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File: 1004 KB, 1198x752, siacoin-logo-large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2520310 No.2520310 [Reply] [Original]

Sia going to keep rising until it gets $1-2 on friday with the Obelisk announcement.

>> No.2520328

what is obelisk?

>> No.2520417


Nobody knows exactly until Friday, but people are assuming it's the first rollout of their decentralized file sharing shit. Apparently Sia made a big deal today because they moved offices. Probably got a lot of normies interested because of the AWS hacks recently showing vulnerabilities.


>> No.2520539


im hodling sia but 1$ sounds unrealistic. im thinking 0.1 maybe?

or is 1$ realistic?

>> No.2520570

i dont know how much i should buy right now... any thoughts?

>> No.2520579


don't be stupid
$2 would give it a higher market cap than btc
$1 would put it on par with eth

sia is good but not that good

>> No.2520645


How much profit do you want? Divide that by 1000 units.

>> No.2520651

so what *is* realistic then? 0.10? 0.25?

>> No.2520672



>> No.2520690

$1 each puts this above ripple and almost up there with ethereum in terms of market cap, no way it does that by Friday, but it could go to $0.1 or so

>> No.2520726

It's not even profit *day*. Are you stupid?

>> No.2520811

i sold at 600, should i buy now? or wait for dip?

>> No.2520858

noooo fucking way. a double from here, sure, doubtful beyond .05.

>> No.2520905

50 cents is realistic for $sc.

1$ is realistic once ppl finally realize ETH is only an ICO generator and that Vitalik has AIDS.

>> No.2520945


I sold at 550 and couldn't resist. Got back in at 770.

I figure it's a long play so who gives a fuck about 200 SATs one way or the other.

>> No.2520957


>implying SIA is ever going to dip

lmao see you from ABOVE anon!

>> No.2520969

.10 cents at BEST, realistically about 3-5 cents plus or minus a sharpie in the pooper.

>> No.2520994

kek'd very hard

>> No.2521007

15 million sia guy still holding.

I tried telling yall at 90 sats. I tried telling yall at 150 sats. I tried telling yall at 300. 400. 500.

I got in at 88. See yall on the moon.

>> No.2521018

I made the same mistake and didnt rebuy. Will probably do so tomorrow. Pray it dips

>> No.2521037

>tfw only 14k SIA

A-am I going to the Moon too?

>> No.2521084


I forgot to quote you to make you feel sorry and make you gift me some SIA :(

>> No.2521120

18k here, brother. We might not see lamboland, but I've made a week's paycheck so far, and that's not so bad.

>> No.2521126

what's with all these people talking like "if it goes above x price it'll have a higher market cap than y"

you do realise the overall market cap is expanding, right? by the time sia reaches what ripple's market cap is currently, ripple could easily be ten times higher

i remember when ripple itself couldnt possibly EVER go over 2 or 3 cents "because of the market cap"

this was only a month or two ago. are there people on here making wide sweeping declarations, who are seriously THAT new?

>> No.2521205

the point is that sia market cap is not going to 50 billion any time soon. nothing is certain but we have to make educated guesses where we can.

>> No.2521223

You think the sell wall is fake? Seems like it to me

>> No.2521257

>started out with 10$ dollars
>shorted like a maniac for the last couple of days
>managed to get a hold of 2200 coins before the moon
Life is suffering.

>> No.2521260


sia's bounced around at ~600 sat for a long time by get-rich-quick crypto standards. there WILL be profit taking, i wouldnt be too disheartened if it pings off 800 more than once on the way up

>> No.2521308

14k here (bought at 314 -760), should I buy more boys?

>> No.2521339

This. The crypto market is going to be huge. The trick is to find the ones that have longterm potential (SC for example), and hold on to them.

>> No.2521345

probably not

>> No.2521426

Prove it:

Then I'll buy your shit coin.

>> No.2521434

>that giant sell wall that keeps getting moved


>> No.2521456

cool my sia gains have now made up for my digitard losses

>> No.2521471


its amazing how many people bought sia and digibyte at the same time (myself included)

>> No.2521503

Just threw in a few BTC more.

This thing is going to be huge. I could see this going to 2700 sats, similar to DGB, easily.

Seriously, 2700 sats this week alone is completely reasonable here.

>> No.2521534


>i can see this being similar to DGB

gak, dont say that

>> No.2521600
File: 94 KB, 1000x561, c9ueaoez5fmlzkjo5nda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yesterday sold this at 652
Why do I keep fucking up?

