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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 3.09 MB, 2000x3000, img__001_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25168221 No.25168221 [Reply] [Original]

Oh no, Anon, since lat night's thread, Bitcoin collapsed from $24,100 to $24,800 while it hit a new all-time high of $24,500 a couple of hours ago! And Bitcoin's dominance fell from 68.1% to 68.9%!! Obviously it's just stagnating! You need to move your money into something that can 100X overnight! How are you going to afford me if you don't convert your entire net worth to shitcoins that collapse to zero?! I'm going to leave you if you don't buy what those pajeets on your "/biz/" board are shilling!

>> No.25168259

That's a man

>> No.25168322

this shit pasta will never catch on,stop it

>> No.25168368

Craftman's fingers

>> No.25168424

You don't understand my purpose here, anon.

Or maybe you do understand my point and are just trying to dissuade me from making it.

>> No.25169448

Bumping so more retarded shitcoiners see this.

>> No.25169477

Also, now at new ATH of $24,918

>> No.25169954

BTC broke $25K for a few minutes.

It must suck to be a shitcoiner.

>> No.25170026

it's james charles
hello sisters

>> No.25170641

Let's talk about the elephant in the room with OP's pic: taming a woman like this.

All the Bitcoin in the world won't help most of you guys here. The average white dude can't tame wild pussy like this.

If you don't have a BBC, fuhget about it.

>> No.25170856
File: 41 KB, 628x387, lotterywinner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew countless nerdy autist guys with incredibly hot pornstar-level girlfriends. The one thing the nerdy autist guys had in common was that they were multimillionaires in tech jobs in Silly Valley or Seattle.

>> No.25171114

My benis is ready to dock with his benis sirs .

>> No.25171906

*her vagene