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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25187277 No.25187277 [Reply] [Original]

>pay taxes on income
>invest taxed income
>get taxed on liquidating investments from taxed income
>use liquidated investments to start a business
>get taxed when your business is successful
>make more money, get taxed
>use taxed income from taxed capital gains to buy something, get taxed on that too (sales tax)
>make too much so you can't reap the benefits of your tax dollars from a healthcare program
>get health insurance, get taxed

>> No.25187441

isnt there a story on how Jesus got taxed and thought it was bullshit?

>> No.25187476

>get taxed
>the government gives it to the rich
>be rich
>pay 0 taxes
>feed off the poor
why arent you rich anon?

>> No.25187485

I also find it hilarious that the exact same money can be taxed infinitely. There shouldn't be any more taxes after I've payed my fucking 40% income tax. What the fuck is this shit? How is that legal?

>> No.25187505

Matthew was a tax collector so I doubt it.

>> No.25187509
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because of tax

>> No.25187522
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It’s absolutely infuriating
My dad had a very successful construction business that did around $50 million a year in concrete work
He and his partner sold the business for around $15 million, but after taxes and all, he ended up with around 3 million cash.
A lifetime of back breaking work and risk, but the government he paid a lion’s share every year for nothing still has to bend him over in the end.

It’s even worse when you see these blood thirsty liberal goons being elected. They take 40% of your money, give a few bucks to the niggers to keep them quiet, and the rest goes to their pockets in overseas accounts.
Before I cash out my crypto, I need to find a way to pay as little as possible.

>> No.25187539

Ain't keynsianism great?

>> No.25187558

The government's on the winning side of every single trade and they're still broke. How is it even possible?

Well it's rethorical. https://pastebin.com/20uxpgVg

>> No.25187599
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>put 100% of my income in Bitcoin
>April 15th arrives
>Use my bitcoin as collateral for a loan to pay the IRS
>Loans aren't taxed
>Pay off the loan in a couple months
>Never have to pay capital gains
This is the way

>> No.25187612

Taxation is theft

Rich people pay the most taxes.
t. Rich person

>> No.25187652

>t. Rich person
upper middle class you mean

>> No.25187717

Just don't pay lol.

>> No.25187851

Unironically this

I don't even have any debt

>> No.25187880

>$50 mil a year
>sold for $15 mil

How did that happen? You could have easily sold that for 75-100mil?

>> No.25187904


you clearly have never owned a business kek

>> No.25187986


>> No.25187999

checked i feel you anon.

>buy something for $1
>that $1 becomes income for someone else, they pay tax
>buy something for $1
>that $1 becomes income for someone else, they pay tax
>buy something for $1
>that $1 becomes income for someone else, they pay tax
>buy something for $1
>that $1 becomes income for someone else, they pay tax
>buy something for $1
>that $1 becomes income for someone else, they pay tax

>> No.25188010

you dont get taxed on income, put 99 dependents settle up at the end of the year

>> No.25188141

>make an extremely low $38k self-employed
>haha whoops, what do you need that $6,000 for anon? self employment tax is good for you!
>surely you don't need another thousand dollars, right?

>> No.25188257

the jews asked jesus what he thought of taxation (trick question to get him in trouble)
he replied "give caesar what belongs to caesar, and give god what belongs to god"

>> No.25188329
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>reverse satan

>> No.25188378 [DELETED] 
File: 97 KB, 600x420, bento.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A clone of Base Protocol whose price is pegged to the total value locked in DeFi at a ratio of 1 : 100 Billion. It allows traders to speculate on the entire Total Value Locked (TVL) of DeFi

If TVL is $14B, rebase is at $0.14.
If TVL is $17B, rebase is at $0.17.

Presale ongoing on Unilock!

>Discord: sZgRHBMH

>> No.25188496

This is why my business is 90% cash. I essentially earn next to nothing after expenses and my wife and I claim a shit load of low income benefits

>> No.25188555

Prob 50M in sales, after expenses probably like 5M profit

>> No.25188934

What is your business? I'm moving to a city next year and would like to start a side hustle

>> No.25188964

Meant for >>25188496

>> No.25189028

zero oversight and accountability on their spending

>> No.25189290


>> No.25189361

Why are you not donating those earnings to your own non profit shell company?

