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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 31 KB, 533x557, biz rekt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2521599 No.2521599 [Reply] [Original]

refute this
pro-tip: you cant

>> No.2521616

fuck off somewhere else with your bad memes, commie

>> No.2521639

>things should be like
>should be

yea kys

>> No.2521641

It already works this way...

>> No.2521646


Fuck you, you are too shitty to be on the first place by yourself so you need help ?

>> No.2521659

Who owns and maintains the race track?

>> No.2521671

Go post this shit on pol if you want to bait. Doesn't work here, we only care about crypto.

>> No.2521701

My crypto now. You've been very fortunate with your investments, so now it's time to share the wealth.

>> No.2521711

>people undeserving of being number 1 should be number 1 because it's not fair that the most talented is number 1.

Fuck lefties.

>> No.2521729

okay so you mean if i am a rich guy with a rich company I should get less tax cuts?

what if the tax cut is if i hire a bunch of minority workers? as a big company, i would be able to do more good in the world simply bc im bigger

this "1st place" idea would remove incentive

>> No.2521772

why do dumb nigger leftists always compare video games and Harry Potter to irl situations

>> No.2521817

powerups are equivalent to getting a lucky break (hired for a job you weren't really qualified for, winning something in a raffle/casino, you make a new friend randomly and he's very generous to you)

those have a far greater impact on poor people's lives than a rich persons.

it applies to companies and industries as well. i don't see what the argument is supposed to be. the type of powerup doesn't determine who wins, and in mariokart all that matters is who wins.

"i need to reference video games and movies for my understanding of the world" millennials need to move to africa and dig a grave for themselves.

>> No.2521842

Should Lebron James have to play with a hand behind his back? Should the best F1 driver have a speed limit cap? Should the smartest motherfucker in the classroom have a grade handicap?

>> No.2521865
File: 345 KB, 500x550, damn daniel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol /biz/ cant even form a coherent argument against this

capitalism is a scam, you are not smarter than a collage professor and you dont work harder than a garbage man and you think you deserve more money?

savor your crypto gains now because people are wising up to the capitalism scam

>> No.2521874

Spotted the idiot who never seen instagram models

>> No.2521886

Whores will always be whores

>> No.2521892

You're an idiot

The closer you are the the top the more tax breaks and tax avoidance methods you have to exploit

Poor people don't have access to Swiss bank accounts and high class weaseling lawyers

You're out of touch with the reality of the situation, and you're the one getting fucked in the ass for it. Stop defending billionaires you literally money cuck

>> No.2521894

Familiarity. Relating is how John Oliver and Stephen Colbert teach them things.

>> No.2521977

>fucked in the ass because of swiss bank accounts holding onto X amount of potential tax dollars

1. do you even know the sum of money that "should" be going to taxes but isn't?
2. do you have any fucking clue how tax revenue is spent in your country?
3. how is the method of paying taxes like getting a fucking powerup? maybe you meant something about nepotism or spending money to make money, but even those memes have nothing to do with how much easier it is to change your lifestyle if you are lower on the ladder.

>> No.2521999

You're an idiot and you clearly did not understand the pic in the OP

"Powerups" are tax evasion techniques pure and simple

>> No.2522014
File: 12 KB, 267x200, 1409336790555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is gay.

>> No.2522049

Go away elitist retard commie
Please tell me a system that has produced more wealth in human history, including more for the poor people, tha capitalism.
If you make over 36000 usd a year you are in the top 1% of the world. Please realize how good you have it, complaining that someone else has more than you even though you're in literally one of the best positions in human history short of being an emperor, even if you're middle class American, makes you a petty and whiny bitch.
Go eat dirt and tree bark in communist China/USSR /Cuba/Venezuela

>> No.2522055

crabs in a bucket

>> No.2522088

Are you really whining because the billionaire pays 200 million in tax instead of 400 million one year? He gifts more wealth every year to the country than you will produce in a hundred lifetimes.
Stay poor faggot, envy will get you nowhere. Be grateful to the 1% for paying 45% of all income tax every year.

