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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25180360 No.25180360 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.25180393

What coin is this. GRT is mooning as well

>> No.25180444


>> No.25181380


>> No.25181442

Lecimy do nieba suki

>> No.25181521

Everything is mooning. You people really should learn how this market works.

Things will be back to how they were within a couple of hours. Alts will not do shit except bleed for at least 5 months.

>> No.25181899

How does it work?

>> No.25182250

maksymalnie 45 centów i dump do 20

>> No.25182283

GRT doesn't have it's price correlated to any other coin from what I've seen. Moves independant.

>> No.25182374

yeah i noticed that too, it's almost like someone is controlling the price, maybe riding the bitcoin pump, then converting lots of btc to grt to cause it to pump?

>> No.25182414

pump and dump coin. explodes in volume then dumps.

>> No.25182444

Well thats exactly what I’m doing
But my stack is too small to have a big impact

>> No.25182491

you're smarter than me then, I've been trying to time the grt pumps and have not been able to do it effectively

>> No.25182603

>billions market cap
>pump and dump coin
This doesn't make sense.

>> No.25182605

yep, happening again. As soon as btc stabilised, it's starting to pump really fast

>> No.25182636

This anon is right. This bollocks is a worse buy than cyberpunk2077.

>> No.25182642


>> No.25182659

i have no problems with it on pc, maybe bar the retarded police mechanic

>> No.25182769

Take GRT to the PUMP HOUSE

>> No.25182807

its not going to 1$

>> No.25182989


Next quarter it'll pump to a dollar, then float back down and sit around .80

You can either make money on the swings now to increase your stack, just hold and wait, or miss out.

>> No.25183020

why so many overaction on this shit?
Just to make more people come in?
I have hold in coins with 400% and dont post anything like this...

>> No.25183041

Im tryin to ride the swings
But my stack is a small microstack of only around 2k

>> No.25183087

Not if you’re in NU
>two straight days of moon and i’m sitting here with my bags hiding patiently behind 500 cyberskeletons

>> No.25183474

Grt is guaranteed to go at least $1.40 to $3.80 dollars before March.

Mark my words anon, I'll spoon feed you

1. It's a significant piece of tech that actually improves the whole blockchain tech. Remember those previous hype Onecoin, XRP, ETH, Link?

2. The marketcap will go above 2 Billion when you compare freaking zombie coins like EOS, Tron, NEM, XTZ. which is x4+ from where we are

3. The marketcap should just be just under Link, Polkadot, and Ada by itself (x10)

4. This is how you determined the future price of a coin at current atmosphere, and this is my conservative prediction, the rest are subject to partnership and future development

5. The volume is speaking for itself, matter of time.

- J. Whale, 7 Years crypto trader

>> No.25183528

insert bollocks meme

>> No.25183551

What is a J.?

>> No.25183642

i have 450 grt and by the time i pay uniswap 10 dollars to swap to tether, hope for a dump to min .38 and buy back, I would've probably made net 0 profit given the fees to swap back. at what amount is it even worth it to try to swing?

>> No.25183643

literally BTC growth but less safer

>> No.25183709


I dunno man, I use coinbase lmao. I can convert my whole stack to BTC and back again for free.

>> No.25183739

alright thank you, do you know if binance is cheaper for a uk fag?

>> No.25183796

.. it's not free there's a spread homie

>> No.25183837
File: 695 KB, 2880x1616, ghgh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've also been in crypto for 6.5 years now and I have never, ever, been so confident in a project. Unfortunately the majority in biz are still very immature and are moved by the smallest pullbacks. Some actually believe this is a pump and dump by a discord group.

When was the last time a project of this size was launched and listed on coinbase and binance right away and had a daily volume of 3 billion dollars?

This can pullback to 25 cents, or can go straight to 80-90 cents from here. Either way, it does not matter. This is not a typical biz coin. This is the bluest blue chip that we have seen in years.

I have no doubt that we will see $1.5-3.5 over next 12 months. If crypto grows, (i.e. as analysts predict, 10% of world GDP to be on blockchain, the price can be way over 10$ simply because the amount of money you can generate by delegating the coins and the passive income.

Anyways, remember biz cannot manipulate a project with this amount of daily trade volume. So sit back and watch how this coin will become one of the biggest coins in this case over the next years.

>> No.25183905


The issue with your price estimates is that it ignores the total supply. I'm still optimistic considering how much of it is being delegated and burned, but 10b is still a lot.

>> No.25184322

Same, trying to figure out the pump and dumps to multiply my coins. Any Idea yet?

