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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25264167 No.25264167 [Reply] [Original]

You’re going down next linkies.
>centralised company
>company holds most of the supply
>investors buy tokens in hopes of profit

You are next linkies.

>> No.25264201

You're going to feel like the proper tool you are when nothing happens, mate

>> No.25264213 [DELETED] 

Couldn't this be said for all tokens, also isn't the point of investing to hope for profits? Granted I do want $LINK to collapse as well but just playing devil's advocate

>> No.25264229

>cup of coffee

>> No.25264237 [DELETED] 

You're going to feel like the proper tool you are when it happens, mate

>> No.25264240


>> No.25264302

Based in caymans
Bulk of tokens sold to investors didn’t occur in American jurisdiction during ico or for several years.

>> No.25264870

Sergey selling tokens now so he doesn't have to sell genisis block he mined 10 years ago.
> him selling 700k a week is him saving LINK.
>they will accept it all and pay $ to us gov't

>> No.25264892

Hahaha love the fud. Almost take off time and y’all know it.

>> No.25264969

uhh anon i bought linkies to pay for price feeds for my shitty exchange. haven't checked the price in 2 years desu.

>> No.25264995
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>> No.25264996

Oh no...worst case scenario they have to pay a $20 million free me like block.one


>> No.25265040


>> No.25265170

Phoneposters really are that dumb, aren't they?
1) LINK is not a security
2) if it was, we'd be getting slaughtered now
3) we still might, if BTC starts pumping violently for instance, and faggots will make 30 threads per hour claiming it's the SEC and shouting at you to sell
4) you will

>> No.25265343

could it still illegal for americans to trade?

>> No.25265350

>x-xrp won't be alone, l-link is fucked too
no, a major requirement of a security is that the founders have to lead investors to believe that there will be a noticeable appreciation in price
the chainlink team has never discussed price
i know the xrpaypigs on this board are really, really fucking dumb, but maybe over the next week or so it will sink in that xrp was the dumbest buy you could have made if you intended on actually holding it
now fuck off back to your retarded containment thread, you're punching way above your weight outside of it
s and h

>> No.25265571

>lead investors that price will go up
what about all the 'partnership' announcements?

>> No.25265624

Promising to implement staking (ie making link tokens collateral) is basically promising price appreciation. Cope harder stinkie, you’re going down next.

>> No.25265654

Link steaking is coming in Q1 anyway. catch up, anon

>> No.25265683

This lead us to believe the token is being utilized and has utility value

>> No.25265712

What fucked XRP were the buybacks. That's what Wall Street corporations do, with their SECURITIES. They buyback their own stock, pumping the price, then dump on their own investors. That was what Ripple was doing, ergo, SECURITIES, dumbass .

>> No.25266064

what about the sergey dumps? am i (a literal brainlet) the only one asking these questions? was there already a thread made on this that an anon could kindly lead me to?

>> No.25266129

If this were to happen we would've known by now. Do you think Coinbase is just going to let security tokens on there exchange with a IPO coming up? Dumb faggot?

>> No.25266132

Imagine thinking Seg-ray isn't 500 steps ahead.

Imagine thinking BoringDAO isn't the next LINK.

>> No.25266160

Don't fall for the FUD. This would apply to ALMOST ALL OF NON CURRENCY CRYPTO

>> No.25266214

To my knowledge, SN has never done buybacks. So, they can maintain that Link is a utility token, another ball game altogether.

>> No.25266300

> am i the only one asking these questions?
no, anon. It was discussed 50+ times in the last few days. Let me summarize the discussion for you : LINK is not a security. It's an utility token.
So many times, in fact, that some believe it's done on purpose by some paid group. Imagine that.

