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25208230 No.25208230 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best coins for alt season?

>> No.25208293


>> No.25208482

You may not like it but this is the only answer. Hasn't even made it to half of its ATH the past few years, something's really fishy about that

>> No.25208490

XLM & Syscoin for Big Gainz

>> No.25208494


>> No.25208509


>> No.25208535


>> No.25208545

it's a link

>> No.25208547
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>> No.25208565
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>> No.25208571

Infinite supply maybe

>> No.25208574

if ETH is too expensive what other coin is expected to swing hard?

>> No.25208588

I hold link but why dp you think its a good choice for alt szn

>> No.25208608

BAT. Its going to come out of nowhere but not really. Will seem like an obvious play afterwards.

>> No.25208609

It's Statera, dummy. The new /Biz/ coin.
Where the hell have you been for the last 6 months?

>> No.25208618

the defi bubble already ended, and was much shorter than the ico scam craze that came before it.. Retail is wiser and more skeptical than 2017... Eth 2.0 taking years to roll out isn't bullish, institutional buyers still consider it experimental.. If enough newfaggots fomo into crypto for the first time in 2021, that will still be retail money which will be overshadowed by institutional buyers bidding up bitcorn.

>> No.25208623
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Lto network

>> No.25208636

>Infinite supply maybe
This. T.mcap does matter. Uncapped supply and there have been 18 million eth mined every year since last ath.

>> No.25208658

Why do you normanfags allways talk about something "to expensive" lol
You have X fiat and you are buying Y crypto asset expecting it to do Z% returns
What for love of god Y price denominated in X makes it expensive? Its all about fucking Z aka GAINS

>> No.25208681

hold more.

>> No.25208684

Any altcoin that has low number of coins or the same as Bitcoin...

Bitcoin Cash (all time high $4355) and only $322 right now.
Litecoin (all time high $375) and only $128 right now.

I wouldn't trust any altcoin that has 100,000,000+ supply unless you get in real early.

>> No.25208695

It's honestly bizarre. Even my father who I regard as pretty bright remarked at how little ETH he was getting for the 100 dollars he spent. Like why does it matter? You can sell back that amount for 100 dollars. That's it's value.

>> No.25208700

What does this mean? You don’t need to buy a whole one in 1 go the same as you don’t need to buy a whole BTC

>> No.25208714

Congrats, you're a retard

>> No.25208743

Darwinia network. Kton supply extremely limited. Rewards are high but dont stake. Just buy and hold. 50 kton and you will make it. You have been warned.

>> No.25208757

the defi bubble already ended, and was much shorter than the ico scam craze that came before it.

This for sure, the thing about defi scams was how fast they happened,. They scale was smaller the hauls were smaller but there were shitloads. Git clone, find replace, shill, rug, repeat. Ico scams were alot more effort.

>> No.25208771
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I cant take this anymore please make it stop Im begging you, everyone is making money while Im losing everything all I ask for is getting my initial investment back. I promise I will never buy alts again please good lord

>> No.25208777

No. ETH will stagnate and go crawl slowly upwards due inflation, unable to keep up with the others. The EIP 1559 won't change shit, just like the other around 350 ones earlier this year.
ETH is safe, because it's "predictable", but it's not a coin for great gains in short frame.

>> No.25208789

I'm staking 8x gains on BTC but need 30x gains. I can see LTC and ETH going for 15x and will buy on the dip but right now some alts are fairly low and being dispensed to buy more BTC

Do you anons think there's something that might go 30x or 40x?

>> No.25208817

You’d be dumb not to buy:
Worth investing but wouldn’t hold it against you for not diving in:
Absolute gamble tier:
First two are obvious, ZIL may already have reached its max pump hitting 10 cents but it’s literally Singapore’s coin

>> No.25208843

Shit that took a hit during this BTC run and probably LTC.

>> No.25208844
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>> No.25208845

1. BCH has been consistently bleeding out sats throughout almost its entire existence. Look at the chart ffs
2. It's about market cap not supply

>> No.25208853
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Coin #88

>> No.25208924


>> No.25208936

I have everything in BTC and ETH, and I want to diversify into some alts. I've been sitting here each day, going back and forth between altcoins trying to determine which I should buy a bag of. As I do this, I watch as they pump 20% and I know it's already too late. :(

>> No.25208954

Id see how low alts can go personally anon. There’s a lot of fud about Eth but it’s a sold choice and is seeing institutional take up EEA, Grayscale funds etc.. and it will surpass its previous ATHs.

