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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25212302 No.25212302 [Reply] [Original]

What's gonna happen when biz collectively getting insanely rich?

>> No.25212314


>> No.25212320

we fud newfags out of selling while re realize our gains for the comfy bear market threads

>> No.25212323

A financial reset occurs and all crypto is no longer tied to fiat becoming its own commodity.

>> No.25212328


Damn who built that thing for what group?

>> No.25212330
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We establish the 4th Reich.

>> No.25212350

I for one, will pay girls like that to beat my balls with a chain

>> No.25212354

90% of the community loses it in the bear market

>> No.25212355

We make an independent 4chan nation when the feds try and tax us

>> No.25212356

I imagine at least 80% of biz gains will flow into asian shemale escorts.

At least it should.

>> No.25212371

Maybe we can open a society like masons and manipulate crypto in our favor.

>> No.25212383

on a weekly basis

>> No.25212418

>manipulate crypto in our favor
Anon do you not see? This is already happening on this board, and often. We started the most recent btc pump by counting to 10. And we started the one that broke 20k by counting to 10 too. We're practically fucking wizards. We control everything with random numbers and letters and by working together in a single cohesive hivemind

>> No.25212452

Based. In all seriousness though, removing Jews would pretty much solve all the worlds problems.

>> No.25212474

Most of them are socially awkward. They’ll still be on /biz shitposting.

>> No.25212480



>> No.25212483

it will be repopulated by the 90% that spend all there money on cocaine and hookers now looking for a way back in to the rich club. Earning money is easier than holding onto money for a lot of people

>> No.25212487

That's a man

>> No.25212489

desu i really don't understand something
why is it that we try to flex on normies so hard and are disappointed that we are not like them?
yeah we're really autistic, but we've done some pretty good things with it, if the anons here could come together and fight for each other, nothing could stop us

>> No.25212615

we leave the board and the next batch of hopefuls come in.

>> No.25212646

This. People are going to hold on way too long and get dumped on.
You realize that owning <1,000 BTC means you're not a whale right? This board collectively doesn't even own 1,000 BTC. This board doesn't control anything and from what I've seen is more often than not on the wrong side of the trade because very few people in here have any kind of basis to support their wild claims about pumps and dumps.

>> No.25212667

I know that's where my money is going

>> No.25212677

the jocks lose

>> No.25212688


>> No.25212777

Let me tell you what will happen, because it will be the same as last time.

Bizniggers will get greedy and will fail to sell.

Crypto will crash as the market cycle completes violently and suddenly, and a new generation of traumatized bagholders will be born.

>> No.25213170

Most will have panic sold and actually lost money. It happened before, it will happen again. When BTC went to 19K for the first time, we had the same problem.
Hands too shaky.

>> No.25213278

Seriously. I don't think this can be (((allowed))) to happen.

>> No.25213303

A lot of Autists would run over to NZ seeing as it is the final refuge of White Civilisation

>> No.25213334

correct, but I'm gonna baghold 5 years more, since there is not really a top for BTC when the bottom for USD is zero

>> No.25213481

Normies flock and make it poor and stupid again
>been here since 2015

>> No.25213650

Built for BAC

>> No.25214447

we'll fund a movie that's about a bunch of neets getting rich by shitposting on biz

>> No.25214465


>> No.25214515

checked and itsgoingtohappenthesameaslasttime pilled

>> No.25214547

an anon buys 4chan
harvests ips and blackmails anon
first anon who does it wins

>> No.25214928

How did a guy get those hips?

>> No.25214983

Built for British Broadcasting Corporation

>> No.25214993

hooker scarcity

>> No.25215010

This is the most realistic answer. I doubt most of the early btc miners or early eth buyers still post here.

>> No.25215398

built for big viet cauc'

>> No.25215428

Nothing cause everyone tethered at 22k

>> No.25215474

I sometimes check in out of curiosity. But in essence what you say is true.

>> No.25215511


>> No.25215729
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>> No.25216053

built for the bbc

>> No.25216113

Who will direct it?

>> No.25216240

then comes the crash and bear market

>> No.25216306

Smashing all these girls’ mirrors

>> No.25216370

Coffee has loads of antioxidants but might give you a buzz if you are shot at metabolizing caffeine

>> No.25216379

I have a female friend that said if I ever got rich off crypto she'd wanna sit naked on my face for money. So basically im gonna pay her to be my private face sitting prostitute. plump lil butt on her too so cant wait til she smothers me with it for hours

>> No.25216437


Hand built, waxed and polished for BBC

>> No.25216478

Not really a big plan, is it? Your days still have 23/30 more hours. What are you going to do with the rest of it. And even sex can get boring if you do nothing else.

>> No.25216492

The Third Reich will rise again.

>> No.25216542

Nothing, because this won't happen. Biz is retarded.

>> No.25216565

Pretty based desu

>> No.25216573

Women do that for free.

>> No.25216630

kill yourself retard.
kill your ETH too.

>> No.25216739

Wachowski brothers

>> No.25216746

>she does it for free

>> No.25216792



>> No.25216799

my gril does that for me every time and is way hotter than your friend.
wygd faggot?

