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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 26 KB, 500x500, logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25238150 No.25238150 [Reply] [Original]

I told biz at $40
I told biz at $60
I told biz at $80
I told biz at $100
I was here yesterday telling biz at $120
I'll tell biz today at $150

DEXG is still fucking massively undervalued, it's literally a giant that's just waking up. Put your fucking thinking hats on biz, do some reading, please. You can all get rich with me.

>> No.25238179

Never had more confidence that a project was at least going to x5, if not higher. That said I dont shill it much because it doesnt matter to me how fast it pumps

>> No.25238276

I am literally ALL IN

>> No.25238312

what is it

>> No.25238379


It's a DeFi infrastructure with a DEX that reduces impermanent loss for liquidity providers, where the pools are single token, not pegged to each other, where the asset price is worked out on chain using the volatility function, no external price oracles, linked to their own private network allowing for off chain transactions governed by an on chain smart contract. A dex with barely any slippage thanks to a unique automated market maker, limit orders, order books and a dextools-like system built in. Imagine all this with a market cap under 10 million and the beta already released.I was here shilling it to biz when the market cap was like 1.5 million, never forget.

>> No.25238380

A coin tied to an exchange with promises to reduce slippage fees etc, single pool liquidity as well. Very bold in what it is attempting to do and seems to have a pretty solid team behind it, but whether or not it will work out is another thing entirely. Should it work out it is straight to the moon with uni or near uniswap marketcap. Should it not work out at all and becomes a form of vaporware it goes spiraling down. Something inbetween like a functional exchange with not quite the cutting edge tech behind it and just being a bogstandard dex will probably still get it at least 30-40 market cap

>> No.25238423

you would be better showing these fucking biz chimps the price chart so they can ape in blindly

>> No.25238429
File: 201 KB, 600x808, 1608036775230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1k dexg chad reportin in
in Q2 2021 I will be literal millionaire living from dex fees

>> No.25238473

This guy doesn't even speak English as his first language and even he realised how massive this shit will be, biz asleep at the wheel.

>> No.25238487

i only have 150 tfw

>> No.25238760

Definitely, but id rather attempt people to know what they could be getting into and the associated risks.

>> No.25238779

Coordinated shilling. I saw a r tree exam member actively post in the price discussion telegram, big no for me

>> No.25238796


>> No.25238813
File: 6 KB, 241x209, download-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/Biz is full of retards that thinks they are smart. I'm telling them about legit alt-coins PRQ and DEXG for weeks and they think they are smart for calling me scammer or pajeet while they bump treads of memecoins, scamcoins and amateur coins and anon teams all day long.

Yes! You are really going to make it with that one coin with anon team and template website anon!
Out of 10 000 coins the one that will make you rich is the coin developed by 2 guys with facebook picture on their github!
Ofcourse you will get rich by holding PooPoo coin!

Let's get serious anon. Stop being retard. If you are not going to invest in serious alt-coins backed with solid teams, just buy BTC and ETH.
If you want to play shitcoin roullete just go to proper online casino and stop spamming /biz trying to drown noobs with you.

>> No.25238834


> UNL (Unilock Network) 200K MC
Platform where projects can list and liquidity will be locked instantly to Uniswap. Will prevent rugpulls + be the golden standard for listing smaller projects.

> 3XT (3XT Exchange) 300K MC
Former FTX employees that are building their own DEX for leveraged tokens. SYN on steroids. VC backed.

> DEXG (Dextoken) 8M MC
A DEX with no IL and smoothing slippage? Surely this will gain some traction as soon as mainnet is released in 1 month.

Check out these other platforms DEXlets, you might like them.

>> No.25238853

wait, I preferred your tree examiner, can you explain in a little more detail what that is and what they do? It's a real fucking shame this 4chan hero wasn't here to save all those poor fags that bought in at $40 and have only done a X4 in the last month. I bet they're devestated you weren't here a month ago to save them from making bank, what a fag.

>> No.25238873

Poop and pee. I saw a literal team member talking about the price pumping and dumping. Not touching this.

>> No.25238880

PRQ will outperform. End of story.

>> No.25238891
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ngmi radesh

>> No.25238900

DEXG is a pump&dump scamcoin

>> No.25238925

you definitely didn’t, but carry on fudding, salty because you sold your bags at $35 when it had gone down and everyone who knew how big it would be held on and are going to make it. we all know who you are weakhand, you’ll be roping when this goes over 100 million market cap. F.

