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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 91 KB, 823x375, 183756029184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25218610 No.25218610 [Reply] [Original]

95% of this board has a portfolio of less than $1000 and they spam pink Wojaks whenever they have a 5% loss. This is actually who you are dealing with here. I'd say around .5% of this board actually has a serious amount of money in this shit.
There are actual people, most of whom are in their mid 20s, that get sick to their stomach when they lose 50 fucking dollars.
just... lol

>> No.25218646

I massively overreact to small drops for fun. My folio is 100k

>> No.25218656

wrong i have only 150$

>> No.25218668

>Thinking in absolute values instead of percentages

Ask me how I know you're a smooth-brained room-temperature IQ brainlet

>> No.25218679

every single one of them is worth more than two dozen frog poster, literally. There data has worth, frog posting troll data is worthless

>> No.25218684
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I have $200, I don't know what I'm doing

>> No.25218686

Same. Hoping for 10000x

>> No.25218691

>just... lol

>> No.25218697

Mods can I say something?

Those um threads, those threads…the ones I baited and shitposted in, I want you to know I’d do it again. This board a circus, alright, it’s a charade, it’s an act, its bullshit how many of my threads get deleted. I’m not trolling, I’m not trolling, ok? I know what I did, I know who I am, and I do not need your ban. I’m not trolling. I’m smack dab in the middle of my right goddamn mind, and any poster, any janitor, or any mod piece of shit that deletes my thread for shitposting, I did it because I liked it, HELL I LOVED IT! I’m just itching, I’m- I’m-I’m itching to do it again and you think you can ban me? You think some mod can stop me from doing what I wanna do? WELL THAT AIN’T HAPPENING, NOT ON MY WATCH. You posters call me a redditor? Is that right? The big bad redditor. HERE I AM! YOU WANT IT? I AM THE REDDITOR! I’M RIGHT HERE! IF YOU WANT IT I’LL GIV!E IT TO YOU! ANY MOD THAT CAME HERE TO HEAR ME WHINE, TO HEAR ME! BEG, WELL YOU CAN KISS MY ASS. YOU HEAR ME? I’M GUILTY, MY PLEAD MOD, I’M GUILTY! YOU HEAR ME? I’M GUILTY! I’LL SHIT POST IN EVERY THREAD, I’LL SHIT POST IN EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM!

>> No.25218731

Sigh. So true. As a richfag all I do is try to help these poor souls. 4chan helped me get through my hardest years. I try to give back but no one listens.

>> No.25218751

Well said. Anyone who has made less than 100k in crypto this past 3 years at the minimum should seriously re evaluate their life choices. I mean it like lmfao

>> No.25218779

I'm just a retard who never bothered investing in anything before this year. But I'm currently sitting on a $22k portfolio (weak)
I make six figures though with no debt and low cost of living so I am going to do a lot more investing with the surplus, I am just very weak to FUD.

>> No.25218793

Long Link at 10x anon

>> No.25218821

you would love /b/, the place this pasta originated from. Go with God, but the fuck go away

>> No.25218846

i got 3k in now

>> No.25218881

5% of thing is still nothing. This is a poorfag cope

Losing 5% of a $100 portfolio is not the same as losing 5% of a 100k portfolio. Nothing will change that. Moneys usefulness increases exponentially. $5 will not open any doors, 5k might get you some incentives and 50k will definitely open doors. Anyone that disagrees with OP is a poor fag

>> No.25218886
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Everyone here is just shilling their bags. I don't blame them.

What I find funny there are people here who brag about 10% gains a year.

>> No.25218918

Stupid phone. 5% of nothing*

>> No.25218982


>> No.25219001
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it's all part of growing up. you can't freak out over losing $50k in gains before you freak out over losing $50, fren. And then of course, the final stage, where you lose $200k in gains and feel nothing. Nothing at all.

>> No.25219079

This board has gone to complete shit. It used to have actual advice. And a lot of it was good. Now it's poorfags spending days on end shilling their latest scam so they can turn their $50 into $200. It's tragic.