>> No.25266331


Yeah that's now how it works. You had nearly 4 years. Seethe and cope etc

>> No.25266405

Uh hello? Node operators get paid in $LINK for providing a service. It’s most definitely a currency

>> No.25266548

I’m in since December 2017...my hands are made of iron...go fuck yourself

>> No.25266570

Well said

>> No.25266577

Yes, basically anything on ETH netwrok. It's all going down

>LINK is not a security. It's an utility token
they said the exact same about Rippel - it'll be used to power ledger contracts etc

it's all going down. only about 5 coins will remain. i've been saying this for years now

>> No.25266619


>> No.25266659

>I do want $LINK to collapse

>> No.25266660


>> No.25266696

you're such a dumb retard. how can someone with such a small brain perform menial tasks like tying your shoes

>> No.25266717
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You had so many years faggot. We all like fudding this thing but, seriously whats the point anymore...

>> No.25266727

>Couldn't this be said for all tokens
this description literally applies to stocks, and literally does not apply to chainlink. if you are falling for this fud you should leave the market while you still have some money

>> No.25266787

No brainlet. Chainlink is a utility token. Meaning I would purchase the token for a use other than investment, such as utilizing the Chainlink network and the benefits that brings which is different than stock. You may hold a utility token as an investment but that is different than saying it’s only purely an investment due to that. Sort of like I can hold oil as an investment but oil is a commodity with other uses.

>> No.25266815

cope. you really think the xrp move is the end of the game for the SEC?

it's literally just the beginning!

>> No.25266816

>a utility token
so its defined as a utility token by who? ERC20? what about under the eyes of the SEC? how will they interpret the definition of a 'utility token'. im not trying to FUD i just think it'll be interesting to see what they come up since crypto is totally new. To me it seems like this is all up to lawyers/regulators to dish out and is not black and white as we think.

>> No.25266853
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>> No.25266866

A utility token means I can purchase the token for a use other than investment, such as utilizing the Chainlink network and it’s benefits

>> No.25266890
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>> No.25266891

the SEC will take out as many cryptos as it can. there'll be plenty reasons conjured up over the coming months.
governments hate crypto and want rid of it. look what they did with zuckerbergs LIBRA. they'll do the same to anything listed on CMC if they can. it wont end with the "utility token" distinction, you can bet on that

>> No.25266914

>investors buy tokens in hopes of profit
when and where did the company say this?

>> No.25266937
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You're going down next anime figurines.
>centralized company
>company holds most of the supply
>investors buy anime figurines in hopes of profit

you are next anime figurines.

>> No.25266988

any pre-mined shit coin i.e Chainlink that isn't a stable coin will be classed as a security. if its price can move up or down, it can obviously be traded for gain

ETH is mined so is safe

>> No.25267015
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Cope more tranny. Jesus you fucks are dumb as shit. Came back for a bit of fun and you retards are still hard at it. Go all in on the shorts available on: OkEx, huboui, binance, etc... and post those positions if your so sure of what your doing. Post proof and put your money where your mouth is faggoy.

>> No.25267330

Kek brutal

>> No.25267366

Can you stop being retarded for 1 second? You’re all over the place

>> No.25267376

kek no responses. biz has become 90% pol shitposters and pajeet shills. i can tell from browsing this hellish site everyday that we're at the top. just the other day there was a "lets post our make-it cars" thread with 220 replies.

>> No.25267405

Uttilty token... Checkmate..

>> No.25267441
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>> No.25267474
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>pajeet typing

>> No.25267506

I am from Bulgaria and I type like that.

>> No.25267549

this kind of fud makes me dick hard

>> No.25267906

>pre mined
has nothing to do with the howey test
>stable coin or not
has nothing to do with the howey test
>if the price can move up or down
has nothing to do with the buyers or sellers having knowledge of or intending to profit
>ETH is mined
millions in fiat premined, it had an ICO, they'll both have staking models, if ETH isn't a security, neither is chainlink

>> No.25267965

Based gypsy.

>> No.25268046
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>who? ERC20?

>> No.25268079
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this is the pic "leaker" posted, we could partially read the text, try it

>> No.25268081

You might be severely underestimating how fucking cucked our "republic" has become.

