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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25193505 No.25193505 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.25193552

>Created Jul 18, 2011

>> No.25193654

The absolute state of no coiners:

>> No.25193716

the guy that created the subredit committed suicide in 2017

>> No.25193748

I was about to link this

>> No.25193749

Man, you killed the vibe of this thread with that facto

>> No.25193800
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Is this for real?

>> No.25193818

level 1
13 points ·
4 hours ago

Didn't bother to read the whole crap. So you made money gambling in casino? Congrats, man. Good for you. It doesn't change the fact that you are gambling.


>> No.25193840

Bitcoin will go back to 0 eventually.

>> No.25193874

And some of them know Bitcoin for more than a decade. Imagine how fucked up their minds must be.

>> No.25193879
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>bitcoin price 2011 december: $1
i'd be hating bitcoin too if i had been bashing it for 10 years without ever buying a single piece.

>> No.25193884

Get the fuck back to plebbit and stay there faggot

>> No.25193907

when banks become honest and stop debanking people for political reasons, bitcoin will surely go to 0

>> No.25193908


>> No.25193931



>> No.25193960

Imagine going in to a casino where almost every person who played a game won while everyone else outside died of poverty waiting to buy their lotto scratch card from the stock market gas station

>> No.25194018

Well then at least understand that no matter what you do you will never be a real woman. If you wanted you could do your part for society and help us see the 52% line

>> No.25194138

Even if you think it's a pyramid scheme, after five years of watching it rocket you think you'd get in just to cash in of the next ath.

>> No.25194754

Lmao the absolute state of reddit

>> No.25195168
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>I just win because you're a ponzi okay?

>> No.25195237
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>I win

>> No.25195248
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>NOBODY can predict the future especially /r/buttcoin... Now let me predict the future of buttcorn and that it's better for you to sell your corn and become a loser basement communist like me okay?

>> No.25195264

This can’t be real

>> No.25195296
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>Y-you can't just escape the boomer monetary system systematically leeching you dry! Let go of that fucking life raft that's selfish!

>> No.25195329
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>> No.25195332
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>We wise sages here at /r/buttcoin like to remind people that they can just vote themselves out of their problems including the massive systemic ones they inherited.

>> No.25195389
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>Starbucks barista warns against evil economics and finds a buttcorn paper wallet fortune

>> No.25195400


I literally can't comprehend these levels of cope

>> No.25195406

We tend to forget what "normal" people are and how they behave after spending too much time on /biz/.
These are the people responsible for all the irrationality in markets and the bubbles.
They then explain to you that you are investing in a pyramid scheme and you are just lucky to have made money and should give it back to them as they deserve it more.

Why am I starting to think like jews and think it's okay to enslave these meat-bags?
They obviously never received a brain and are just running with automated scripts.

>> No.25195414
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>I don't understand what you and others did and why, so it's gambling

>> No.25195460

>Right now the world is struggling with a *lack* of inflation and no end in sight
The state of boomers

>> No.25195467

>Why am I starting to think like jews and think it's okay to enslave these meat-bags?

The real black pill was that the jews were right all along. The vast majority of humanity simply exist to be cattle and they welcome it as seen by that post.

>> No.25195473
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>> No.25195475

topkek, I'm seeing posts doing the ancient "even if you made money you can't even cash out if you wanted to!" FUD. Like, nigger, you can literally go to fucking coinbase and convert to USD. Holy fuck, how delusional.

>> No.25195487
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>Buying buttcorn is a socoipathic gateway drug who knows how you'll hurt yourself and others next... I myself as a leftist never use "ends justify the means" thinking.

>> No.25195497

kek, good analogy. Imagine an asset where anyone who bought in the past 11 YEARS is rich in profit, and calling it a casino game. Imagine knowing about bitcoin, not buying for ideological reasons, and then watching on the sidelines as it pulls a 25000x.

>> No.25195503

This is weapons grade copeium right here

>> No.25195505

Lol, me too.

>> No.25195557

The issue is that the human brain was never designed to handle this shit. Imagine out unnatural and alien it is that some NEET in his mother's basement ends up making more money off magical internet money than actual people producing real value in the world busting their asses with the daily grind.

We weren't supposed to live like this. I'm happy I'm making good money doing basically nothing like this, but the fact is we're so far removed from the lives we should've had, where we just tend a fucking family farm or some shit.

>> No.25195576


I can't comprehend this level of butthurt. I don't get mad at people because they invested in apple or tesla or whatever, what is it about crypto that absolutely annihilates these people ?

>> No.25195608

kek i hope so

>> No.25195612

how could he not?

