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25193572 No.25193572 [Reply] [Original]

>Although China was the first country hit by Covid-19, it controlled the disease through swift and extremely strict action, meaning it did not need to repeat economically paralysing lockdowns as European countries have done.
>As a result, unlike other major economies, it has avoided an economic recession in 2020 and is in fact estimated to see growth of 2% this year.
>The US economy, by contrast, has been hit hard by the world's worst coronavirus epidemic in terms of sheer numbers. More than 330,000 people have died in the US and there have been some 18.5 million confirmed cases.
>The economic damage has been cushioned by monetary policy and a huge fiscal stimulus, but political disagreements over a new stimulus package could leave around 14 million Americans without unemployment benefit payments in the new year.

For fucks sake, how did we let this happen? The next century's gonna be shit.

>> No.25193600

China shutdown for a max of a month while the rest of the world shutdown for an entire year.

China will soon own the world, by 2030's we'll all be owned by China.

>> No.25193623

Trump is responsible for this.

>> No.25193661

And china's 'skillful' mangement of course meant carrying on as normal after scaring the rest of the world into a frenzy. I honestly think the US and its allies will be at war by the end of the decade.

>> No.25193662

>China government passes sweeping measures withing weeks
>America government still thinking about if we should send 600 or 2000
yes i wonder how this is happening.

>> No.25193672

Unfortunately true. The west let a bunch of stupid boomers live 3 years longer at the cost of everyone getting locked in and forced businesses closed, killing any capital velocity.
At least Amazon is mooning, amirite?

>> No.25193690

Democracy is inefficient.

>> No.25193729

Maybe we should revoke their pensions? This lockdown was for their sake after all.

>> No.25193734

Thanks t.Chang!

How's your gutter oil fried rice?

>> No.25193735
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it's called Triffin dilemma and burgers have let themselves be deindustrialized in order to keep the reserve currency status.

Commies are in no worry they will abuse the usa until it can't produce it's own bullets due to becoming deindustrialized due to the Triffin dillema.

Commies are laughing about all this shit worse they probably know this insane brrrrrrrrrrrrr will create degenerate fifth columnists inside every western nation due to the reaction it will generate.
Neoliberals are clueless and think that with brrrrrrrr they can fix everything and trump conservatives think that with tarrifs and attacking alternative reserve currencies they can keep exporting inflation while not deindustrializing and as trump shown it did not work.
Trade balance went even worse to shit in the usa despite higher tarrifs and with this brrrrrrr it's going to get worse.

Thankfuly the burger defense leaders seem to have noticed they were deindustrializing fast and put regulations so they providers don't depend on imports but they will soon realize they won't be able to bypass Triffin dilemma that way as inflation will fuck all their budgets.

The can plan for 3000 f35 planes and they will finish their budgets with 700 done due to inflation.

Same shit happened to bongland before ww2 and after it.

>> No.25193777

Blame the kikes for this.

>> No.25193799

In 50 years they went from being a hunger-ridden country to becoming the leaders of the world.

As a westerner I'm really concerned about the chinese empire ruling the world. They're going to be merciless to us.

>> No.25193798

It's the truth. In an authoritarian system Dear Leader says "let it be done" and it is done. Here you have a gigantic fucking mess that can barely function.

>> No.25193824

shut down domestic travel while suppressing info and pressuring countries to keep travel open as who said it wouldn't do anything

>> No.25193825
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uhm no, we take the zoomers' women (and their rights) and we take the boomers' lives

>> No.25193828

I warned you about COVID bros.

>> No.25193829
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No china barred people in homes who broke cerfew. You anglos muh freedom individualism and not for the good of the whole

>> No.25193855
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He is not , Nixon and Kissinger are responsible for this tough Trump wasted a incredible chance to revert this shit due to having erections thinking of a strong usd which unironically backfired hard.

China has serious demographic problems tough, the world will become chaotic the usa will only be able to survive if they can stop being the reserve currency in a soft landing.

