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25231268 No.25231268 [Reply] [Original]

About to have a fucking panic attack. Why the fuck didnt I buy into crypto years ago? I was already a computer geek incel, if only I'd gotten into degenerate drugs too, then I might be holding some btc. I cant wageslave for 50 more years. I dont care about lambos and all that, I just want to stop working and stop having to deal with selfish retards everyday

>> No.25231302
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>tfw all my stoner loser friends got into btc to trade drugs while i worked and studied and internship and right now they all are looking to be millionaires from LITERALLY FORGETTING THEY HAD BTC AND I'M GOING TO BE FUCKING WAGESLAVING

>> No.25231313

There are those meant to make it and those meant to slave. Guess which one you are

>> No.25231343

Why dont you just buy now? Btc is going to be worth much more.

>> No.25231453

I'm not stupid. I just started a month ago and already I've made a nice 5k. But that's not gonna get me to "making it". Back I March I made an etrade to buy the boomer stock dip and I remember seeing btc was available to buy and thought "oh, neat" but never even remotely decided to buy. Even as far back as 2013 I remember seeing the btc ads with the mspaint wizard and never thinking twice about it. And now, the bubble is probably gonna pop again, but if it doesnt, I'm priced out forever.

>> No.25231506

Fomo is stupid. Focus on things you can actually change

>> No.25231528

>priced out forever
What? Just buy in now. Even if it corrects it will bounce back and moon again.

>> No.25231557

That's life

>> No.25231620

Don't FOMO please, that's a highway to losing all your money.

I'm a computer geek too, sold 1500 BTC back then at $1.2 thinking that was the end of it and that I made $1800 from nothing, look at BTC now.

Number 1 rule in finance, crypto, anything;

>> No.25231690

P.S. Look at what FOMO does to your portfolio
I FOMO'd a few weeks ago, absolutely wrecked my portfolio, but calmed down, got emotionally stable again, and kept getting in good deals until I made it back

>Pic related is my portfolio worth over time

>> No.25231740
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>> No.25231843

Fucking kek wagies BTFO

Are you realising yet, how this reality is something else, how a bunch of NEETs on /biz/ are worth more to society because they bought magic internet money. Then you have to wageslave for 50 years to earn the same amount .

>> No.25231888

Yeah but he might lose precious time.

>> No.25231896

Happens to a lot of people anon - many of whom still go on to make something of themselves. Here’s a fun story:
>be my college professor
>be an undergrad at Harvard
>his dorm room happens to be a few doors down the hall from Steve Ballmer
>one day Ballmer drops by and tries to convince my professor to invest in this new startup thing he’s got going on with some other dudes in the dorm
>my professor asks what’s it about
>”we’re doing cool shit with computers man”
>asks what’s the name gonna be
>asks who is his business partner that’s actually the brains behind the tech
>”you know Bill doen the hall right? Bill Gates. He’s the other guy doing this with me”
>my professor says no because in the dorm Bill Gates was notorious for always skipping class to instead hanging around playing poker, and because of that he didn’t think anything involving Bill Gates was going to be a good investment

>> No.25231921

1btc is still attainable lol

>> No.25232454
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I know plenty of "geeks" that are autistic robots obsessed with bullshit that doesn't matter. It makes you neither smart nor special. Bitcoin and crypto as a whole was one big IQ test and you failed it. But don't feel bad, so did 99.99% of society.

>> No.25232468

Do you really think normies will be fooled again? If btc crashes a second time, which is very likely, then normies will finally write it off as a scam. Already that was the general consensus among normies after 2018. And if the normals don't buy in this time, then volume is going to tank and it'll crash anyways. Not to mention regulation is looming on the horizon. The odds are stacked against crypto right now.

>> No.25232495

If the markets are moving, you can make money and make it.
>believes a person can't decide his own fate

>> No.25232611

institutional money is pouring into btc, not normie money. BTC will be a better store of value against devaluing fiat currency due to inflation. just buy now instead of being a bitch about it. i was a degen and still didnt hold any significant amount of btc or eth, and yes i hate myself for it

>> No.25233045

Isn't that even worse? BTC already has a whale problem, now the jews have finally put in their chips too. The market will no longer be organic at all.

