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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25219838 No.25219838 [Reply] [Original]

Are you going to buy low? Are you going to kill yourself? Are you going to HODL? Tell us more about your tale.

>> No.25219873

Delegated. Making over 100GRT a day. When this is $5 I will look back on when I was earning $500 a day while just jerking off and smile.

>> No.25219926

I bought 900 at 39¢ today. Figured why not.

>> No.25219936

100k Chad here.
Link got me from poorfag to 5 digit hell. I will finally make it with GRT.

>> No.25219959

Please explain how and spoon feed please

>> No.25220039
File: 826 KB, 1210x1041, 1608659776364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just gonna stake my 10,000 GRT and live off of the passive income it generates.
I won't be rich, i won't be buying lambos, but i'll never have to work again a day in my life, and for me, that's enough.

>> No.25220083

1500 so far, gonna buy more at the bottom in 4-6 more cents

>> No.25220119

No, lol, stop being a retard and take responsibility for your financial future. Knowing about the Graph is already having it handed to you on a plate.

>> No.25220162

I have maladaptive lucid dreams and a dream denizen of my subconscious said wait a week before reentering GRT. Hes my financial advisor so I'll wait till we're a bit into january.

>> No.25220191

if it hits .35 i'm buying again.

>> No.25220206

why would anyone buy a coin that just constantly dumps?

>> No.25220264

Who should I delegate with? I was just going to go with the biggest, but I wasn't sure if there were any better groups. Thanks anons.

>> No.25220267


I want to delegate, but I have a hard time trusting metamask with my stack

>> No.25220334

reading this helped me choose the best indexer for me to delegate with.


>> No.25220366

If you have a hardware wallet connect to MM through that.

>> No.25220371

Loving these dips. Not even close to done accumulating it.

>> No.25220419

This is helpful too: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VCbhgzhH_6X0qHBRt2xhzQXUH2YQaeFbSxrAaXWUWbM/edit#gid=0

>> No.25220488

Thanks anons

>> No.25220544

staking it. buying more when I can. learning more about it. talking about it. watching and learning about web3. buying shit related to graph. good luck.

>> No.25220624

Based anon with realistic goals.

>> No.25220683

What amount do you have to delegate to get 100 GRT a day???

>> No.25220773

Can you do that with just 10k? I've still got 10.5k that I'm holding (already withdrew at a profit and left this)

>> No.25221014
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I unironically bought the fucking top.

Oh well. After reading into the project more. I know that'll bounce back.

>> No.25221219

it's no top, this dipped this hard because of btc, it'll go back up
crabbing zone used to be 33c
now its 40

>> No.25221250

If I buy this can you guys guarantee it will 100x vs BTC please

>> No.25221291

this is the most unauthentic thread I have ever seen

>> No.25221323

It's the most open-ended GRT thread I've seen.

>> No.25221340

lold irl
have an upvote

>> No.25221379

every single grt thread looks the same, these fucking pajeets are not creative at all

>> No.25221427
File: 1.18 MB, 1800x2504, graph whore 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmmm, love me some Open Ended grt ;)

>> No.25221446

nobody can guarantee that and anybody that says yes is lying

>> No.25221481

I've bought every dip so far and made like £3000. I'm done, though. Last dip was frustrating.

>> No.25221488

That bhole's got a nice pucker on it.

Still hodling.

>> No.25221504

I delegated 10k last night without really knowing anything about it. I just delegated to the first indexer that had like 30 million GRT staked and had a 20% fee cut. Did I fuck up and do something retarded? I should have looked into this shit more

>> No.25221511

you own 0 grt and we all know this

>> No.25221608
File: 68 KB, 448x598, 1608689560552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have fun with the 28 days thawing period doing that

>> No.25221705

Not true, I bought more today at .40 - listen, if this is a pajeet plot, I'm a sucker for it, but I really do believe in this project. This shit is so polarizing, I don't know who the snake in the grass is. I'm taking a chance and holding my bag.

>> No.25221744

same here, every crypto project i was at had the problem of having to setup a fucking AWS node with a rest API to get blockchain data. it was a money sink

>> No.25221793

Comfy. Looking to much much more. Started accumulating sub .36

>> No.25221810

I'm all in grt, and I'm so tired of seeing the same thread about it over and over again

>> No.25221837

Not a Pajeet scam. There's way too much transparency to be one.

>> No.25221861

Threads are often made by bagholders to get some hopium.