>> No.2522095

But i still win in mario kart most of the time??? lol

>> No.2522105

Fine, but I always:

>pick toad in 64

>pick baby mario/luigi and knows how to tech out of blue shells in Double Dash

I'm sure if I played the newer ones I could figure it out too, good thread, OP.

>> No.2522110


Or you could study economics and realize you don't understand shit and your solutions would just make everything worse...

>> No.2522115

their IQs are too low to attempt to understand complex things so they have to relate it to fantasy worlds made for children

>> No.2522138

punished for being competent and successful.

>> No.2522142

>closer to first place
>pick up a random powerup
>it's usually a little bit less influential to your position/time than the random powerup of someone behind you
>this is how tax evasion works

Eat shit, Panjeep.

>> No.2522193

>Be grateful to the 1%


>> No.2522264

They literally pull 45 times their weight as far as income tax goes. If the one percent disappeared everyone taxes would have to double. Be grateful, and someday join them.
You're full of shit if you don't want to be in the 1%,so just admit you're jealous.
The whole concept of "the 1%" and "the 99%" is textbook Marxist and Alinskyite division tactics to weaken our society. Don't fall for the meme anon, they by and large produce wealth, they never took it from you - they created it.

>> No.2522364
File: 11 KB, 640x380, FT_15.03.23_taxesRevenue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The income tax and payroll tax account for about 80% of all US revenue, and the majority of that money is made by the average wagie burger cuck. The 1% probably does not even account for 4.5% of all tax revenue, let alone 45%. Don't even get me started on the corporate taxes. A measley 10% of US revenue, when they hold probably 90% of the wealth. These jews are able to weasel themselves out of paying taxes through subsidiaries in tax havens such as the British Virgin Islands or the Cayman Islands. Goldman Sachs has a subsidiary in the Cayman Islands, and they don't even have a single office down there. They literally use them solely for tax evasion, this is indisputable. However, nobody cares because the same jews who run that company also run the government, and they know that shitheads like you and the rest of the dumb burgers are too stupid and lazy to do anything about it. They don't even attempt to hide it. Yet here they are, having dumb fucks like you praising the 1%. Honestly, just go put a fucking bullet in your brain. Use your bitcoin to order a gun off the Alphabay market. Make sure you order it domestically as it is a lot less likely to be searched. Then once it comes in, load up the gun and just blast a bullet straight through your head. Leave a note donating all your money to the 1% and asking them to bury you. Then all your relatives can watch as they take away your body and throw into some ditch.

>> No.2522537

I think you are misguided anon, and I also think we agree on more than you seem to believe, I understand you on the Jewish thing. A lot of the one percent are just regular people who you wouldn't know are in it. You are falling big time for the Jewish division tactics to divide us. George Soros funded the occupy wall street movement. (((he))) makes his money by causing civil unrest and eroding the value of our dollar, that's why he funded black lives matter and now all this impeach Trump bullshit. He did the same thing with the British pound. This Kike will happily ruin lives and weaken a society for profit, but ironically it is he, the 1% of the 1% of the 1% who benefits from the vitriol aimed at the 1%,as that weakens our country.
Look at any decent sized successful company, the owner is likely in the 1% and probably just like me and you. I work in construction and know my boss and subcontractors who work with us's boss are technically in the 1%, but they're just like me and you and not part of the (((conspiracy))).

Also this:

>> No.2522574

If you are very ambitious and work toward it, you can end up in the top 1% or near it. Then you'll get to pay 40% or more in taxes and you'll get to listen to everyone bitch about how greedy you are.
Think of how fucked up a 40% tax rate is, that means assuming you work five days a week, two of those days you are a slave and it is illegal for you to reap the fruits of your labor. That is fucked up.

>> No.2522622


But anon, without the tax revenue from the rich, who will pay for welfare for lazy niggers and white trash, useless foreign wars, and muh roads?

>> No.2522645

>ask a loaded question/statement
>use Reddit image
>acquire (You's) as something more valuable than actual moneys
What a sad, sad nigger.

