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25267086 No.25267086[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is college a fucking meme or not?

>> No.25267180

Go to college. Community college -> 4 year college. Learn a skill outside of academics that can create value to others.

>> No.25267187

most people i know who didnt go to college just smoke weed and live with their parents as losers, bro. i mean i guess theoretically you could start your own company after high school but how many successful cases are there of people who did that? statistically insignificant

>> No.25267223 [DELETED] 

university is not just about obtaining (which it else with a lot a specially if you are a procrastinator or lack self-motivation) the knowledge but also learning how to live on your own, building relationships with people and networking with your peers and mentors
it's not a meme

>> No.25267284

Meme. Learn how to program. Either self-teach or boot camp. Get a job at a company that hires zoomers like Stripe.

I did this a few years ago, and am full time subcontracted at $130/hr.

>> No.25267286

>>25267086 (OP)
university is not just about obtaining knowledge (which it else with a lot a specially if you are a procrastinator or lack self-motivation) but also about learning how to live on your own, building relationships with people and networking with your peers and mentors - and all of those greatly help you with career later
it's not a meme

>> No.25267303

>is college useless?
Yes, unless you go to medschool or go to a Ivy league one and make connections.
>Does that mean I don't need to get a degree?
Unless you're rich then no, getting a job is way harder without one because most employers just discard people without a degree automatically

>> No.25267353

No go get a fucking job start saving for a mortgage

>> No.25267392

No, it’s a right of passage for the goyim, we do not consider people who are not university indoctrinated

>> No.25267429

You can do all that outside college schlomo

>> No.25267633

You won't get a legit job without college. And there's only so much you can teach yourself, so no.

>> No.25267760

You need college if you have no connections. I don't care if you learned how to be a brain surgeon online and practiced offline, if you have no actual connections it's meaningless in the face of a doctorate degree that says you can do it.

>> No.25267928
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Just buy LINK three years ago bro.

>> No.25267972

Going to college is a meme if you only do it for money. If you like studying a subject AND that subject has decent job opportunities then it's a good way to go.

>> No.25267986

College is a meme only if you have a solid plan to survive outside of it, but it is still a good backup plan nonetheless.

>> No.25268029

its both a meme and not a meme. it depends on a lot of things. but it isn't the clear path any more, in the modern age you can be successful in a lot of ways.

but what is clear is that degrees are losing their value steadily as knowledge and the ability for people to share knowledge becomes more decentralized. there are a few things that you still need to go to school for, i wouldn't go to a heart surgeon who doesn't have years and years of training under their belt. same goes for people who build buildings, or who build planes, etc. etc. if youre doing something that requires precision or it could cause a catastrophe then your training is of very high value. but if youre getting a degree in like marketing or psychology or business or something that isn't super technical where youre working on things that need to be executed very precisely, then the value of that degree is plummeting and will continue to plummet.

so the college bubble hasn't fully bopped yet but we're in it. i dont know how much longer they'll be required but for a lot of jobs out there the only reason a degree is "required" is because the people who are hiring you also jumped through the same hoops and in general the better employees are the people who will jump through all the hoops that shekelstein puts in front of them too.

>> No.25268033

Elon doesn't care about college degrees, but the Tesla recruiters and hiring managers do.

>> No.25268143
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yes, bro, nobody in tesla has degrees

>> No.25268179

College is not for learning useful stuff it's to prove that you CAN and are willing to learn new stuff.

>> No.25268213

>you dont need college but tesla wont hire high school graduates

>> No.25268234

Yeah don't go to college stay a wage slave and be underpaid by ole musky and work overtime
All cause he said don't go to college

>> No.25268274

This. Anyone else ever notice how all of the CEOs who say shit like this attended elite universities?

>> No.25268282

>network with your peers and mentors
>stay home goy you must not go to campus online classes only

>> No.25268324
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This is like asking if a high school diploma is worth it. No it's not, but if you don't have one people will think you are retarded.

