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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 75 KB, 400x398, 1393180170833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
251013 No.251013 [Reply] [Original]

Password: merchant

>Trading Hours
Monday - Friday
0930 - 1600 EST
1330 - 2000 UTC

>Educate yourself

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Useful Links:
>Stock Price Charts
>Investing Wiki
>Advanced Graphics, Visuals, etc.

>Joke of the day
you still not having this image and template on your computer

>> No.251061

Why did the americans have the summertime since a few weeks? We in europe changed yesterday.

>> No.251064

Watching AMD premarket. 4.07 was the high.
Come on you fucker

>> No.251133

APA my most favorite non-essential stock to trade

APA day high 83.36 BUY BUY BUY

>> No.251140

March is spring break in the states so most schools have a week off throughout the month. Our summer doesn't start until may here in FL. Hope that helps!

>> No.251276

>got slammed on the BBRY downgrade news

>> No.251281

Threw $2k irl money into $JNUG this morning at 21.62.

Wish me luck bros.

Will probably sell EOD. I have been enjoying shorting ETFs than sticking my money in companies over several weeks.

>> No.251282

You've used that joke already.

>> No.251285

>Investing in Blackberry since their meltdown

I saw too. Gave me wood.

>> No.251306

I hope you people shorted PRAN.

>> No.251308

So how would one go about putting some real money into the stock market? I know about online brokers and shit but I live in Europe. Any tips?

>> No.251315

not happening m8, have been riding amd for the past 3 ERs, those fucks are out of gas, no new technology coming, there APU's woefully under perform, like seriously that shit is like 100% gimmick once you come out of the super cheap build. Their graphics cards are riding the bitcoin mining operation, but nvidia is also starting to take that from them 750ti, whoops 250/240s ass, so unless amd can pull engineering magic out of their ass over the next few years, they' continue serving a lackluster product, losing market share, and just be slowly losing more and more big names as other companies eclipse them completely technologically

>> No.251316


>> No.251320
File: 5 KB, 447x70, PRAN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy Fuck

>> No.251329

Thanks, I'll look into it.

>> No.251349

Idk man. Was just in Fry's this weekend buying a new camera and just for shits and giggles I checked out their AMD GPU supplies. Entire section was damn near sold out with only one 290x in stock.

Meanwhile Nvidia wasn't selling at all. I asked their PC sales manager about it since I was afraid it was just a stocking issue and didn't reflect demand. Apparently they can't keep AMD cards in stock because every Tuesday some guys go in and buy most of their shipment.

>> No.251356

Did you hold through the earnings reports?

>> No.251366


>> No.251367

Who is the guy with a hardon for amd? You seem too atached

>> No.251377
File: 7 KB, 575x86, AMD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are a lot of us. 55 players holding

>> No.251379

>broker doesn't offer stock I feel really good about.
> goes up 5 to 10 per cent in a day

twice I've not checked after doing the research now. Fucking spli this time I don't like being a britbong.

>> No.251384

Get a broker where you can buy worldwide. But keep the exchange rate loss (or win) in mind if you're buying in a different currency.

>> No.251392

is FMNA a good deal right now?

>> No.251394

Their earnings reports are very predicable. Haven't held through any since I got burned. Most people are looking to see 2011 pricing now that bitcoin nonsense is more mainstream.

>> No.251399


>> No.251401

diablo 3 is making me loss money. damn that addicting game, no time to watch the market

>> No.251402

I get it this is the game but when it comes to actual trading which companies are ideal for trading.

trying to figure out a place that isn't going to charge an arm and a leg for trades

>> No.251405


I can buy world wide. Half my shares are Yankee. They just don't offer the smaller exchanges.

>> No.251410


Why are you playing that slot machine? Such a bad game after you kill the end boss (the expansion) and yet people keep grinding for no purpose.

>> No.251411

lol i hope not

>> No.251442

because I also like slot machines, not that I'd ever pay money to play it.

>> No.251486

Bought 500 worth of nissan at 17.52

>> No.251503

What the hell is going on with PCYC in the last few weeks

>> No.251511

Im thinking about buying it lol. Anyone long PRAN right now?

>> No.251527

Seems its back at its January price. I stopped out @135.

>> No.251543

>Not shorting BlackBerry

>> No.251553

I'm thinking of buying into PRAN before EOD. Anyone else think it's going to shoot up tomorrow?

Also how can one profit off of the Korean conflict should it go full blown?

>> No.251573

How many of you actually understand the mentality of day trading? I have jobs for you NEET faggots if you're a good trader.

>> No.251588

The two accounts I made are both in the top 10. I couldn't tell you if I know anything about day trading though, it's probably just luck and lack of decent competition.

>> No.251593


>> No.251595


No one on /biz/ has the capital ($25k) to day trade.

>> No.251597

You can easily gain rankings in this game. I assume only 500 players actively participate.

>> No.251598
File: 5 KB, 201x178, TradingFunds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got well over 100K in my trade account with plenty more several accounts Goyim.

You should talk with Gamma

>Implying that is not what I was implying

>> No.251599

I made $25k, went down to $80k on a few bad calls and just now recouped my losses to $101k.

It was a learning curve.

>> No.251603


These companies like AMD make money by selling to OEMs
. Those shelf units aren't shit to AMD and nvidia.

>> No.251610


Besides you

>> No.251614

Nobody on /biz/ has both the capital and intelligence to day trade.

>> No.251621
File: 5 KB, 529x60, DGAZ3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, but at least I know their product is selling. I've been buy/selling these ER's but for some reason this time I'm thinking about selling initial investment while only keeping profit. Been doing that 3.32-4.20 dance for awhile now

There's quite a few of us actually. Super sekret club of "well off" anons.

I just posted the capital. Would you like to see some gains too?

>> No.251626

$25k shouldn't be that hard to save. How the fuck could people buy houses for a few hundred thousonds of dollars.

>> No.251631

Hey Wipe or another 'well off' anon, I'll legit do anything for you guys if you give me $2k. I owe a lot in rent.