>> No.2522690

Roads are supposed to be funded by the gas tax. I actually like the gas tax, the more you drive the more you pay for the roads. I feel like we could spend half of what we do now and only the leeches would notice

>> No.2522710
File: 318 KB, 640x514, 1481974931150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>corporate tax starts dipping at the start of the 80s

t-thanks reagan

>> No.2522711

Thank you anon

These fucking JewCucks are pathetic

I can't believe that 4chan of all places is literally shilling for the 1%. You fucking pathetic losers, it's so unbelievably obvious that you just literally should kill yourself

But these retarded Trump voters associate high taxes on the rich with "libs" so they don't support it. And we're not even talking about "high" taxes on the rich, we're talking about taxes on the rich vs. basically no taxes through their evasion instruments

They're LITERALLY getting away with murder, because their lack of support for the US government takes away from healthcare funds which kills people

1%cucking is the worst kind, worse than people wanting to be cucked by coalburners "Lol they contrinbute more dick length suckage to society so they deserve benefits" KILL YOURSELVES

>> No.2522734

did we ever say we gave a fuck about your health or our own?

no motherfucker. you are all gonna suffer

>> No.2522737


literally kill yourself you fucking commie. Or even better, stop living on welfare and get a fucking job.

also this:>>2522537
>look at any decent sized successful company, the owner is likely in the 1% and probably just like me and you. I work in construction and know my boss and subcontractors who work with us's boss are technically in the 1%, but they're just like me and you and not part of the (((conspiracy))).

>> No.2522740

remember to put "sage" in the options field or you bump the thread. Once you go /pol/ you never go back.

>> No.2522752

I have a better job than you you fucking cuck

I am not a "commie" for wanting to remove fucking tax loopholes for the 1%

Your position is so intellectually indefensible that I can't even believe you're legitimate. You're clearly extremely stupid and uninformed, sorry.

>> No.2522753

kys commie

>> No.2522769

Because they have some compelling arguments

>> No.2522789

>I have a better job than you you fucking cuck

I bet you i make more money than you, commie cuck.

>I am not a "commie" for wanting to remove fucking tax loopholes for the 1%

I dont agree with tax loopholes just like i dont agree with very high taxes for the rich to make the gov. bigger. The gov. isnt your freaking nanny.

>Your position is so intellectually indefensible that I can't even believe you're legitimate. You're clearly extremely stupid and uninformed, sorry.

Projecting much, huh?

>> No.2522793

I'd rather the front page be half NGR coin and bleeding wojack threads than /pol/-bait. I like /pol/ but we already have it. It's called /pol/.

>> No.2522799

So you have trained yourself to hate wealthy people and apparently not want to amass wealth yourself and somehow you are out smarting the Jews??? Really think for a while about that. They want you to just stay poor and hate wealth while they take it all. You are a contradiction.

>> No.2522802
File: 28 KB, 466x404, 1485430450287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck off, commie.

>> No.2522815

I hope you donate every penny you have extra to the government or else you are literally murdering people anon. Would hate for you to be a hypocrite

>> No.2522834

If Mario Kart was realistic, the person with the most coins would reach the moon by the end of the race and all the item-plebs would be slaving away at their 9 to 5s

>> No.2522842

I think you are very naive as to what the one percent is. Only a very small percentage of the one percent avoid taxes. I'm sure you know people in the one percent, whether you're aware of it or not. Do you really think one out of every hundred people is involved in a big conspiracy against you? YOU ARE FALLING FOR THE JEWISH Tricks now be a good goy and go to a protest so (((Soros)) can make a few hundred million by shorting the dollar.

>> No.2522846

Income tax wasn't even always at thing.

>> No.2522850
File: 718 KB, 437x774, 1477920613999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always interesting to see these millennials compare extremely complex topics (such as economy, taxation, redistribution of wealth, government policy, etc.) to something only their feeble minds can understand: pop culture references.

