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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25254291 No.25254291 [Reply] [Original]

The psychological torture is killing me. Is this actually gonna go anywhere or should I dump it for PRQ?

>> No.25254318

would be a classic biz move to buy into the coin that's pumped, using the funds from a coin that hasn't

>> No.25254326

Don’t buy PRQ you fucking retarded normie it’s a scam stay in GRT forever

>> No.25254330


>> No.25254360


>> No.25254400

0.40$ stablecoin

>> No.25254453

plz sell so we can pump

>> No.25254473

there is legitimately going to be a rugpull the likes of which we have never seen

get out while you can

>> No.25254486

Prove it, nigga.

>> No.25254500

A rugpull on Coinbase. Sure thing.

>> No.25254505

I swapped over to PRQ, and i'm fucking glad I did anon.

>> No.25254515

these dubs

>> No.25254543

imagine not getting dubs whenever you want lol

>> No.25254567

Its being manipulated like crazy. It can't get to $.45 without dumping. Its extremely frustrating

>> No.25254576


>> No.25254578

GRT will be $0.10, EoY

>> No.25254587
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If you can figure out the number without help stay in GRT. If not go to PRQ

>> No.25254650

DYOR. But I've been telling people to do this for days. The upside potential is FAR more for PRQ than GRT. GRT is already high marketcap that literally got pushed from it's very large institutional whales that were in on the presale. Just think about how it jumped onto the scene... PRQ on the otherhand has been way more organic growth, as people start to realize the potential of this project. Choice is yours, but I'm pretty much all in on PRQ at this point.

>> No.25254665 [DELETED] 
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>holding a pump and dump shitcoin
how does it feel, holding the bags of a full tranny discord
discord dot gg slash 5Tq7qxkkRv
it was all rigged, look at the volume

>> No.25254688
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>> No.25254723

One coin dump upwards, finding higher and higher support and have done so the past weeks. The other doesn't.

>> No.25254756

Liberals fear this post

>> No.25254819
File: 96 KB, 991x1024, 1603836685934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bow

>> No.25254824

the biz/ way: sell a consolidation to chase something that's already pumping hard. never change

>> No.25254857

Hold both, surely you have made profit off of GRT already, right?

>> No.25254859


>> No.25254919

>i fucked up buying a shitcoin
>do i put my left over money into another shitcoin?
These are the people actually managing to stay poor in a bull run

>> No.25255099

Imagine not holding 100% Zilliqa

>> No.25255149

>These are the people actually managing to stay poor in a bull run
this is things that poor people are saying

also gay thread prq $10 2021

>> No.25255185

Gee, I wonder why Coinbase wouldn't touch Parsiq?

>> No.25255192

4 + 13 = 17
Im all in PRQ btw

>> No.25255222

Where do you store your grt tokens?

>> No.25255270

Yeah anyone that's smart enough to figure it out is able to do their own research and in PRQ over GRT.

>> No.25255274
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>> No.25255323


>> No.25255344

scam-shit coin with no actual use

>> No.25255396

It’s funny because it’s literally one of the few crypto’s that actually have a use

>> No.25255405
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Do not buy PRQ, just hold and you will see.

>> No.25255424

well look on the bright side, at least GRT is going sideways now instead of down!

>> No.25255457

Violent breakout coming. whipsaw to the upside?

>> No.25255473


>> No.25255535

It's obviously going to at least hit $5 in the next 6 months, kek

>> No.25255587
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>> No.25255607

Always do opposite of what biz says. So smart move for him rn

>> No.25255643
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This coin has such a NANO-like hype around it
Avoid at all costs

>> No.25255671

>hes serious

>> No.25255773

Big difference. Nano is a specialized use case. The Graph has broad applications and initial adoption that can benefit from the hype and make it wide-adoption.

>> No.25255833
File: 195 KB, 786x601, 1608593509449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sell the buttom
>on a coin that might reach 5-6 in less than a year
Never change /biz/

>> No.25255884

dump for BORG

Interesting project that claims itself the frontrunner of "DeFi 3.0"
"The BORG Token is a collection of different DeFi profit mechanisms designed to be adjusted to increase in value on 3 different levels. I designed this from the ground up to be a “no rug” token and locked liquidity for a year. I want to build a complete ecosystem here around the StarTrek theme."
>>Okay so this will definitely attract all the autists and retards with money that geek out all over StarTrek. So the meme-ability of the coin is in line and has high potential.

Next Lets Check on the PUMPAMENTALS aka how will this coin make me money?



Auto Tax to Holders — Right now 0.475% from each Transaction is delivered to all holders automatically. Your balance increases without ever needing to stake your tokens.
Fee on Transfer — Right now set to 0%, this will send a small % of the transfer to the BORG contract address. Think of this like the BORG treasury.
Auto-Balancer — Right now set to disabled, this will take the tokens out of the BORG Treasury (Contract Address) and swap half for ETH, and then auto-pair the remaining tokens with that ETH to add to the liquidity pool. This increases our liquidity automatically.”

