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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25259983 No.25259983 [Reply] [Original]

What do I do guys? I have a little baby. I put all my and my wifes savings in at 35 cents (almost 25,000$). My wife doesnt know yet. She just looks at me everyday with the most loving smile and says how smart I am because of how bitcoin keeps going up. My little kid hugs me everyday saying I'm the best dad in the world. I totally fucked up all our lives and our futures. I ruined everything.

>> No.25260006

shit larp

>> No.25260008

i pray this isn't real

>> No.25260046

And let me tell you, when the market first crashed in March and XRP reached 17c I realized it is over and I will never be rich. The kikes will never allow it. At first it was hard trying to come to terms with this fact but I eventually came to the conclusion that the only way to be rich, is to pretend that I am rich. So one day I blurted out to my friends and family that I'm very rich and have pretty much made it from crypto for a while but that I've been keeping a low profile for obvious reasons. Then I started telling them all about RapidX, Brand Garlinghouse, babacugs, the Masonic Monetary System and how everthing is connected. First, they didn't believe me. Second, every time the price of Bitcoin went up or was in the news they kept asking me about my "bitcoins", "how about those bitcoins going up lately anon". It was very hard dealing with this sort of double life so I just kept smiling but deep inside I was seething because the price of XRP was still .25c at that time and I had traded my BTC for more XRP the year before and here I was holding my Ripple bags while the Golden Bull Run was departing without me. Just one disaster after the next, at one point I was shorting XRP because my stack was getting smoler from all the failed longs before. Even that didn't stick as Ripple made some pathetic announcement about some bank partnership so the price shot up 5% and liquidated me. Then around Christmas the SEC news dropped and nearly brought me to complete ruin. All my longs obliterated, my net worth sunk to new lows not seen since the Great Depression and the despair was taking it's toll on my health too. In the end my friends and family all think I'm the same loser so nothing has changed except now I'm also known as that "weird bitcoin guy". I don't know how much longer I can keep this charade going and I don't think it even worked. What should I do now? I know as soon as I sell the price shoots to $2k..

>> No.25260079

The worst thing is that you already reproduced and already assured the continuation of your inferior genes.
You should withdraw everything, buy a rope and hope that someone else will grow up better your son.

>> No.25260122

Buy donut, it is cheap.

>> No.25260146
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*smacks lips*
Don't worry bruh, I'll take reaaaal care of them.

>> No.25260170

Just rope and let me step in to bang your grieving wife. I'll raise your kid to be a better investor than his deadbeat daddy

>> No.25260176

get out bro and wait 1 year until ETH and BTC go up. Stupid to buy XRP anyway it's not even a decentralized coin

>> No.25260252

Yeah I thought I was a genius cause it's the cheapest one. Was planning so many big things. Imagine what 35 cents up to $100 would be like.

>> No.25260626

sell all your XRP and buy BTC, you'll be happy by end of next year

>> No.25260686

Its not even a braindead shill go buy eth with all of them and buy donuts for example 2-3% of it on uniswap. If eth will fly and other altcoins donut price will go up too.

>> No.25260757

You made a mistake. Happens. Sell it now and switch to either BTC,ETH or LINK. Nothing else

>> No.25260818

You can make up your loses by tomorrow with UNIF. All xrp bros should put into UNFI and pump it for the rebase

>> No.25260849

Install her onlyfans

>> No.25260882

OP is a FAG ID confirms

>> No.25260899

I pray this is a larp, otherwise your child guaranteed to turn out as retarded as you are.

>> No.25260921
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>> No.25261079

>FAG id
you can't make that shit up lmao

>> No.25261120
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>> No.25261126 [DELETED] 
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since you are a degenerate gambler i have the perfect exit plan for you, there will be a huge pump and dump on saturday, just go all in.
discord.gg slash 5Tq7qxkkRv

>> No.25261144

>Thinking it would go anywhere near $100.
You're definitely LARPing right now.

>> No.25261166


>> No.25261182

t. xrpfag who bought at. 24 and converted to BTC at. 24.

>> No.25261209

You sell and try again genius. Even if you bought the top, you still have 20% of your sats left, it's not ideal but you can still make it happen.

>> No.25261239

ID checks out.

>> No.25261261

Get fucked cRipples

>> No.25261278

At least you still have a baby, you can sell it on black market for some monero.

>> No.25261282
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Just imagine, you could still loose it all. Won't somebody please think of the children?

>> No.25261299
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>> No.25261337

Lárp Post. This was posted 2017 already ...

I’m on biz every SINGLE FUCKING DAY


>> No.25261339
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>have more savings than this guy
>have worked less than 6 months in my life

>> No.25261407

FAG id ahahaha

>> No.25261443

This is exactly what is going on with my brother in law. Too funny. He leveraged into xrp and quit his job. This happened about 3 or 4 weeks ago around the airdrop.