>> No.25268330

More like a scam. Just look at this presumably college educated person's level of argument lol >>25267180

>> No.25268357

Meant for>>25267187

>> No.25268417

It’s like buying FunFair at the top. And you will be the ULTIMATE bag holder. Only go if you have rich parents who can pay for it. If it requires taking out loans DO NOT GO. Student loans have ruined my life and there is no hope for me. Kids don’t understand the effects of compounding interest at 10% on an enormous balance. Don’t make the mistake I did.

>> No.25268437

Not really. But why work when you can make 10x's in high risk shitcoins every quarter? You know with $10,000 in capital all you need are a few 5x's and a few 10x's to never work again.


>> No.25268445

learn to post retard

>> No.25268450

Hm. Should i buy funfare now?

>> No.25268883

Here is a really good article about what you are asking. https://jacobitemag.com/2018/03/07/the-wasteful-game-we-have-to-play/

>> No.25269201

A quote from article "Suppose you were on a desert island: would you want knowledge of boat-building without a boat-building degree? You would absolutely want the knowledge. But in a modern labor market it’s not clear which one you want. And if it’s not clear, then you must think signaling is pretty important."

>> No.25269271

I went to a mid-tier UC for college and my connections I made there still made my career so not only Ivy's are good for connections.

>> No.25269301

Literally gives you money to dump into crypto. Other than that it is worse than useless.

>> No.25269318

The one thing I do not, and will never regret, is my education. I just can't imagine going back to being the ignorant person I once was.

>> No.25269333
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Does spacex, tesla, and neuralink etc hire people without degrees for their research positions?

>> No.25269424

He's publicly stated that they accept people without college degrees, they put them on the application page as a guideline and guide for level of knowledge

>> No.25270004

>Does spacex, tesla, and neuralink etc hire people without degrees for their research positions?
Try getting any decent non-coding job without a degree.

>> No.25270177

A firm handshake is key to interview success, say scientists. As any serious job-hunter knows, it helps to dress smartly and smile at that all-important interview. But research has revealed that a firm handshake is what really matters when it comes to impressing potential employers.

>> No.25270623

This is gay af

>> No.25270653

This is the only correct answer

>> No.25270682

Are you 80? lmao

>> No.25270690

99.999999999% of people who "just learn things on the internet bro" are fucking idiots and you'll know this when they speak about subjects you are actually educated about.
Even something as "non technical" as history, I spent years reading books and academic articles but just two years in my undergrad interacting and researching with historians in person completely changed how I approached things and exposed the many many holes I have in my general understanding and analysis
And for me as an architect, I legally cannot practice unless I have an accredited degree. This is the same for many other careers

>> No.25270699

>trained 26 years on my firm handshake
>I'm now considered a terrorist if I bring it on cause of Corona
At least i got my 10k link

>> No.25270797

Which UC? Davis?
t. Berkley chad

>> No.25270834

college gets you internship in the field, internship gets you full time job, full time job gives you experience, experience gives you promotion to mid level or senior

>> No.25270852
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100 000+ people here don't think you need college
discord.gg 33Vy86MM

>> No.25270877

Elon Musk is such a colossal faggot, no wonder he got bullied in high school. Everything he does and says is to stroke his own ego and to make retarded pajeets and NPCs adore hum even more

>> No.25270889

>so the college bubble hasn't fully bopped
It's popping atm. Covidscam lockdowns was it. They really thought they could charge the same price for just online learning when most likely the normies started to realize that youtube videos and other websites are free.

>> No.25270894

He's not fucking wrong.