>> No.25238939

Literal Ching Chang team who talkings about pumping in a price discussion telegram fuk off

>> No.25238947

That scammer Abu from Statera and xBTC is involved too

>> No.25238960

I never fucking bought this garbage I’m glad you 4xed but this won’t pull a yfi

>> No.25238961
File: 242 KB, 1339x1695, 8B2F4C03-B2A1-4A07-94F1-F3EA5634BC93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes yes, amazing anon carry on, a pump and dump scam coin with locked liquidity, a legit business and dev behind it, dextools score of like 95. why not just buy some and get rich instead of wasting your time?

>> No.25238977

untrue, abu the former community moderator now has nothing to do with the project, just join their telegram and see if he has a team tag you weakhanded faggot, sold your bags and now hate yourself.

>> No.25239017
File: 94 KB, 960x690, fdg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weak fud ranjesh team is top and works with universities on math papers

>> No.25239020
File: 84 KB, 1500x703, brainlets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do shit talkers come out the woodwork when the price has gone up 500%, the only valid explanation I can think is that they're ragefudding because they sold the bottom?

>> No.25239030

god this is gonna make me so fucking rich

>> No.25239036

Because I hate indians more than I like making money

>> No.25239069

I’m caucasian pal, I doubt you are.

>> No.25239082
File: 903 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20201228-061912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

justify this

>> No.25239097

based abu retardposters fudding every thread

>> No.25239102

he is a chink looking out for his chink friends. its all part of the chink hussle

>> No.25239117

that a team member noted that the price was up to $183, oh FUCK NO, a member of the business development team noticed the price had gone up , WHAT A FUCKING SCAM, thank you anon for saving me. total and utter tranny faggot.

>> No.25239127

>Former FTX employees that are building their own DEX

I checked their website and Medium, there are no names whatsoever...I wanted to ape in goddammit.

>> No.25239138

The dev team aren't active in the chat, they're based in Singapore and are busy making a revolutionary Dex, the business development team including Rim are based in Europe and are Caucasian you massive retard.

>> No.25239180
File: 279 KB, 1079x1952, Screenshot_20201228-112532_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just know the attached picture is literally killing the fudders, eating away at their soul.

>> No.25239190

i know better

>> No.25239217

Id be more inclined that it was a pump and dump scam if there wasnt so many rounds of staking, they didnt throw together a beta, and if the climb to 150 dollars was much slower

>> No.25239283
File: 21 KB, 512x512, 17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poo poo ranjeet
kek this is all you got for fud?

>> No.25239308

OK fren fair enough, you do you, I'll meet you back here in February and we'll see who was right. price goes down - scam coin. price goes up -scsm coin. launch a beta to check the code - scam coin. stake to distribute the tokens - scam coin. non anonymous dev team - scam coin.

>> No.25239368

Yes because it's not to be shared.

>> No.25239382

I have done the calculations. I know the ballpark the marketcap is going to be in Q2/2021. It is going to be around 70 - 150 mil usd. That is based on the fee distribution, governance and other factors.

>> No.25239632

Having read Jollen’s academic papers that he published in conjunction with mathematicians, the flow chain whitepaper and the dexg whitepaper, I don’t think even the DEXG moonboys are anticipating how big this will actually be, it is literally a game changer. I would urge anybody with an interest in the defi space to read them thoroughly.

>> No.25239948

that dude yes sold at 80 and had been saying it would dump again, that's why he said f, better know your community anon

>> No.25240041

Do you understand it all anon, it's way over my head, especially the academic papers?

>> No.25240145

Yes, but translating mathematical formula in to code is another matter completely.

>> No.25240224


as a programmer I agree full-heartedly.

>> No.25240249

I only have 10 anon, but still happy with it

>> No.25240451

>translating mathematical formula in to code is another matter completely
The thing is that it's not that hard if you have good foundations in maths and coding. The issue is how to make the code run the fastest it can. Are the DEXG developers good?

>> No.25240567

Reading about Jollens previous work it does seem he’s highly proficient, I played around with the beta and although it’s lacking lots of advanced functions it’s very impressive with how it handles IL.