>> No.2522857

I don't even really care about the top 1%, I care about the top 0.1% who make indefensibly large amounts of money, largely by exploiting cheap labor due to a lack of job competition, or by utilizing technologies invented by people long dead. And what they all hold in common is that they exploit tax evasion loopholes which the rich lobby to keep in place

You can all feel free to disagree, but you're just temporary embarrassed billionaires in your minds and it's pathetic. You identify more with billionaires than the common man who actually generates the wealth for these corporations

>> No.2522869

Very true. Before the Civil War it was mostly taxes on exports from the south. This is one of the big, forgotten, reasons for the war. The South was tired of paying for Northern factories with the taxes off southern cotton exports.
History is written by the winners, and never as clean cut as it seems looking back.

>> No.2522870
File: 219 KB, 571x852, 1486469393402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you know Trump is LITERALLY like Voldemort and Bernie is, like, Harry Potter?

Points for Gryffindor!

>> No.2522885

Why is the argument "lets pull the 1% down to the 99%" instead of "lets pull the 99% up to the 1%"
You dont have to take wealth from A to give to B. Wealth is not zero sum, you dumdums

>> No.2522897
File: 35 KB, 409x362, 1494976936271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the rich and beautiful shall inherit the earth.

>> No.2522902

Income tax was made in 1913, the same year the federal reserve was founded. Here's another little secret, the federal reserve is privately owned. Look it up

>> No.2522908

In their position would you not use any legal means possible to pay as little tax as you can? Then you can use the savings to donate to a cause you believe in more than our bloated government.
It's hard to blame them for using the means they can to pay less, only a fool wouldn't. Blame should be placed on spineless politicians who won't change those rules.

>> No.2522926

Exactly. The entire concept of trade, what our economy is based on, is that it isn't a zero sum game.
A zero sum game is called conquest or theft, and it is illegal.

>> No.2522932

And how are people still not pissed about the gold confiscation that went to the federal reserve?

>> No.2522939

Anon, it's not about blame, it's about the situation and whether it should be fixed

Of course I don't blame the businesses for doing as much as they can to lower their tax burden. Of course they're going to do it, and of course it's entirely the politicians' fault for this situation being in place right now

But I DO blame the corporations for lobbying to keep these tax loopholes open. I DO blame these rich influential people for exerting financial power over politicians to keep them open. They are not innocent little angels who just happen to be good at filing their taxes, these are not benevolent rich people who are just doing their best to keep up with all the other businesses who are doing it too - some of them (and please do note that I specified "some"), as I said, exert their power on politicians and are therefore bad actors who should be blamed

>> No.2522953

I'm still pissed. That is an absolutely insane part of our history that is so often overlooked. Literally the punishment was ten years in jail for keeping some shiny yellow metal in your house. Fuck FDR.

>> No.2522963

>I don't even really care about the top 1%, I care about the top 0.1% who make indefensibly large amounts of money, largely by exploiting cheap labor due to a lack of job competition, or by utilizing technologies invented by people long dead. And what they all hold in common is that they exploit tax evasion loopholes which the rich lobby to keep in place

Well, guess what? Evading taxes doesnt mean we have to get even more taxes, ok? We just need to better enforce our current laws and loopholes.
>You can all feel free to disagree, but you're just temporary embarrassed billionaires in your minds and it's pathetic. You identify more with billionaires than the common man who actually generates the wealth for these corporations.

You are really thin in the commie line here. You are almost saying that the owner of the bussiness didn't do anything which is wrong. I bet you also want people to pay outrageous inheritance taxes because "they didnt make that wealth". FUCK THAT. It's my money, not the gov's money and IF I WORKED MY DAMN ASS OFF ALL MY LIFE, i should get to decide who gets that effort, not the freaking gov.

>> No.2522991

The death tax is absurd. You give half your income to the government every year, then when you die you're supposed to give half of what's left to them also. Taxes were already paid on that money. End up losing 75% of your wealth.

>> No.2522994

If you want to misrepresent everything I'm saying and respond to your own misrepresentations, go right ahead

But I won't bother responding because it only fuels your fallacious argumentative techniques. There's a reason nobody takes you people seriously

>> No.2523011

There's a reason you will be poor your whole life - because you blame others for your shortcomings.