>> No.251637


It's the idea of having 25k to throw around. Saving it isn't the hard part. Being a stable enough financial situation where you could take a worst-case scenario hit of 25k is a whole different situation.

>> No.251641

You can get to that point after less than a year of working a 60k job.

>> No.251642

>Saving to get to 25K
I never understood how people become complacent with life and choose to work within a budget instead of increasing their earnings..

Sorry anon, no need for employees. Unless you know an insane amount about cars.

>> No.251646

How much would I need to know? What's the gig?

>> No.251654

I needed someone to fly to Europe and Ghana for me for some business, but he's already left. Assuming things go well with the meetings in Ghana then I might need a mechanic or somebody that knows cars.

>> No.251655

It's easier to squeak by and take no risks than it is to say "I deserve more" and then follow up on that.

>> No.251658

Path of least resistance I guess. Also perception of "rich" is a big indicator of someone's limitations. People that think doctors are rich make me laugh.

What's up with this 4$ resistance in AMD. At least its back up from Fridays sell off. PRAN holding at that 70+/-1% loss

>> No.251664

You don't live in the real world. I said financially stable where a 25k hit wouldn't matter. At 60k you could possibly do it in 2 years. Remember, you 60k a year doesn't actually mean 60k a year.

>> No.251674

If you have 30k saved and a stable job, you can afford to lose 25k. It wouldn't be fun, but it wouldn't affect your living situation.

>> No.251677

Speaking from experience here, I started trading with 10k in 2009. Over the years I added in 7k more when I had extra cash. I'm sitting at 34k now.

The thing is, it's not 25k you're comfortable with losing. No one does that except people so gobstoppingly rich they make that much in a day. It's about having 25k set aside that isn't your emergency fund or retirement or whatever, and being comfortable with trading to know you're not going to do something stupid like lose 11k on PRAN or something.

>> No.251685

Hmph. Not a mechanic but I always could get by. If I drop you my email would you ever contact me (I'm based in the UK) if you needed anything doing?

I'm always looking for ways to make money, reason I don't have rent is because its been wrapped up in a few investments of mine.

>> No.251686

Yup. Everyone thinks 25K is some magic entry point and that any amount less than that should just sit in the bank and doing nothing for you.

I remember starting out with just 5K.

>> No.251691

>Based in the UK
I'll be there in April and August. Have a few meetings with some reps from the House of Lords.

I have no business in the UK (other than nurturing a few connections) but I do have some business in Poland. Maybe. My apologies for being vague but I am still in the 1st stage a few business plans.

>> No.251698

It's time to break it

>> No.251710


Added email.

>> No.251724

doctors are rich.

>> No.251723

Yup. Lets see if it holds.

Don't know if I should add...

>> No.251729

>Doctors are rich
>Thinking anything less that 1mm isn't just well off

Pete if you think doctors are rich then you would shit your pants if you saw my tax returns.

>> No.251733
File: 31 KB, 301x432, want.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.251736

BUY TST. That's jim cramers company. It's the 9th biggest finance site.

>> No.251735


>six figures in student loan debt
>malpractice insurance
>tax bracket

Older doctors may be "rich" but not all of them. I know a Radiologist who makes close to $500K but she doesn't take home but $2K more then me a month and I make less then six figures.

>> No.251739

Making half a million a year is already considered rich. If we want to go by American "rich" standard, might as well say anything less than 8 figures isn't rich

>> No.251740


>buy because Jim Cramer

You're new.

>> No.251744

> I know a Radiologist who makes close to $500K but she doesn't take home but $2K more then me a month and I make less then six figures

Yeah that doesn't add up. Tax bracket is progressive and insurances are covered by the firms out of salary

>> No.251746

>Making half a million a year is already considered rich

Not here in America. Only the uneducated think doctors are rich.

>Most of it goes to reinvesting in business

I'm telling you, 80k a month is bare minimum to be well off when you're at this level.

>> No.251752


Why don't we just call 5 Mil in cash or assets 'Rich' and be done arguing with vague concepts of what rich is or is not?

>> No.251753

No problem at all, I know how it is.

Just know that I'm a professional guy who is willing to work his arse off in pursuit of paper. Guys like me are probably a dime a dozen, but give me a job and you won't be disappointed.

Also how did you cultivate contacts in the HoL? I have a few friends who work with the HoC but haven't managed that yet.

>> No.251757

what? How does making $300k-500k not put you in the rich bracket?

>Most of it goes to reinvesting in business

Then she's not being paid a salary, rather a business owner. More potential if she ran a renown clinic but that's the side of business

>> No.251763

tfw 38% gain from trading ipos

>> No.251776

Because that's not rich, that's well off. The definition of rich is a moving target. But we can agree that it's a silly thing to debate.

>How did you cultivate contacts in the HoL?
I am in a powerful family. We had a member fly here to have lunch with us a few weeks back. This trip to London is merely to return the favor and treat him out.

>Just know that I'm a professional guy who is willing to work his arse off in pursuit of paper. Guys like me are probably a dime a dozen, but give me a job and you won't be disappointed.

If I had work to give you, I would consider it. But right now I have nothing since I'm still in the early stages of a business idea. Got a few but they're still in just talks.

>what? How does making $300k-500k not put you in the rich bracket?

When a Bentley is worth your annual salary, you're not rich.

>> No.251785

I'm waiting for that Virgin America IPO to come along. I really love it when I have the chance to invest in something I truly enjoy.

>> No.251782

Being rich is an elastic term.

>> No.251790

Thanks man. Here is my email, please think of me if/when you do some business in the UK.

>> No.251794

Saying the quality known as "rich" is a moving target is a simple refusal to adequetly define the terms for discussion. If you disagree with 5 million, define something yourself so the bickering over whether 500k income is rich or not can be settled on some definitive terms instead of "I make more/I know a guy who makes more."

>> No.251795

Are we finally seeing support and a rebound in biotech?

