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File: 158 KB, 700x700, deloitte-nl-innovation-is-the-bitcoin-blockchain-resilient-to-attacks-from-quantum-computers-promo[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25202189 No.25202189 [Reply] [Original]

But seriously, with this insane bullrun, how deep will it fall? And how soon?

>> No.25202215

>insane bullrun
this is utterly average and well predicted ugly newfag.
you're going to wind up being shoved into camps and organ harvested

>> No.25202259

>well predicted
how can you predict a market this manipulative? don't joke with me fag, we both know it's some jew messing with bots there somewhere.

>> No.25202264

Best guess. Institutions won't be buying much this week, momentum will slow, and we'll see a pull back from 30k down to ?. The interesting part will be how low the correction has to go before institutional money starts competing to fomo back in before the price shoots up again.

>> No.25202288

multi-national interest groups getting some in before the americans get $20,000 stimulus.

>> No.25202325
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there has literally been a map available for years.
imagine being so new

>> No.25202380


>> No.25202406

Get off the fucking board newfag.

>> No.25202419

This time it is different, there is $250 trillion looking for a home that won't depreciate the value of their fiat. Everything is inflated to all time high. Crypto as a whole is still under $1 trillion market cap. Only $24.75 million (900 BTC) can be mined per day at current BTC price. That is assuming miners are selling 100% of their rewards. Currently the demand outstrips the supply and is only getting started.

>> No.25202422


lmao first we need to hit 500-600k

>> No.25202424

this isn't moldor fren. this is heaven

>> No.25202466

When USD weakens, BTC strengthens.

>> No.25202718

>insane bullrun
yeah, wait till it breaks $100k and everyone goes bonkers

>> No.25202723

Quick question anons. Say if I move my ETH from metamask to binance and converted to BTC, this would be taxed, right?

>> No.25202792

If you made money off it, yes.

>> No.25202807
File: 99 KB, 750x459, 1608945219920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from 2014. TinEye and check the address history.

Anything that bothered to measure this all at the log scale has been pretty accurate.

>> No.25202833

did you just say "lol" on 4chan? much less with all caps? Jesus fucking christ your a faggot, go back to plebbit

>> No.25202840

I'm buying back in at 8k.

>> No.25202848

what bull run? no alt movement

last time bitcoin was this high all alta were x10 higher

>> No.25202855

You'd have to report any loses or gains made in that trade

>> No.25202862

well +1000$ in price may seems like a great bullrun but in reality almost no one holds since <4k now so growth very small

>> No.25202868

lol no

>> No.25202870

I can only hope for it, but that sounds too insane, even for this times

>> No.25202948

It's the Xmas rush. It happened two or three years ago and it crashed hard once it was over. BTC has a trend and it's that it can dip anytime but will always peak at Christmas.

>> No.25202954
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>> No.25202985


>> No.25203050

>how deep will it fall
10-15k, not happening until we’re in the 50s though.

>> No.25203056

Top kek anon

>> No.25203171
File: 228 KB, 1920x1080, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice graphs. Here's another one.

>> No.25203248

>viewing a bitstamp pair on tradingview and not on bitstamp itself

>> No.25203317

youre a fag. Take your shit graph and get out.

>> No.25203329

Historically, typical behavior after bubbles is to stabilize a bit at about 50% of the ATH short term, and then have a steady decline over a year or two, with a few sudden spikes and drops, perhaps reaching as low as 10-20% of the ATH at one point.

>> No.25203388
File: 67 KB, 576x386, bubblechart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not a bubble yet imo. The public isn't in yet. Every normie that got burned in 2017 still thinks its a scam, and likely will until it hits 40-50k, maybe even more

>> No.25203504 [DELETED] 


>> No.25203540
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>> No.25203670
File: 492 KB, 1254x837, 1609000106946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too late for that

>> No.25203721
File: 63 KB, 575x384, 2020-12-27_09-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25203753

i wonder what the peak will be. i have no real guess. I'm just HODLer who dollar cost averages into everything. BTC, ETH, and XRP (lol). I don't pay much attention to the crypto markets because I know they will be gold in 5-10 years. right now I'm worried about whether i should rent or buy a house.

>> No.25203782

I think were nearing the first sell off (40-50k), then a correction down to 15 ish before reaching the new paradigm (300k?). I of course, am full of shit and have zero idea what im talking about

>> No.25203787

>FOMOing in on a ponzi scheme at ATH
sounds like a solid plan

>> No.25203803

>whether i should rent or buy a house
how is this even a question? if you can afford to buy, do it. renting is like literally burning money

>> No.25203809

The big money that is entering crypto right now is entering in BTC almost exclusively at this point. Maybe they will start scooping up alts as well. Maybe not. This is global financial power player money we are talking about.

>> No.25203811

>with this insane bullrun, how deep will it fall?
Nigger it barely even started.

>> No.25203846

>This is global financial power player money we are talking about.
>global financial power player
kek you retards should just start posting lambo memes again

>> No.25203851

i bought in around mid 2019. im starting to shake already

>> No.25203860

Literally shaking and crying right now

>> No.25203913


we're def in a bubble, the rise is parabolic.
charts like this are not good, I would buy the BTC bullcase if 10k to 27k took two years but this pump will correct badly.

>> No.25203953

I somewhat agree, but given the nature of BTC, its not too farfetched to think we might be at the first sell off (which is basically a bubble but at a much smaller degree)

>> No.25203954
File: 218 KB, 1047x828, Screenshot_20201227-094013_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25204004



>> No.25204033

fake, there's no media attention

>> No.25204154

>It's real

>> No.25204240


>> No.25204820

I wish you amerifats could read German so I could recommend some Gert kommer Books. I’m basically every European country renting is CHEAPER than living in a house you actually own. Same goes for most us states but it’s a little complex to explain here.

>> No.25204867

>when you forget you're watching 1 minute candles

>> No.25204927

If he's bloodtype A positive, dibs on a kidney or two.

>> No.25204969
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>> No.25204995

>Needing books to figure this out

>> No.25204996

Insane bullrun is in 2025 when btc goes to 1million, bullrun is when btc goes 250k next year. This is just new floor of new bullrun

>> No.25205020
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>before the americans get $20,000 stimulus

>> No.25205163
File: 453 KB, 1400x932, EE40E767-40CA-4216-8209-90889AAF4DA5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don’t realise just how stupid you sound right now.

>> No.25205178



>> No.25205202
File: 278 KB, 830x1200, 1596090472461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big nigger cocks to you

>> No.25205530

What country do you live in? What countries are you taxed by?

ROFL you nigger

>> No.25205702
File: 401 KB, 720x672, 1577645866740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you buy then you own the house tho and your children can inherit it. Renting is just a waste of money.

>> No.25205704
File: 275 KB, 515x602, Bitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's the updated version?

>> No.25205756
File: 99 KB, 931x866, 1606062112146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When is the dip for this run? Or do we only stop at 100k?

>> No.25205831

Fuck off newfag. 4chan was LOL before reddit was even a thing. Fucking scrub.