>> No.2521607

Tfw you made a thread this morning at 677 sat calling it to be 1000 and people laughed. Won't be laughing when I'm in a lambo on the moon.

>> No.2521638


DGB supply is about 4x smaler than SIA supply.

Sia market cap would have to be over 2 billion usd to go to 2700 sats.

>> No.2521799

Shilling faggots ruined this place. Anyway, do you htink wednesday will be too late to get in?

>> No.2521814

Yeah, I'd get in soon. I bought at 641 then bought more at 750. Still only 9k coins because I'm broke. But definitely hop on fast before you miss the sell walls falling.

>> No.2521857

somebody offloading at the moment. there'll be a bunch of these on the way up

this is what it looks like when someone claims their lambo

>> No.2521921
File: 53 KB, 256x256, hmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm debating getting this or stellar with leverage.

>> No.2521964

Not shilling, I don't have much to gain. Honestly I'd go with sia. Look at the volume increase in a day. It's still steadily climbing. Put some in and probably sell after the reveal, or if it's something legitimate then hold on for a while and retire.

>> No.2522011


you could try your luck with sia but i'd reel it in before friday unless you really want to do-or-die it

>> No.2522156

lmao if you believe AIDS is real

>> No.2522189

Dont you think obelisk meme is already priced in because of their tweet?

>> No.2522206

lmao if you think VITALIK is real

>> No.2522207

Unless it's actually something people will enjoy

>> No.2522225

Siacoin chart was showing a move up to 800 sat before Oblisk pre announcement. The price didn't go anywhere for weeks before. Now you're saying it's priced in? Kek

>> No.2522240

it literally started moving the minute they tweeted

>> No.2522248

OBELISK is not even at rumour level yet.
no one knows anything until Friday

>> No.2522249

I am already floating x3 profits. In this bitch for the long haul

>> No.2522318

We got aleast a few days of green here boys.

>> No.2522347

Obelisk is (most likely) sharing files with other sia users.
Check the roadmap, this was added to June 2017 release around late april and is the most wanted update in the June 2017 section.
Also, makes sense with the name "obelisk"

>> No.2522391

the sia nerds are clearly referencing the obelisk on phobos.

>> No.2522392

Is it $0.1 good though?

>> No.2522470

I guess that's up to every crypto investor to decide, but it shows that the sia team is clearly interested in what the community wants and is keeping pace with their roadmap

>> No.2522508

I-Is the moon over?

>> No.2523644

nah moons not over, gonna hit 1k sats soon

>> No.2523891

I got 14k coins. Should I buy more?

>> No.2523919


I think it'd be a safe gamble. Sia has a lot of believers who won't just dump bags. Even if doesn't pan out, you won't lose your money overnight

Besides there's so many of the fucking things you need a huge bag if you want to see some decent returns

>> No.2524063

just bought 6k coins. now the waiting game inshallah

>> No.2524084

>buy at 600
>sit on this coin for weeks
>tired of waiting
>get out and break even
>it moons the next day


>> No.2524092

allahu snackbar its is gonna moon on friday. after a small correction tomorrow.

>> No.2524103


>> No.2524109


Come on man you must know the market better than that. Every day without a moon is just another day closer to it

>> No.2524111

damn, should have waited till then but whatevs. you think its a good bet to put more money into this?

tfw u buy and it already starts to dip lol. this is my first moon mission in a while, forgot how it feels desu

>> No.2524114

Sia is a long term coin. Devs are really good about keeping hype down unless its worthwhile. Easily .50 USD by end of the year. Just buy and forget

>> No.2524466

This guy gets it. Set up a miner for shits and giggles. Set aside while it shares HDD space as well. See you in 3 months

>> No.2525013

Is it too late to get in now?

>> No.2525026

Was it too late to get into antshares at 4$????

>> No.2525160

reckon its gonna dip before it goes up again?

>> No.2525279
File: 42 KB, 1824x447, 1486712106675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep an eye on it for now. YUGE sell wall that's probably gonna get removed when the whales are done accumulating. Try to get in at ~790.

>> No.2525359

14 billion usd market cap by end of year? damn

>> No.2525379

dont buy at all time highs.

be patient ffs


there is ALWAYS a correction with these shitcoins

>> No.2525759

who here /double top/ ?

It's too high for too long, and the sell walls are obvious.

>> No.2525925
File: 542 KB, 1604x985, lambocoins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all in.

3000 satoshi by friday

>> No.2526141

800 good to get in? Or will it go down soon?