>> No.251813

I wrote down yours and this anons email

Although IDK what the other anon is up to. But doesn't hurt to save contacts in case.

"Rich" is more of a matter of perception to me. Someone who makes 35K a year would think a doctor making 150K a year is rich. 5mm to me is respectable but I think I'll be safe and define rich as the billionaire status. Simply because a basketball player can make a few mm a year but the guy that owns the team is most likely a billionaire.

Usually you can tell from the quality of life that someone is rich. Like most people think I'm "rich" because I have a maid and a driver. But I know people with 24/7 valet at their home.

>> No.251816

Looks flat in Biotech. Idk about rebound.

>> No.251847


Well, there you go. Wipe thinks if you have less than a cool Billion you're not rich. I mean, there are less than 2000 of them on the planet, but there you go.

>> No.251853

Wait a minute dude, he just said wealth is relative.

Lets be honest, if you don't have a billion you aren't 'rich'. But he didn't say that.

>> No.251870

What? There's not a problem with that. It's a clear line that let's you say a person is or is not rich. Anyone wanting to piss and moan about a radeologist making 500k as being rich can challenge that definition and we can have a discussion beyond is not/is too.

>> No.251873

Exactly. To me, the term "rich" is a limit or end goal for someone. So if your idea of rich is 150K then that's most likely your limit. I don't want to paint a ceiling for myself because I never want to be content.

Yup. Just a healthy discussion to pass a slow trade day.

>> No.251886
File: 15 KB, 567x65, biof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jump on the BIOF train before the day is over

>> No.251899


While we're on the subject, personally I'd call rich the point you're making an exponential return on your assets that covers your lifestyle and builds additional equity at some acceptable rate.

>> No.251928

2.65% gains today.

I'm happy with that.

>> No.251955

Ah, so as long as your earning potential is always increasing?

>> No.251965

Hey check it out, North Korea and South Korea exchanged fired.


>> No.251977

>North and South Korea killed 7 jellyfish, 3 squid and 4 octopus.

>Sponge Bob and Patrick have tweeted that they are OK.

Best reply

>> No.251978


>> No.251979

Right. You should always be making more money. I see a lot of retirement stuff on "make x amount, retire, take out y yearly until you die" which makes no sense to me. You should own stuff and it should make you money faster than you spend it. Ideally a significant amount faster.

It kind of gets to the eponymous question that always gets asked on /biz/: how do I get rich from nothing? In the beginning, you earn wage until you have capital, and then earn returns on capital, and always try to increase wage and returns until wealth is growing fast enough for you to not have to worry about it so much.

The thing is, increasing your wage and returns is relatively easy at low levels. 30% return isn't difficult at all if your assets are below 100k. It gets more difficult the higher you go (I think), but at that point you're more keeping score than trying to hit it big.

Just my 2 cents.

>> No.251982

it's a good thing we've had 28,500 troops in south korea for years.


>> No.251993

Until troops cross the DMZ or the bombs start dropping, nothing to see here.

BTW, if you ever get the chance, they actually do tours through the Demilitarized Zone. I would highly suggest checking it out if you're ever in South Korea.

>> No.252001

I liked it too. Pic related.

If only it was a land to land attack. I don't get Asian hate for the sea...

PS: And 1 billion in aid to Ukraine.

>how do I get rich from nothing?
I would say going to college is a great start since you get to network with a lot of people in the same stage of life you're in. Build some partnerships.

I want to go to Japan to try Kobe beef. China is the only interest to me though. Business opportunities.

>> No.252017

>PS: And 1 billion in aid to Ukraine.
oh yeah we're some how involved in that too giving money we don't have.


>> No.252020

More like Eurofags not giving a shit till troops are on their soil

>> No.252022

i really wish america would do what australia does in these situations: nothing.

>> No.252026

Not everyone networks in college though. And you can do the same thing in church or at charity events. Too often people get told to go to college and then they do it wrong.

It could really be cut down to "go network your ass off".

>> No.252116

You can thank that faggot Truman for ruining everything. Before then, whenever the Euro's would fight we would just sell arms/supplies to both sides. I wish we would go back to that.

>Go network your ass off

>> No.252590

You are the biggest faggot to cancer up these boards in a long while. Totally oblivious to your fucking cancer status. Keep on lying full steam ahead.

>> No.253111

I am Patrick Bateman, ranked 2. I feel like I understand how to day trade. What sort of job did you have in mind?

>> No.253116

I may be two months late but I will be in the top ten by the end of April.

>> No.253160

Account name?

>> No.253168

are you referring to daylight savings time?

>> No.253182


>> No.253184

Also i have no clue how the green text got there.....because I sure as hell didn't type it.

>> No.253187

Misplaced and forgotten greentext is a symptom of 4chan addiction.

>> No.253217

What trade platform is best for a beginner who plans on trading semi actively with a starting value of 2k? I'm thinking TD Ameritrade, but maybe E trade is worth my time?

>> No.253219

So any interest in the IPOs this week?

>> No.253236


If i had TST I'd sell it ASAP.

Can't blame Cramer though, he set me up for some cheap oily my little ponies.

>> No.253500

Bump. Another up day? New highs?

>> No.253582

Good day today.

>> No.253585
File: 18 KB, 497x88, I'mnew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.253597

hey fellas. now when it comes to disease what are some companies that stand to turn a profit off of disease. for example the current ebola issue in africa...

thanks biz

>> No.253619

shit day so far had a bad short entry on NFLX and FSLR so I got stopped out real quick. Right now I am long PCLN and GOOG and short BBY

>> No.253635

mah lawd, these AGTC gainz!

>> No.253645

>not shorting MNKD

>> No.253649

shorted the fuck out of BBRY and making them gainz mang!!

>> No.253696

who buying AMRN here?

>> No.253718

it is officially time to get in the zone (AZO)

>> No.253739

can't yet, isn't $2.00

>> No.253758

Dat PCYC pop. 9% and climbing quickly.

>> No.253785

Is ecommerce about rusing people? I don't really understand why internet based industry would have much value besides what naive people getting tricked think it has

>> No.253822

Whats going on with $PRSC?