Sort Yourself Out

>> No.2523012

No arguments, im pleased.

>> No.2523019

FDR and Wilson were both faggot fucks.
Wilson for Federal reserve + unconstitutional income tax, and FDR for social security and a bunch of other shit

>> No.2523045

I'm not poor and I don't blame anyone for "my shortcomings". I'm not asking for anything more for myself personally, I'm asking for the top 0.1% to pay their fair share of taxes according to our progressive tax rate instead of disproportionately being capable of exploiting more loopholes than poor people

I'm asking for our public education system to get the funding that it deserves and for our infrastructure to be rebuilt. This requires tax revenue, and rich people are NOT paying their fair share percentage-wise.

Why would I attempt to refute your rambling that does not respond to any of my points and instead responds to some manufactured communist and "I want free money" stuff that you think I'm saying but I'm not?

>> No.2523051

Apparently Wilson was extremely power hungry and dictatorial

>> No.2523056

This isnt making me money.
The point of biz is making money.
Take this shit to pol
P.S. if you truly believed this shit you wouldnt be arguing with random fucks online about it to justify your self doubts.

>> No.2523072

Public education is NOT FUNDED BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. It's funded by states and districts, generally through property tax, which the rich pay a fuckton of because they have big homes.

And roads are paid for by the Gas Tax, not income tax.

Try again

>> No.2523077

You can lap people in mk

>> No.2523087

leftypol go away faggot nigger

>> No.2523091

How does that refute anything I've said? Corporations have to pay state corporate income tax and roads are not the only form of infrastructure

You're promoting corporate welfare you literal jewcuck

>> No.2523099

>You want the mega rich to pay more taxes
>I say, no, just eliminate loopholes and enforce current taxes (they will end up paying more than now because they evade now) which is more than enought and that prevents them to want to evade even more.

Any arguments?

>> No.2523111

>muh fair share
you know """fair""" is completely arbitrary, don't you?
and by coincidence, """fair""" always means """more"""

>> No.2523126

>refute this

Because it only works in a closed system and we dont live in a closed system.

"Power Ups" are used to attract businesses and economic development remove those and the businesses will go else where.

Accordingly you will either have to deal with poverty that comes with this or start using violence and force which kills economic development and spooks investors like nothing else short of unconpensated sizure

>> No.2523131

Fuck off Ahmed.

>> No.2523134

Castlevania's "Find roasted meat hidden in a wall, to fully heal yourself" system is an ideal model for how healthcare should work

>> No.2523136

Fair always means more for them, but less for me. It's a very interestingly specific word

>> No.2523146

funny how "fair" turns to "share" turns to "steal

>> No.2523147

No it simply means "follow the tax code"

Plenty of billionaires think the rich should pay more too, like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet

Are they just poorfags wanting "them" to pay more?

>> No.2523164

welfare is immoral and unnatural.

>> No.2523181

Then why do you support corporate welfare?

Why do you support Apple LITERALLY paying 0.05% taxes? How do you support that?

Please justify this, if you have some big complex socioeconomic justification I'd LOVE to hear it, but I don't think you do - I think all you have is a partisan viewpoint fed to you by politicians

>> No.2523187

paying their fair share wouldn't change a single thing. you'd just have more bonuses for a handful of govt employees.

also, a lot of the "loopholes" are just investments of their choosing. they wouldn't be billionaires if they thought it smart to store a bunch of money every year in a vault.

also, the culture around "muh loops and exploits" is not dependent on the rich, it depends on how the government operates and how those poor little faggots under them negotiate their salaries/deals with big business. nobody here is arguing that the government should not investigate tax evasion. there is just no justification from your end on redrawing the line for where rich people should be taxed. you're just emotional about it because you think they are doing something wrong by being rich.

be happy that at least 30% of our tax revenue goes back into our research, infrastructure, and security. that's a win in a world where everybody who chooses to be in government points fingers and pockets money.