>> No.25219093

I've got $25K in stocks. Only crypto I have is 100 links because I thought the memes were funny (initially)

>> No.25219454
File: 255 KB, 720x1560, Screenshot_20201227-151558_Coinbase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dabble in coins. This 13K is from an initial 10K investment. I got out about 60K ahead on Chainlink. Got out early in the $20 peak at 16$ish.
Made a little bit before that on ETH. Back in March/April I bought in for 20 or so ETH at $100 per and got out at 400$. Anyways, shitcoins is just a hobby of mine.
I really like gambling.
But I have a wife and kids.
So I have a couple coinfolio wallet apps that I move money around in to satisfy my gambling desires.
Anyways... Crypto is easy.
Bitcoin is about to see a fat drop and scare a bunch of people away. Dummies will lose thousands because they got the "BITCOIN NEW ALL TIME HIGHS!" news and decided: Let me get in on this.
Whales are about to dump their BTC on normies, the price will plummet, normies will "cut their losses" and the rich/smart will get wealthier.
ETH will follow suit but in a similar pattern it's been running all year. I predict a drop that coincides with BTCs fall. Currently it's just shy of $700. It'll drop to $400. That's when you dump your life savings into it. It'll pound up into the $2K area before stablecoining there for a few quarters.
Pic Related. Check prices if you don't believe me. I have 3 Million in assets, $220K in stocks and ETFs, and about $40K cash on hand.
I own 2000 Acres of land on a major interstate through a flyover on the outskirts of a medium sized city. I rent out 4 Billboards along said interstate.
I host a Cell Phone Tower which pays a modest rent. I could, should, and will get more for the land rent when the contract is up in May of 21.
I lease out my land to a local farmer to farm it (thus qualifying for the farmers tax credit).
I rent out 2 duplexes and 4 little houses in the local city. 6 properties rent ranging from $550-1100.
And I spend every day with my family, collecting a retirement check from the USMC for 12 years (Minimum retirement time is 10 years - they denied my requests at 10 and 11 years) at 20% of my O-4 Pay.
Anyone want advice? AMA

>> No.25219499

>Misery and desperation of young men in the night of western civilizations new dark age.
How is this funny?
You a kike OP?

>> No.25219501

wrong. i own ~13 LINK. beluga whale here. AMA

>> No.25219551

You have enough for 2 ETH fees

>> No.25219590

Tell me what to do.
I have 1/4 bitcoin and need a full 1 soon or I'll never make it.

>> No.25219594


>> No.25219608

Can I save this for copypasta purposes?

>> No.25219729

You been in crypto for years and all you got was a $3000 profit over an initial $10K?
Did I read that right?

>> No.25219775

im about to cooommake it
i just need you guys to buy my grt bags fast and send it to 5$
ill make a post here i promise

>> No.25219843

Switch it to link then sell the link for a full one next august

>> No.25219849
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No. Just this round. I pull out fully, save my winnings, and buy back in for 10K.
Pic Related was before my last withdrawal. I could have made more but... meh.

>> No.25219877

I almost suicided when I lost $100 on GRT pump and dump.

>> No.25219922
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Of course bro. Enjoy it with bread.

>> No.25219941


Most people who post here are in 5 or low 6 figure hell. I have low 6 figure nw but only have 40k in crypto all in btc. I am 26

>> No.25220273

As I discovered the hard way.
I got a total of 3.5k€, but I have put them in an ETF (S&P500) cause I don't wanna lose them.
I'm trying to hit big on some coin, I need 70k to start an activity but I don't know what to do to get them, I'd like to do it without bank loans but eventually I'll need one. By now I'm hoping to find some 1000x shitcoin but I'm ngmi.
Any advice?
I'm all ears anon if you'd like

>> No.25220310

how does 15$ sound?

>> No.25220328

jokes on you i have 1200

>> No.25220398

There is going to be a big Crypto dump followed by moonrides. Jump onboard after the dump.
It'll be a brutal dump.
Either hodl through or buy more when it comes and you'll be alright.
Keep looking for ways to bring in a steady income. Even if it's not a lot.
They add up.

>> No.25220423

NewKike thinks that the OG's don't hang out here.

>> No.25220458

Wait....you mean im not talking to multimillionaires?????!!!!

>> No.25220529

You would have to be pretty retarded to have a significant proportion of your assets tied up in crypto tbqhwy

>> No.25220602

This is 4chan, you are supposed to have some fun and shitpost a little.

>> No.25220639

What was the most you made? what was the most you've lost?