>> No.25221873

says the most obvious discord pajeet I have ever seen

>> No.25221894

How are your results from delegating so far? I just delegated all mine last night and wondering when you get paid, and does it go right back into your delegated balance or into your wallet balance?

>> No.25221895

Guys, how much yearly % do you approximately earn, delegating GRT ?

>> No.25221916

The anons FUDing this are all degenerate dopamine addict gamblers that bought the ''top'' expecting instant gratification and now they feel burned, so they're crying that it's a pajeet scam to feel better about their own stupidity and lack of patience.

>> No.25221934

that's why I'm here

>> No.25221966

yep, that's unironically me, you said it perfectly

>> No.25222039

Can anyone share a link of the graph team?

>> No.25222046

thanks, I needed to hear that

>> No.25222080

It's good to see what people have to say about it. I'm cognizant of the repetitive rhetoric and I ignore it. The "Google" comparison is getting old at this point. Don't care, I'm in too deep.
this too.

>> No.25222121

Have some patience anon. Stop looking at the chart and carry on with your life. You didn't unironically expect this to moon forever right when it's released did you? It's only been out a week. Patience is the key to making it in crypto. You wouldn't wanna be one of those who bought BTC at less than 100 dollars and sold as soon as it dumped would you?

>> No.25222140

Thinking of buy 1k for potential alt season.

>> No.25222141

it's auto redelegated and under 28 day thawing period just like your principal

>> No.25222206

Nice I was hoping it would go right back into the delegations. Thanks

>> No.25222223

I think you're right, I don't have a job though so it's hard to not look at the charts all the time

>> No.25222242

Holding a 1k stack atm. Will likely buy more if it dumps.

>> No.25222257


>> No.25222278

I am unironically staking 600k GRT and I’m only getting like 150-250 GRT a day. Am I fucking doing it wrong?

>> No.25222281

Holding GRT , AKRO , BTC since day one.

>> No.25222309

well, anything you repeat a 100 times can become true, even if you don't believe it at first

>> No.25222344

fuck me

>> No.25222347

network is still learning to stand on its feet. You may have picked a low shitty ROI indexer but those are usually the most secure. We'll probably see more action once more subgraphs get online

>> No.25222354
File: 10 KB, 845x374, Bollocks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish it wasn't bollocks but here we stand in a fucking field full of it

>> No.25222390

I'm staking 400k and getting 100-150, so it seems about right.
That's 9% a year, anon, that's a damn good return on a real investment, and when you consider GRT will probably 10x in the next 12 months then it's even better than that.

>> No.25222455
File: 21 KB, 420x591, 1595876280039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right i'm earning between 40-60% annually. Hard to say how consistent this is going to be. On one hand we have 3600 subgraphs being ported over but on the other supply is going to increase. So it's too early to say really what long term APY is going to be, but right now it's fucking juicy.

>> No.25222465


>> No.25222514

Yeah I think even people staking 100 GRT which returns basically nothing will end up winning if they keep doing it for a year and longer

>> No.25222627


>> No.25222650

How the fuck do you stake it ?. i guess its only on UNI ?

>> No.25222723

You have to make a metamask wallet, then link it to network.thegraph.com. and then you have to have some ethereum in that wallet to cover transaction fees. then if the wallet is connected it will show your GRT and you can pick which indexers to delegate to

>> No.25222775

Thanks brotherman bill.

>> No.25222779

I have 800 and I don't know whether it's worth it to stake such a small amount..
I bought at 0.33 so I am doing fine, when I have more money I'll probably buy more to round it to 1000 and then just forget about it

>> No.25222841

I'm thinking as GRT rises in value your small return will grow with it, so it might be smart to get in early even with 800 or even less (whatever amount really)

>> No.25222937
File: 102 KB, 1080x874, Screenshot_20201227-233213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Price is being suppressed artificially
This shit ain't natural

>> No.25222989

why isn't it natural?

>> No.25223010
File: 4 KB, 302x39, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one of you was this?

>> No.25223028
File: 27 KB, 548x559, EE99F727-6168-4CBD-9E84-BCC189481459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I’m quite based anon, how did you know?

>> No.25223041
File: 1.30 MB, 743x800, 1608306149846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rollin for GRT at 1 million

>> No.25223075

trying to sound smart

>> No.25223274

What about p2p-org.eth ? Can’t gather any info on this one

>> No.25224220

Buying GRT is the only important thing for anyone to do in their life right now. All the costs to maintain the infrastructure of the decentralized web will be run through GRT. Every social media platform, online store, porn site, and search engine will be rebuilt on the Graph. Just imagine a single company collecting fees from a decentralized version of Tinder. Would you not buy their stock? Now apply that to the entire internet.