When BTC is banging the door on 80per cent dominance you are probably wise to get some solid high/mid caps. We’ll probably see some 2017 players like VET and ADA run (some will deny this here but I think it’s highly likely to happen)

For relatively safe gains on low caps you want to look at adoption IMO. Unibright seems a strong play (although it will take a while to pump again). Coins processing real merchant transactions like COTI, possibly also UTK. And the next generation of decentralised exchanges such as INJ (hoping for a dip) and Orion Protocol. But everyone will have their own thoughts and a rising tide tends to lift all boats.

>> No.25209025

You are either extremely low IQ or a complete newfag, the UNI airdrop showed that debut airdrop tokens just go down and stabilise

>> No.25209080

UNI opening price was about 1$ and now its around 4$, who is the retard?
thought same will happen with 1INCH please just let it go back to 2$

>> No.25209084

Why would you divest FROM BTC when everybody is fomoing in to catch the come up?

>> No.25209183

RLC obviously lmao, any other answer is not as good including grt or link

RLC is king

>> No.25209185

No it wasn't, it was around $3, it went up to $8 then quickly down to $3 where it stayed. Anybody could tell that 1inch would just go down since people will sell ASAP, especially when BTC is mooning

>> No.25209209
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Dexg is looking to shake up the DEX space with a low slippage sAMM and heavily reduced Impermanent loss with single token pools. They also plan on implementing cex features such as stop losses and limit orders. Solid project, lots of promise and great team. Also still low market cap at 5 mil and low circulating supply

>> No.25209325

Appreciated anon

>> No.25209465
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Intriguing. I'mma have to do more research.

>> No.25209528

look it up on cmc retard. it pumped from 1 to 8$

>> No.25209569

KIN easy pump 2021

>> No.25209582

You are so obviously a newfag it's painful..first of all nobody uses CMC anymore, we use coingecko. If you look at that graph you can see that $3.40 was the price when it dropped.

>> No.25209689

so when will 1INVH recover, should I sell?
I lost so much its all i have

>> No.25209696


>> No.25209911

None one of us know fucking anything, we just hope our gamble pays of

just pick a recently added shitcoin from coingecko that did not moon 4 times since it's release, see if it has some memes here and that's it, pray your bags will multiply in 2-3 months

>> No.25209932

Nano will be a monster this bull run.

>> No.25209961

If it's all you have then you'll just need to hold until the next "altseason" , if it's to come around. Hopefully it will go to your break even price when every alt is pumping. Just last night I sold my underwater shitcoins which I was bagholding since the September crash. Sometimes it's better to cut your losses and put the money into something which can get you profit instead of letting it sit underwater forever. Since 1inch isn't a Pajeet shitcoin it's not so bad holding it, I'm still holding my UNI airdrop but I'll probably sell if BTC dumps.

>> No.25209966

this will not age well

>> No.25209992

Exactly. Stop chasing shitcoins and buy BTC/ETH. Learn something from the recent runs BTC has had. Most of your shitcoins will never have the same gains.

>> No.25210016
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>> No.25210017


>> No.25210019

>Nah brah Eth isn't good for short term gains it's stagnating brah
Biz is honestly the funniest board

>> No.25210041

BTC has done a 3x in three months, a lot of shitcoins in the past week have done at least a 5x in a fraction of that

>> No.25210052
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wakey wakey

>> No.25210069

Fantom FTM, low marketcap, best tech

>> No.25210084


>> No.25210116


>> No.25210131
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nope. 0xmonero is still vaporware bullshit
just like the last hundred times you spammed it
shut up

>> No.25210253


>> No.25210288

Except 99% of you chasing these shitcoins will fail. Guess what, if you guess the lottery numbers right you could win that shit too. Good luck picking the right shitcoins.

>> No.25210717

ok thanks I think I have to sell, cant stand this anymore. will just buy BTC and hodl

>> No.25210754