>> No.25240649

Is my 30 dexg stack enough to half-make it in a low cost of living country? I also own 25k prq and 70k GRT

>> No.25240662

Can you post his linkedin to stalk him a bit?

>> No.25240822


all you have to do is go all-in on parsiq and wait two or three years...

>> No.25240902

Yes if 60-70,00 dollars minimum is enough.

or go all in on DEXG and wait less than half that time.

>> No.25241179


Well worth a read if you’re interested in investing.

>> No.25241243

This Abu fudder again lol, he lies every time saying he's involved in the project. Not true.

>> No.25241286

>Yes if 60-70,00 dollars minimum is enough.
What do you mean by that?

>> No.25241350

He looks like the real deal, plus his publications got cited by papers that were published in legit conferences. It's worth investing a bit on DEXG. Probably will do it after the beta is over

>> No.25241768

lmao why would I buy a token that is already over $100 when there are a million shitcoins I can buy for under a dollar? give me a break

>> No.25241772

It wouldn't surprise me if this slow grove upwards with the occasional pump and dip didn't just continue for the foreseeable future, there's only 45,000 tokens currently in circulation and a lot of holders are looking long term so there isn't much left for the market.

>> No.25241796

I saw in TG there's only about 1000 left on uni.

>> No.25241818

Great point, preferably look for one that is uncapped and keeps inflating supply. Definitely avoid DEXG lol.

>> No.25241828

the absolute state of nodexgers

>> No.25241861

I saw it pumping yesterday and said "Was /biz/ right?" Then I had seen that the $60 pump was one person buying every few minutes.

>> No.25242010

I don't think it's that easy to move a 6 million mcap token, but if it is you can do it? and imagine if loads of people started buying, mind-blowing.

>> No.25242135

So many newfag anons dont understand total supply and market cap. It's really sad but not all of us were meant to make it :(

>> No.25242282

Anon this niche project is already priced higher than fucking Chainlink. it's a ticking time bomb.

>> No.25242329

top quality banter, kek. but seriously, this is a fucking goldmine, when v1.0 launches in Q1 2021 the price will start moving like an express train.

>> No.25242477

It looks like he's just trolling for fun. Pretty funny with the chainlink comparison ngl.

>> No.25242764
File: 224 KB, 999x1000, dexler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Predictions for 2021? I’m thinking we’ll comfortably see $100,000,000 cap, at the very least 10X from here.

>> No.25242851

100k a given and soon, 500k very likely in 2021, then sky's the limit

>> No.25243151

He is agreeing with you tho.

>> No.25243427

I think you meant 100m and 500m

>> No.25244056

Imagine seeing this thread and looking back in a few months time

>> No.25244159

compare the market caps of this with pancake, sushi, balancer etc

>> No.25244486

Nice one anon, his linkedin is really impressive.

>> No.25244588

Why does Jollen look like Asian Stephen Colbert

>> No.25244597
File: 190 KB, 950x874, watching.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loaded my bags up at $50 and more at $60 after seeing it on biz, haven’t looked back since.

>> No.25244976

That kind of stuff sounds too good to be true is the main thing, im cautiously optimistic

>> No.25245220

Reduced slippage and IL = Top 50 on CMC

>> No.25245279

true genius, comfiest hold i’ve had in 4 years.

>> No.25245443
File: 35 KB, 512x512, uniswapclown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2021 is gonna be the year i’m dropping this image on all these niggers over and over again.

>> No.25245850

It has to work on mainnet. That's it. And if it does, the other aspects of holding dexg will be just be cherries on the money Sunday.

>> No.25245953

it will

>> No.25246206
File: 849 KB, 500x501, dexgoku.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon the whole DEFI space will be sending DEXG it's energy!

>> No.25246264

There were some inbred fucks doubting the genuineness of the pricing model which will be used on DEXG (no oracles). I found the WP detailing the inner workings of said model.


Just going to let this here for any of you inbred fucks who has higher education.

>> No.25246366

I think you mean "sundae" Ranjeet

>> No.25246440
File: 401 KB, 512x512, fusez.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool, you should sell your own top call and buy Fuse. All this garbage will bleed 90% in Q1.

>> No.25246457

god i can SMELL this threads dirty ant-ridden feet.

>> No.25246563

incredible fud, trying to shill something as absolute dogshit as fuse and then having the audacity to say this thread is full of pajeets.