>>Basically this is a must buy and it’s very possible to see a run-up to $300-400 like TCORE did recently with similar tokenomics.


>> No.25255993

Wtf people are telling you to do here?
Go 50-50 or 70% $prq & 30% $grt.
Don’t sell all your $grt; you will regret.
Invest in $prq right now; upcoming news for the end of the year and all 2021 + listings.

Go for that anon. I’m your fren.

>> No.25256130
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graph supply should be enough information you insufferable newfag

PRQ 5$ by Q2 2021

>> No.25256290

Imagine literally not being all in staking GRT in full 100% confidence you’ll be loaded and made it in just 1 year.

Imagine believing the FUD on this coin

>> No.25256478

Ok, listen, people have used the term zero-risk before...

>> No.25257236

>Doesn’t hold both GRT and PRQ.

NGMI. Hold both.

>> No.25257566

am retarded, can some eli5 staking grt

>> No.25257583

I have come to the conclusion that half the posters are literal shills trying to pump GRT for another sell off

>> No.25258004
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>> No.25258296

Is comes?

>> No.25258357
File: 5 KB, 241x209, 1580053803497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit bros what was that can anyone tell me anything

>> No.25258574

XRP crashing the market. Again.

>> No.25258659

wtf was what, we're in the same price range we've been for the last 3 days

>> No.25258937

i am Just buying more

>> No.25258999

a lot of people trying to FUD so they can buy more for staking, that's where we're at

>> No.25259021

They are both worthless scams with shit code.

>> No.25259052

guys, it's about to dump....

>> No.25259122

Don't buy PRQ. Have you not heard of the GRT Podcast?

>> No.25259183

I missed the one about it being the google of blockchain, but I caught the one about it being the next link.

>> No.25259192
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>> No.25259209

What don't you understand anon?

>> No.25259301

Have you all not heard of the pajeet discord tranny whales?

>> No.25259372
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>> No.25259581

Thankyou Sirs, we are shoring up

>> No.25259764


You should have bought PRQ already but yes Parsiq still only 60m marketcap. Whats the marketcap of GRT? an inflated over bloated 500M marketcap. within 5 to 6 months there will be a token release and GRT MC will skyrocket to 2B even if it stayed at this price. thats like already near top 10. Why invest in something like that.

PRQ about to partner with every project both in crypto and centralized world.

Letting you know now so you don't fomo after you see the names.

>> No.25259822

>5-6 in

lol, yeah, 10 - 12 Billion market cap coin.

GRT is the Uniswap of infsatructure coins. Everyone uses them and the token is crap.

>> No.25259918

Proof? There's no listing of GRT as a previous coin on the group

>> No.25259942
File: 223 KB, 784x849, grt hopium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are willing to wait, don't sell
If you want short term gains, fall for whatever scam you want

>> No.25260051

I have patience. This is a long term hold, maybe years.

>> No.25260251

why the hell would anyone buy this if its going to bleed for years

>> No.25260423

god what an idiot, hope no one listens to this guy

>> No.25260568

Midwit detected. Imagine being stupid enough to not already have understood everything he typed out before seeing his post. NGMI.

>> No.25260660

literally getting rugpulled right now

>> No.25260699
File: 429 KB, 615x689, JUST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw bought this at .52c
>tfw got pajeet'd

>> No.25260736

i know more than this fag it's why I made my post

>> No.25260933


>> No.25261139


>> No.25261615
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get fucked

>> No.25261651

It already happened, it can only go up from here.

>> No.25261691 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 550x335, 1457983662851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should not have baught it in the first place, its a tranny pump and dump coin of this discord
discord.gg slash 5Tq7qxkkRv
have fun bag holding

>> No.25261897

I don’t want to admit I bought a worthless shitcoin.

>> No.25262089
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you delusional faggots deserve to go broke

>> No.25262805
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2021 is going to be an amazing year for PRQ.
Why not hold both? I hold a little bit more PRQ than GRT though because it has higher upside being 60m mcap

>> No.25262848
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>> No.25263106

Um actually the VC liquidity was locked starting at the end of June. Since they were vested for 6 months their funds are getting unlocked in the next 2 days.

>> No.25263161

stop posting this i don't want them to make it

>> No.25263241

posting this picture made me buy more

>> No.25263487

Basically a 23 years old webmaster/webdesigner who’s saying that there isn’t a quick way on the current world to get data from a place. In 2020...

He also made a mistake on thinking the 8-900M tokens stacked are from the 1.245B circulating supply. Nop. It’s also the locked tokens. Which means that there’s billions of tokens locked but not staked, ready to be sold. Probably as quick as they will be unlocked.

>> No.25263544
File: 906 KB, 1242x2688, 4F479F46-D00B-47D9-8EC9-12ABC0F08B15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you :)

>screenshot related

>> No.25264336
File: 130 KB, 1000x600, Wot-Olszweski-4-Ethereum-1000x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saved up $10k this year.
I want to know what coins or coin will help me make it in the next 5 years.