It can't be a bretton woods and adopting a bancor system in a day since it would be a mess , but something like adopting bitcoin as as a swift alternative.
Because with the world going to shit , labor costs all around the world will go down and if the usa remains the reserve currency us labor will be absurdly uncompetittive to the point even water will probaby be imported this will destroy the social contract in burgerland as it did for the british empire and it's colonies after ww2.

>> No.25193878

Baba calls it is

>> No.25193887
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Authoritarian systems don't work long term , neither democracies , republics like the usa or parlamentarian systems do work long term well.

>> No.25193917

dont underestimate how ruthless the west will be when pushed though. the 500 years of dominance will be maintained at all costs. they're going to freeze them out and then wait for the prc's demographic bomb to hit
the main battle will be with corporate and financial elites and not beijingt
trump did start this shift though. broke the elite stasis. tariffs are not about the costs on products, they're about poisoning the well

>> No.25193942

the west was merciless to the rest of the world when they ruled the last few centuries.
Seeing as China hasn't started conflicts halfway across the world i hope they aren't the same as Americans

>> No.25194000

"In the long run we are all dead."

I personally favor the federal republic system, but the inherent advantage of a fast response to something belongs to a centralized authoritarian system.

Getting even a simple majority of 535 is obviously not easy.

>> No.25194088
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The problem is the lack of a gold standard or hard currency , Nixon himself on the Nixon tapes admit while talking to kissinger that they wanted to get rid of the gold standard because it was forcing them to balance budgets as other nations like the europeans forced them since usd was convertible to gold.

Allowing fiat currencies has completely weakened western democracies by allowing politicians to do gibs and zero nation building, in fact they are probably destroying more infrastructure like dams or nuclear plants that they build.

People don't understand how serious what happened in 1971 is.

>> No.25194127

Lmao this

Now go complain about soijacks wearing masks

>> No.25194181

The majority don't understand it because the centralized powers in the west don't have a vested interest to opening the curtains to the public and only the few that do are hounded by the retards. When that Epstein shit got memed to obscurity I died inside more than I ever did before.

>> No.25194185
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>the entire West destroys it's own economy to save grandpa
>still fails to stop it
>will need to accept 10 trillion "refugees" to get another tiny bailout from their masters

>Chinese bvlls just point a gun at everyone and tells them to stay home
>ends the outbreak in a month

Whit*ids on suicide watch.

>> No.25194272

>the west was merciless to the rest of the world
*citation needed

>> No.25194416

The fact that the biased Western media alienate China in the eyes of the public and portray them as others, makes most people ignore that the Chinese political elite have their own agency. Other people think that because the Communist Party has a total monopoly of power they are ignorant and don't understand the rules of the economy, the business world etc. I think the most important thing people need to realize is that the ruling class in China is just very clear and serious about what they do and what they want to achieve, mostly because they have no way out. They shouldn't be underestimated. Also they are not the evil supervillains they are made out to be.

>> No.25194431

>due to covid
>not due to the absolute failure that is the US of A
Orange retard Trump rekt what little dignity and value there was in this godforsaken shithole, and Bidenheimer the Pedo will die in office before the US finally craps the bed

>> No.25194460

I agree in the sense of turning chinese people into subhumans. Being German and seeing this shit in the media almost everywhere, is really scary and it reminds one how easily humans are debased of their humanity if it serves your elite.

>> No.25194464

You fucking idiots are worried about China like people were worried about Japan in the 1980's. China isn't going to take over you fools.


stop being cucks

>> No.25194498

Seriously I hate Western cucks that quake in the face of China

>> No.25194560

>China hasn't started conflicts
>What's a bioweapon?
This entire thread is Chi-Com propaganda.

Go back to /pol/ Agent Chang

>> No.25194570

Yeah, that's what the media do and it's the same thing they did back in the day with immigrants. China is the new hot shit, and they have to fanaticize the public in order to sell their shitty articles and opinion pieces. They are also probably directed by secret services, but let's just give them the benefit of the doubt.