>> No.25216840

did i hit a nerve? your mother or your sister got fucked hard by black chad? or it was your ex, seethe harder

>> No.25216894

thats my daughter

>> No.25216920

yes but the secret part of my pathetic simp beta behavior is she becomes an offical prostitute. I will be able to say I turned a girl into a pay to play whore. I havent accomplished much in life with females so it'd just be one of those wierd things to have on my list. I should have bigger goals but this one is actually accomplishable

>> No.25216928

stupid nigger nobody's been fucked by nigger in my family, that'd be a matter of famly embarrassment
kill your pet too

>> No.25216941

nothing. past this post you're irrelevant to me and my life. I do appreciate you're underage zoomer attempts to troll me tho.

>> No.25217436

That's fetishizing the degradation aspect, but you're getting the wool pulled over your ego by expecting this to be a power dynamic that you come out on top of. She'll be a peasant who's agreed to be a slut for pay, just like she is now. On the other hand, you'll be wealthy, you'll be an upwardly ascendant son. You won't be reducing a peasant into more of a peasant, a peasant will reduce you into a dumb monkey.

It doesn't matter what came before wealth. Wealth is the beginning of you being the person you were meant to. It's also the start of the reputation you will carry for the rest of your life. Wealth is when you should become MORE careful, MORE selective, MORE exclusive, MORE prejudicial, not less.

>> No.25217489
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u cant make this shit up
u fagots make me laugh so hard

>> No.25217911

currency is devalued and banks fuck everyone over again. if too many people make it they just fuck the whole system over to ensure they remain in control of the tangible wealth. only making enough money to get invested in hard assets should be the goal. guns and real estate are good markets to be in.

>> No.25218349

Why didn't you ask if she'd do it now?

>> No.25218410

real estate is the easiest thing for the govt to take from you. only retards buy it over bitcoin, if they don't trust the state

>> No.25219094

Been holding since 2017, I dont even care about becoming rich anymore, Ill probably just stop working and move to bumfuck nowhere countryside and live as an hermit, i wont even fuck bitches

>> No.25219168

PosPossibly several different surgeons acting either in tandem or performing seperate procedures, and if it was built for any one single group I would wager that would be the jews who seek to feminize white males. That is a man's belly button.

>> No.25219257

Aaaahahahaha one shot one kill, you smoked that fucking homo

>> No.25219299
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>> No.25219362

it's easier for the government to take your money. they just print money and all your bags now belong to them. inflation is a tax on savings/investments.

>> No.25219392
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Go long Tendies

>> No.25219416

Don't forget we are an insanely small portion of the total crypto trading world in general and literally nothing overall.

Given that still, only a small amount of us will sell at the right time to make it properly and a lot will hold till next cycle.

I'd be suprised if biz make it anons ever get mentioned much outside reddit

>> No.25219424

Fuck it's been years since I had some Cane's
These are some top tier tendies

>> No.25219432

*inb4 crypto is immune to inflation
that's not true as long as crypto is purchased with USD.

>> No.25219472

The BTC Citadel is built as its own sovereign nation, let by Satoshi. Only fullcoiners are allowed to set foot.

>> No.25219492

I for one am gonna tell my boss to suck my fat cock then drink myself to death with the most expensive alcohol and junk food.

>> No.25219497

Long trannies

>> No.25219518

NS will be world ideology instead of communism

>> No.25219572

What did he mean by this?

>> No.25219633
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>> No.25219689
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>> No.25219701

RWDS/NS posters ITT don't participate in random demonstrations of radicalism that won't accomplish anything. Have to build an actual movement or else you'll have NATO kicking down the doors of a bunch of random isolated activists

>> No.25219781

Half the people that make it will be posting sports cars and gaudy high rise apartments, and the other will be living out in the woods with no internet. I'll be in the latter group.

>> No.25220049

The globalists are right, we need to reduce human population. I will gladly help getting rid of them

>> No.25220300
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1488 WPWW

>> No.25220368

Fuck midnight, if it's half past nine...

>> No.25220441


A small but high quality 2-3 bedroom house in the woods, solar panels, water tanks. Maybe 30 minutes from the city....... HNNGGGGGGG

>> No.25220505
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digital art patronage and renaissance

>> No.25220537

NZ hours?

>> No.25220573

pretty sure we own at least 1000 BTC
we will meme it into quadrillion USD

>> No.25220590

Normies will look at link hitting 999$ then they'll see the biggest sell wall in history at 1000$.
Personally I have 100k linkies, and selling at 1000$ will make me have 100 million $, aka rich as fuck and can fuck a 1000$ whore every night for 50 years for only 19 million $.

>> No.25220595

All the Jews get thrown into the middle of the ocean

>> No.25220796

Naw, white people are too arrogant to live peacefully alongside each other without resorting into some war of some kind. War over resources or ideology would happen.

>> No.25221032

We will smugly shitpost and then switch to pink wojaks when we lose 90% paper value because we didn't sell.

>> No.25221177

Obviously were going to form an international cliche of shit posters

>> No.25221216

But where is BOOBA?