>> No.25264481

Not XRP's fault this coin does nothing.

>> No.25264548

All the fudders trying to steal my coins

all the weak panic sellers falling for it

watch the trends dipshits, it goes down on weekdays and pumps hard on saturdays. whales are buying on thursday and selling on saturday. match their activity to build your stacks for the eventual moon.

>> No.25264683

>Making up trends when the coin is a week old

Holy fuck bro.

>> No.25264785

Just read the podcast and hodl

>> No.25264787


the trend has been consistent. dump during the week, pump during the weekend, and the range between top and bottom is getting tighter and tighter as time passes. the manipulation will be done after new years and everyone who held will start to see real growth.

>> No.25264801

i really wanna fuck her

>> No.25264871

this coin is dead. As others have said, the data is out there and you can just go yo, data! yourself.

>> No.25264900

Link please

>> No.25264955

just be a dev and do the query

>> No.25265183

now this is a cope

>> No.25265197

I bought on saturday at 0.36 when it started pumping. It's back down there now. If this goes up at all should I sell now and buy more on thursday when?

>> No.25265212

Where do I buy PRQ?

>> No.25265221
File: 17 KB, 405x452, 1606383743849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally open up Python and use Lunacrush.
Jesus christ anyone falling got this coin was really fucking stupid. Crypto APIs are a dime a dozen and don't need a fucking coin for it. You guys got memes hard by some faggot using his connections in the crypto world to get big ballers shilling his shitcoin. Just because it doesn't smell of curry doesn't mean it's fuckin legit.

>> No.25265242


don't swing, just buy dips when you can. you'll lose value trying that.

>> No.25265362

I literally do not have the money to. I'm a poorfag who lost a lil bit of money from this but I still have 500. If I swing a lil bit I could make back what I lost and more before I hodl.

>> No.25265395


swing next saturday after the pump then. If you try it now, you're almost guaranteed to lose.

>> No.25265430

I noticed looking at the times and days that it starts dumping on mondays but spikes back up around tuesday afternoon before it continues dumping further. I'll see if that stays consistent tomorrow and act accordingly.

>> No.25265448

Every educational resource online says its legit. Maybe it's overbought, maybe supply is going to be an issue, be careful... but Googling "grt is a scam" doesn't get you much. I obviously am not going to "do a query" or use fucking python to see if your full of shit. It sounds like jargon designed to shut down conversation. I am not heavily invested in this. Just want verifiable truth and I don't trust you or your motives.

>> No.25265473

Please just blast to $1+

>> No.25265489


It will early Q1 2021.

>> No.25265509

>Is know come?
Um decentralized? That's the answer tight guys?

>> No.25265598

Biz here. Can confirm. Have been really great at losing funds because of this secret method

>> No.25265618

l o l back to 20cents nigaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.25265671
File: 285 KB, 1300x1285, 1604548014811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You misunderstand me. My stance isn't "this coin doesn't do what everyone says it does, therefore it's a scam."

This coin doesn't do anything unique nor solve and unsolved problem within the crypto development space. There are plenty of other APIs that do what The Graph does, and none of those need a coin. The Graph purposefully marketed itself with the most cringe buzzword meme of "google of blockchain." That meme comes from coinbase I think, who mentioned "it indexes, like google does" in their shill slideshows. You don't fucking need The Graph for that. You CAN use The Graph...if you want...but you can also use Lunacrush for fucking free. Imagine if Google charged you for every search, but Bing was still free. Think people would still use Google? That's why GRT is a fucking scam. Not because it doesn't work, but because it sold you a half truth and while it does work, there are better alternatives anyway.

Tl;dr - Ampharos. Sneed.

>> No.25265713

are you from India sir

>> No.25265789

>he bought dead cat
look at xrp, thats your short term chart from the future

>> No.25265832

>trust me bro
Fuck off you GRTard you had your chance to sell at .70 it’ll struggle to break .50 for MONTHS! Have fun watching ETH from the sidelines

>> No.25265878

Your points are valid and I appreciate that you clearly explain your reasoning. I agree that there are viable alternatives, but I also think that its possible, especially in a market that tends toward irrationality, for a product with good marketing and the right backers to succeed despite the fact that the product itself can be viewed as superfluous. Like some guy said, you're selling the sizzle, not the steak. The fact that the graph guys have managed to establish those qualities in their project and secured the backing of coinbase, uniswap, etc. lead me to believe that its going to do quite well until not just a viable, but sleekly marketed alternative comes along. From what I've been hearing from people who are actively working in blockchain, they believe it's a valuable utility. It's also possible that those people have other motives, but I'm inclined to take them at their word.

>> No.25265901

What if the options were:

Bing (costs $0.00001 per search) - you get real information

Google (free) - ADS WANT DICK PILLS?! Give me all your information. Racism is the WORST THING EVER. What did Khloe Kardashian do today!!