>> No.2526151


800 new floor.
Stable as fuck. See you on 3000

>> No.2526155

yeah go for it

>> No.2526177

Enjoy bag holding. Sell before the announcement

>> No.2526203
File: 242 KB, 556x1280, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


maybe 10-20 cents if we area the luckiest hodlers on /biz/, still bretty gud

>> No.2526211

Buy again Sunday morning

>> No.2526339

If this shit gets to a dollar Ill be fucking rich

>> No.2526913

so what is going on here? I am about to drop 70e on sia because of this obelisk thing

>> No.2527168


when you buy below 1k you won't be bag holding no matter whether they you sell the news or not. sia is bound to stay above that level.

>> No.2527201

why do you think it will reach 3k?

DGB went from 700 to 2400 and they have 1/3 of the circulating supply + the citi bank news was a bigger deal

>> No.2527202


>> No.2527231

Every time I see some retard post a bittrex order book it just makes me laugh.

>> No.2527257

it's dipping guise, is it going back up again?

>> No.2527302

No. It's over. The sia blockchain will explode and it will go back down to 1 sat.

>> No.2527314
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>> No.2527349
File: 465 KB, 800x504, c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the citi bank news was a stupid presentation in a contest they didn't even win. that's as much news as a team 'making it into the microsoft developer program'.

sia has a product and a real business. they are one of the few projects in cryptospace that can actually make real money. warren buffet would approve.

>> No.2527396

these orderbooks dont mean shit, they're manipulated to shit by bots, whales, pnd groups, and they change every 2 seconds

>> No.2528598

HODL or sell?

>> No.2528681

can anyone spare any SIA for me? I hate begging but i only have 143 sia and i really want to improve my portfolio


>> No.2528976
File: 438 KB, 1190x726, Screen Shot 2017-06-20 at 5.03.05 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao you faggots are so dense. Obelisk was already announced like 30min ago. Check the twitter.

It's literally *nothing*


>> No.2529007

this is good, this is to optimize their sia boxes, whatever they're called. is this from their work with IMB? theyre creating a fucking industry around themselves wow

>> No.2529018


Why is SIA crashing????

>> No.2529038

fear man, but everyone can only do what they believe is best

>> No.2529075

you remember the XMR 'announcement'? the dgb 'announcement'?

literal dogshit

sell the news that it's a shit asic

>> No.2529077


Fear of what?

A crypto company working on hardware compared to shitcoins pumping air and hype??

>> No.2529087

? isn't that like 1 dollar? wtf

>> No.2529103

That the price is so high that some whale will dump to make a big profit and buy when it's lower

>> No.2529129

Additionally, this shit's been happening for at least two weeks now. SC gets boosted up to or near the 800 mark, eventually drops down to 500, then a few days later it gets boosted back up again. Just ride the pattern and make as much bucks as you can with it

>> No.2529198

Great, another useful tool for Jihan and his friends. SELL SELL SELL.

>> No.2529252
File: 28 KB, 800x522, pepesadloss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jihan? Who dat?






>> No.2529274

gonna put 60$ in this how much will it increase till firday

>> No.2529451

i have 5 ark if that helps but yes that's all i have

>> No.2529881

I think .03-07 cents is the best estimate

>> No.2529961

It should be $0.2 by Friday

>> No.2530003

I placed an order because buy the rumors sell the news but after couple of hours I see resistance and people still buying so I canceled the order and I'm gonna hold

did I do good? I literally have no idea what the fuck I'm doing pham

>> No.2530042

Yeah, liquidate your assets and get a day job.

>> No.2530115

srsly faggot, I don't care about the $ I might have lost/won, I just want to learn

is this a correct decision or just baseless stupid one?

>> No.2530132

fuck it nvm, I'll find out soon enough

>> No.2530140

>is this a correct decision or just baseless stupid one?
SIA will trend upwards and it's better than the shitcoins you see spammed here

>> No.2530141

So was this announcement the one that was supposed to be friday or do you think this is just a pre announcement...announcement.

>> No.2530244

They already said they are announcing things every one or two days and then the big announcement is on Friday.

>> No.2530583

Oh cool an ASICs box - gonna mine those SC faster, adding more coins to the market - lowering the value of the coins on the market!!!
Buy this up you idiots!!!!!! kek

>> No.2530623

>tfw had 100k sia coins,
Wut do if gets to $1?

>> No.2530779

>buying this much
>not understanding basic fucking market principals
>not understanding sia would have to be bigger than eth for it to reach $1

>> No.2530919
File: 146 KB, 491x436, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2531025

>bought at 780 sats
>now at less than that
I want to cry. Do I drop or HODL until Friday?

