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File: 6 KB, 364x364, ethereum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25175595 No.25175595 [Reply] [Original]

Any other ETH maxis? When $5k?

>> No.25175624

All in. Looking forward for Q1

>> No.25175646

I am all in ETH and DeFi... but the next time ETH leads the charge and absolutely dominates I will be sure to buy some BTC with my appreciated holdings.

>> No.25175683

70% of my folio, I think we may see a full retrace to .018 if btc crosses 30k but we’ll see .1 before eoy 2021

>> No.25175704

8.6k this bull run

>> No.25175726

5k in early 2023. Buy now while BTC dominance is high.

>> No.25175756

i don't wanna buy at the current price, man

>> No.25175775

fuck this shit coin
should have bought ltc instead

>> No.25175807

Yeah man wait until 1K, a much better price to buy in at. You don't want that cheap ETH. It smells funny.

>> No.25175847

niggers like you are the main reason why i don't want to buy at this price

>> No.25175880

I’m heavy on Eth. Way more so than BTC. I hope it’s the smart move for a relative newcomer I’ve been DCAIng from $200 upwards with limit orders for wicks under $600. In for a penny in for a pound

>> No.25175935

not him, but you're not really doing yourself much service

>> No.25176016

Imagine being a netscape maxi

>> No.25176034

i love the smell of bagholder cope. who's gonna pump your eth bags gents?

>> No.25176051

Literally everyone. All in ETH 0 boomer coin

>> No.25176063

Yeh who’d want a 5% yield from staking eth with rates heading negative, also I can’t imagine any demand once eip1559 is live and eth is deflationary

>> No.25176082

if everyone is already holding ETH and they're expecting this to pump, who's buying on out those bags? there's zero buy pressure and i heard miners make a killing off this infinite supply token

>> No.25176099

eip1559 will never happen. if it did, it would've already been proposed and pass through. you only hear the good and not the bad

>> No.25176139

We’ll see anon I trust in moneyskelly

>> No.25176252

let's see how this plays out. deflation and growth doesn't go hand in hand btw

>> No.25176336

i hold 11 eth am i gonna make it bros i just wanna buy a small apartment and neet to death in some east euro country

>> No.25176379



>> No.25176413

hope so bro. then i have a link stack too and if that moons in the coming years im done. never waging a single day in my life. retiring at 24.

>> No.25176549

I was an ETH maxi at $1 and sold at $1,400. Bought 1,000 at $80 for laughs, but I don't think it'll ever hit ATH again.

However, you *should* be looking at BoringDAO.

All I can say RN.

>> No.25176580


>> No.25176600


I would tie you to a tree in a secluded forest and broke your kneecaps with a baseball bat.

>> No.25176697

Piece of shit.

>> No.25176711

Sold my ETH at the smallest of gains and it all went directly into LTC

>> No.25176755

it'll pump furiously soon. many normies think that only BTC is safe from the SEC even though they already declared ETH to be a currency a long time ago.

>> No.25176762
File: 53 KB, 640x360, Baoring_bodo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not so bullish on ETH the "Eth is digital oil" meme is actually quite close to the truth. Issuance rate uncapped will always be a problem for price, boomer funds just won't buy it.

In saying that, I have a decent bag love muh ERC's.

Who else ball deep in BoringDAO?

>> No.25176892

wut? ETH is not dipping because of SEC fud, thats what link is doing, ETH is dipping because of extremely high BTC volatility, when BTC chills the fuck out which it has to at some point, or even drops a bit, ETH will go sicko mode like you wont believe

>> No.25176903
File: 62 KB, 748x482, sharding.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is ethereum's future. lmao

>> No.25176910

Boomer funds won’t buy it, yet grayscale holdings keep going up month after month

>> No.25176932

this price really doesn't make any sense to me other than that people are fomoing into BTC. over $1.2 billion (2mil eth) is locked into staking so around 1-2% of the total supply can't be dumped onto the market. another 7.3 million ether is locked in defi. network use is still high as fuck as well as network use. ETH usually moons after sustained periods of high fees. i really think this is just because of the long BTC rally and every new fag/investor buying BTC or shifting their alts into it. BTC always soaks up the money from the alts when it moves and then there is an explosive alt season afterward once people realize how cheap alts are afterward. January has always historically been a good month for ETH v. BTC too-- if ETH doesn't do well after ETH than perhaps Bitcoin truly is the fucking king but i doubt it.