>> No.25246836

Soon DEXG will post a medium article, explaining everything for people who are less mathematical or tech savy. Unfortunately by that time the price will have already rocketed. Stay poor fags

>> No.25246922

The price is being suppressed because people have deposited their dexg in balancer for staking, imagine when they remove their dexg back in to their wallets, the price is going to absolutely pump as supply diminishes.

>> No.25247421

can’t wait for that article mate, massively interesting

>> No.25247960

Bags are packed
Anons who sleep on this will regret in middle of Q1

After going live even 10m daily volume on Dex will give dexg holders massive income from fees
With 55k dexg as total supply this will fly above 1k $ in next 3 months

>> No.25247987

how do holders get fees? do I have to have it staked?

>> No.25248077

After dex is live all dexg holders will receive % of fees from all transaction made on Dex. These fees will be paid to dexg holders in ETH
Fees numbers are still not disclosed but for example uniswap have 0.3% fee on all trades

>> No.25248203

This is massively bullish, i’ll be receiving fees from an exchange which is actually going to attract a LOT of traders.

>> No.25248278

so I'll have to like withdraw it from the site using my wallet or what?

>> No.25248358

When dex is live (end of January) you just hold your dexg tokens in your personal erc20 wallet and you will get % of Dex fees based on daily dex volume. No need for staking or LP

>> No.25248556

Transaction fees from a DEX which is going to take over the game? I’ve just nutted in my wife’s underwear.

>> No.25248762

wtf nigga why would i ever sell???

>> No.25249243

I might sell a small amount of my stack when it hits $1000.

>> No.25249285

be crazy to sell any time soon

>> No.25250116
File: 84 KB, 631x800, 1608051238132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't sell to early if fees are good 1k $ per dexg will only be 50m market cap

>> No.25250450

absolutely this. 55 milly will seem like nothing when we smash through it

>> No.25250481

With based jollen in charge there is no way this won’t work.

>> No.25250510

This beta is fucking ridiculous, when’s mainnet release dexgbros?

>> No.25251129
File: 124 KB, 1024x640, beerlambo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Middle of first quarter.

>> No.25251328


its a repeated pattern of staking and dumping, I was in it before because I genuinely was intrigued by the whitepaper, but gods honest truth, Parsiq is a sure bet.

>> No.25251565

huh? it hasn't dumped after that last three rounds, it's gone from 40 to 160 so you're obviously talking massive shit, PRQ is a piece of shit scamcoim Sanjay Pajeeterson

>> No.25251600
File: 108 KB, 2680x827, deh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a very clear scam guys you will get called a pajeet or rankesh if you fud to these ching chongs but facts are facts. The parent company which is flowchain has not done anything remarkable since inception and now we have to believe that their new venture will not be a scam. DYOR before buying but seems like clear coordinated shilling to me

>> No.25251905
File: 107 KB, 1011x1280, flo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FLC token was only sold to accredited investors on private sale. Token itself don't have value as its used on b2b purpose, exchanges listed it by themselves

Flowchain as a company generates lots of revenue delivering IoT tech for Chinese companies. They have 4 different physical offices

you need to find better fud sanjeth

>> No.25251921

>knows what FLC token is
>knows not what FLC token is

For everyone in the DEXG community its clear to which category you belong.

>> No.25252157

>PRQ is a piece of shit scamcoim
That guy has a weak FUD, but I hold both. PRQ is not a scam, nor is DEXG

>> No.25252163
File: 121 KB, 903x405, IMG_20201228_193151_211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DYOR but this looks like a screaming buy

>> No.25252203

All tokens arent in circulation yet though, arent there a few more staking rounds?

>> No.25252290

55k tokens all in circulation in end of Jan

>> No.25252725

could they atleast hire a proper graphic designer with all that money, sorry i dont invest in ms paint logo

>> No.25252789
File: 30 KB, 975x731, fst-pylon18-18in-traffic-pylon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25252911

I have seen so many MSpaint icons in the cryptosphere honestly, it is kind of baffling. Just like at GRT

>> No.25252978

prefer rugpulls with 1000 dollar logos?

>> No.25253007

logo was made by community member for free

>> No.25253014
File: 11 KB, 1720x1024, dexg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks okay to me, not the best ever but wouldn't stop me investing, substance over style for me.