>> No.25184488


we won't reach 10B supply for a long time. Think about 6B as your target. They don't have a single competitor and with current utility I think they have already burnt a few millions of their tokens. If this continues (it's only been a week), in a few months to users the token burn + delegated/staked tokens will dry up the supply. Realize how LINK doesn't have that feature. And LINK has several competitors like Band DIA API3.

Short-term price action does not matter to me. Mid-January is when I will look at the price next.

>> No.25184513

well only advice I have is be patient, and don't get emotional when it pumps or dumps hard, I lost like 20% of my stack trying to swing emotionally

>> No.25184577


>> No.25184612

Lost 2k coins this morning

>> No.25184657

I lost 2k a few days ago, 400 today. It's rough man

>> No.25184682

just gotta buy a little every few hours when it goes down and sell when everyone is buying i quess

>> No.25184730


>> No.25184810

This is the podcast with the creator of the graph protocol talking about what it does and all that shit. Give it a listen, boys.


>> No.25184857

You can make 400% with a real amount of money in this coin.

>> No.25185187

See this doesnt matter until my coins are out of indexing! I locked my hands up into a prison

>> No.25185194

I am really surprised it stays at ~0.42. Expected it to dump to 0.32 level about an hour ago.

>> No.25185270

The big dump is over
I expect min 38 and then another pump
Lotta people ready to buy in again

>> No.25185325

bull pennant about to break out soon, I'm a retard who bought at 14c and held but still I predicted all the pumps and dumps of this shitcoin but didn't have the balls to swing.

>> No.25185379 [DELETED] 

With such btc pumping more people try to find safe platforms and alts
Recently came across DuckDAO, did you try to play there? Seems like it is the first crypto incubator with a well-build tokenomic.

>> No.25185405

I already bought like a chad

>> No.25185466

fuck off pajeet

>> No.25185494

Looks like it’s happening right now

>> No.25185566
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>> No.25185592

and thats how you get rid of pajeets. No problem frens.

>> No.25185611


>> No.25185616

I also stacked up to 2,5k

>> No.25185624

$1 incoming. Weekend riser it seems.

>> No.25185633


based and checked

>> No.25185650

Now we wait (and rebuy in the dips)
Feeling comfy fellow graphlets
Time for a tea

>> No.25185675

Dead cat bounce

>> No.25185720

Read for yourself what the Graph does
This is a hidden gem in all the shitcoins out there, and it’s still more than early

>> No.25185805

i habe 3000 unn doing nothing right now, does someone smarter than me know if its worth holding on to for another six months or do I just swap for grt at the next dwip

>> No.25185831

It's getting swollen from its applications to the market. It dived because of how swollen it was had to. Now its will rise consistently for a long time.

>> No.25185858

>asshole dilates

>> No.25185920


It does shit.

>> No.25186028

Cope harder

>> No.25186048



>> No.25186098
File: 531 KB, 1210x1021, awareness phase.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awareness phase over.
First Sell off complete.
Mania phase beginning now.
You all know what comes next.

$3 within a month.

>> No.25186182

This has been the easiest buy in a long time and all the signs point to value and upward trend. I'm sitting on a comfy fuckin stack and already made money given that it's pumping

>> No.25186197


>> No.25186220

Yep, wish I had the balls to swing instead of hold like the linky I am.

>> No.25186244

4k sats eom

>> No.25186294

Guys isn't it the best feeling when you don't sell after all the shilling and it starts to go back up, and then you see the shills saying why didn't I buy. Feels good man

>> No.25186307

fudders BTFO this shit is going to .70 EOD faggots

>> No.25186333

yeah just like it was definitely gonna go to $1 before right?

>> No.25186346

I bought the bottom this time, but I bought the top last time. Now my average is .46 cents. I can technically unburden myself of all this NOW but I believe it will go above a dollar next year, conservatively.

>> No.25186353


>> No.25186373

.75 today boys. Long-term bois bout to be rich as fuck. I'm buying so much of this shit.

>> No.25186386

Checked. $1 confirmed.

>> No.25186403

99% we are touching close to $2.00, at around 3 - 4 Billion marketcap.
Not better than Link right now, definitely way better than Tron, XTZ, Cardano and EOS

>> No.25186452


>> No.25186536
File: 223 KB, 828x1138, 829F5548-CD43-4740-A9E8-713F4FF344BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shorters SEETHING

>> No.25186548
File: 881 KB, 630x635, chrome_2020-12-26_00-11-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine having pic related as business lead

that alone is suffice to get grt to $1long term. She will attract any investor and get all the big boys onboard

your early fags

>> No.25186915

I hope you mean the asian because the whitoid looks like a typical nasty germanoid brap sow