>> No.25233190


I have 0.05 BTC from 2012. Uhh is it even worth holding on to or should I just withdraw in cash now?

>> No.25233212 [DELETED] 

>if only I'd gotten into degenerate drugs too, then I might be holding some btc

isn't this a sad state of affairs?

>> No.25233247

My first reaction: kek

My second: absolute kek.

>> No.25233379

Ok sure you won’t get meteoric gains like some people have who got in earlier, but there’s no shame in DCAing into BTC and ETH for a year. I can almost guarantee that come next December you’ll be happier doing that than investing in some boomer index fund

>> No.25233394

You were the loser all along :)

>> No.25233402 [DELETED] 

i'd wish you well, OP, but i dislike propagandists.

>> No.25233416

>Was around 15 when I first heard about bitcoin
>Really wanted to buy some for the future
>Was too stupid to figure out how to

>> No.25233422

That's not how it works anon

>> No.25233479
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So glad I bought in 2013

>> No.25233685

I begged my father to put money in Chainlink when it was 4 dollars, I couldn't because I wasn't 18, and he couldn't because of the kyc

>> No.25233811

I'm 24. Bitcoin was around 1 dollar when I wanted to buy it. Please don't try to compare that to buying Link at 4 fucking dollars.

>> No.25233903

>I dont care about lambos and all that, I just want to stop working and stop having to deal with selfish retards everyday

Holy shit, this so much. I just do not want to have to kiss a corporate overlord's ass and lose more and more of my rights to them.

This post just inspired me to unleash my inner autist to avoid a life of wagecuckery corporate. I know there's a way out of this trap.

>> No.25233935

Too stupid or too lazy. Lots of stupid people made money with btc. Not many of them keep it long but the bell curve in crypto is blatant.

>> No.25233971
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>tfw only 20k in crypto after two years

>> No.25233972

I just couldn't figure out how to make a wallet and buy it. That was before exchanges.

>> No.25233975

whos your professor?

>> No.25234166

Hi nuFren. Start staking, accumulating. YOu wil mak it.

>> No.25234182

he thinks he’s too late, he’ll be saying the same when btc crosses six figures

>> No.25234213

Stopped reading at “Don’t fomo, listen to me I sold btc at $1”

>> No.25234236

you mean like literally every other market in the world

>> No.25234268
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I told you guys to buy BTC at $100 and you told me to kill myself. I have friends texting me going "damn bro I should have listened". No one ever listens

>> No.25234276

eth or what?

>> No.25234358

It pops next year much higher. There will be some corrections on the way

>> No.25234480

>be me in 2011
>friend comes up to me "Anon we should get into bitcoin mining"
>I convince him (and myself) not to by telling him the cost of electricity is more than the bitcoin is worth

We're not friends anymore

>> No.25234541

Same bro. Accept it and buy in. Right now youre outside the stadium to the world cup final with your team kicking off in 30 mins. Theres a ticket tout selling tickets outside the turnstiles, all you habe to do is buy. You can witness history, eternal glory or crash and burn. You can be a part of it. If you sit out youll forever regret it.

>> No.25234626

same but whenever i start to feel suicidal about this i just realize that if i actually bought back then i would probably sell at $10 anyways, lost my keys or got mt-goxed because that's the kind of person i am

>> No.25234780
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i'm so sad that i started crypto late and that the returns have diminished and will continue to diminish in the foreseeable future. i'll never get to experience btc go from 1 dollar to 20,000. first movers deserve to win. i'm a late nigger.

>> No.25234829

Ask for some btc

>> No.25234962

when did u get in?
i thought i was late in 2016, but i got mid 6 fig now. and i think thats still too low.

>> No.25235589

>i'm a late nigger.
You will always be a late nigger. Enjoying rope after years of getting cucked out of your gains.

>> No.25235613

you will kill yourself by 2025

>> No.25235677
File: 49 KB, 760x428, 1608664572329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a bunch of NEETs on /biz/ are worth more to society because they bought magic internet money. Then you have to wageslave for 50 years to earn the same amount

>> No.25235700

The best time was years ago. The second best time is now on coins which are down (don't fomo, trust, it is a painful lesson).