>> No.25194593

What a fucking stupid analogy. Japan was an ascendant high tech economy.
China is the manufacturing base of the entire planet (like the US was when it rose to the top post war) with a billion unified workers, a long term vision, immense economic warfare across the entire developing world through things like Belt and Road, and overwhelming social cohesion in the light of ever increasing wealth.
Late Empire burgers who are too busy pointing fingers to see that their star is waning are half the problem. The US is tearing itself to shreds while China chugs ahead. And I don't say this to gloat, I wish it wasn't true. The Chinese century is going to be a disaster for the natural world.

>> No.25194595

This post reeks of chang

>> No.25194622

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.25194707
File: 29 KB, 640x559, CLOWNWORLD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile we're still "locked" down but it is a half arsed lockdown where everyone still goes out without masks/schools open/etc

Hilarious really how ridiculous it all is. A true clown world

>> No.25194728

I wonder how much of China,s soft power is simple opportunism rather then any large scale planning, for anon's that work in corporate how many times have you seen departments such as tech support or increasingly RnD being defunded or axed due to them only being an expense in upper management and outsourced at a higher cost?

Japan's lost decade isn't talked about enough on biz for whatever reason I hope anon's are seeing some similarities between then and now (government overreach being a main issue)

>> No.25194759

Holy fuck, based digits of truth. The reason why China went ahead is because (((they))) let them.

>> No.25194793

I don't support authoritarianism but the Egyptian system lasted millenia. What's the longest-lasting democratic/republic system? The Dutch or Swiss (I don't actually know)?

>> No.25194832

Fuck chinks.

>> No.25194973

San Marino Republic 1700 years old , the republic of venice also lasted a long time.


While you are right about egypt it's not as much as kingdoms but priestly systems lasting long due to adding another layer besides nobility , which extends the life of the system , but it still goes to hell due to retarded reasons and wars constantly.

>> No.25195433

ID is literally sips n rope

>> No.25195451

China will not become a world superpower. A lot of hype just like Japan in the 198o's:

>Which brings us to perhaps China’s most immediate problem. Nothing about the Chinese system – its political unity, its relative immunity from foreign threats, its ability import energy from a continent away, its ability to tap global markets to supply it with raw materials and markets to dump its products in, its ability to access the world beyond the First Island Chain – is possible without the global Order. And the global Order is not possible without America. No other country – no other coalition of countries – has the naval power to guarantee commercial shipments on the high seas. No commercial shipments, no trade. No trade, no export-led economies. No export-led economies…no China.


>> No.25195501

>but the Egyptian system lasted millenia
back then, the organization of society didn't depend on opinions as much as now

>> No.25195562
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China is the manufacturing center of world and will be #1 economy because of it. The Covid pandemic is just a PR campaign to pretend like western economies got hit with a black swan but the reality is their governments and (((central banks))) sold them out.

>> No.25195652

Oh no, how will I get my interracial tranny acceptance force fed to me if daddy America isn't "influencing" my country? Will our shiploads of Muslim refugees cease with no America bombing them anymore due bankruptcy?
I can't live in a post American world bros, I hear chinks don't even respect blacks and Muslims so I'm worried for my state mandated Arab son who is taller and more bearded than me despite being 12 and in school

>> No.25195714

I agree. I still think the Chinese Government is in itself terrible, but the West only criticizes and hates it, because they are simply more successful.

>> No.25195806

Hey white people, revenge for opium war soon.

>> No.25195878

Make no mistake.
The Roman Empire had more battles in the last century of its existence than during its peak.

The western world won't go down quietly we will literally nuke this earth before being controlled by the ccp.

>> No.25195921

You escaped the mongol horde. You've never been up against the china man at his peak. Let the nukes fly.

>> No.25195953

I am very well aware of this shit but it's deeper than this , the world reserve currency status is a mess for the nation holding it and leads to deindustrialization.

Japan fell for the keynsian meme, china has not


I agree on Zeihan on a lot of things but him ignoring the monetary systems is where he fucks up.

Argentia may have resources but it has a retarded monetary system, japan may be similar to china 30 years ago but the
monetary policies of both nations are different.