>> No.25189430


>> No.25190059

I've bankrupted like 11 times already and live in a third world shithole, niggers took my fucking car that I hid in an old cottage. fuck paying tax and fuck bankers lol

>> No.25190129

Gotta give dem gibs so Tyrone and Laqueesha can pop out another dozen niglets

>> No.25190145

>ive bankrupted 11 times

That's actually more impressive than any business achievement.

>> No.25190189

Because that's illegal.

>> No.25190241

kek I lost my UK citizenship on grounds of fraud.
got that letter mailed to me and have it hung on the wall like a trophy. fuck that stupid fucking island.

>> No.25190275

Well until you force a government to collapse or setup a Mars colony, you're gonna pay some form of tax.

And in those alternatives you just pay for defense more directly.

>> No.25190298

>Office of Violence against Women
The government grabbed the responsibility for wife beating too?

>> No.25190353

It's fucking obnoxious for sure. My parents sold a rental property they inherited for 2million. Because it was in California, they got taxed the highest at like 30%. Fucking bullshit.

>> No.25190391

No, but I know that you rich people never pay your taxes and always do some shady stuff like move all your money to tax havens.
And drumpf gave you all tax breaks. So you should be be paying way less tax than me anyways.
How rich are you? You probably aren’t even a multi millionaire.

>> No.25191080
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>> No.25191119

Ha capital gains tax is 55% in cuntstralia. Sell commercial or inherited property for $1 million. Gibs $550k to guvment.

>> No.25191204

>Rich people pay the most taxes.
>t. Rich person
then youre not rich
actual UHNW people hide thier assets offshore and pay 0 taxes, see panama papers
upper/upper middle pay taxes because they don't have the capital or connections to avoid taxes like the actual very rich people around the world

>> No.25191314

wtf is wrong with australian government?

>> No.25191403

how to avoid paying taxes

>> No.25191438

how to avoid paying taxes legally via tax loopholes? any anon know the details?

>> No.25191442

Own a business in Delaware and run your expenses through it. Talk to your accountant and don't listen to him unless he's Jewish.

>> No.25191480

Hello glowie
congrats on this, anon, seriously

>> No.25191486

My rich afghani friends keep their wealth in barrels buried around afghanistan.
always found that funny. fucking barrels

>> No.25191511

Our new Constitution is now established, and has an appearance that promises permanency; but in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes."

—Benjamin Franklin

>> No.25191554

Anon doesn't know how to create efficiencies in his tax. australian tax is pretty simple, but clearly not as simple as anon. Capital gains tax receives a 50% discount if you hold the asset for > 12 months

You don't avoid it, you just work out how to not pay more than you should

>> No.25191559

also that $1 is losing its value everyday thanks to inflation, so that's like a double tax

>> No.25191582

>How is that legal?
because the only productive taxpayers have been bred specifically not to chimpout, ever.
i.e. you and those like you

>> No.25191626

Holy fuck! I know the loophole would have been to live in one of the units for roughly a year, but my parents just wanted to get rid of it.

>> No.25191645
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>Loans aren't taxed
>Pay off the loan in a couple months
How does that mean you're not paying taxes?

>> No.25191663
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Jesus christ

>> No.25191735

maximum sleazecore

>> No.25191739

all you faggots need to shut the fuck up immediately about taxes
Im here in krautland we literally have the highest taxes in OECD
and next year alone they will raise or introduce
>CO2 tax
>plastic tax
>car tax
and I could swear theres more but you cant even find any info on it beause all the media here is literally sucking the governments dick and telling everyone how taxes will get lower

>> No.25191764

>oxygen tax coming 2025

>> No.25191815

>sell $5 million in profit/year for $3 million after tax
this is why billionaires are able to defeat the middle class

>> No.25191855

ngl the first time i put on my hawaiin shirt, khaki shorts, gucci flip flops, gold rolex, silver dollar chink aviators, and greased back my hair, I got a little giddy looking in the mirror.
to think I'm only 24 and look like this already, oof. sometimes I get a detachment syndrome when I'm sitting smoking shisha at the beach bar around viet hookers.
/end of blogpost

>> No.25191856
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Speech: 100
Routed the boys in crimson with that one.

>> No.25191904

dude I swear it was always a joke around here "if they could tax the air you breath, they would"
and now the fucking CO2 tax, even though we alrady have a ton of "sustainability taxes" on gas, airlines, etc.
you cant make this shit up