>> No.25235731

I heard about the silkroad just as I was leaving highschool, but I was to busy jerking off and playing vidya to look into what bitcoin was, probably wouldn't have bought it anyway to be honest.

>> No.25235743

a month ago. after ups and downs all i have to show after a month is a fucking 10% gain on my first investment of 3000 dollars while BTC went up 50%. that's all i can afford too. i feel like crypto is ruining my life. still adjusting to stress and i don't know how to really hodl yet.
what do you propose i do? just fomo into everything and DCA all my earnings? i'm not moneyed by any means.

>> No.25235764

Basically me

>> No.25235793

Break into their house and hold them at gunpoint until they transfer some btc into your wallet, then kill them

>> No.25235805
File: 78 KB, 750x641, F78F0EA9-FD74-406F-A837-45EAD19D4E5E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know the feeling.

>> No.25235903

>The odds are stacked against crypto right now.
being a computer geek doesn't mean you aren't a retard

>> No.25235985

don't feel too bad about it, the vast majority of people sold way too early, only complete retards held through 10000%+ gains all the way back down and through 3 year bear markets. Anyone who says they're still holding 100s of btc from 2010 or something is a larping nigger and should kill themselves. And if you're thinking your buddies will be able to stop working forever because they hold sub 1 btc amounts of dust then you're fooling yourself. Btc will probably hit $2million eventually, but a loaf of bread at that point will be like $100+ and the rich will be disproportionately more wealthy than they are now so a few hundred k won't be anywhere near enough to retire.

>> No.25236008

>wait for dip
>buy dip with fiat
Wow that wasn’t so hard was it

>> No.25236028

reminder that bitcoin will crash hard the second after you buy

>> No.25236049

>Please don't try to compare that to buying Link at 4 fucking dollars
I wasn't comparing it to anything, it was my first crypto experience, but you would have had to wait many years if you bought Bitcoin at 1 dollar for it to become anything of worth, and a lot of things could have ruined you in that time
Here's an even worse experience of mine that I had quite recently which destroyed me
I didn't buy 5000 dollars of Keep3r at 10 dollars, even though I knew all of the details and so, because I had been awake 24hr and told myself that sleep is the thing I desire the most and that I don't care about how much money I could make, woke up and it was 250, yeah I want the sleep now, but I don't want to wake up though, if anything this will make me rope

>> No.25236051

I would rather accept the jewish problem and make some cash than go full pol and stay poor and seethe

>> No.25236075

Damn haha

>> No.25236106

The IQ test isn't over yet

>> No.25236123

let's go further, being a computer geek makes it more likely you're a retard
look at hackernews, wrong about bitcoin and crypto since 2010
computer geeks are generally small picture people, with technical knowledge in highly specific areas they mistakenly extrapolate to believe they're experts on everything
it's always the IT retards who come here saying they don't know what to do with their money, or asking about their wagecuck job trouble, or that they made it but still feel depressed

>> No.25236154

I just don't get how people are so adamant about talking people out of Bitcoin. Back then if somebody were to invest a large sum okay I get it,it was new and unknown, but now? Imagine someone didn't become a millionaire because you told him not to buy. How much hatred you' ld get. Why do people who have no idea what it is do that?

>> No.25236171

Dude, you'll learn. But first rule is: Gains aren't real until you put them into SATs

>> No.25236182

Buddy I knew about it in 2010, and even tried to buy in around like 2011-2012 whenever it shot up to like 15 bucks, but was too dumb to figure out how. Plus even with it's growth I still just saw it as a Silk Road currency. I missed the boat the whole way up.

>> No.25236205

i think you have no idea how much cross traffic is here from there

>> No.25236216

ya i wanted to buy at 3k but i was too dumb and too lazy to figure it out

>> No.25236220

agreed. crypto is about big picture. most of the crypto investing experts aren't devs, aren't coders, they are macro investors with little knowledge if any about the technicals behind a project.

>> No.25236271

me too, back then it had to be through a western union order or something.

>> No.25236292

He's a capricorn. I bet my left nut. They are CAPRICIOUS.