>> No.25224358

Nah, scooped up around 80k between presale and 11c, another 20k at 18c, and make around 350-400 grt a day just delegating.

15k link
4K yaxis.

Couldn’t me more comfy fren

>> No.25224389

Will this ever reach $0.60+ again?

>> No.25224437

Cause he used two words with more than one syllable? Retard

>> No.25224745

shit nigger, I can imagine the gleen in your eyes as this whole market skyrockets during the next 12 months. I'm happy for you

>> No.25224854


Wholesome comment fren, but we’re all gonna make it. Also if you’re looking for a decent moonshot check out yaxis (don’t buy) but def give the discord a check if you’ve a spare hour. I feel it will be worth your time come end of jan x

>> No.25224872

Adresse of your indexer ? Roi seem confy

>> No.25224940

fuck this shit, 1 week in red, bought at .56, motherfuckings jews are fucking selling supressing the price FUCKING JEWS

>> No.25224958

Selling at 5$

>> No.25225133
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damn semites

>> No.25225363

Do anyone have an idea how much grt I need for a make it bag?

>> No.25225437


comfy in the waiting room
Main coin
400k GRT
2.5 LINK
2.5 DOT
100 DEXG
50 KSM
unironically my alts down below
10 ETH

>> No.25225480
File: 38 KB, 605x102, image-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just like i told you idiots in the last thread, it was an organised pump and dump of this tranny discord group
discord.gg slash 5Tq7qxkkRv
look at the volume now, its literally over, maybe there is another pump inc. and you can dump your bags. until then you can ask yourself, why you are stupid enough to hold this kind of garbage for so long. the absolute state of this fucking board.

>> No.25225482

10k constantly delegated

>> No.25225542

you are retarded

>> No.25225576


Phone posting, but it’s a combo of Leo prime/ oracle hen/ stakingfac. 1st indexer is doing the equivalent of liquidity mining atm, and has stated rewards will go down by jan, but will still be worth it prob. Other two are indexers I’ve been chatting to for a while. Join the discord if you haven’t fren. Also this is stuff that people won’t share in the future as it reduces gains, but we’re all in this together atm.

>> No.25225600

I'm getting link vibes here.
Or ark vibes.
Many of you are only buying 1k or 2k of this shit. And then there's some rich ones with 100k or more. Is this a shitcoin for 1k or 2k even though its got a huge market cap?

>> No.25225643

A discord is manipulating pump and dumps, yes of course. Organic ones exist too.

>> No.25225695

Already on the discord if you see a french anon its me

>> No.25225725


I’ve 110k fren. Plan to get to 150k while below 50c. Know two whales with 700k+ and one indexer with 2.3 million

>> No.25225746

You're just rich if you've got 40k to waste on coins that just came out

>> No.25225748

I would give my name away but it’s the same as my Twitter handle which is a link og account on Twitter with like 7k followers lol. Do not want the screenshots etc

>> No.25225781


Of all the shitcoins I like to peddle, GRT is 110% not it lmao. I knew about this back in late 2018 to go balls in on fren. Not rich, decent stack (600k) but not a whale by any means fren

>> No.25225802
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>> No.25225906

Its fines i just Hope it keep getting affordable. Have 25k usd ready to refill

>> No.25226141

Thanks for the buy signal anon.

>> No.25226297

Bought 28k at .28. Sold at .6. Bought back 15k at .5.

Feeling pretty good.

I keep trying to stack it but I miss it everytime from greed. Very dumb of me.

>> No.25226304
File: 17 KB, 310x326, pepe-lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are enough bag holders to buy from, so feel free

>> No.25226730

>Out for less than a week
>New year

Etherum took 3 years
Bitcoin took 10 years

It's called investments buddy, you can play the long game and hope for the best, or play the short game and get fucked every now and then.

>> No.25227544

Waiting for 20 cents

>> No.25227656

Me too

>> No.25228044

thanks lad, will give it a look. I've a few things in sight for Q1 that should give me a slight boost, but happy for anything that comes my way. Cheers anon

>> No.25228169

why do you say don't buy

>> No.25228793


>> No.25228825

Fuck off Pajeet. I just bought 10k more.

