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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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25215804 No.25215804 [Reply] [Original]


Please rank them. I'm using AAVE to borrow

>> No.25215840


>> No.25215868


>> No.25215869
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only chads would know

>> No.25215977

all garbage

>> No.25216504

DSD, thank me later

>> No.25216902

No AAVE integration *YET*

>> No.25217005


>> No.25217055

bitcoin. it's the only stable coin that goes up in value

>> No.25217070


>> No.25217103

mUSD. Savings has APY ~20%

>> No.25217675

DAI 100%

>> No.25217728

Usdn !!!!

>> No.25217786


>> No.25217920


USDN is constantly under $1 because people want to leave USDN to buy Bitcoin. There are no USDN/BTC pairs with significant volume, so people have to use Curve to convert to other stables. However, many people don't want to add other stablecoins to the pool because they also want to buy Bitcoin = USDN is under $1

>> No.25217986

split up your loan into multiple
then you spread out your risk in case one has a borrow rate that moons for a day or so
also wrost case scenario yiou get liquidated the max you can get liquidated for is 50% of a single currency
for example you have 100k usdt loan
you can get liquidated for 50k worth
you have 40k usdt 40k usdc 20k dai
you can get liquidated for 20k usdt or 20k usdc max

>> No.25218010

also take note getting liquidated on aave is no where near as bad as getting liquidated on an exchange
on aave the liquidator is paying back your loan for you so you only lose the 5% in the discount they get for supplying liquidity for you

>> No.25218113

aave is a very important tool to learn how to use anons i suggest you get familiar.
say you want to use an exchange to take leverage you will be paying 30-90% interest on your margin
you can use aave to pay 0 (VERY COMMON for alts say you want to short) to about 7% for usd stablecoins
you can see that there is a massive amount of savings using aave or defi to take your margin instead of using an exchange

>> No.25218283

seconded for USDN. Its cheap to interact with neutrino protocol on waves. Spreads should get tighter as liquidity improves but the contract has minted over 100 Million USDN and is spitting out 8-10% APY.

>> No.25218326

DAI for uniswap and consistently highest APY on IDLE

>> No.25218667

USDC and DAI are both pretty good.
USDT is shit
don't know much about tusd