>> No.2523202

EDIT: Sorry Apple paid 0.005% taxes, not 0.05%. Extra zero after the decimal place.

Justify it or fuck off Jew cucks

>> No.2523220

That's not the argument dipshit. The argument is more "Make it easier to reach the top, but hard to stay up".

You say "let's pull up the 99% up to the 1%" yet do the exact opposite of that. Trump gives tax cuts to the rich saving them hundreds of billion of dollars while killing the social safety net, thus helping the 1% while shitting on the 99%.

The 99% exist to make money for the 1%, it is only fair those 1% give some of that money back.

>> No.2523221

I see what you're saying, I'm sure there are a lot of somewhat ordinary people in the 1% who got there just by being smart and working hard. These are not the people I'm referring to, they are getting cucked even harder than we are. People like the man you referred to, the shareholders of the federal reserve, the rothschilds and goldbergs, the people running companies like apple and goldman sachs, these jews are the real enemy. They are the ones who steal our money and then use it to oppress us

>> No.2523224

>you dont work harder than a garbage man
bc how hard you work matters? Know how I know you're poor?

>> No.2523284

>The 99% exist to make money for the 1%
this is the way it's has always been, and will always be
most people are worthless breeders

>> No.2523325

>this is the way it's has always been, and will always be
Fallacious appeal to tradition. You could say the same thing about plenty of outdated and inhumane systems, like monarchical governments and feudalism. It doesn't make it right

>> No.2523363

>doesn't make it right
nothing is "right", and morality is a subjective human construct
also, appeal to tradition doesn't apply 100%- it's not a "tradition" because we've always done it, but a natural occurrence due to the discrepancy of human drive, intelligence, and will to power.
Less "it was that way in the past so it should be that way in the future for no reason except that's how it was in the past", more "it was that way in the past for a reason, and that reason still exists today since it's a part of the human condition"


>> No.2523373

also, i'm a monarchist. democracy is a false god.

>> No.2523457

AAPL employs lots of millenials cucks as "geniuses" in cushy gay mall jobs. Why are you berniefags suddenly worried about corporate tax rates? Corp tax is different from employer portion of income tax.

You do realize Apple has billions of dollars sitting offshore to avoid getting taxed right? If there were more tax holidays to allow companies to bring profits back into the US without tax penalty, then those billions could get spent in the US. More construction in the US, more equipment capital investment in the US. Politicians rubbing their hands together to tax that money for bigger govt spending are not looking out for your interests any more than an Apple executive is and youre delusional if you think they are. That money will get taxed and spent on another stealth bomber when it should be spent IN the US.

>> No.2523507

You're so fucking idealistic

"If the government gave Apple, a company paying 0.005% taxes, even MORE tax breaks, they'd start spending more money and it would all trickle down to us!"

You're a literal cuck, a faggot saying "Well I'll let Jamal fuck my wife because at least I get to enjoy seeing her naked for once! See, the benefits trickle down to me!"

You're a pathetic loser supporting these 0.01%ers

>> No.2523603

Do you have a business? Why are you so worried about AAPL's corporate tax rate? That isn't the executives income tax rate. It's funny you sound like a retarded 12 yr old who just discovered #Occupy. Are you mad bank executives caused the mortgage crisis and got a bailout and then also got sick bonuses? My friend bought a corvette w his bonus lol problem berniefag?

>> No.2523627

>Are you mad bank executives caused the mortgage crisis and got a bailout and then also got sick bonuses?
Yes and if you're not then you're an inhumane piece of shit

Done with this thread

>> No.2523657

I hope you die a horrible death OP you stupid fucking faggot


>> No.2523659

>that reddit spacing

>> No.2523692

Anyone who has this image saved is a confirmed military grade autist whose opinion can be immediately discarded without second thought.

>> No.2523720

i really don't care, this is a political thread that belongs on >>>/pol/, /biz/ is a board about actual economics (not Marx for ADHD toddlers), cryptocurrency, personal finance and making money

>> No.2523735

i doubt u'd last a week working as an EE at apple, retard boy

>> No.2523739

>The 1% probably does not even account for 4.5% of all tax revenue

It accounts for 35%. The top 10% accounts for 70%. The bottom 47% accounts for nothing.