>> No.25268134
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and this is the form it was written on, not even joking

>> No.25268461

I'm actually more qualified to talk about this than most anons.I'm employed with a cyber-techno machinations company, I do a lot of security analyst programming type work. Open source, decentralized, APIs, partnerships, you name it. We'd be one of the first companies in line for something like Chainlink, if the decentralized smart contract space had more value over traditional data exchanges. There's a catch though, an underlying flaw more deeply embedded in the bedrock of LINK than the very code itself. The flaw is with the concept, and it's this: Companies won't actually go through the hassle of trusting their data API's through crypto.
Now I can already hear your keyboards going frantic, but hear me out. /biz/ hates banks, and traditional data providers. But actual companies, businesses, and investors do not. There's an old saying you might have heard of: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!". The idea that any of our bosses would give us the go ahead if we approached them to put our companies valuable data in a smart contract on a cryptocurrency called Chainlink, that they've never heard of, we'd be laughed out at best and fired on the spot at worst. We already have API data buyers and providers we trust.
'But Chainlink is trustless!' I hear you cry, but is that really a good thing? Just listen to the sound of it. Businesses don't want to spend millions of dollars on something that is trustLESS, they want something trustFUL. 'But the reputation system!', doesn't that defeat the whole point of your coin? If companies only trust nodes with high reputation, what's the difference between trusting banks and data providers that already have reputation, but in real life not on a computer screen.
The fact is, LINK is going to share the same fate as ETH will. A lot of 'real world application' hype, with a lot of 'crypto world application' reality. Only, this billion supply coin isn't going to come close to the $1k that Etherum hit. Happy gambling though anons.

>> No.25268516

Saved for my next copy pasta link FUD

>> No.25268565
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6/10 fud just bought 25 more linkies

Get fucked

>> No.25268731

>this description literally applies to stocks
are you retarded anon? that's literally the exact reason why it would be criminal if chainlink fell under it

>> No.25268753

Nulinkers are so cringe

>> No.25268759

see that may be true for some but I buy LINK for the memes, not in hopes of profits
therefore it does not apply

>> No.25268781

1k eoy checked

>> No.25268784

No intention of ever selling my linkies.
Staking them bitches

>> No.25268802

Acshaully we buy the tokens as collectibles not for profit but for the joy of owning and collecting these tokens

And it is a chain of collectors linked together by our bond of enjoying of collecting

If the price goes up that's ok too but that isn't the main goal of purchasing chainlink

>> No.25268808

>I buy LINK for the memes
based if true, sadly most people see it as an investment and chainlink does nothing to dispel that notion

>> No.25269055

Go back to Plebbit

>> No.25269956

After Adelyn failed the spelling bee she was disowned by her family for committing a grave Chinese sin. Her father told her that he no longer had a daughter and the entire family turned their back on her. Distraught with nowhere to turn she headed back to campus her place of shame. It began raining then, silver streaks that hid her tears as she struggled to stay warm.
Sergey found her there at the library clutching a wet dictionary just trying to keep warm while memorizing the words. Sergey spoke to her in soft words that warmed her heart. Although Adelyn didn't know Sergey very well. He didn't look like a scammer; he just looked like a thin nerd that meant no harm.
Sergey saved her that day and brought her to a place where spelling doesn't matter. A place where people do as they please without worrying about knowing anything about the problems of the world.
And that place, frens, is ChainlInk, a new land of opportunity where problems that really don't exist are being solved. Adelyn says Sergey is a modern day Wittgenstein and orcales are his problem. Adelyn is not sure what an oracle is or why it's needed or even if it's needed but she still keeps that same dictionary on her bookshelf to remind her of that faithful first encounter with Sergey. The dictionary is faded and torn and really isn't much help but it still brings her warmth and that's what's most important.

>> No.25270318

Zeus Capital

>> No.25270354
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>> No.25270362

Fucking reddit fag

>> No.25270405
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You talk like a fag

>> No.25271324


>> No.25272507
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they know, that's why they're quiet

we all know what this is... cope

uhh... no