>> No.25176980

BTC is just too volatile, when it chills eth will go sicko mode

>> No.25177011


There is sharding and sharding mate.

What Ethereum is trying to build with 2.0 is impressive.

>> No.25177034

So you be saying, I should buy some ETH? All in on BTC and GRT here.

>> No.25177051

yea if youre all in on BTC definitely buy eth imo. I wish most my stack was BTC I'd just hold the shit out of BTC and ETH and be so fucking rich in a few years but i missed the btc train chasing shitcoins thanks to biz

>> No.25177064

read the thread fren. right now BTC is the most bullish coin in crypto. when it slows down, ETH and the alt coins will pump. they always do. this happens literally all the time.

>> No.25177066

last i check ETH2 will be built on sharding. what do you mean?

>> No.25177087

The amount of eth locked into defi/staking isn't nearly enough to influence price. But you are correct that prices are just due to meta market movements, everyone has seen btc dominance increase the last while and are trading their alts into it, most of them are hoping to trade back into their favorite alts at some stage though and make big gains. The market will flow back into eth/alts eventually but not for a while.

>> No.25177107

He means you're retarded and the expertise presented by one project is not the same as the expertise presented by another Kys btw.

>> No.25177110

eth and alts have a big chance of moving from mid january next year, but the thing is btc has broken so many rules at this point that i dont know anymore

>> No.25177144

wow nobody's gonna debate the fact that eth2.0 is built on sharding and will eventually suffer the same fate. it'll be sub-par at best. but what do brainlets know lmfao.

>> No.25177182

sharding breaks composibility btw. eth maxis deserve what's coming.

>> No.25177212

Don't know don't care never selling bought 70 at 85 bucks.

>> No.25177233

fucking insane, grats my nig

>> No.25177269

ETH not going to gain sats against bitcoin. too much inflation :(

>> No.25177274

phase 2 will use sharding but not the same way as ZIL does, especially regarding inter-shard communication (the thing they fucked up here). that being said, the focus right now to get a non-sharded version (phase 1.5) of ETH2.0 running which mostly relies on rollups for scaling.

>> No.25177281
File: 56 KB, 780x520, ironhand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still holding majority of the stack I bought in 2016

>> No.25177388

because you're a moron and it's really not worth responding to you man. you're comparing ZIL to ETH...? what?

>> No.25177395

I just sold most of my ETH.
You're welcome for the comming moon mission.

My logic:
ETH is currently negativly bound to BTC.
If BTC grows ETH crabs.
If BTC dips ETH dips.
Wait for the BTC huge dump to buy in at the resulting ETH huge dump.

>> No.25177413

>If BTC dips ETH dips.

not true at all if it happens next month, btc chads will put their profits in eth

>> No.25177426
File: 26 KB, 462x450, 1243581618436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The price is being suppressed by whales. Every time ETH/BTC gains momentum $random_whale starts unloading.

Most likely, whales are consolidating their ETH positions while BTC is climbing to pump up the price once BTC is stabilised. Just like in Nov 2017 - Jan 2018 where ETH shot up from 400 to 1400 in less than 3 months.

Selling now when ETH/BTC is bottoming out is beyond retarded.

>> No.25177517
File: 49 KB, 750x1000, flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.u1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the biz way

>> No.25177520

is it better to go from ltc to eth using the ltc/eth trading pair, or to go first to btc then eth and eat the double trading fees?

I feel the low liquidity and poo spread are a bigger cost than the double trading.


>> No.25177542
File: 1.06 MB, 1125x1389, 1603519584950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$ROCKS social rocket
get in or stay poor

>> No.25177559

just do the math and figure out how much you'd make out after both trades

>> No.25177582

well its not always the same spread differential. i was hoping an experienced trader could tell me which, on average, is favorable.

and why then, for that matter, anyone even uses the eth trading pair if the liquidity is so bad?

>> No.25177589

4% a year is too much?

>> No.25177591

I actually sold at a profit.
You have to be delusional to believe that the comming BTC dump won't cause a major ETH dump and small window to buy in for much higher profits.
But I know my luck in investing always causes the opposite of logic to come true. So who knows.

>> No.25177772

You eth fags are going to 0, hurr durr PoW now switching to PoS should have listened to charles from the start enjoy playing catch up as projects jump ship. It's already started.

>> No.25177787


All in with 110 ETH right now. Wish I had managed to get more, but happy with this stack. Will wait on the sidelines if there's other obvious buys like GRT (only if you got it that first day though).