>> No.25261462

You lost .14 cents per coin and it continues to drop. Why won't (you) stop the bleeding?

>> No.25261471
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zozzle, also if you're not larping just buy ETH/BTC and an altcoin like RSR or something

>> No.25261536

aww.. i would give you 1 btc, if you let me hug your kid.
i'm rich, but i don't have nobody to love me.

>> No.25261569

Wait... I thought he had two daughters...

>> No.25261579

Good use of fud

>> No.25261620

The part about his baby telling him how smart he is didn't stand out?

>> No.25261678

but seriously anon, 25k is all your "savings"? damn that's near nothing... nothing at all.

but well I was from the philipines before all of this happened, and I remember working 1 month for less than $100.

thank god, i turned to be a psycho who used the deep web back in the day.

and just with the donations i would be able to move, and still spend like crazy since 2013.

>> No.25261749

>the reading comprehension of a jeet

>> No.25261758

a fucking fag id, LMAO AT
>t. faggot

>> No.25261786

I know people who might find themselves in this exact situation, this might not be a LARP lol

>> No.25261801

take life insurance
dose heavily on benzos
go for a midnight drive

>> No.25261826

Please be fucking real

>> No.25261835

thats a mutt girl

>> No.25261837
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>id FAG

>> No.25261940

I won't need to imagine it
>t. holding link since .35

>> No.25261958

Dude, they unironically think it's going to 2k. They literally aren't kidding when they call themselves schizos. They're mentally ill.

>> No.25262129

if this isn't a larp, then you staked your life savings without doing very minimal basic research. Without getting into how scammy XRP is, do you know what a market cap is?

If you google "does price of a stock matter" this is the first result: communityamerica dot com slash stock-price-doesnt-matter

if you google "does price of a crypto matter" this is the first result: medium dot com slash limitedio slash why-comparing-cryptocurrency-prices-is-wrong-2054a9075878

if you go to coingecko.com or coinMARKETCAP.com each coin has 10 columns. One of those is market cap. Did you ever wonder what that was or why they would put it on the front page? Why CMC would name themselves after it?

Please tell me you're a racist pol retard and not some well meaning but incredibly stupid schmuck. Either way, you should sell on binance ASAP (use a vpn to change your country) and split it evenly between bitcoin, eth, and chainlink. Then don't touch it for a year or two. You've only lost about a third of your investment, and you'll make that back and quite a bit more if you do exactly what I just told you to do.

>> No.25262173

OP is a faggot

>> No.25262451

OP, you are troll or the most stupid guy on earth.

>> No.25262529


Have you considered sucking cock?

I reckon you could earn back 25,000$ by sucking 25,000 cocks.

>> No.25262681

You can end it all right now. The stimulus is coming in soon and a gun is not that pricy.

>> No.25262694

the FUD larps are intensifying. this is bullish

>> No.25262719

Wish this was real

>> No.25262855

Weird LARP. Go do something. Get off /biz/ or something.

>> No.25262866

Unironically based.

>> No.25262953

i can buy you, but your wife will have to go
keep in mind i like my men fit and smooth

>> No.25263019

>That ID
Holy fucking kek

>> No.25263055

you should have greentexted that, lowIQ retard

>> No.25263066

Just capitulate and buy RLC, you'll make it back. Honest to god, digital oil etc.

>> No.25263128
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Put it all to LINK. End of 2021 will bless you.

>> No.25263148

links crashing next ...

>> No.25263164

on /biz/ the only ones not shilling their own bags or pumping their own hopium are recommending BTC and ETH, and even that's a moon mission

>> No.25263210

if someone made a shitcoin called XFAG I'd unironically go all-in on it.

>> No.25263234

Obviously you sell all XRP. Let this be a lesson to never ever buy shitcoins with your life savings. Stick with BTC and ETH.

>> No.25263311

And this is related to OP how exactly?

>> No.25263337
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>> No.25263385

{FWTDHWAHQUD} Status - horny

>> No.25263415

Look at OP’s ID

>> No.25263536

Is it possible for this crash to drag other cryptos into crashing? I think several did take a dip when the news of XRP broke. Some even keep dipping a bit, just not so bad.
it's an honest question.

>> No.25263615

Same. My 6 year old made a drawing about how I'm his hero for buying Bitcoin and how I would never touch a shitcoin like Ripple.

>> No.25264318
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>> No.25264485


>> No.25264504

if you cant wait 1 or 2 years to see what happens you're not an investor you're a gambler. Sell now before you commit suicide

>> No.25264518


>> No.25264540

Take out a loan, interest rates are low and buy more xrp bro 2k eoy

>> No.25264604
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>> No.25264643

I stole this

>> No.25264796

Based, OP is a poorfag. An engineer salary is like 10k monthly.