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File: 1.29 MB, 1296x828, Dave Ramsey BTC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25225486 No.25225486 [Reply] [Original]


Dave Ramsey is one of those that will never admit he was wrong.

>> No.25225838

are we gonna become like that too bros?

>> No.25225974


>> No.25226015

just save what little you have while we inflate, be scared of leveraging low rates to acquire rental properties and stick to index funds goy

>> No.25226341


>> No.25226387

Honestly his base advice isn't that terrible. I kind of stumbled upon the same principles on my own, but considering debt-ridden lives so many people live, you could do a lot worse than listening to Dave Ramsey.

>> No.25226442

ramsey is a fucking idiot concerning bitcoin

>> No.25226463

“I hope you can cash it out. I really do” this is how goldcucks think, it’s hilarious when people make a ton of money and the salty pleb goes “enjoy paying the tax on 100k Of gains” kek

>> No.25226515


People that really hate crypto (eg buttcoin) have this weird idea in their head that it's all fake and you can't actually cash out into fiat

>> No.25226527

Dave has good solid advice for idiots who are too dumb to understand finances. Dave will discourage shit like Bitcoin on his show because then you'll have a bunch of his dumbass listeners who are bad with money think "Bitcoin? What's that? This guy made 100k in it? Woah, I gotta buy into it so I don't miss the train!"

>> No.25226599

>dats in code
>if you really can cash it out...

>> No.25226600

He makes 100k on bitcoin and the first thing that comes to his mind is to call two fat boomers to ask what he should do. Everyone in that video is retarded

>> No.25226628

>do long term investing
>sell it tonight
>i really hope you can cash it out

>> No.25226641

>Woah, I gotta buy into it so I don't miss the train!"
the funny thing is all his low IQ indebted followers who would do this would profit from it

>> No.25226671
File: 12 KB, 251x242, 1607907230947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> "if you can even cash it out...."
> "You can cash it out right now right??"

God I fucking love these boomer/normie fud. It's literally designed to keep only boomers and normies from making generational wealth through crypto while allowing all of us to accumulate. These retards are actually 50/50 on whether you can even cash out Bitcoin. xD

Holy fucking hell. This is why post 2017 I will never discuss crypto to any normie whatsoever not even family members who I could help by telling them to throw everything they have into crypto rn and forget it for 5 years. Nope. Done dealing with idiot normies. Fuck them all.

>> No.25226687

Lol that’s in code, course it was a nigger that said that, Callers mistake was getting investment advice off the nigger from the green mile

>> No.25226698

That's not what sunk costs are
This guy is retarded, I have a degree in economics, these boomers are so lost

>> No.25226757

Exactly. /they/ won’t touch it until it’s in etf form, same goes for the top5-10 shitcoins, when it’s a basket and format they can understand of course by then the total market cap will be past 2T

>> No.25226786


>> No.25226796

this guy isn't for anyone with an intelligence above room temperature
he's for idiots who literally do not understand what financial instruments are
for simpletons who can't do basic math without a calculator

it's not because he's a boomer
it's because his audience are retards

>> No.25226849

what enables whales to cash out are retards who trade on leverage. I am not saying all traders who use leverage are retards but the majority are. This in effect creates the much needed liquidity to actually cash out. Problem solved.

>> No.25226962

It’s actually playing with house money, Dave panicked like the guy dropped his kid’s college fund on it or something

>> No.25227069

under any of Dave’s guidance how many years do you think it would’ve taken be guy to turn 1500 to 100k? 50?

>> No.25227214

Fuck off faggot. kek alone doesn't display my level of XD much like XD does.

>> No.25227283

I don't understand how a financial expert can STILL believe crypto is nothing but monopoly money.

If you call yourself an expert in this field, how can you do so little research on such a gigantic topic and still think you're qualified to give advice on it?

>> No.25227335


>> No.25227465

Listen to his laugh. I think the caller was trolling them.

>> No.25227519

Lol Dave's gotta keep all his brain dead followers invested with his financial advisors. I think the reason he bad mouths bitcoin so much is to keep them from leaving the cult. All those advisors no doubt give Dave a cut of the fees.. doesn't Dave calls bitcoin a pyramid scheme?

>> No.25227649
File: 34 KB, 191x220, 1295523467302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts a pape
>calls other people normies

>> No.25227670

Dave has fucked me.
I used to listen to him a lot when I was in my 20s and his debt free meme.
I spent most of my 20s and half of my 30s doing everything I could to be debt free.
Still never made it but missed a shit ton of opportunities because of buying his memes.
He doesn’t understand the new paradigm of real 15-20% USD inflation per year.