>> No.25253101

Flowchain DOES NOT have ICO sales, please DO NOT listen to any advertisements about FLC sales.
Flowchain will NOT publish any FLC sales information on any social media (including Facebook, Telegram, etc.)
FLC Private Sale is limited to accredited investors. We will conduct interviews and KYC procedures for purchasers. Please DO NOT purchase FLC from any suspicious counterparty.
Please ONLY obtain relevant information through exchanges@flowchain.io
FLC is a utility token that can be used in Flowchain devices. And we suggest that please ONLY purchase FLC with the need of usages.

Just an fyi (copy/pasted from their website). The FLC token was not meant for the public - it is mean for real businesses using real IoT apps. So low quality fud anon. The exchange which listed it did it without the consent of Flowchain Foundation

>> No.25253105

Should I seriously buy this?

>> No.25253348

I think you should read a little bit about Jollen Chen, read about Flowchain, read about the exchange they're making and maybe try the beta. I know its a boring answer, but if youre putting a reasonable amount of money in you should check it for yourself, not just trust my judgement.

>> No.25253378

read the fucking thread and dyor

>> No.25253631

Please don't take "do your own research" the wrong way, anon. People who invested in this genuinely think it's a good product and understand what's promising about it. The main thing is how low the market cap is & how revolutionary the tech is capable of being. Of course it's not a sure thing but it sure seems promising, and unlike something like say PNK it's not something we're TOO early to.

>> No.25253985

With my initial investment of 18k for my entire portfolio my 120 DEXGs alone have already surpassed that. The rest I have are in GRT Jarvis Reward Token and Parsiq, and that half is also covers a bit beyond my 18k investment. I was lucky enough to get most of my stack at 70-80, with some small accumulations along the way though, including one 1 from staking

>> No.25254056

i mean the website is clean and kind of OK, but the colour pallete just puts me off

>> No.25254083


I refuse to fucking believe that. Watch the blockchain and the telegram chat. It may not be a scam but goddamn is it shady af.

>> No.25254104

yeah I'm a bit leery of PRQ, I'm not as convinced of the usefulness of their token as I am with DEXG.

>> No.25254221

The best way to FUD yourself out of any coin is to go to a telegram chat. Even some of the most legitimate projects have the most god awful telegram chats. That said my faith isnt entirely vested in Parsiq, but I think there is something to it

>> No.25254611

I just want to know if he really has managed to reduce impermanent loss when I stake, balancer is raping me at the moment.

>> No.25254711

DEXG cannot do anything for impermanent loss on Balancer. I've lost 2.5 DEXG to IL, FML

>> No.25254773

Yeah ofc they can't do anything to the IL on Balancer, that's just how Balancer works. You should know thought that because of how the pool is set up you lost the least possible amount. You could've probably lost 3-4x that if it was a dual pool.

>> No.25254780

He means the sAMM using single token pools to reduce or eliminate IL on the DEX token protocol

>> No.25254947

He said impermanent loss when I stake (DEXG). So I assume he did mean providing DEXG/USDC liquidity on balancer for DEXG staking. Providing liquidity on the sAMM is not "staking" in any way.

>> No.25255000

We are slowly crawling up to the prior ATH levels, that's pretty exciting.

>> No.25255086

In terms of market cap we are above ATH.

>> No.25255100

Dubs and trips based

>> No.25255703

Definitely not stopping here, in a couple of months we will look back on the pump to 200 and realise how miniscule it was.

>> No.25255781

we're also hitting $1m 24 hour volume

>> No.25255802

Agreed. Volume is going crazy too.

>> No.25255836

we’re going to $5000 in 2021, anons digits have confirmed.

>> No.25255941
File: 127 KB, 1280x730, photo_2020-12-28 21.32.44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Losses due to slippage are huge, especially when we start to speak about the order magnitude of institutional investors. Enter DEXG, not to mention IL solution, order book, off chain savings, arb bots & other advanced tools. Secondary token airdrop, Exchange Fees to DEXG holders in wETH. Current MC of 9mln..Going live in Q1...Hmmm 10x soon very reasonable imo

>> No.25256083

I genuinely don't really see it dipping until at least $300

>> No.25256217

What wallet can I hold in

>> No.25256255

i know its poor form to 'lol' on 4chan..... but i did when i read your comment.

>> No.25257062

It's an erc20. So you know. Any eth wallet.