>> No.253881


>> No.254075

Gave up a lot of gains though.

>> No.254107

Is there a time when you don't post on 4chan? I thought you ran a business of some sort?

>> No.254115

It looks terrible, elaborate?

>> No.254120

>Have tab open
>Have refresh button selected
>Check EOD market prices

Can you not multi task?

>> No.254131

I assumed you actually did something besides sit on the computer. Sorry for offending you.

>> No.254138
File: 5 KB, 305x87, wtf google.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wipe are you rich?
im new here.... how rich are you? self made?

tips for a 19 year old who still lives with his parents and knows nothing about finance and spends all his money?
im trying to change those last 2 things right now

wtf google, i dont like this april fools captcha shit

>> No.254139

I'm sorry for the harsh tone. I'm usually at one of the businesses each day. I do most of my work after hours (7pm-1am) since all the admin work is done then.

I don't get involved in day to day stuff. That's what my on site doctor/receptionist does.

>> No.254144

>How rich are you?
Only me, my wife, my father-in-law and my CPA know that.

>self made?
A mix. Was semi-successful but was boosted significantly.

>tips for a 19 year old who still lives with his parents

This is coming from someone who's 24. Get off your ass, get some schooling in you (I recommend only Applied Math for B.S.) and do something with yourself.

>> No.254170

hoping i dont fuck up the thread, but im curious...
im in costa rica, still in high school (lost a few years due to weed/booze), do you think i have a better chance of staying here and trying to get into banking or moving to the states with my father and getting a job in software or something in finance.

yesterday i was giving $60US witch i now only have 8 in my pocket and 10 i put in the bank...... have you ever had in a period in your life when you were irresponsible with money? how did you start managing it better?
i dont even know in what it was i blew 40 bucks, but it was nothing i needed

is it a good idea to get into stocks young? i have been reading a bit about stocks and those $10 i put in the bank are there to hopefully in 2 years be over $3000 so i can start trading

>> No.254193


>> No.254209

You should make a thread since this is a stocks/marketwatch thread.

>> No.254219


i agree with what you said about networking in college. my abortion of a degree is saved only by the great connections i made in the middle east and asia

>> No.254227

IE: he married in to it. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

>> No.254249

Marriage actually just removed 5-7 years off my path. But there is nothing wrong with it!

Fuck yeah. No point going to college if youre just going to be a homebody

>> No.254267

Open your eyes.
you won't turn 10$ into 3000$ even in 10 years
commissions alone will kill you plus 10 into 3000 is a 300% gain , no one has a 300% gain in 2 years

>> No.254294

let me explain a little better, like i said im still in school, and i live with my parents, and i live in costa rica, i can get around school with 10 dolars a week, making it 40 a month, now i get 60 dollars per week, making it 240 a month, lets say i use 70 a month in school i still have 170 free, i use about 70 dolars a month outside of school and i can save about 100 a month.

im going to have ATLEAST 3k in 2 years, i just didnt explain myself right, if i could get my money managed / make and more importantly follow a budget i bet i could have 3k be 2015

>> No.254300

>19 years old
>Makes 240$ a month

I want you to just sit and think about that for awhile.

>> No.254309

damn i really didnt want to make this thread lose direction....
im not sure what you want me to think about, all i know is i have really bad spending habits and before i can fix that im still going to be broke, because im always broke tuesday - sunday, every monday when i get $60 i blow them off immediately.

also im not making them, my dad gives them to me....

i need help...

>> No.254317

And you think we are going to teach you discipline through an imageboard? Try a psychiatrist

>> No.254324


>> No.254351

Just find a rich broad and marry her, then you can look down your nose at people while you babysit your wife/father-in-law's businesses.

>> No.254363

I almost forgot this existed, I threw all the money long UVXY so somebody else could take top 10 from me.

Hope you're all having fun

>> No.254366

Hello my friend. Long time no talk! Now all we need is for Praise the Sun to show up

>> No.254370

Them solars have been pretty crazy though

>> No.254374

Rubicon a shit.

>> No.254393



I've been doing to slow trades. Nothing to crazy. Biotech got #rekd these last two weeks though.

>> No.254388

If you mean RBY, that stock is set up really well

>> No.254400

Is that a thinly veiled shot at Wipe?

>> No.254397


>> No.254403

Muh SGYP took the long hard dicking, but other than that been doing fine while bios been anally rekt. I had short HALO at 14 so....

Also that AMD is working out, what happened to all those who were trying to short that lel

>> No.254410

Not a stock m8

>> No.254413

It will be in a couple of days.

>> No.254412

>AMD shorts
Wont kick in until after ER. The people in the threads were just douchebags who said to short AMD because I said buy.

>> No.254421

Tell me why they are shit
That gap fill doe

>> No.254425

Apparently it's just the law of the stock market. Short AMD after ER. Would be awesome to see them back up to 12$ a share though.

>> No.254436

No, that's the path to self made manhood.

Hey, anyone know anything about cars? I need a new car that befits my status as a trophy manlet.

>> No.254442


You gonna sit there and take that, (butt)Wipe?

>> No.254445

But.. but anon kun.. I'm tall as heck..

>> No.254466
File: 34 KB, 640x360, when will they ever learn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's cool, dude. They have cosmetic surgery available and you can easily afford it.

>> No.254478

I don't want to be taller... I'm already 6'5

>> No.254484

unprofitable so far, random net losses, has to compete with bigger people.

>> No.254535

Whatever you say, stunty.

>> No.254537

i liek chese

>> No.254569

And money ^^

>> No.254700

Or you can just not be a retard and get a real degree.

>> No.255823

Market opening soon

>> No.255826

Anyone else having trouble with orders going through?

>> No.255841

i am, did some trades but they didnt go through

>> No.255847

none of my trades have gone through. guess I'll have to spend the day masturbating.

