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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25219512 No.25219512 [Reply] [Original]

>SEC decision in the next 4 days is unironically impossible

So how far will this shit dump?

>> No.25219799
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can't imagine this going below 60 cents. Yeah that's right 50 cent kill yourself busta.

>> No.25219957

What do ocean and rlc even have in common?

>> No.25220633

It'll hit exactly 60 cents, where I'll buy 200k of this shitcoin then it'll moon.

>> No.25220740
File: 2.47 MB, 736x551, lyonboogie.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the team announced it was delayed
are you retarded?
they said this weeks ago

>> No.25220854

I can guarantee the majority of people aren't aware of that. The dumpening that happened from 1.06 to 69 is because of the first wave of selloffs. There will be a second dump from 85 to 45.

>> No.25220980


>> No.25221023

I sold at a loss after that telegram convo was posted a few days ago

>> No.25221129


Oh woooooooow that's so amazing.

>> No.25221153

It's not the SEC decision, it's a legal opinion from a law firm.

>> No.25221185

See >>25220980

>> No.25221402

no that was because the whole market took a shit you fucking ape faggot kys

>> No.25221530
File: 488 KB, 640x420, pressF.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you do realise that the AMF approval already allows US companies to purchase the eRLC token during the enterprise launch next year right?
this legal opinion I'm 99% sure is strictly for getting listed on US exchanges
if US exchanges are approved, essentially bittrex US and binance US will list instantly as they are already set up.
If volume increases then coinbase is a potential target.
would you buy in BEFORE or AFTER the opinon?

>> No.25221536
File: 241 KB, 841x778, 1606240307563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really believe that's the case?

>> No.25221547

Btw the SEC doesn't greenlight crypto just like you don't go around asking the FBI if you can buy some shit.
You're supposed to follow the rules (which are pretty fuzzy right now admitedly) and they knock at your door if there are proofs out there you're not.
The AMF visa they got is something only proper to France with ICOs, there isn't an equivalent in the US of anywhere else as far as I know.

That said they didn't prevent americans from the ICO back in 2017 afaik but since there was no ruling from the SEC I don't know if it would stand and the vast majority of ICOs did the same (Chainlink, Ethereum, etc...). ICOs began to exclude americans only in 2018 after the ruling.

>> No.25221572
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I already have about a kilo of RLC you digital dipshit, I'm just waiting for the right opportunity (aka the January 1st dump when low info holders realize the SEC decision is delayed) to buy more.

>> No.25221632

>this legal opinion I'm 99% sure is strictly for getting listed on US exchanges
It is, at least short term.
Long term it should be to convince companies to hold token even though any company worth its salt would just delegrate such thing to a subsidy in a place like Luxembourg or Switzerland where they don't break your balls near as much.

>> No.25221739
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>a barrel of oil weighs around 300 pounds or about 136 kilograms.

GTFO of here you filthy noiler scum

>> No.25221802


>In the International System of Units and other metric systems of units, multiplying the unit to which it is attached by 1,000. Symbol: k

Interesting conception of mathematics you have, burgeroid.

>> No.25221831

go home blair

>> No.25221933

Saw this comment as I was passing through and wanted to interject. You are wrong dumb and gay because kilo as a prefix dies multiply the suffix by 1000, however it’s only usage on its own as the word kilo refers to the shortened version of kilogram, or a little over two lbs.

You are wrong dumb and gay and also probably have to be ESL to make this kind of mistake.

>> No.25222027

But metric is a non-English system of measurement in the first place, burgeroni.

>> No.25222139

You are typing in the English language. Don’t try to play this off like you totally meant to troll us epic style. You wouldn’t say you had a kilo of friends if you had 1000 friends, just like you wouldn’t say you have a centi dollar if you had one cent. Retard.

>> No.25222175

You seem upset, probably because you invested too much time in a token that's about to dip to 50 cents.

>> No.25222267

>t. panic sold at 67 cents

>> No.25222682

When do we buy?

>> No.25222716
File: 133 KB, 980x653, 1595592870528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you already know when

>> No.25222877
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Fifty, I banish you.