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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25190542 No.25190542 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.25190579

thats what happens when you don't deliver on any development promises for 4 years

>> No.25190979

>only 106 nodes in a private KYC network
>out of those, 83 have ran 0 jobs (!)
>only 22% of the network is used

>only 255 data feed available after years of development
>99% are all price feeds
>out of those, only 10% have been used in the last hour, 90% of which were just a bulk update across

Do you think a coin with these metrics after 2 years on mainnet should be in top 10 with a 13 billion dollar valuation with a founding team that still holds 60%+ and does dumps on a weekly basis?

>> No.25190998
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>> No.25191047

Those nodes secure >$400B in value on the ETH network.

>> No.25191084

They “secure” nothing but a bunch of shitcoin scams that would still be able to run without chainlink lmfao

>> No.25191121

Stop laughing at the disabled

>> No.25191229

Enjoy your pink id you dumb fucking link marine

>> No.25191377

A top 3 coin finally

>> No.25191397

holy kek

>> No.25191482

Checked and kek'd. It had it's time. Let it go. Oracle problem isn't solvable, particularly not with chainlinks tech. Token not needed except for Sirgay to dump on you, millions per month. Bleeding in sats like no tomorrow, almost 50% down from ATH, BTC mooning, alt season cancelled for quite a while. And when it comes nobody will buy chainlink. Normies will buy Litecoin, and fucking Dogecoin.

>> No.25191505
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3 for the oldfags with stacks to protect,
7 for the chink lords with their shills and schemes,
9 for the redditors, doomed to be rekt,
1 for the Big Mac and his marines,
In the land of /biz/rael where the dubs are chekd.

One coin to link them all, One coin to reign them,
One coin to see them all, and with oracles chain them,
In the land of /biz/rael where the dubs are chekd.

Much that once was is lost. For few now lurk who remember it. It began with the great minting of the cryptocurrencies. Three were accumulated by the oldfags, autistic and lowest time preference of all HODLers. Seven to the Chink lords, great preminers and scammers behind their great firewall. And nine, nine coins were shilled by the soibois of reddit -- who above all else, desire upvotes. For within these coins was bound the tech, hype, and will to /make it/

But they were all of them deceived, for another token was made... By a fat philosophy major, in a small bathroom stall at Sibos, the Big Mac Sirgay made in obscurity a master coin, to link all others. And into his LINK he poured his autism, his hunger for Big Macs, and his will to flush all middlemen down the toilet. One coin to rule them all. One by one, the shill threads of /biz/rael fell to the power of the LINK and its marines. But there were some who resisted. A last alliance was formed of maximalists, redditors, and pajeets and in the threads of /biz/ a great campaign of FUD was waged against Sergey and the link marines. Liquidation was near, but the power of the LINK could not be undone.

It was at this moment, when the price had almost flushed to triple digit sats, that /biz/ildur, pinkest of wojaks, followed the breadcrumbs, dumped his 2017 altcoin bags, and market bought his suicide stack. And from that point, LINK dumped no more. The NoLinkers, enemies of all things green and gainful, were destined to eternal cope and the swingies of little faith would forever get the rope.

>> No.25191513
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>> No.25191560
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is it true. are we seriously one of the top losers...

>> No.25191568

it's like that for 4 months, I stopped laughing long ago

>> No.25191613

>one of the
no, you are the very top of losers. Nothing dumped as hard as LINK. But don't worry, someone's buying multimillion dollar appartments with your money. Sergay's development harem needs to live somewhere apparently.

>> No.25191617
File: 118 KB, 768x522, 1D1A2655-A21E-4EAC-85E1-AEFE1D760961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25191705

Fuck these gay alts, sold all my LINK, XLM, and ALGO today for BTC

>> No.25191741

Where can I buy LINK as American

>> No.25191771

Uniswap sir

>> No.25191772


I'm even more sorry you bought this than Link desu. At least with link you probably made money.

>> No.25191845