>> No.25195656

>The issue is that the human brain was never designed to handle this shit. Imagine out unnatural and alien it is that some NEET in his mother's basement ends up making more money off magical internet money than actual people producing real value in the world busting their asses with the daily grind.

>We weren't supposed to live like this. I'm happy I'm making good money doing basically nothing like this, but the fact is we're so far removed from the lives we should've had, where we just tend a fucking family farm or some shit.

very wrong. and some people always got power without working for it through history. being alive during the invention of bitcoin does mix things up more than usual, but it's not like people were always equal and everyone was born into the exact position they were meant to live their life in. that's like indian chaste system tier thinking

>> No.25195678
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LMFAO all the seething boomers responding

>> No.25195696

They are fucking SEETHING, LOL. The vitriol is really flowing now, can’t wait to see how they act at 100K.

>> No.25195706

The only part I don't understand is why do they try to enslave the thinking part of the population when this always causes a rebellion and the loss of their power?
Wouldn't it be easier to just make them join you and not be completely evil?

It's not only a problem related to trading and gamblers being attracted to it.
These drones are the reason for the state of our world through their inability to think and laziness.

>> No.25195724
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>> No.25195735

normalfags can't into long-term thinking. Anyone can look at a log graph of BTC/USD and see that it follow a fairly consistent cycle of about 4ish years (maybe more, doesn't really matter the specifics).
But they don't take this into account. Instead, they all pile-in right at the top of the cycle's peak, and then capitulate at the bottom. You see this shit all the time. Look at what happened in March, with everyone saying "SURELY THIS WILL BE THE TIME THAT BITCOIN GOES TO ZERO!!!". Meanwhile I was siphoning up dirt cheap BTC and alts post crash throughout March and April.

It was more tangible back in our original setting though. Chieftain is big strong leader. He gets the lion's share. My point is that it's hard for normalfags to wrap their minds around the fact that harder and more valued labor doesn't actually equate to more wealth. When confronted by this fact, that's more true in modern times than ever before, it just makes them get really mad at you, because you reflect on the fact that they're busting their asses for nothing.

>> No.25195800

I will never understand this mentality. If you opened a list of 1000 cryptos and had a randomizer pick 3 to buy you'd be gambling. Bitcoin is a proven store of value now. Why don't they get it? People have money and want scarce stuff that is not fiat. Simple as.

>> No.25195946

the true btc suicide stack is 0

>> No.25196022


nah its always been this way ... before crypto bankers and politicians were living for free. two thousand years ago priests and rabbis were living for free. we've had these abstract freeloading classes for as long as we've had agriculture.

>> No.25196062

I get that, but what I'm saying is that it's far worse now than ever before. It's pretty much impossible to make an honest living anymore.

>> No.25196069

Post screen caps.
No one is going there.
I call bullshit and say they aren't seething until caps posted.

>> No.25196085


>> No.25196099

They're all over the thread fren

>> No.25196100

So I'm literally getting advice from an Amernian?

>> No.25196168

good read, anon. Kek has blessed us.

>> No.25196235

These idiots think giving people money helps them.
This has NEVER once proven to be the case in all of history.

>> No.25196247

Holy fuck the levels of cope on that sub

>> No.25196296

I hadn't scrolled yet.
If the thread isn't started with the caps then I have to bitch and complain.

>> No.25196363

Man, I'm already laughing so hard at all of this. I can't even imagine the amount of seethe there will be in 2021 when bitcoin reaches 200k+. I'm going to be rich, and normies will literally be crying, coping, and seething. I don't know how I'm gonna handle it to be honest.

>> No.25196407

At this point it will be normal to dilate as well.

>> No.25196408


>> No.25196409


>> No.25196427

This. At least he finally recognized reality.

>> No.25196435

They are on near lethal levels of copium due to XRP collapsing. They don't seem to care that most people in crypto hate ripple because its centralised dogshit and not a cryptocurrency, but to them its proof the whole thing is going down.

>> No.25196478

Dear diary,
Today I rebelled against the big meanies by using all their infrastructure to trade useless shit.

You are basically the guy wearing a Che shirt browsing reddit on his Iphone.

>> No.25196498
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>> No.25196553

Those guys were skilled and put it in effort. You literally just had to hang around the fringes of the internet and press a button to get rich off BTC.

>> No.25196666

What the fuck are you talking about? Take your meds.

>> No.25196970


>> No.25197019 [DELETED] 
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kek at nocoiners

>> No.25197034


What a sad, pathetic sub

>> No.25197042

They're such scum. Dont even give them advice. I'm gonna break their backs when I employ leftards. Sit in a fucking tiny cubicle all day and wear a uniform

>> No.25197065

I only donate to shit like cataract blindness surgery, but never food if it goes to niggers. They'll just keep shitting out more starving babies and do nothing. Sounds cruel but it's true lulz

>> No.25197088


>> No.25197112

You had to do research to learn how crypto works, to understand money and see that it was valuable. you had to learn how to custody wallets. you had to have the capacity to hold throughout greed and fear rather than cash out and spend it on a new car or whatever.