>> No.2523748


At the very least, they'd keep the money in America instead of doing inversions and keeping money overseas. Have you never heard of the Laffer curve?

>> No.2523757


>> No.2523785


>> No.2523810

Yeah tell your congressman you want something done about corporate tax rate so instead of a raise at AAPL, you want more tax money can go to Elizabeth Warren to fix America's problems see how that goes

>> No.2523825


>> No.2523836

He's already dead don't waste taxpayers money. Is there something wrong with your car?

>> No.2523846

>this person I don't like but created something people are willing put money behind is getting money therefore capitalism doesn't work

communists are such a silly bunch

>> No.2523877


why are you on /biz/?

>> No.2523984

>payroll taxes

meaningless since half the population gets a refund anyways.

I mean I know you're an unemployed NEET and has never needed to fill out a tax form but you're little chart is definitely designed to be deceptive.

>> No.2524006

technically the bottom 47% does account for some tax revenue because of payroll taxes BUT they get that money back anyways so its kind of a moot point. Unlike the poor, the rich don't get their taxes back.

>> No.2524025
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Daily reminder that nikola tesla earns fuck all by the and of his life.
Working ambitiously in capitalism does not work. You can fuck off with your lies.

>> No.2524039

this is the same fallacy as >>2521865

>somebody I liked did something I liked but nobody was willing to pay him for it so capitalism sucks

>> No.2524061


I mean YOU could pay the people you like who aren't being paid but then you'd have to do stuff that other people were willing to pay you for. Since you're such a good judge of what's good and what isn't, shouldn't be a problem to get people on your side eh?

>> No.2524091
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>tfw live in the netherlands
>first tax bracket is 33%
>get to pay 52% taxes if you make over 60 000 eur

>> No.2524104
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OMG, love how cold hard truth triggers so many bitter little white boys so fucking easily.

If you don't support more taxes and regulations on the 1% at this point, you just might be a regressive, u thinking fuckwit.

You also might belong to the most contemptible, ignorance worshipping retard racist party this earth has ever seen. There are two factions among far right Republicans:

Retards: Gun nuts, Islamophobes, downies who believe an Invisible Sky Magician is waiting after death, and Laissez Fairies who should have died with the Gilded Age.

Racists: taco chomping hypocrites screaming for their wall, unironic trailer park Klansmen, literally fascist fucknuts having their base animal prejudice used like a carrot to make them vote away their healthcare.

Fuck every last one of you who see something else.

No, really. Literally FUCK YOU.

The countless crypto Ponzi threads here every day are a whole new level of delusion in Late Stage Capitalism. Just know young people aren't accepting this bullshit and we're taking everything we're owed from your rich masters once the Boomers drop dead.

>> No.2524113

tesla was a genius
edison was a cock
while tesla was smart, he was still "outsmarted" by edison in ways

>> No.2524124

>bitter little white boys

>> No.2524130

and a 21% VAT tax. that fucking sucks

>> No.2524142

this a copypasta? because its pretty good. definitely gonna troll with this retarded shit in the future.

>> No.2524182

Another reasonable post forgotten once again.


>> No.2524236


Tesla got broke because he was autistic and therefore bad with money. Thomas Jefferson was rich as fuck yet he still died in debt because he was also an autist. Blame autism, not capitalism.

>> No.2524241

The rich trying to have less of their own property taken away from the government is wrong? are you retarded? As opposed to those who petition the government to GIVE them more free shit?

get the fuck out of here.

>> No.2524246

The government is also the Jews. And the military. And the Lebanese. And the Russians. And Putin. And the Jews in Israel are Jews.

There's a lot of Jews out there. Let them sort it out themselves.

>> No.2524277

>Why do you support Apple LITERALLY paying 0.05% taxes? How do you support that?

because its more than losers like you will ever have to pay? Because taxing a business is retarded since it only decreases their ability to efficiently deliver a product?