>> No.255848

god fucking damnit, i hesitated and didnt buy MNKD a few days ago when it was at 3.85 and now its at fucking 7.24

could of made so much money

>> No.255851

Real money or game money?

>> No.255855


in game money im more reckless and just trow it everywhere, and even ingame i didnt buy

>> No.255864

Yeah but apparently Math is scary.

>> No.255868

WTF , why can't I sell or buy anything , plus stocks are forzen
Markets are already open

>> No.255870


Same here, does somebody know what is happening ?

>> No.255872

Russian hackers broke the Wall Street.

>> No.255878

What? What's happening?

>> No.255879

$KING niggers, I fucking told you. One billion in revenue doesn't lie.

>> No.255880

don't ask just sell everything

>> No.255886

It still isn't up to IPO price. Barely break even if you bought day one.

>> No.255890
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>> No.255922

in other news bitcoin is getting slammed again

>> No.255935

How bad?

>> No.255940


probably going to crack 400 before the week is over

>> No.255943

MNKD going down

>> No.255945


lol at that selloff... What happened in the bitfag world?

>> No.255950

nothing really. you read BTC forums and everyone is all butthurt cause they're convinced that some bearish chinese article is responsible for taking out 200 points but in reality its only because a couple people sold a few thousand bitcoins. bitcoiners just don't understand liquidity.

>> No.255959
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>buying plug

>> No.255964

AMRN is tanking

>> No.255962

Such a gamble. Do homework if you want to pump and dump bro.

>> No.255966

I think i'm going to buy more RGR today. I don't usually average down but this stock is too good and too cheap to pass up.

>> No.255968

WOW mnkd

>> No.255971

pretty much one of the ugliest dogs ive seen in a while

>> No.255974

free money to short it right now

>> No.255975

half hour ago i thought plug was gonna hit 8. stock is a roller coaster.

>> No.255986
File: 977 KB, 1520x2688, IMAG0403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I own one of the cutest doges is history
>pic related

>> No.255990

are you a chick or a gay guy?

dog is still p/ cute though

>> No.255989

pretty much one of the ugliest cats ive seen in a while

>> No.255995


>> No.256002

but aren't dogs haram?

>> No.256000

Best low risk stocks?

PG and COKE I made 30% on in a practice game, others like them?

However often they go down they always grow in the long term.

>> No.256003
File: 1.07 MB, 2688x1520, IMAG0303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking rofl

Bought him for the wife so when she goes shopping she has company during the weekdays.

>pic related

>> No.256004

you married a girl that takes a little dog with her shopping? fuck man.

>> No.256007

She has a rich daddy though.

>> No.256009

No... I think there's something about their saliva being unclean. But that's it.

He's travel sized.

She works hard on her own.

Index funds?

>> No.256011

>index funds

>> No.256016

Index funds are great. But its something you just keep buying and not look at its current price.

What are the profit margins on dental floss?

>> No.256017

I don't doubt it. Still a nice investment marrying rich and using his money to start a business, even if she is uggo.

>> No.256014

CL cause niggas are always gonna brush their teeth and the margins on dental floss are boss

>> No.256019

Literally just looking at them before you said that. Looks like a good idea.

>Index funds are great. But its something you just keep buying and not look at its current price.
Exactly what I did.

>> No.256023

Im waiting for news on what the Amazon Fire TV is packing for my AMD shares.

>> No.256031

>cutest doges is history
Dude, i'm gonna type as sober as possible, that honestly looks fcking pathetic and digusting. and I'm being one hundred percent serious. you're a fuking joke dude, and im dead fuking serious. gert areal dog im seriously.. dont eever potst your fuking ugly dog on /biz/ ever the fuk again bro, and by bro i mean never my bro, fuking faggot.

>> No.256036
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>> No.256038

business drunk

>> No.256049

He's some badass who thinks it's cool and edgy to announce you're drunk on an anonymous imageboard.

>> No.256052

But he's not wrong.

>> No.256057

>Getting this rekd over choice in dog
Nah, just autism and angst.

>> No.256059

>take a drink every time someone hates on wipe

this is gonna be a great new game

>> No.256063

>seriously believing anyone cares what kind of faggy dog you have

Relax, it's all in good fun.

>> No.256064

Compared to badass posting of your car, trading accounts, and ugly ass dog?

>> No.256066

*drinks heavily*

>> No.256070

Guys cut it out or you'll kill


>> No.256071

no its fine I trade better drunk

>> No.256074

hey wipe you still have that HTC one?
how about a recent picture of the dog? that ones from august

>> No.256075


Did you see the new Amazon Fire TV has an AMD processor? Wonder if that will push price up.

>> No.256079

>post pics of dog
>bitch about derailment

Short UVXY faggots.

>> No.256080

Come on, don't hate on Wipe, he's a business expert. He knows more about business than you, me and everyone else on here. He's employed advanced strategies like "gold digging" and "converting to your family-in-law's religion" to get where he is, so don't you dare speak ill of him, you pleb. He can have whatever kind of chew toy dog he damn well pleases. It's perfectly within his rights to buy a miniature shit squeaker that could die if you step on it. Who cares if his wife uses it as a surrogate baby? That's none of our business. The man is rich and knows he could get better pussy, but he chooses to remain faithful to his wife. He's putting in the time and patience to wait until her looks drop, her father dies, and he has enough money saved up to where he can sleep around without worrying if he gets divorced. The man is a disciplined investor who's in it for the long haul. I can only hope to make half as good of an investment as Wipe did. He has my utmost respect and should have yours as well.

>> No.256081

Why? Looks like things are peaking.

>> No.256083

Hey. I'm from econ.

You really need to stop shitting all over yourself.

Seriously. 4chan isnt your blog. It's bad enough that you have a trip, which most, if not all anons hate, but you go into pictures of your wife, your family, your personal shit that honestly no one cares about.

You dont see me posting pictures of my boat I purchased 2 months ago.

You know why? I'm not insecure and need validation from faceless internet people on an imageboard..

>> No.256085

10/10 would read again.

You should have on econ. Would have been neat. What kind of boat?

