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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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25207225 No.25207225[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

he's trying to transform 4chan into plebbit by banning everyone for common classic 4chan shitposting threads
Have you noticed an increase on bans and deleted threads lately?
Is there something we can do to lower the ridge of this fat pink hairs loser piece of shit?
We could keep shitposting until zhe bans the entire board

I notice that there are several porn threads rn and he's doing shit to remove them, WHY DON'T YOU CLEAN THE SHIT, PIECE OF SHIT JEW SJW ONIONS NIGGER? FUCK YOU

>> No.25207308

the jannies around this time shift in particular are insufferable

>> No.25207322

Honestly there is something wrong with the mod that needs changing.

The constant 1 post trannypic spam stays, explicit porn stays, brit hate poster stays, but use a basedjak or say nigger and it goes.

>> No.25207343
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please tone it down with the racism and the homophobia, newfriends

>> No.25207366
File: 26 KB, 678x452, images (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe more pathetic faggot

>> No.25207383

he writes a cringe text before banning, announcing that he's going to ban
I opened a simple "whale here" shitpost and he said something like "troll enjoy the ban".
I'm sure that they can't do that.
I mean, calling someone TROLL on 4chan?
Can you do something in your life, instead deleting threads on 4chan, you fat gender unsure 50yrs old piece of shit?

Please other mods remove this seething piece of shit before he ruins this board

>> No.25207432
File: 32 KB, 412x430, 1485407946387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sent a report to 4channel global. You can't leave hardcore porn up while removing harmless shitposts and expect to stay a janny. Tranny nigger janny can go to hell.

>> No.25207442

is it you NIGGER? aren't you busy cleaning your room before harassing 4chan anons?

>> No.25207496

that really happened? holy fuck this place is going straight to hell.

>> No.25207544

i got banned for no reason but common shitposting 5 times in a row.
Last thread "whale here" was up like 2 minutes, then he announced this ban and removed the thread.

Tranny and porn threads stay there for hours