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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25222791 No.25222791 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.25222810


>> No.25222843


>> No.25222846

I believe that quote was actually in relation to the frequency he will take a massive steamy dump in the mouths of the Link Commandos.

>> No.25222865


>> No.25222868


>> No.25222881

by Chainlink he probably meant his waist size

>> No.25222900

adoption of defi

>> No.25222913

How do you sue computer code ? If the team was sued the network wouldn’t stop

>> No.25222935

he was talking about the circulating supply *wink*

>> No.25222960

This. You can sue XRP cause they have the power to shut down the “blockchain”. Sergey has no power over the link network cause it’s decentralized not to mention all of crypto would be screwed if chainlink somehow got taken down

>> No.25222965

Because it can't go any slower

>> No.25222990

I think he meant the growth of his stomach.

>> No.25223004
File: 299 KB, 1156x1116, Screenshot 2020-12-27 at 22.33.51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what you're trying to do, discord tranny.
That quote is not about the Chainlink price at all. See pic related.
The team NEVER talks about the token price.
>“What we might see in 2021 is more web and enterprise systems that aren't using a blockchain, but are using Chainlink to prove things to them,” he said. “And the fact that Chainlink can prove something to them might be valuable separately from proving it to a blockchain.”
>In a statement announcing the WEF paper, issued after Decrypt’s interview, Nazarov spoke further about the prospect of non-blockchain entities, traditional financial institutions and government IT initiatives introducing oracles in order to become blockchain-enabled. The paper sets out the considerations involved in using existing IT infrastructure with the help of a blockchain oracle such as Chainlink.
>“I don't imagine it's going to slow down,” said Nazarov, referring to Chainlink’s growth in 2021.

>> No.25223019
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>> No.25223035
File: 89 KB, 313x325, 1500599607352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heh. tough break linkies. sergey just let the cat out of the bag. now we know with 100% certainty that chainlink is a SECURITY. i'm alerting the SEC right now.

>> No.25223036


>> No.25223095

>we might see
>might be valuable
>I don't imagine
These are the statements of pure confidence. Hahahahaha...

>> No.25223131

If you're a no linker then fuck off loser. If you're a marine then have some patience. They are unrolling what could be revolutionary tech, of course it will be a slow process

>> No.25223139
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"Link marines" are unironically cringy and retarded.

>> No.25223146

In 2020, the Associated Press, one of the world’s most trusted news agencies, integrated Chainlink in order to publish the results of the US election cryptographically on the blockchain. The agency is now running a Chainlink node, and Nazarov expects more data providers to come on board in 2021—either on their own, or with a partner.

>> No.25223169
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>> No.25223256

garbage in, garbage out.