>> No.256086

I can never get a good read on AMD. I find I'm better at day trading high beta stocks on the short side. I've been playing P FSLR DDD and NFLX short a lot but I never overnight. My strategy is I look for companies I believe to be overvalued and just wait for them to crack. I'm pretty good at reading intraday tape and catching trend reversals but long term/fundamentals? not for me.

>> No.256088
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>> No.256089

Ah, did you ride that 3D market crash earlier this year?

>> No.256101

I wouldn't say I rode it but I jumped in and out a lot. 3D printing is still a good short IMO but I don't have the balls to deal with the wild opens/closes stocks like that give you.

>> No.256102

Does any one know which trading platform has the most lenient Options guidelines?
I.E, how easy they are willing to give options to someone with only a year worth of experience.

>> No.256103

I saw some red with these last two weeks and the Biotech crash. My fault for no stop limit...

Are you shorting/buying puts?

>> No.256106

You should lie on those applications. They really don't check up on it anyways.

>> No.256107

Experience is irrelevant if you have enough money to give them.

>> No.256111

>I can never get a good read on AMD
price drops before the ER, what else is there to figure out?

ssys has been killin me the last month.

>> No.256109

Message me on Skype btw

>> No.256113

>pictures of your wife
this i gotta see.

>> No.256112

shorting. I'm not smart enough to trade options. I don't have any positions open currently.

>> No.256116

>price drops before the ER, what else is there to figure out?

because sometimes it doesn't?

amd is a weird stock that trades too tightly and I have no idea how to extract money from it just by trading. if you've figured out a way good for you but I have no real interest in the stock.

>> No.256118

I wouldn't hold any 3D companies. They had their run. Whole sector was pumped to oblivion.

What is the taxation on shorting?

>> No.256120

well ssys has been doing what i want the last week. im itching to get out, just waiting out this little ride.

>> No.256122


lol, TdAmeritrade called me out.
Told me they wanted to make sure nothing funny was going on.

So I was thinking of switching to option house or scottrade. Wherever would be the easiest

>> No.256126

Haha they did? What did they say?

How has ONVO been doing? Only 3D company I ever got into.

>> No.256131

taxed like a long position usually

ehh. I'm bearish.

>> No.256136

Litterally some douchebag called me and said that he had some concerns about the validity of my account.
"Please call me back at XXX, I just want to make sure no funny business is going on."
Then he actually wanted some proof. I guess I only have 10k so it's not enough money

>> No.256140

Yeah, they look for that 25K as a starter. They treated me differently until they saw my other bank accounts. Greedy fucks.

>Ehh. I'm bearish
I'll continue to watch it then

>> No.256142

>How has ONVO been doing? Only 3D company I ever got into.
idk i only got into DDD and SSYS.

>> No.256143

If 10k isn't enough, fuck 'em, tell them you'll take your business elsewhere and see if his tone changes.

>> No.256145

I don't pay too much attention to ONVO cause its a lot like PLUG imo. Theres a lot of sand getting thrown in the air and the stock is going to experience wild swings either way for no real reason. I always see it pop up on the large % movers on my watchlist but it never makes any sense.

personally I'm watching SSTK and waiting for that nut to crack wide open. 2.6 billion is still way too much for that turd.

>> No.256146

>best of luck lying to the next guy to get option trading.

>> No.256150

how has GM stock not dropped yet

>> No.256160

Did you see that drop in PRAN?

>> No.256165

lol yeah thats why I don't like to play biotech. its such a hit or miss home run based sector and I can't keep up with it. P is easy for me to get a read on; its internet radio with commercials. I can tell its overvalued just because of the way the price swings. but IDK what any of these drugs do or if they really make money so I just stay away. Its hard for me to trade based off news and developments within a company, but I do fine trading off other peoples emotions (see NFLX)

>> No.256191

huge selling pressure in bitcoin

>> No.256202

It's over! Buttcoin is finished!

>> No.256203

I wish. its going to take a while but people seem to forget that not very long ago you could trade a pizza for a couple thousand bitcoins. theres no reason at all we can't go back to that: the supply is ample and the demand (outside of speculators on occasion) isn't there

>> No.256207

Kind of feel bad for all the Goyim that bought in at 500-1000$

>> No.256219

nice ewok

>> No.256236

>the demand (outside of speculators on occasion) isn't there

Because there's no infrastructure to do anything with it besides trade. A few novelty stores here and there, but it needs widespread adoption to create liquidity and stability. The deflationary trend will stagnate until then. Also, way too much hoarding going on from the top investors.

>> No.256245

>Because there's no infrastructure to do anything with it besides trade


people are very optimistic about the timeframe in which this will change, if ever. they assume that since they adopted something naturally everyone else will and nothing better or more lucrative will come alone. And no, I don't think any current alt coins count as either of those, but the future is a long way out there.

>> No.256257

I kind of bad for anyone who had anything in Gox because their assets literally vanished overnight but I also feel like if you're not buying/selling BTC over the counter then you're missing the point of bitcoin and probably deserve to lose it all.

>> No.256260

seconding this

>> No.256272

looking through I just noticed MNST swung a whole point on high volume in one minute. neat.

>> No.256274
File: 10 KB, 1000x243, mnst.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot the chart but seriously wtf

>> No.256282

if anybody has a copy+paste of the time and sales ticker from that minute and each one surrounding it I'd really like a pastbin of that

>> No.256297


That is probably the smartest thing I've heard about Bitcoin in a long time.

>> No.256300

Algos man.

>> No.256302

idk it could have just been a large market order. sometimes I feel like an algos main purpose is to make an investment feel liquid and stable but then when a human tries to sell a block order the stocks illiquidity shines through in moments like this as "fake" buyers step away and real ones step in.

so yeah I guess it was algos idk what I'm saying

>> No.256305


>> No.256308

I'm in a class with a trading game. I fucked up and bought calls on AAPL the day before the IOS security flaw was announced, so now I have 200 trades and a week and a half to make 35000. If I liquidate now I've got 78000.