>> No.25228035

>People that really hate crypto (
Particularly boomers who can't open pdfs.

>> No.25228320
File: 14 KB, 240x350, 1603400944924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that should scare your brains out

>> No.25228429

Dave Ramsey is a cryptokike and that’s his housenigger to the left.

>> No.25228473

Theyre giving good advice minus playing investment hedge fund. I have never seen Dave actually say "sell/short" like that before i think he should stick to fundamentals and not go full Jim Cramer and its good advice

>> No.25228474

He's correct. BItcoin has no intrinsic value other than from degenerate criminals and gamblers.

>> No.25228590

Oh Hi Dave!

>> No.25228609

Apart from storing value and having a finite supply?

>> No.25228887

Did you know that 35% of all US dollars in circulation were printed THIS year?

>> No.25228894

not bad to take profit but it's his opinion and if you think you can outtrade then do the risky thing and keep margin longing or don't sell and hedge short.
he's also seriously misinformed about btc's liquidity; he's kind of right about thin books during crashes like march though.

>> No.25229176

you're right you dumb motherfucker, it is better than you deserve

>> No.25229280
File: 22 KB, 300x300, patrick bateman squint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I noticed this too, like in yesterday's thread where people were posting screencaps from r/buttcoin of a bunch of salty nocoiners.
They kept saying this shit
>congrats on your gambling winnings hehe but you won't be able to cash any of it out!!!

Do these faggots not know that cashing out to fiat is a simple one click function on any standard exchange?

>> No.25229457

This. "You have 50k in debt!???" You should grind for 5 years to pay that off before you even THINK about making an investment!

>> No.25230048


>> No.25230089

yeh nobody could ever sell A huge sun like 100k usd of btc even during the March crash, literally no buyers all just selling into an abyss . Dumb nigger

>> No.25230167

Yep the meme of rushing to Clear a 2.5% mortgage while true inflation runs at 10%+, it’s literally inflating itself away. It’s free money if you can hold onto it, with the discipline. that’s how real estate barons make a fortune, but yeh ramsay recommends retiring on a few bucks At 60, enough to live like a bum and hope to die by the time you’re 65, a paid off house maybe if you were “lucky” . Inflation kills the ramsaycuck

>> No.25230242

Boomers don't buy crypto.

>> No.25230432
File: 46 KB, 256x197, 4E2E8C30-34C1-40A8-80C2-38A13DF9A3F6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tell my boomer parents I up 30k in one month after investing in bitcoin. “Anon that sounds risky”

However they’ve been discussing buying pic related while Ive been home.

>> No.25230522

isn't that the guy that tells people to take out 30Y loans to buy his real state bags?

>> No.25230603

I noticed that older people seem to forget that USD loses value over time. They should know more than anyone that is does.

>> No.25231054

it is a sunk cost. the point is it doesn’t matter where you started from what matters is where you think bitcoin is going. but if i came into 100k it would go straight to bitcoin.

>> No.25231206

Crypto is still shit. I invest in precious and tangible assets ty very much.. BTC was a rip off once it went past 50bucks

>> No.25231317

Is there anyway we can repeatedly call about our crypto gains. Especially the zoomers on here with 500k lmao

>> No.25231349

>Do these faggots not know that cashing out to fiat is a simple one click function on any standard exchange?
All these people made up their minds on crypto years ago and haven't once looked at new details and events that have happened since then. They don't know about how easy it is now.

>> No.25231383

Knew someone who went 30k into debt to buy a bobcat to plow his snow but thought I was crazy for putting about the same into crypto. Some people are just retards and aren't meant to make it.

>> No.25231510

This should be a thing

>> No.25232452

these are the same people who pay monthly bills for cable, netflix/hulu/disney/hbo, upgrade to a new iphone every year or two, and love to buy new clothes and shit at full price. they genuinely think that the only way to invest is to toss 5-10% of their income into a 401k or Roth IRA, and hope they live until they're 60 before they can take it out.

the system is dependent on these people acting retarded. it's annoying as fuck, but unfortunately they're necessary. as a wise man once said, "they expect one of us in the wreckage", except instead of one it's many, and instead of the wreckage it's wageslaving for 40-50 hours a week until your body's too fat and retarded to truly enjoy life.