>> No.2531117

So, no moon?

>> No.2531326


You are gonna be holding bags for a long time bruh

>> No.2531346

I'm in the same boat

>> No.2531404

could be worse. you could have bought RDD at >100

>> No.2531450

Why are you poorfags such pussies. Get your hodl set up and just wait a day. An hour in the red an your tears start to flow.

>> No.2531467

The first time I'm in early enough in one of those "buy the rumor and sell the news" things and then they announce it earlier than planned....

Bought in at 650 so I made money, but still disappointed because I expected it to go to 1000 at least

>> No.2531497

Should I buy in to this meme? It's been dipping for a while, can we be sure that Obelisk will actually bring it up?

>> No.2531545

look this faggot coin is slowly bleeding out and going back to 550 coin...knew i should've sold at 800 when i had the chance.

>> No.2531560

even if obelisk doesn't bring it up, sia is one of the few coins out there that is currently drastically cheaper than using mainstream equivalents.
Go look at how much it costs for 1 TB on google or amazon and compare it to sia.
Sia will either get bought out by a larger company and work as their backend, or it will continue to steal customers overpaying to corporate fucks.
Either way, in 1 years time sia will be at least 5x its current value.

>> No.2531590

This is gonna be big. That sell wall keeps getting larger and larger. They want this price to drop and then get all the weak hand shit

>> No.2531622

bought in at ~800 sat. may as well get an arm pump from these heavy bags.

>> No.2531839


wow. A whole 5 cents.

Unless it hits $10 I'm not interested

>> No.2531862

Sold at 790. Feels good man

>> No.2531881
File: 11 KB, 480x360, when does the magic begin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, bought 5000 of these at 729 sats
Chance I will regret it?

>> No.2531887
File: 64 KB, 658x901, 1497147606151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what is happening and what is going to happen?

Is this kind of type of announcement like DGB, SWT, Status? They all end up the same way.

>> No.2531902

The announement is nothing. Back down to 650 sats this coin goes.

>> No.2531989

the dip is because btcusd is going up

>> No.2532008

>being this obvious
youre a fucking idiot

Any retards taking shit like this serious, understand that each cryptocurrency grows relative to its current value

Will sia ever hit 10$? No
Will it hit 1$, giving 50x profit to anyone invested now? Maybe
Is it a serious project that has actual uses and implications on a currently established market (cloud storage)? Yes

Sia will disrupt the ridiculously overpriced cloud storage market and will continue to grow as people realize they are paying 10$ for something worth 50 cents. (1 TB storage/month)

>> No.2532076

oh god its going below 700 , i cant bear to keep watching

>> No.2532098
File: 24 KB, 640x480, jack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great, 690 and falling

>> No.2532114

>buy bit coin for the first time
>see this thread and invest $25 as my first choice
>it fucking crashes in a few hours
Is that a sign?
Should i go out and play around other coins and hold

>> No.2532186

Bought 50k at 744.
Just hodl and STFU.

>> No.2532194

I'm going to give you an advice that will save you a lot of cash and time.
Leave /biz/ and never come back

>> No.2532323

It's a sign to put all your money into bitbean

>> No.2532430

this is a good chance to learn and hold
now actually go to the website, read the whitepaper, and check out their bitcointalk thread
THEN realize this is a smart project, and that the market is irrational sometimes

>> No.2532796

Don't the Sia devs want to intentionally depress the value of the Sia token to be competitive? I've read that the tokens will start to burn after 2021 but the devs can always insert (inflate) the token if it has an effect on the pricing model. I don't see this token ever getting above 5 cents.

>> No.2532871

SIA devs claim they will burn six million tokens each year to combat inflation.

>> No.2532873

The way you pay hosts is in siacoin, if the price of siacoin increases the siacoin amount hosts charge decreases.
Yes, proof of burn will be implemented for hosts requiring that they burn 4% of profits.
By no means do the devs want to depress the value of siacoin to be competitive. By virtue of hosts competing with eachother to be the most reliable and cheapest, they will charge varying amounts of siacoin.
The overall price of siacoin is irrelevant to what hosts are charging and they will adjust their pricing based on the value of siacoin.

>> No.2532886

>I don't see the coin 2x

>> No.2533259


>being this self assured
>being so utterly new that you don't understand that market caps increase
>still dumb enough to open your mouth

Yup yup that's why ripple will never hit 2 cents and bitcoin will NEVER, EVER go over a dollar. Because the market cap can't increase and won't allow it