What's moving a lot? Where's the volatility today? I need to buy some options.

>> No.256312

Have you shorted $PRAN yet?

>> No.256313

UVXY will probably shoot up a bit once we get off this high. Or if we go crazy higher.

>> No.256322

20 UVXY1419D62
150 PRAN1419P2

>> No.256329

I seriously hope none of you use fucking oscillators to make short calls.

I know there are a lot of pollacks here, but this market is not going down within the week despite all your happenings.

Look at price action before you even bother with any other indicators.

>> No.256336

I don't believe in "indicators" "price targets" "resistance levels" or any of that bullshit, and the only "news" source I trust is the tape.

>> No.256341
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>> No.256348


>> No.256376

sorry man this wipe drinking game got me fucked up

>> No.256397

Have some coffee mate, or some water. No sense getting all hungover

>> No.256455
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Then you'd be wrong.

A lot.

>> No.256463
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Also have to throw in the /biz/ OC of $PLUG

>> No.256471

yeah that stuff works until it doesn't. its the same as flipping a coin imo and I'm ok with being wrong "half" of the time.

>> No.256475

>doesn't understand probability

>> No.256479

If you only traded at those circles points, and traded based on the direction they predicted, you would lose money. Using past data to make predictions about the past is stupid.

>> No.256480

like I said it works until it doesn't. you're just blindly placing bets on things that "should work" and I'm placing bets on whats actually happening.

>> No.256486

>more mental diarrhea

Whether a market moves up or down is only a part of the equation. To someone like who doesn't know anything about statistical significance, then yes, the market is random and your trades are just bets.

>> No.256487

Yup. Basic risk analysis is all that's needed.

>> No.256489

>To someone like who doesn't know anything about statistical significance, then yes, the market is random and your trades are just bets.
Funny how you're talking as if there's mathematics behind it when really you're just looking at when it "looks like" it will go up or down, and guessing based on that. If you can't quantify your method and use it to predict future movements, your method is worthless.

>> No.256493
File: 19 KB, 518x400, 1335797350455.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally just told him he doesn't know anything about statistical significance
>he keeps arguing about randomness

>> No.256495

>statistical significance
thats great that you found a strategy that works but like I said it works until it doesn't and I'll be there when it doesn't.

>> No.256497

I bet you're the kind of guy who brings an umbrella on a sunny day in the middle of a heat wave.

>statistical significance
>a strategy that may or may not work


>> No.256499


>> No.256502

>>statistical significance
>>a strategy that may or may not work
I didn't say "may or may not" so stop being a faggot and shoving things in my mouth. I'll admit that a percentage of the time it "works" but there are times when it doesn't and betting on the "most probably outcome" has catastrophic outcomes from time to time.

>> No.256500

You're fucking retarded. You're claiming statistical significance on something that research has shown to not be predictive over 50 years ago.

>> No.256507

>you found a strategy that works but like I said it works until it doesn't

What does this mean then if not "it may or may not work"?

Nobody is talking about prediction. Like I said, if you knew anything about statistics, you'd know the difference.

It's like I'm talking to chimps here.

>> No.256508

>betting on the "most probably outcome" has catastrophic outcomes from time to time.

Welcome to risk analysis faggot. Lrn2Actuary sciences. You should take some basic Game Theory courses. You wouldn't look like such an idiot.

>It's like I'm talking to chimps here

>> No.256510

>Still not getting probability

This is kind of funny.

>> No.256511

> if you knew anything about statistics, you'd know the difference.
You shouldn't be trying to brag about knowing high school math when you can't do anything more than recite the name of the term yourself.

>> No.256514

lol k

Now I know what it feels like to be Wipe when people say he isn't rich.

>> No.256516

>You should take some basic Game Theory courses
no thank you
oh I get that you like to base your trades off magic numbers
you claim that statistics have any real relevance in something like the stock market. you look like the chimp (chump) to me. the old saying of "picking up pennies in front of a steam roller" applies to guys like you.

>> No.256523

Enjoy your high school diploma.

>> No.256528

>no thank you
If you don't know the math then fuck off. Seriously. Its basic undergraduate stuff....

>> No.256533

lol wipe no offense but I've never seen you post a successful trade idea not even once so maybe "understanding the math" isn't everything huh?

>> No.256535

I just posted a picture of me gaining 1,400$ yesterday. Deal with it.

>> No.256542

He made a killing on DGAZ when the trading game started.

>> No.256543

>I don't believe in "indicators" "price targets" "resistance levels" or any of that bullshit
>the only "news" source I trust is the tape.
>I'm not smart enough to trade options.
>long term/fundamentals? not for me.

Just a reminder who I'm talking to.

>all dat projection
>all dat jelly

I understand, Anon. Math is hard. I mean 2x + 6 = 10??? WTF is the x for? This is math! Not English!

Sums up their willful ignorance pretty succinctly. Can't help those who won't help themselves.

>> No.256545

Isn't that like, less than .1% of your money? How is that supposed to be impressive?

>> No.256551

You said I'm incapable of making money on the market. Made quite a bit according to most people's standards.

Yup. You can apply the same math that insurance companies use towards the market. maybe he's assuming that we are talking about a 100% correct mathematical equation for the stock market when what we are talking about is risk analysis. The probability of failure/success.

>> No.256553

>I understand, Anon. Math is hard. I mean 2x + 6 = 10??? WTF is the x for? This is math! Not English!
See now I'm the one who gets to laugh at you. I can guarantee I know far more math than you. And I can actually discuss it instead of just pretending I understand things that I don't.

>> No.256555

is 1,400 a lot for your account size?
at least I can admit where my faults are and can admit that some things are impossible to "know". I lack in options and I feel bad every day about it but I just can't nail down exact numbers and timeframes on stocks. People are going to step in and buy/sell wherever they want to and I won't let myself get pinned down because I'm pegged to a certain strike price/date. So I can only trade intraday, oh well. I'm not worried about it.