I actually think that what zeihan points will lead to a balkanization of world trade and a return of bipolarism but between two capitalists systems and this is where i can see china rising.

If the usa follows the cashless cbdc path , between two panopticons the bigger one will win, and that will be china.
If the burgers don't play it smart they will be in a bad position this decade.

>> No.25195971

they also have a large aging population and labor is cheap these days. i hope i never have to deal with another chinese person because chinese diaspora are seriously some of the most insufferable people i've ever met. i'm pretty sure they're also conspiring to destroy gen z by displacing them in higher ed and rotting their minds with tiktok memes. a thoroughly detestable people.

be careful what you wish for.

>> No.25196035

Lmao. Oh the naivete.

>> No.25196072

Yeah, wanting anglosphere to stop exporting their cancer across the world is bad! Eat the bugs, respect the tranny and defend Israel with your life! The most important values of the West!

>> No.25196139

This isn't even a controversial point. Everyone were strongmanning weaker and the technologically inferior (and still do). And if you change it up, it'll still be the same, just with another flavour, no matter if it's Asian, African or European. Or do they teach alternative history in the USA and UK like they do with creationism and common core?

>> No.25196152
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i believe they should not be allowed in american colleges at all. there is no reciprocity from the chinese. no benefit to hosting them. every seat they take is another american who will go uneducated, and our culture is further eroded. even a foreigner from one of our allies would be better. trannies don't matter, big loud monkeys don't matter, domestic political theatre doesn't matter, but this is all the media reports on. this i believe is the single biggest mistake we can make as a nation, and it will destroy us if america does not rethink its priorities. we have no future and no reason to live otherwise.

>> No.25196174


Kek. You think China isn’t going to outnumber the US Navy in quality and quantity in the next 5-10 years? They have a massive indigenous aircraft carrier program with plans on having a dozen or more carriers by 2030.

>> No.25196214

Who cares if they become the biggest economy?

They are 1.4 fucking billions humans there dude. Open your eyes.

As I see it, it's just more retards to buy my fucking bags after my x100.

>> No.25196223


Greedy American universities want the $$$ from the Chinese internationals.

>> No.25196237
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The west still is merciless. Now they don’t just bomb and invade, they try to turn the world gay too. I welcome DeFi and I welcome the rise of China because ZOG/Globohomo is worse.

>> No.25196260


i strongly advise against giving them quarter in your nation.

>> No.25196262
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Good FUCK the US
This is the fate of all XRP Deniers

>> No.25196279


i don't care what their excuse is. it would be insane to let them stay here any longer.

>> No.25196324

This may be true but consider that China's pollution has made many citizens wear a mask, when the virus did come it didn't spread as much.

>> No.25196348


i'd donate half my paycheck to the nearest jewish temple for the rest of my life if that would avert chinese hegemony in the west.

>> No.25196382

>I don’t care what their excuse is
Somehow I don’t think your opinion means anything to anyone that matters

>> No.25196391

Of course you would, angloid, serving the Jews is your most natural instinct, no matter if it means burning down Europe.

>> No.25196395


somehow i think you're a dirty chinese nigger.

>> No.25196415


say what you want. i'm just calling it how i see it.

>> No.25196431

China is really winning on all fronts.
They even practically banned crypto, knowing it's just a ponzi scheme.
West is a deindustrialized place where financial markets are the only growing part of the economy (ie. really a ponzi) while China is actually making things.

>> No.25196453

Funny, I'm doing the same.

>> No.25196486

Nope, just reminding you that you are pathetic and impotent and you wouldn’t stand up for any of your opinions outside this image board

>> No.25196607


i've read the culture of critique. jews have done a number on us. but a jew will not usually deny you a seat at your local college. there aren't that many of them and at least i think they appreciate the concept of liberty to some degree. the chinese are like diseased locusts. pestilence and sickness, all in one. and i don't believe for a minute they have an average 105 iq. that's propaganda tptb ply against westerners to demoralize them and get them to racemix. it's an anti-competitive evolutionary strategy, and i'm sure the chinese are complicit and stand to benefit greatly from the destruction of western hegemony. nobody wants them in charge, least of all the average american.