I made from ESH/Ghost 300k from 1k usds then I made 500k off of STA before the hack.
A total of 800k.

I put like 3k in XOR, BUIDL, 69inch, Acid, UniPower, COMP. I lost some on 69, Acid and UniPower. I managed to get out in time from COMP, made a cool 16k from 3k.

Then for into Ampl and YFI and after YFI shit started going crazy. Made 10M from Ampl and 20M from YFI.
Lost like 900k on a farm rugpull, still didn't manage to catch the crook, apparently finding good connections is hard, you can't just throw money at it.
Managed to catch a little shit for 50k usds, but the henchman just took the cash as a bonus.
Wish I could locate Josh behind ESH, apparently just having your name out there doesn't mean you can find exactly where he lives if the retard has over 8 apartments he rents.

I lost another 200k in FARM token.

I made some heavy cash with YFII, YFFII, YFFI and other similar proper clones, can't say I made too much off the food scams. At most 20k per food scam before the liquidity crashed and burned.
Pickle was a nice 500k, but I didn't farm it. I bought it when I saw Vitalik shill it and I put in 50k

>> No.25220647
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what does biz consider a "serious amount of money" in crypto???

>> No.25220659

Thanks anon, I'm gonna listen to you. As for steady income China fucked me up pretty badly, but I'm gonna keep doing as much as I can. Sadly I have to settle for something more than 400€/month in Q1 and Q2 2021, but I hope that the vaccine gives me more opportunities.
What's more, I want the money to start a farm, so I'll take the funds EU will give me, too. I don't like this too much, I feel like a gibs me dat, but mama EU offers her help and I can't make it on my own so I'll take advantage of it

>> No.25220665

I just breached 7 figures in dollars if I count all assets. Half in crypto, half in real estate.
You would have to be pretty retarded to have a significant proportion of your assets tied up in banks or in assets entangled in the corrupt banking system like stocks.

>> No.25220730

A months of rent aka 500$.

>> No.25220737

I'd say 100K+ is "serious money" for the vast majority of people.

>> No.25220803

I am 24 and I have about 10k in because I am a degenerate and am trying to get rich. That is about 1/3 of my net worth.

I do not care at all when I am down thousands of dollars.

>> No.25221214

When will the dump happen?

>> No.25221414

I have .05 btc which I actually bought years ago for like $20 and forgot about until I found the wallet in my old laptop, I actually had .20 btc but used .15 of it for buying shit off of a darkweb site. I paid thousands of dollars for a hacked HBO subscription lmao.

>> No.25221415

I don't think anyone can say. It's pretty obviously not too far in the future, but just keep looking at the graphs

>> No.25221458

my folio dropped from 14k to 6k since summer and it feels fucking awful

>> No.25221479

I have .84 btc and that’s almost half my net worth. I took 7k profit but it feels like nothing

>> No.25221498

I like this guy

>> No.25221546

It's tragic when it happens to people of value, like 2017's /biz/
Current day /biz/lets are the scum of the earth and losing everything is too good for them, they deserve to be drawn and quartered as well.

>> No.25221550
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This board is for financial shitposting. What did you expect?

>> No.25221557

You are looking at it from the complete wrong angle.

>> No.25221743

50K and I still don't know what Link really does.

>> No.25221840

It’s actually $6300.

I used to get shot at over $300.

Seeing a red line on a chart doesn’t even fucking register to me.

>> No.25221958

100k serious
1mm comfy
10mm make it

>> No.25222024
File: 111 KB, 840x970, autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically /biz/ helped me turn $5k into $300k+ since March when I came from /pol/. It's hard to imagine that if I did that, many others here did not

>> No.25222547


My advice is to read Altcoin trader's playbook by Nik Patel. Study up on what makes coins rise and fall. Be patient, however. You're not gonna get rich with this overnight, or even for a while.

>> No.25222784


>> No.25222832

Pretty much everyone made that and more in the last bull run.

>> No.25223058

Most of this board aren't yet holding UNN, but they should be.

>> No.25223066

I have a couple grand in altcoins that I don't give a fuck about, because I have 10s of thousands in BTC and ETH which have earned me an insane amount of gains.