>> No.25228836

not only .60, it will likely hit .80 over the course of the next couple months, and up from there

>> No.25228851

Bought for 0,03$ in presale 33300 GRT, hodl until january 2022 atleast

>> No.25228856

What is the utility of this coin? What gives it value as currency? Isn’t it just a power chart program

>> No.25228878

lucky fuck

>> No.25228916
File: 102 KB, 1110x1239, 5A1E65E5-7B66-45FC-82CB-CA3A9A6DDE99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25228917

> new shitcoin on coinbase
> sub $1b market cap
> announcements in 3 and 6 months
> moon

>> No.25228977

I was following the project a lot this year, the usecase is great and people who wanted to buy in the presale had to write an application + phase 1 had only around 2000 people to buy, you only need to research well about projects

>> No.25229009

I'm not too sure, but the website is flashy and pretty and /biz/ said to buy it so I did.

>> No.25229018

Go do your research and buy newfag.

>> No.25229062

Help frens. My baby bags are so heavy after buying at the top.

>> No.25229122
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Shit, I didn't even notice.

>> No.25229190

100k is make it. 10k is suicide

>> No.25229312
File: 1.03 MB, 1768x1178, 1595948282947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>set buyorder on .386
>lowest it went was .38612

>> No.25229504

I have like 600 GRT, I'm already well-off from just working and having parents with money so I don't need to dump my life's savings into a coin that may or may not plummet

i will probably never sell some of these though

>> No.25229522

1) It's not a coin
2) It's not a currency
3) It's not a "power chart program" whatever the fuck that is.

>> No.25229665

.4 is the new bottom
Why do people min max this shit while the upside is huge is beyond me

>> No.25229704

3 months is waaay too pessimistic, i say january we get a massive influx of new indexers once they release official docs
we also get curator staking and people will fomo like whores

>> No.25229763

What gives it monetary value then

>> No.25229768

I was partly farming REEF and I wanted to convert parts of my bnb back :((((
i still have 75% of my coins in grt

same my man, i'm a poorfag uni student and i have 15k on my savings account but i am not crazy enough to go all in on crypto so i just have a few hunderd hoping on a moonshot

>> No.25229828

This may be the golden bull run, you might want to think about going all in sooner rather than later my dude

>> No.25229886

At least put that whole 15k into ethereum right now if you are being a pussy. It's literally still 50% off ATH.

>> No.25229906
File: 119 KB, 375x502, 1609067405745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Massive thread about it being good from 70% of the people. 4chan is 100% faggots. 30% shill rate is pretty fucking good. You got 20% on BTC threads.

>> No.25229916

Haven’t sold anything. Up 4x. Loving life right now.

Getting my wife to DCA on it moving forward. I have enough

>> No.25229951

well you've done well then for yourself congrats

>> No.25230017

stuck between buying now/waiting for it to go under 40 cents again

would like to pick up 1k or so at 0.3

>> No.25230019

Be careful bro. Diversify no matter how good it looks. I'm balls in but not 100%. Never know what may happen. Confident is almost cocky. Don't be Icarus.

>> No.25230039

I need the money this summer so I'm not going to bet on it

>This may be the golden bull run, you might want to think about going all in sooner rather than later my dude
Yeah, that's true but desu I don't foresee it mooning this week or something, so I think I still have time to accumulate
Also, I want to keep my cost average as low as possible and I'm pretty strict in that tbqh

>> No.25230082

But I have to admit that the bottom is about 40 cents right now so I have to get lucky to get my buy order filled for .386 cents

>> No.25230237

Is this the flavor of the week shitcoin general?

>> No.25230342

is there any particular indexer you guys think is preferable to stake with?

>> No.25230438

The graph is only 5% of my portfolio but I expect it to grow to 10%

>> No.25230469
File: 104 KB, 1024x1007, 0AFD12DC-442D-40B2-B4E6-4A28BCC943C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I scroll passed this logo I SEE A MERCHANT!!!!!!!!!!!!’ AHHHHHHHHHH

>> No.25230564

When do they start charging money to use the network?

>> No.25230790


>> No.25230837

1 million is a make it stack. 100k link was the make it stack. Idk why people move the goalposts.

>> No.25230996

kek stop trying to get invites you faggot

>> No.25231186
File: 563 KB, 819x716, pepe dont feel so good.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>missed the 0.32 dip
i don't feel so good...