>> No.25196644

Woah, woah, we have an antisemitic tradition in the UK going back centuries, don’t get it twisted. If you want to talk about cucks for kikes let’s talk about Germericans from EISENHOWER on down who willingly served Uncle Schmuel in two anti-German wars. I’m not proud of how WWI or II turned out but hindsight is 20/20 and look at a map they are a natural threat to the UK same as France. But what is the excuse for German mutts to travel halfway round the world TWICE to burn their ancestral land to the ground? I’ll wait. I bet it is easier to seethe on Anglos though than face the facts, blockhead.

>> No.25196655


well then you're on the take. traitors are more dangerous than enemies. they should be thrown under the jail.

>> No.25196731

Defi is what will make the chinese century bearable. Just like the Roman Empire accepted the Jesus cult and became a church to survive the US will have to accept defi and decentralize itself to survive.

>> No.25196782

This thread is a hysterical ching chong psy op created and replied to by 90% ching chongs. Lets review:
>blahblahblah covid
Corona virus is the third most common cause of the common cold, and the cdc magically stopped tracking flu numbers in flu season, claiming its basically gone. Who ever doesnt realize by now that novel corona virus triggers a positive test result is a fucking brainlet and deserves to be purged
>muh ching chongs make everything including aircraft carriers
Ching chongs make the worst quality dog shit on the face of the planet... if they mass produced aircraft carriers half would sink in port, and half of the remaining would probably explode on their own.
>commie Ching chongs get a bad wrap, they really arent as bad as westerners
LOL @ this, you poor oppressed trans faggot whose own family hates them, dont bring your mommy and daddy issues here. Take your meds and get the fuck off my board.
The bug people have their little 8 legged asses deeply imbedded into the highest tier of western govts, and those shitty politicians are selling out our countries to the bugs. They need to be stopped before we can get back on track.

>> No.25196829

I regret making this thread.

The worlds fucked, intelligence is declining due to dysgenic selection and my favourite local resturants are shutting down.

>> No.25196831

I'm a Bong. I want China to be quasi world leader. You mutts are a fucking lost cause with BLM movement.

China is based most of the time.

>> No.25196837

Huge if true

>> No.25196981

5 eyes hard at work today, like every day.

>> No.25197078
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>before we can get back on track.
Back on track doing what exactly? The point of the US is to restrict real freedom/liberty and and encourage fake freedom aka degeneracy/libertinism. Just fucking stop the patriot act. Let it die.

>> No.25197120

Its a lie dont worry China will have it worst. Some chinese elites of course will become world elites for the first time so more maoist propaganda but thats about it for now

>> No.25197540

>I regret making this thread.

good. why would you make this? why would you make this pro-chinese propaganda and put it in front of my face without offering any solution? do you want to demoralize your readers? make them depressed?

>> No.25197739

what are some ways the usa wins this decade
i'm genuinely smoothbrain and you sound smart

>> No.25197809

Americans will be the next Uyghurs if China keeps gaining power.
Everyone will be put in concentration camps, I hope you guys have an escape plan.

>> No.25197945
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>Let’s face it, by the 1990’s China will own half of this country
>They will not Baxter

>> No.25197993

I just wanted some (you)s desu

>> No.25198030
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This year has been satire. This disease isn't debilitating at all. You do exactly as much economic damage to yourself as you want to. So China released this shit, scared everyone into their houses, and went straight back to business not giving a fuck about a disease they know is basically harmless, and they're going to economically leapfrog people thanks to it.

Western nations deserve to lose, they're so goddamned female and stupid at this point. No China didn't magically "beat" a highly contagious virus, they simply stopped collecting data on bullshit they know isn't worth paying attention to.

>> No.25198044

That's right goyim china zero deaths since march. Not a miracle, just the power of communism!!!

>> No.25198114

ccp fantasy porn , lets just ignore that the pajeets destroyed China in their last conflict decades ago, the chinks are all bluff

>> No.25198162
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There are a few ways the usa can win this decade but they are "unorthodox" to say the least.