>> No.25223077

$250 and a dream lol. Made $6 today. portfolio worth 266.91 atm but planning to turn it into $297 ish after selling. shorting xlm atm

>> No.25223096

Kek just touched 1k with the recent pump

>> No.25223171


>> No.25223262

I'm holding UNN myself despite not being very convinced. I'd be happy as hell if increased my $140 investment even 5 fold.

Something tells me even that is wishful thinking.

>> No.25223329

>95% of this board has a portfolio of less than $1000
Where are you pulling this number from? I would guesstimate the average biz poster has 15-20k, same as me.

>> No.25223357

Thanks Anon, good to know.


>> No.25223387

trade options on margin and learn why a sudden 5% drop is devastating

>> No.25223390

1 million

>> No.25223425

> has $250
> shorting
I don’t even know what to say.

>> No.25223495

what would u do if you had 75k in savings to dabble with but no income, but no living expenses either

>> No.25223547

Anon, you need to take 50% of that and put it into BTC as soon as we get a slight pull back. We are starting a major crypto bull run...that will turn into life layering amounts of money.

>> No.25223604


>> No.25223612
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>> No.25223672

>put $2k in LINK
>put $2k in PNK
>put $1k in ETH
>all in the March lows since the crisis was what brought me to biz in first place
>Put half of link / eth on Aave and borrow USDC in June for DMG, 5x my money and like double link stack while paying off loan
>link runs in July, already nearing $50k portfolio
>miss YFI and then get repeatedly scammed trying to chase DeFi bull run
>put about $10k borrowed from Aave into CORE at launch
>use those gains to increase link stack to ~8k and eth to 60, while also buying 4 wBTC

>> No.25223696

What? The advice on this board has always been dogshit lol

>> No.25223697

i just learned about candle charts 2 days ago. yolo?

>> No.25223723
File: 1 KB, 100x54, holy FUCK its DUMPING.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont you get it its fucking ogre

>> No.25223750

No, I think you're looking at it wrong. A 5% increase in performance for an f1 car is completely different than a daily commuter. The stakes are higher. the lower the money invested, the more negligible the gains/losses are. A $5 loss on a $100 investment is negligible compared to a $5000 on a $100000 investment because $5 is more expendable. A minimum wage worker can me $5 in around 30 minutes. A person can easily live on $5000 a month. People intentionally invest smaller amounts of money across a number of risky investments and a larger amount of money in a safer investment because of this reason. It's simple logic.

>> No.25223825

he probably sold and intends to buy lower and thinks that's "shorting"

>> No.25223838

Would you sell $300k of your 401k and buy 10 Bitcoin if you didn't have any right now?

>> No.25223840

ive got £300 in grt, prq and unn(I KNOW) and unironically hoping that's gonna turn into about 1k by q1 next year somehow. im hoping for a net 3x minimum and hopefully scalping eill add a little more. so far ive made £12 in two days swinging grt. i have no clue what im doing, but hoping to learn for when I land a job and can put more in. thanks biz

>> No.25223884

> has $250
> shorting
>I don’t even know what to say.


>> No.25224239

I'm a poorfag with only $200 after having 18k just two months ago. This hurts so badly man.

>> No.25224303

my portfolio is only a bit north of 3k but that's because wagie cagie barely gives me enough to stay alive

>> No.25224628

You're an idiot.
If I have $100 to make it until payday, then lose $5, that means I have $95 until payday. If I have $100k and then lose $5k, that means I have $95k to hold on to while I make my $5k back.
The reason people put their life savings in safer, low yield investments isn't because they don't want to lose 5% of their life savings, it's because they don't want to lose 95% of their life savings.

>> No.25225001

I suggest you do not invest money you are not willing to lose

>> No.25225029

I have 25k and I feel poor

>> No.25225138
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Gonna need a green text on this

>> No.25225140
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>2k in stocks
>3 ETH
>1 LTC
>3k in the bank
I should've taken out a Loan to go all in on crypto before the BTC halvening but I was too much of a chicken.

>> No.25225191

You are a high iq anon. You will make it.

>> No.25225277
File: 104 KB, 1080x1350, 133110591_111994387368240_1728712743880486423_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went from $100 to $6000 and the back to less that $1000

Never posted a wojak in my life

>> No.25225308

Holy kek bepis id and dubs you lucky bastard your gonna make it

>> No.25225505

Hey, losses are losses, no matter how much you lose.