>> No.25270914

Are you or your family already wealthy?
If yes, do whatever you want. For everybody else, figure out what you want to do in the future. No, it doesn't have to be a career, but what you are going to do. Do you want to build homes? Become a teacher? Backpack around the world? Design aircraft engines? Become a fine artist? whatever
Do you need a college degree by law in order to do this? If yes, go to college
Is this a field that is very difficult to learn on your own and/or is difficult to prove your capability to employers? If yes, go to college
Does it require informal connections? If yes, go to college
Everything else, no college

>> No.25270935

Kek, seeing universities flounder at all the foreign kids being extradited cause of covid was peak 2020

>> No.25270940

If you know exactly what you wanna be then no, but if youre going because its expected of you and you don't know what you wanna be yet, then yes its a meme

>> No.25270948

College is a meme. You're literally a drooling retard if you're an adult who goes to college. Nothing but an institution of higher indoctrination and adult day care center. Imagine taking on a mountain of debt in order to get information that you can get just about anywhere for free, and a piece of paper that won't guarantee you a job.
>t. mid-20s, 139 IQ autodidact with a net worth of 450k

>> No.25270954

Are there companies that hire boomer programmers who arwnt experienced yet?

>> No.25270955

If you think it's for education, it's a meme

>> No.25270961
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I literally make 6 figures walking files across a hospital. How did I get this job that pays more than most nurses and is virtually stress free? I was the only person that applied for it. College cucks are forever blown the fuck out. Imagine paying to be lectured at by communists. The irony is delicious.

>> No.25271041

Allowing plebs into universities has ruined higher education. Before only the wealthy/powerful/connected attended, and they would allow in alongside them the best plebs from the stack. The pleb who attended based upon his own merit can now easily move up the ladder because he holds a prestigious degree, he helf something exclusive that is rewarded to those who deserved it. Allowing everybody in gives the best plebs no chance at upward mobility. Now all plebs, the dumbfucks, the average, and the few top hold the same degree, therefore destroying the only process that allowed pleb upward mobility in the past. Better access to higher education has ironically created an upper class that does not allow new members and a permanent underclass forced there no matter their capabilities
It also turned Universities into job centers for "luxury life, ALWAYS HUSTLING, I need dat condo and good job" types, overturning its original intention and placing the fulfillment of job training as the ultimate measurement of value.
Welcome to a dark age friends

>> No.25271054

>And for me as an architect, I legally cannot practice unless I have an accredited degree.
All you're saying here is that you guys have a strong guild/union. It doesn't mean that's a good thing.

>> No.25271073

I am 23, 136 iq, no college degree, and spend mos of my day reading history and philosophy books. How exactly do you have a 450k net worth

>> No.25271113

What job is that? Filewalker? Do I call the based department?

>> No.25271116

Been a truck driver since the age of 18. At age 21 I began working at a major port in the U.S. taking containers to and from terminals/yards. Easy work. Average $1800 a week before tax. Invest most of my paychecks in real estate.

>> No.25271120

True but if it was 1336 Florence, and I wanted to become a notary, I am not going to scream that the University of Pisa is a scam and I should be allowed to practice without a degree or membership to a guild. Because in the context of the time, the degree and membership is the most useful thing possible if you want to be a notary. I am not going to sit and listen to billionaires and congressmen tell me that college is a scam while doing absolutely nothing to change the circumstances that give it power on the ground

>> No.25271159
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I wish we can bring back official guilds. All the negatives we deal with today but also get none of the positives
>ywn live in a corporatist city state governed by a mediation between guilds

>> No.25271440

Yes I agree, pick your battles and so on, but I'm just making the point that saying education is good because it is required for practice shouldn't be confused with the (in my opinion false) claim that college is a particularly effective form of learning nor a reliable mark of quality.

>> No.25271519

Definitely. Tech companies might be a little tough for boomer programmers, but non-tech companies like retail might be a bit easier.
You still need some kind of track record - boot camp, personal projects, etc.

>> No.25271706

>Elon Musk: You don't need college, you just need daddy's emerald mine in apartheid south africa

>> No.25271921

honestly depends on what you want to study. some fields of enineering/becoming a doctor then yes, otherwise no.
i studied comp sci and dropped out then decided to self teach myself, never had a problem getting a job. only people who say a degree in this field matters are the ones who did go to college/uni and are just jelly you didn't.

>> No.25271932

Most people I know who went to college do that too. The rest are making 50k a year as wage monkeys.

>> No.25272193