1_Restoring the 500 usd to 10k usd bills removed in 1969(this would increase the reserve currency power by a lot since the usd demand is mostly cash), it would make capital controls against the usd weaker.

2_Adopting "free cryptos" like btc or litecoin more and more and letting them be used for international trade (this would weaken the usd reserve currency status a little but would be like a soft bancor from the bretton woods).

Good in a lot of ways since it will also prevent other nations of using cbdcs to overthrow the dollar.
It would eventually also destabilize internally the us a little but this is great when you remember you have lunatics like cortez wanting to do 90 trillions in infrastructure(literally multiple monetary bases per year) , it would scare the shit out of the marxist wing in the dnc.

3_Do alliances to contain china in asia.

4_Integrate financial system with free cryptos allowing anyone to invest in us stocks(this would increase us soft power massively).

5_Reducing the us navy size dramatically by moving to a smaller aircraft carrier doctrine to save money.
The usa won't be able to finance such a military anyway , starting to work on efficiency rather than efficacy is needed.

5_Move to electric vehicles gaining influence in the south american lithium area in the process.

6_Remaining in nato but only supporting eastern nations like poland to divide the eu.

This are just a few ideas but the point is that the usa can't larp anymore as captain america and "just print money lmao", after this year inflationary shitstorm that is about to start next year to show it's face nations will start to act more like in the cold war.

We will probably see some nations restoring drafts in this decade as the world destabilizes the usa only chance to remain a superpower is by playing it's strengths of a free system to the maximum.

>> No.25198228

Also i just realized i did two 5 lmao.

>> No.25198263

>Western nations deserve to lose, they're so goddamned female and stupid at this point.

This is true as hell tough it was a very femenine response to a simple problem and literally crashed civilization lmao.

>> No.25198422

hail capitalism

>> No.25198453

yes and you deserve it. Whenever the west and the US set foot in the name of democracy and human right, they just exploited and took advantage of the countries and looted their natural resources. Also made up a modern scam with USD as the reserve currency where they got effort results of other nations by giving them a useless paper and now this scam doesn't work any more and people found out. Interestingly every country who tried to set aside the bloated useless dollar, they start a war, sanction them or stage a coup.

>> No.25198560

This. Orange buffoon was the worst things happened to the US in the last decades.

>> No.25198617

Trannies and dumb faggots like you are the worst thing thats happened to the US period

>> No.25198775


Explain exactly how without muh covid stats (because euro faggots take the crown when you look at deaths/million citizens)

Trump was the very definition of a do-nothing president, and thats perfect considering that American president are always unfiltered dogshit.

>> No.25198843

It's just the flu bro. Stop letting kike media tell you what to think.

>> No.25198957

The chinese are scum. I fucking hate them. i mtalking about the ccp and any legitimate supporter. i hope the people of china revolt against them

>> No.25198971

I guarantee that eventually it will come out that China simply massacred or dumped their covid patients.

>> No.25199014

Japan was wrecked by its own central bank under US influence, this won't happen to China

>> No.25199041

this, they had a special vaccine ready for officials as soon as July. Wtf does that mean, huh?

>> No.25199059

China is a fucking scam. They're going to be starving by then.

>> No.25199075

Fuck you. We will upgrade to empire and anyone who dares fuck with the US will be commiting suicide.

>> No.25199109

we saw what "the China man" was capable of under Mao. kek

>> No.25199150

This. Chinks can’t win at any competition that requires strength, fitness or even intellect. Olympics, boxing, mma, chess, the best of /them/ studied in the west . Why would their soldiers be good, They’re simply data silos

>> No.25199439

everyone is moving their shit to Vietnam

>> No.25200103
File: 100 KB, 898x484, crying chink soldiers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine fearing the pla

>> No.25201094

is 100 XMR enough to make me a millionaire this bullrun?

>> No.25201852

>I agree on Zeihan on a lot of things but him ignoring the monetary systems is where he fucks up.
he fucks up by not noticing iq differences between countries.