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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25199731 No.25199731 [Reply] [Original]

But for real why are we taking such a massive shit?

>> No.25199812

coinciding with massive coordinated fud targeting /biz/, the place with the highest concentration of individual LINK holders.
really makes you think

>> No.25200121
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/biz/ doesn't sell though...

>> No.25200183

Paid fudders are getting poojeets and twitter niggers to sell their 85 link stacks. Any oldfag who is going to sell has already sold at this point. The rest of us don’t give a fuck because we understand that losing a few hundred thousand doesn’t mean shit when we will make a few million in 2021

>> No.25200239

you think coins like grt and prq aren't intentional? even the massive XRP shill campaign leading up to the SEC dump? i don't know why this board is a prime target but its been a warzone ever since LINK mooned. someone doesn't want us to make it. the gatekeepers have left their pedestals just for us.

>> No.25200265

Any price action below triple digits is just noise. Be patient.

>> No.25200288

i suspect it's how hard the new zeus capital fud is being pushed in the media, claiming link will be targeted by the sec next because it's a fraud. all these articles being pushed dont explain anything related to why they would be, just forwarding to it. also posted only by indians, strange indeed. they registered with the sec in 2017.

>> No.25200309

no doubt it’s manipulated. i’ve watched it for years now. many such cases!

>> No.25200315

People are swapping link for btc, and plan to swap back. This inflates btc and deflates link so works really well if timed right

>> No.25200318

This. Zeus is still pissed their shorts on LINK didn't pan out. Fuck them. Hold on tight.

>> No.25200381
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>> No.25200412

Well, I think that the dumping by the team needs to be addressed. The whitepaper truly says that the target price of LINK is a cup of coffee, we are already massively overvalued and on paper, the team is justified in dumping the price. So tell me, why would LINK ever make it to $100/$1000? And we're not even talking about marketcap here. That's a whole other can of worms that prevents LINK's growth

>> No.25200450
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Someone somewhere decided that if you don't reply to this post your father will be collecting the rent but if you use the code RUDY20 you will be able to avoid having cheap cigars!

>> No.25200465

u are a fucking liar and a paid retard you need to stop

>> No.25200468

It’s like AMPL, that’s supposed to be only a dollar but it went to $4 one time. Plus, coffee is getting expensive and in some places people pay 7 or 8 dollars for a cup. Besides, the white paper never specified that it can’t be the price of multiple coffees, or a coffee run for the whole office even

>> No.25200613

Just stop caring and keep paying attention to DMG.

>> No.25200621

Wish I got paid to ask reasonable questions about some dubious shitcoin that not even the hodlers know anything about. 10x and Link has nearly 60% of eth's current marketcap. 100x puts it at 6 times more than that. If you truly believe link is capable of this, you would have to believe the same about ethereum, which has proved to be far better in sats growth and much less volatile of an investment. WTF are you linktards even doing?

>> No.25200650

you didn't ask a question. now fuck off.

>> No.25200689

ETH will be increasing in price too. It's not going to stay at $600 forever. Duh.

>> No.25200698

See >>25200412
>why would LINK ever make it to $100/$1000?
If you cant take the time to read my post, how can I believe you even read the whitepaper, ranjeesh?

>> No.25200784

The only "manipulator" is Sergey. He has been dumping millions for months to cause a slow bleed but you can't accept it

>> No.25200843

honeymoon phase is over
link was only exciting when it was theoretical and stealth, only understood by a minority of whitepaper reading autists
there's no theory or breadcrumbs to discuss anymore
all it's getting is a daily integration with some shitty defi dapp no one will use
there has been zero fucking worthwhile announcement since smartcon, it's been six months already, half a year
all while sirgay kept dumping a mil a week on the holders
meanwhile grandpa shitcoin is rebounding, so now the link btc chart looks terrible and all the TA faggots shorted it
it's a self fulfilling prophecy and will keep spiraling down
no one wants to buy the top, no one wants to buy the bottom either
it's too high in usd, too low in btc, worst of both world
unless they hurry up and deliver some big news to bait normie money
they scaled up with like a dozen new hires, including marketing, wtf are they doing
every fucking new event, it's the same fucking sliders
there's zero enterprise zero legacy interest in blockchain
we were lucky there was the defi hype last summer, and it was just a retarded ponzi
now the defi honeymoon is also over and all that's left is the rugpulls hangover
meanwhile hypeboys are chasing new hypeshit, moved on as well, buzz of the month is reverse oracles, graph etc
meanwhile normies back in the market are still retarded and acting like it's 2017, buying xrp again, fucking retard
meanwhile institutions, paypal, funds etc only give a shit about muh store of value
i'm so tired

>> No.25201013

Sergey has to dump tokens, do you know how much of a mess it would be if LINK was 100$ and the team still had the majority of the supply?

>> No.25201067
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>> No.25201355

Pretty much. Sergeys radio silence since smart con is all you need to know

>> No.25201600


>> No.25201661

listen faggot. cup of coffee is old stale fud. i've been reading the same shit for 3 years. you are wasting your time.

>> No.25201729

i dunno, it seems to have held pretty well compared to garbage like xrp
but then again i bought like 95 percent of my link between .30c-.50c so it could go to $5 and i probably wouldn't blink

>> No.25201796

>hur hur i made the whitepaper coffee joke again omg so funneeeeee biz pls read haha i hope someone believes it loleeeee

>> No.25201898

tell me about the secret ninja academy Sergey sends adelyn to so she is agile enough to sneak in coffee into Sergey's meetings.
How does Sergey seamlessly blend coffee standard into every presentation?

>> No.25201911

You’re saying prq is a scam?

>> No.25201967

all i know is biz hasn't been shilling gems since the normie invasion when LINK mooned.

>> No.25202019

We're almost at release version 1.0 of the network (currently 0.9.8).

>> No.25202047
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lmao link versioning has a secret digit Thomas told us about in slack. Prepare you're arsehole for

>> No.25202065
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keep off biz basically. most people who post now bought in 2020 or are goldfish who seem to have forgotten the previous waves of fud
i mean we didnt even breach $10 until august this year (4 months ago!)

>> No.25202085

Yeah but PRQ seems really really fucking solid...

>> No.25202100

I'm hodling 2k PRQ and 2k GRT. I'm hoping one of them helps me somewhat make it since i'm poor and BTC is rapidly escaping my grasp.

>> No.25202123

Slow bleed !?????? Chainlink been outperforming any crypto until now, juste a little bump. Nice fud but you're fooling no one

>> No.25202141

how? its a low mcap which means easily manipulated and hasn't announced a major exchange listing yet. i'm open to hearing you're take though, i mean it might be good for a quick 5x if it hits binance but gtfo after that.

>> No.25202197
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Fuck off to a Pees n Qs thread then child
derail shills detected.
We only like getting scammed by a far Russian man who runs his company from the Cayman islands no one else, savvy?

>> No.25202252

Having solved the oracle problem, Sergey now seeks only to betray.

>> No.25202319

>tfw the new SEC chairman is pro crypto and from Cornell

>> No.25202365

Here goes one of the fudding jeets....hahahahahahah

>> No.25202382

Your logic is flawed faggot.

>> No.25202813

we're all just waiting for staking and mass adoption at which point retail hype doesnt matter. the pieces are falling into place. be patient.