>> No.2524414

Yeah no that's bullshit.

All it does is increase the boards bonuses at the end of the year.

>> No.2524456

Why go through the hassle of subjective personal experience when you can glean the same insight and draw comparisons from media? It's no less valid, old man.

but u read fantasy novels and think ur smart

>> No.2525446

Nothing wrong with the picture. This is how society works, to an extent. Social safety net with food banks and charities. Make more money, get taxed.

But then libshits fuck this up. The social safety net is increased to the point people choose to live on welfare. Taxes are increased to punitive levels for the upper middle class. Meanwhile the ultra rich dodge all of it and push propaganda convincing hare-brained liberals to open the borders for cheap labor, making their profit margins even bigger.

There's a reason most billionaires were behind Hillary.

>> No.2526272

>Daily reminder Tesla's estate would be the first trillionaires in the world but GE insists Tesla never signed the contract.

>> No.2527275

This. It's the middle and upper-middle class that pay all the taxes. More than that and you pay nothing. Less then that and you pay nothing.

>> No.2527284

you're an special and enlightened human being anon. I wish l could upvote your post to make you feel even more special.

>> No.2527342

Yes goy, (((just like (((you))))
Hehehehheheheheheheheh good goy

>> No.2527345
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>blue shell the 1%

>> No.2527390

I agree. All libertarians and anarcho-capitalists need to get a hammer to the face. That includes crypto shills too since they're libertardians.

>> No.2527414

In OP's Mario Kart example you're not actually taking anything from the people in the front to give to the people in the back. The game creates power-ups from nothing. It doesn't work like that in real life.

>> No.2527426

>Capitalism is shite
>Communism is shite
>The elites are vile scumbags
>The 99% are too stupid to deserve freedom

Hey God, fuck covenants, please flood this bitch again

>> No.2527453

Millenials are actually even more easy to exploit then boomers

ever see millenials unionize?

>> No.2527469

Rich are more productive/innovative than the poor. So gov shouldn't slow their progress down.

>> No.2527475

> Game design and psychology, what is it?

That image is retarded. Rubberbanding is a basic concept in game theory.

>> No.2527476
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>I should have those bonuses, not them!

>> No.2527479



how do you account for labor in fucking mario kart?

also, if you fuck up on your own accord, you deserve more bonuses?

fuck that commie bullshit.

>> No.2527493

>148 posts later...

>> No.2527509

This is a good concept for a coin.
Make it happen

>> No.2527612
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>> No.2527625


>who owns

The 1st.

>mainstains the race track


>> No.2527639
File: 14 KB, 250x209, 1496396847525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone should do tax evasion.
>muh "fair share"

>> No.2527802
File: 78 KB, 302x443, IMG_4350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and you dont work harder than a garbage man
I know I'm late but hard work now is a meme. The only thing that gets you places is ass kissing and/or knowing people. That's how I got my job now

>Apply for construction
>Don't have the credentials so they tell me to fuck off
>Year later my mom gets job at same place in the office
>Months pass
>She talks to the boss and gets me a job as a laborer
Nobody cares about hard work anymore, you're either in or not.

>> No.2528040

>"people" think this is more egregious than Fidel Castro having a multibillion personal fortune in a Communist country

>> No.2528072

>They're LITERALLY getting away with murder, because their lack of support for the US government takes away from healthcare funds which kills people

t. Boogie

Public services should be charitable institutions
Taxation is theft

>> No.2528078
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Also I just finished reading the thread and holy shit this is too good
>Waaaaaah the 1%

Aren't you faggots on here to earn money too? You guys just sound ass mad that you weren't born into the 1% and have to work for it instead. Stop investing in shitcoins and selling low and maybe you'll because part of the 1%.

t. $15/hr wageslave that's going from Loser to Lambo

>> No.2528095

become part*

>> No.2528248

Its nice to break the monotony of bitbean and scamcoin threads with a good old fashioned "look at him and laugh" thread. Good luck on the journey to lamboland.