> No.25269525

Volatility is dropping. The dead cats will bounce lower and lower. Forget the long.
>t. anon you talked to in the other thread

>> No.25269558

I did, then bought BTC, then it started to dump. FUCK MY LIFE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH

>> No.25269584

Better to lose some rather than everything. Keep your chin up.

>> No.25269597

Yes but how does that currency transfer to another Jew bank? You need an interfacing system.
No one is suggesting that XRP will be the currency every bank uses, it's just the intermediary transfer currency that can unite all CBDCs and Bank coins. It also happens to be extremely quick at settling.

It's also designed to be efficient at higher values.

But you knew all of this, right?

>> No.25269694

someone give me the tl;dr on ripple

I don't know jack shit about crypto but want to put all my life's savings (and my dad's) on this one once it reaches 0.01

>> No.25269697

Thats why I set a more conservative sell order just now kek, ur probably right tho, this shit is not gonna bounce hard anymore

>> No.25269726

Because xrp is battle tested for 7 years by retail bag holders. You really think the gov will roll out untested tech for something as important as money?

>> No.25269750

The fact you even bought XRP in the first place is proof enough there is no hope.

>> No.25269793

I bought at half a cent, saw it going to $3 and didn't sell, and I ending up selling at 32 cents the other day. It's been a ride.

>> No.25269811

binance funding is -.1614%
a short squeeze is still a possiblity

>> No.25269838

The clown pepe where he catches the falling knife is a meme because most people trying to catch knives falling from the sky get slashed down the side of their neck.

>> No.25270139
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Market Manipulation. Time to push out the small fry retail buyers and buy their bags at a premium.

Think about it, the banks don't want a bunch of this asset in random peoples hands. They want a majority control of the asset to manage risk and prevent potential loss.

Coinbase and the SEC are all creating a situation to drive things towards this end.

>> No.25270153

The Coinbase delisting is actually bullish for xrp.

>> No.25270173
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>> No.25270200
File: 100 KB, 1080x914, Xrp2kEOY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coinbase to suspend trading on January 19, essentially making XRP unobtainium right before new administration takes office.

Just think about this and let it sink in.

>> No.25270265

I don't care if this goes to 0. They want their coin back, they will give me at least $10 a coin, and since I spent barely what I make in a week on this coin, it is literally no loss to me and I will continue to just get other coins.

>> No.25270267

This. Just imagine how much money this would have been sucking out of alts in the golden bull

>> No.25270342

Pls be bait

>> No.25270368
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DR NS Dickboy

>> No.25270371

It's extremely quick at settling because it is in no way, shape, or form crypto. I cannot wait for XRP to fuck off and die.

>> No.25270374

Spoonfeed me anon. What do you see Biden doing here?

>> No.25270389

cripples should be sterilized.

>> No.25270474

A broken clock is right twice per day but a slow clock is never right.

>> No.25270644

dude, i will level with u. I was totally larping. It's so fucking easy to farm (yous) when you act cryptic. No wonder schizos in XSG thread do it all the time.

>> No.25270672 [DELETED] 

Why would you invest so much in any cryptocurrency? Are you a fucking retard?

>> No.25270675

I'm dead serious and the guys at /xsg/ are doing a better job at convincing me

turn me down from the idea

>> No.25270695

>it is in no way, shape, or form crypto.
Weird, you should exploit it then and become a billionaire

>> No.25270705

Lol just go ahead and do it. Retards like you deserve to get burned

>> No.25270714 [DELETED] 

Biden is not going to be President you fucking retard.

>> No.25270725

Just watch this video https://youtube.com/watch?v=mTbrI58SLzg and rejoice we'll soon be wealthy.

>> No.25270902

Why the fuck would you buy this shit? How fucking stupid are you?