>> No.25236296

That was logical. People who make it big just get lucky and then claim they have a second sight

>> No.25236298

stop being such a miserable cunt. a lot of us here have gone through lost opportunity, won't be the first or the last time. more opportunities will present themselves in due time

>> No.25236308

>made it but still feel depressed
One has nothing to do with the other.
t. crypto-retired since 2018

>> No.25236323

I'll tell one thing anon, making money won't make you happier if you don't improve your way of thinking.

I have a friend, we were both useless incels and bought btc back in the day, all we'd talk was vidya and get bullied by chads, I used to fucking hate my life, I was afraid talking to women and had very low self esteem, my friend was the same.
After a mental breakdown, I looked into personal development, psychology and ways to improve my life. It took almost 8 years but I got a good job, I started dating, going to the gym, in the last few years I've been with women I never even dreamed I'd look upon, all because my self confidence improved.
I made a good profit with btc, enough to open a small business that works well, along with crypto trading and stocks I'm ok to retire at 31.

Now my friend is worth millions right now, as he kept his btc for a long time, he's still the same low confidence incel, even though I tried to open his mind he refuses to try anything, is depressed, attempted suicide 2 times now...

Money will make your life easier, but it's up to you to be happy.

>> No.25236350

tell your friend to put his wallet password on his suicide note. Say it kindly

>> No.25236392
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>be me
>back in 2010, started to mine BTC with my shitty PC
>could mine about 30 BTC a day
>PC got really hot during mining
>decided to take off one side of computer case for better air flow
>have a nigger cat that piss on everything to mark his territory
>cat piss into my open PC, motherboard, hdd
>about 200 BTC lost

I have no idea what would happen if I could still mine it. Maybe I would sell everything early at $1 or maybe at $100 but 10 years later it still makes me sick and looking at the price its getting worse

>> No.25236395
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probably because economics isn't taught in schools. the vast majority of millenials and zoomers don't think about investing or long term financial planning. the only reason I did was because I was homeschooled. thank you mommy!

>> No.25236431


>> No.25236461

We don't really keep in touch anymore, he's impossible to reason with, not even sure what he spends his money on

>> No.25236472

yeah i understand this a lot more now. i'm literally at half the sats i could've bought last november. taking profits into btc is the only way. i just don't know how to get back those sats at this point. it's quite demotivating.

>> No.25236475

real and true pilled. lots of people just work all the time and wouldnt know the first step to finding spiritual fulfillment. Just do what you wanted to do as a child and stop finding fucking reasons not to. nobody cares about your savings its really really boring. Do something cool.

>> No.25236489

If you're not buying now, you would have sold by now. It's that simple. All the people that think about how much money they have if they just kept it: You wouldn't have it. You clearly didn't believe in it enough to reattempt it after your cat pissed on your laptop, why do you think you would have kept them after the first crash?

>> No.25236492

>IQ test
Come on now. Nobody could say 100% for certain this would take off when it first dropped.
Don't forget the btc farming rig days.

>> No.25236509

probably doesn't spend it, lots of people just hoard until they die. Oh well, can't really feel too sorry for the guy

>> No.25236533

and then Land and silver, gold is over leveraged.

>> No.25236537

They are lost. You might get lucky with some Altcoin pump, but most likely you'll lose more SATs if you chase pumps. Always work to increase SATs and only put money you are comfortable to lose into alts. When you make profit take it. You can also take compound or aave loans to increase your Bitcoin stack

>> No.25236543

You can use the free suicide booth for nocoiners just outside of the citadel.

The incinerator sometimes gets clogged from the volume of nocoiner bodies, so scheduling an appointment is recommended.

>> No.25236547

Because I was poor bastard and I was not able to afford one. Also It was just an attempt to mine some out of curiosity how it works. Currently I own 5 ETH and like 0.05 BTC, but nothing changed. Im still poor and I cant afford a single BTC.

>> No.25236574

The alt train hasnt left yet

Go all in

>> No.25236608

May as well hold till bitcoin reaches 250k

>> No.25236628

I have 15k after 3 years.

If it wasnt for link it would be 3k

>> No.25236640

thanks breh, good shit. i'm hoping for a good correction to put my money into btc. as for alts, i don't know when to get in or out of them so maybe i'll just stay away for now or put only 10-20% in.

>> No.25236805

Kek and black ID pilled