>> No.25197122

It's funny how people understand concepts like "don't feed the wildlife because you'll cause them to overpopulate and fuck up the ecosystem" but then go right ahead and send billions in gibs to africa, whose population is now set to reach 4 billion this century.

>> No.25197124
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These people all deserve to be lined up against a wall, and shot.
What a pathetic group of niggers, why does Bitcoin and crypto rile these faggots up so much?
Some of them are even saying that it should be banned, imagine WILLINGLY cucking yourself to the shitcoin known as ¨FIAT¨, imagine WILLINGLY wanting to be poor, and kept poor.
These ¨people¨ have been seething about Bitcoin for nearly a decade, for absolutely no reason, while having seen Bitcoin rise from $1 all the way to $26k. Is this their way of coping?
I guarantee you that the majority of these people are cucks, all of these subhumans are mentally ill, this kind of obsession is unhealthy.

>> No.25197139

They literally just had to read a book, what are you on? I guess tricking people into believing your bullshit is a skill but come on -_-

>> No.25197251
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Keynsians have financed with brrrrrr education systems based on slave morality , to this morons anything that is not implemented by force can't work, this can be capitalism, cryptocurrency, low construction regulations , small taxes.

To the slave morality educated good goy, all solutions require less freedoms and more state power.
This people are now the majority in all western nations now , this decade will be a total shitshow , thanksfully with monero and bitcoin we will be able to opt out of this mess.

>> No.25197337

Subreddits like that make me so misanthropic. It's just sad how insufferable people can be.

>> No.25197384

the human brain will rationalise the most retarded viewpoints to defend itself from accepting failure

>> No.25197477
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Imagine being alive to have a fresh fucking chance at an opportunity to make millions of dollars within a single lifespan, and potentially set up future generations of your family to live just as privileged lives, but most of these dumb fucks are too retarded to take a chance because they're complete fucking pussies,. Instead, these idiots are completely content with advising everyone in the lower and middle class to continue wage slaving, because ponzi schemes are bad!! And only the existing rich elite have a right to continue immoral schemes for insane financial benefit!!
What a crock of shit. The most redeeming factor of that subreddit is you just know how fucking bad these dipshits seethe every time BTC hits a new high and they have to continue copeposting in that rancid little shithole full of broke bitch retards lmao

>> No.25197514

I'm not naive about charity but that comparison to wildlife never occurred to me, that's pretty rich.

>> No.25197531

For this retards bitcoin game theory is a ponzi scheme.
Yet with their mentality the universe is a ponzi scheme due to the heat death of the universe, fucking retards.

>> No.25197546
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The absolute state of ribbit trannies

>> No.25197613

lol I love how they compare it to gambling. Yeah, gambling with a 100% win rate that gains value every day. The worst part is these retards are in the loop about Bitcoin and they still can't fucking muster the 2 braincells needed to get rich. All these other normies who don't follow Bitcoin have an excuse.

>> No.25197706

It agitates them to no end to see other people in similar circumstances lift themselves out due to intelligent risk seeking behaviors. They are crabs in a bucket

>> No.25197981
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LMAO seethe more fucking trannies, BTC will continue penetrate you anally

>> No.25198526

wtf is wrong with those people

>> No.25198635


>> No.25198664

just wait until your buttcorns go back to 3k just like in 2017.

>> No.25198696

been rotating to PM and blue chip stocks for a while off crypto profit. been expecting this since it got over 15k.

>> No.25198746

You instantly can gauge someone as a 95-110 IQ midwit when they pull out the ponzi argument for BTC.

Its not a ponzi by definition, its merely a volatile speculative asset. To be a ponzi, you have to be guaranteed profits on paper that do not exist. You only ever own as much BTC as you have bought, you are never at any point promised more or less. The value of that BTC varies, you never expect to receive a particular amount other than what the days trading price is.

If you bought BTC expecting to receive a particular amount (in fiat, BTC or tulips) back every month/year then you got wrapped up in a ponzi. Tons of ponzi's using BTC exist, and they promise ridiculous wild APY that is not sustainable.

But that is nothing to do with bitcoin itself. The price of bitcoin goes up because more people want to own it, seeing value or prospective value in it.

Why is that so hard for people to understand?

>> No.25198749
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>> No.25198788
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>> No.25199068

okay I went through and gave every single pro-bitcoin post reddit gold and every single anti-bitcoin post a burning money award

thank me later