>> No.256563

>I know for more math than you do
Prove it anon.

The amount was attached to success via a good play on the market. Extra income is always nice.

>> No.256568


So he doesn't understand options either.

>> No.256569

So I need proof and he gets away with just insulting people for something he claims they don't know, even though he doesn't show any understanding of it himself?

>> No.256573

>So I can only trade intraday
>can admit that some things are impossible to "know"

I understand your perspective, Anon. But you're speaking out of ignorance, so please, consider that when money is on the line, you have a duty to yourself and your money to make wise decisions.

Intraday trading is highly noisy. Of course trading on that time frame will make the market look erratic. Please do your homework and learn something before risking your money. Here are some free resources that you can use




And the books I used in school



>> No.256575

Ah it is between you two. I'll stay out.

>> No.256578

You're the one claiming you knew more math. Burden of proof on that claim is on you.

>> No.256580

>I can guarantee I know far more math than you.

Can you describe this guarantee as a probability?

>> No.256582


You should check this out.

>> No.256586
File: 79 KB, 1023x536, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of my books aren't in my room.

>> No.256588

Meant this for you

>> No.256593

what you say doesn't worry me. people have been trying for a very long time to quantify the stock market and they're no closer today than they were yesterday. good luck with your system I hope it works out for you.

>> No.256596

None of that math is applied.

>tfw required to take topology/theory related classes

Hated every second of it. What are you studying to become?

>> No.256597

I don't really think it's impossible to quantify. It's just if any method of doing so becomes popular, then that method loses its value, because you are competing with people who are
-faster than you
-manipulate the market in order to beat you

So I will not believe any trading method without seeing research that actually proves it works. And even if research proves that it works, I'd be surprised if it works for much longer after that.

>> No.256599

I never claimed to know more applied math than him ;)
I do, however, understand the concept of statistical significance more than well enough.

I'm planning to slowly move towards applications in geometry/combinatorics. Hoping to take advantage of the fact that most people who just go straight to applied won't understand this stuff, since I like doing pure math but hate academia.

>> No.256603

this thread reminds me that its fun to see smart quants get taken out by dumb traders. it doesn't happen very often but when it does its hilarious.

>> No.256604

>I like doing pure math but hate academia.

Can't stand academia. Also my topology teacher was a total prick to me once he found out I drove a Benz. I guess I have a bad taste in my mouth from most of my Math teachers. Only the finance/econ kids were "nice" to me.

>> No.256605

>still has no idea what we're discussing isn't about predicting stock movement

I don't see a book on statistics. ;)

Anyway, anon. You started the shit talking. I don't care about how much math you know, but since you're obviously well educated, you should know that probability absolutely exists in markets, and for you to say otherwise is downright retarded. You seem like the kind of elitist intellectual who's so convinced of his superiority he denies knowledge in plain view. Studying discrete math is a paradigm where you can predict results. Every input has an output. Study some fuzzy math, man. You'll be a better mathematician for it.

>> No.256609

We established he's not studying applied math that much. He will get there once he starts moving there.

>> No.256612



>> No.256616

Most people teaching classes in general are total cunts more interested in their research than in teaching class.

Then again, a lot of students are total cunts that don't give a shit about their classes beyond it being a requirement anyway.

>> No.256618

>I don't care about how much math you know, but since you're obviously well educated, you should know that probability absolutely exists in markets, and for you to say otherwise is downright retarded

I never claimed otherwise. There is probability even if we just assume the random walk hypothesis (not that I believe the market is a random walk). But if the market is a random walk, then there will be no resistance levels or price targets or indicators.

If you're talking about >>256489, I was saying there was no mathematics behind your method, not behind the market itself. If you want to claim that resistance levels and price targets help you make money, and want to ask like there is mathematics behind your decisions, I would expect to see research or simulations showing that you can actually beat the market using your strategy.

>> No.256619

want to act* like there is mathematics behind your method

>> No.256621

Then again, I went to a shitty state school.

>> No.256624

Where are you attending graduate school?

>> No.256634

California. I'm not going to get more specific than that though.

>> No.256638

Oh nice. I'll be in LA this weekend and SF on the 12th for the Cherry Blossom festival.

>> No.256642

Too late. /biz/ is coming for you with our polo mallets and croquet wickets. Going to stake you into the ground and take turns whacking you while snorting coke through Benjamens.

>> No.256643

Don't you mean Polio infected croquet mallets?

>> No.256644

Whatever. Just as long as everyone remember to wear their monocle and top hat.

>> No.256645

Cool, I should go to that festival one of these years.
That would almost be worth it just to be able to see it happening. Just make sure to invite me along when you go to do it to someone else.

>> No.256652

Im told it's beautiful. I prefer North California to Southern (grew up in central). All that good food up there.

Don't you mean Yamakas and Dreidels? We are /biz/raelis remember.

>> No.256669

Not fancy enough.

>> No.256671

In suits?

>> No.256676

Suits or suspenders required.

>> No.256739

Crazy $JNUG explosion today, and after hours are still lighting up.

Closed at 22.50. After hours already 22.75

Some say the JNUG train continues into tomorrow, and that Friday is the big day of reversal trends between JNUG and JDST

Wondering as fuck what Friday's winner will be.

>> No.256805

sup guys, I'm top of the line right now in the game that my class is playing and I'm hoping to stay that way. Right now everything is liquidated after my TSLA recovered, recommendations for safe investments or should I just pull out now while I know I'll finish in a high ranking?

>> No.256970

Short term bond ETFs
Borders bookstore

>> No.257824

/biz/ really needs a stockbroker general

>> No.258075

On the off chance this lives long enough, what's up with Google? I haven't had the chance to do anything with this recently, but I was holding a lot of GOOG and suddenly come back to find I'm down half my worth. I know there was a stock split and there's not GOOG and GOOGL, but what else does that entail?

>> No.258145

Probably the game has a bug and doesn't handle the stock split properly, thus why you lost half your money instead of staying exactly the same.

>> No.258155

whats ur rank faggot