>> No.25231539

Public Service Announcement in case anyone falls for this:
This P&D fakes every one of its historic pumps, all the screenshots etc are lies. The pumps don\t go on for fays, they goon for a few minutes.
Billions of dollars went in and out of GRT on launch, that screenclip you linked was the P&D pretending it was in charge of it. It also lied about XRP.
The P&D will pick a coin and accumukate over weeks. The it will pump it itself, to drive the price high. Then it will announce the coin it's picked, and it dumps the bags on everyone who thought they were insiders, sweeping up your BTC.
They close the telegram/discord so nobody can complain, and delete every critical comment.
It's a total scam, don't anybody fall for it.

>> No.25231572

Jesus, typos sorry.

>> No.25231592

You can still make good gainz if you sell within 15 seconds of buying.

>> No.25231625
File: 319 KB, 1803x1351, 1592106882472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna buy lower than it is now.
Go check out the orderbook on Binance.
This shit is going lower.

>> No.25231664

Goes up 5% and here comes the bollocks guy...

>> No.25231673

No you can't, the price is at ATH at entry, it's already driven up there by the P&D group.

>> No.25231741

Wat? Look at the chart for DLT on Binance, that was the pump the other day. Only the pajeets and their frens got anything out of it

>> No.25231785

good to know, thanks. I'll join and run some simulations for future PnDs.

>> No.25231821

in a pump yesterday your retarded tranny group managed to create $20mil/24hr pump circulation on an obscure coin.
GRT had 3.5billion/24hr on that day. You are insignificant both on the crypto markets as in real life (you will never be a woman).

>> No.25231867
File: 229 KB, 339x374, Screen Shot 2020-08-23 at 3.52.05 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25231937

I was there. Everyone here made money if they bought soon after release (I got in at .17). Even if they fuckin held till now. Whats your endgame mister?

>> No.25232048

>I was there. Everyone here made money if they bought soon after release (I got in at .17). Even if they fuckin held till now.
liar. don't buy it anons. look at the faked graphs and the pretences that it goes on over days. end game is stopping people falling for this and limiting your scam profits

>> No.25232064

don't lie. The price 3.5x'd WITHIN SECONDS after announcement in discord. Nobody here made money unless you bribed admin or you were lucky. There were some ups and downs, but it's stupid and very risky to participate in those scams.

>> No.25232162

Not lying. You are full of shit. Looking at it right now .1758. At the time I thought i was late. It had been shilled for at least an hour before I noticed.

>> No.25232246

Lol almost missed the .32 bottom doing this. Then realized how stupid I was being about a quarter of a penny each and just went with my buy at .3230

>> No.25232295
File: 52 KB, 939x805, neck_yourself_pajeet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>announcement at 22:00
>pump at 22:00
Go suck a dick tranny pajeet and scam instead your gay friends, retarded gorilla nigger. Scams aren't welcome here.

>> No.25232336

in minecraft of course

>> No.25232402
File: 45 KB, 868x631, 122720_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Order books? Look at the chart. This shit is at the bottom. Morons who have sold below 40 keep getting rekt.

>> No.25232428

Why won't it go pass .50 any more?

>> No.25232438
File: 83 KB, 1182x495, Screenshot 2020-12-28 at 04.52.02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are fucking lying. Attached is the chart. I want anons to realise how fucking impossible it is to get in at the start of this and get out without losses. Meanwhile you can go away and play with yourself you fucking shill

>> No.25232456
File: 63 KB, 1917x898, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. The order book.
Do you only look at price charts?

>> No.25232523
File: 528 KB, 276x305, 1559001636044.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 cent spread

Are we discussing the long term play here or scalping?

>> No.25232776

I have no idea what that is. I bought at 17 cents sometime after its availability on coinbase which is where I buy shit. I don't care about your fucking chart or what happened when it was .00003 cents or whatever. I and alot of people had a good day that you apparently missed you salty faggot.

>> No.25232784

By the way, they wash-trade this up to ATH, every sell on the chart is them cleaning out their discord 'community'. And this asshole claiming that it's possible to win is a scammer

>> No.25233645

Why is this coin so weird? The Graph is blatantly useful by literally everyone, so what's the hold up? Everyone obviously believes in it because despite all the dips it just keeps going right back up. But are deals being made? Is Elon Musk sorting things out before he announces he endorses it for web 3.0? How long do behind the scenes deals usually take considering this thing's monetary coin is only a month old?

>> No.25233657

>month old
Sorry, a week old.

>> No.25233700

Everyone who uses it already has all the free coins they'll ever need from the testnet. Token not fucking needed and won't be needed for several years.

>> No.25233731

What's the testnet?

>> No.25233958

The one everyone was using before the token came out.