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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2515904 No.2515904 [Reply] [Original]

What are your thoughts on Siacoin? Big announcement on Friday...

>> No.2515916

p & d sell the news

>> No.2515932


long term hodl

>> No.2516452


What announcment? is it too late to buy now?

>> No.2516570

No, SIA will be realistic at doubled or tribled price from now. If it run very good it may be 10 cents. So still good to invest...

>> No.2516739


According to what? whats the announcement ?

>> No.2516795

Wait until Friday... And try to compare to Services as onedrive or Gdrive, Dropbox... Billion $ Markets... SIA is disruptive to them...

>> No.2516808

Get on the rocket before it fuels...

>> No.2516855

i bought some just because of that guy who bought 2 million worth

even if hes a larper i like his dedication

>> No.2517152

Well I just bought 14k. I am scared, pls tell me I did the right thing. Thats all the money I have.

>> No.2517171

friday and in the year 2020 you will know

>> No.2517321

NEVER sell... Don't panic! Even if prices are falling... Hold... For days, for weeks, for years... Finally you will win. Sure!

>> No.2517351

I would have bought more of this coin, except that the wallet is fucking shit and crashes each time I try to open it.

>> No.2517366

SIA cannot ever go above 1-2$

so still a good buy if you get 10k or more

but not gonna take you to lambo land

>> No.2517395

is it dumping guys? im scared. i bought a lot and was so happy to see it go over 700. if it goes back to 620 im going to cry

>> No.2517416

unless you're a complete madman and apply leverage

>> No.2517437

1-2$ easy possible maximum is like 18$ according to an anon. take half gains and put into more memecoins

>> No.2517441

Keep cool and HODL!!! Nothing to fear about a drop... It's coming back anyway. Don't sell and loose. HODL and you will win.

>> No.2517459

this man is right get iron hands and hodl

>> No.2517462

Yes, right. But it is a nice profit then. I personally think you should hold until it is about 1$ about.

>> No.2517493
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Buy now and sell if the news is lackluster

>> No.2517497

Holding millions of it since months... I know it's the right thing as I believe in their product. Great Idea and a very big growing market.

>> No.2517554

either its going to get yugh or another company will buy em out its easy money

>> No.2517703

Sure, but it would end up for each investor in much money. So everything is OK. 10 cents are already a nice profit and not unrealistic.

>> No.2517809

I'm holding 20000 long term. I think that it'll hit close to $1 at the peak of the crypto bubble. I'm looking to have 1million by then.

>> No.2517862


SIA will eventually (midterm) reach 10k Sats.
Your 24k SC will then be worth 2.4 BTC. Not lambo land, but still nice change to start grinding the market.

>> No.2517904


What Wallet do you reccomend? and does SIA have a delegates system like ARK? Where do I keep my SIA?

>> No.2517926

sia-ui and or wallet

>> No.2518373

336k SC reporting in

>> No.2518411

What do you guys think about golem?

>> No.2518467

I would be in it if I had more money to spread around. It'll probably survive the crypto bubble and live on to be worth more than it is now.

>> No.2518534

>tfw 60k Sia
>its more than my total investment and almost half my portfolio now
Too poor to buy a BTC worth but hope I will be able to on other coins someday

>> No.2518546

Buy before its too late, quietly mooning with my ez mining

>> No.2518763

I think I will pick some up and what is this "bubble" you speak of?

>> No.2519349

For how long can mooning go?

>> No.2519656

right on i have half that, i'll take my half mill

>> No.2519660


>> No.2519763


>> No.2520001
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thanks sia

>> No.2520019

i wish i had a million SC...

>> No.2520041
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I do :]

>> No.2520059

I do. Several in fact.

>> No.2520064

Just bought 600 Sia. Not a lot, but any gains are still gains.

>> No.2520066

Whenever you see a coin such as this thats being massively shilled on /biz/, it is a pump and dump scheme.

>> No.2520095

>real technology

Pick one

Go back to your SWT thread ya gay bird

>> No.2520100

I been in this one for a while now and ready to blast off

>> No.2520106

lol fuck you

If jake says I should buy something, I buy a little of it and hodl.

t. holding 10k

>> No.2520125

>t. newfag

>> No.2520174

Sia has had threads every day for months

>> No.2520180

good coins can be pumped and dumped too only it damages the coin value, like it happened with dgb, People are still FUDing over it despite it completing it's road milestones on time and much support

>> No.2520249

Because it's that damn good. If you don't invest now, all you're doing is calling yourself a faggot in the future.

>> No.2520270

I sold all 50,000 of my SIA for antshares and thank god. sia is a shit project

>> No.2520281
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>Dump my Sia on Friday because "it always dips on weekends"

>Goes to 800

Fuck this. Must resist urge to FOMO... It HAS to come back down since there are no fundamentals.

>> No.2520293

800. we did it boys.

>> No.2520303

Obvious troll is obvious.

Either that or you don't understand distributed computing. But I'd expect that from a short-sighted faggot.

>> No.2520321

if sia break 850, it is going to 1k

>> No.2520339


>> No.2520347


>> No.2520352

Gonna reach 1k within next hour

>> No.2520375

Lets gooo

>> No.2520519
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>SC pumping hard today
>STORJ crowdsale tokens distributed today
I can almost taste the Geo metro I'm gonna buy