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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25246653 No.25246653 [Reply] [Original]

XRP is the standard isn’t it

>> No.25246668

kys retard

>> No.25246673

Yes, 2k eoy

>> No.25246678

No retard kys

>> No.25246696


>> No.25246709
File: 328 KB, 1813x813, cult.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a cult
Stay away

>> No.25246783

It'll keep bouncing in the 0.25-0.30 range for weeks, if not months. Once SEC ruling is out, and from what I am reading now it looks highly promising, then there will be fireworks. It'll probably blast through $1 in a day, or two.

>> No.25246832

I think XLM would be if it was on coinbase. Can't buy it until it's on cb I'm waiting and waiting

>> No.25246960
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stay in your containment thread

>> No.25247173
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>being this new

>> No.25247586

Everyone on biz holds it and don’t let anyone tell you different.

>> No.25247959


>> No.25247963 [DELETED] 

you're not getting rupees anymore why are you still doing this?

>> No.25248078


>> No.25248388

This is /biz in a nutshell

>> No.25248829

>cto distancing himself from jeb and co in advance of how badly the SEC shit will go
>even if it's "just" a fine and then carrying on, they'll have to operate as a security afterwards which means less accessibility for poorfags
>the court case shows that their business model relies on poor, dumb people to buy
>also shows that xrp has to bribe third parties to even look at their software, and the xrp gets dumped anyway
Yeah it's definitely the standard Twitter normie ponzi scheme shitcoin, just older and larger. S to spit on cripples grave

>> No.25248867


>> No.25248885
File: 718 KB, 1920x1080, 1609005375807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to everyone saying its a scam, why would such high profile bankers and politicians be involved with such an obvious scam? Did he just dupe all of them? or are you saying that they are complicit with the scam? one is to suggest severe naivety on the part of these politicians and the other is to suggest some kind of conspiracy. to me this is the biggest thing thats holding me back from selling my XRP

>> No.25248889 [DELETED] 
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Q is a PsyOp.

>> No.25249004
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>Noooooo you can't just show me evidence that contradicts my laughably narrow worldview!!!
>I only believe in the point of view that the majority agree with, doing my own research is for losers
>some guy on twitter who owns lots of bitcoin told me XRP is finished, ha checkmate schitzo!

>> No.25249073
File: 341 KB, 905x872, C5CB41CE-69EC-46C4-86C1-CFFF63B8B2F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>long nose allegations
You’re an NPC.

>> No.25249151

I thought the majority agrees that XRP is a scam? I'm just undecided on the issue. I have a bunch of XRP tho and Im not sure what to do with it

>> No.25249159


>> No.25249251
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Burgers really don't get sarcasm do they?

>> No.25249427

the greentext was too deep i couldnt tell if you were against XRP or for it. I want some serious answers tho. How do you explain Ripple's deep connections if they are simply a scam? people will say they paid for partnerships, but wouldnt that reflect poorly on their partners? they either negligently or knowingly participated in a scam. what is the response to this?

>> No.25250014

>why would such high profile bankers and politicians be involved with such an obvious scam

>> No.25250060
File: 177 KB, 600x718, 1606097447256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if this SEC thing is FUD of massive proportions

>> No.25250160

>I am a shizo with vast esoteric knowledge unlike all the other sheeple
>also bankers and politicians would NEVER involve themselves in a scam and also they're really smart too!

>> No.25250184

The standard IQ test

If you own any you failed

>> No.25251154

I have IQ tested at 146 and I have XRP. I dont think its that absurd to have a "centralized" scam become more widely adopted. If banker and politicians are scammers, then maybe scams can be profitable? Fiat is a scam too but thats fine, right?

>> No.25251267

yep, it's the biggest scam ever. gotta shake out the people who don't believe in the scam.

>> No.25252551


149 IQ here - Mensa tested. - I own 200k XRP.

>> No.25252617

yeah youre actually a brainlet

>> No.25252669

Didn't know bankers were poor.

>> No.25253068



>> No.25253341

But all you can manage is a weak adhom give me some real arguments ffs