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25157188 No.25157188 [Reply] [Original]

what should I expect /biz/bros?

>> No.25157205

How much you staking? I've never been selected

>> No.25157219
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>> No.25157247
File: 241 KB, 1271x840, 74588270-db691b80-4ff2-11ea-99da-cf7ba82d64dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how to stake? do i just max out my kleros coins and hit stake? i dont want to lose them all
idk but good luck

>> No.25157248

This is the most stupidest, cringiest coin I've ever seen
It reminds me of BNTY. Can't wait for this trash to die off

>> No.25157251

This, I was too much of a poorfag I think to get picked. What kind of court did u do OP? I hope u make it

>> No.25157257

Poo and lots of it

>> No.25157263

lol same I staked a very small amount I'm scared to lose any haha

>> No.25157272

retard its on-chain rulings that impact on-chain contracts.

right now an omen market is contested and Kleros is deciding the results

I got into PNK after hearing about case 302 and was selected for 532, its pretty based ngl



>> No.25157297

about 125k


general court

I'm expecting angry poo from the 'yes' voters on 532

>> No.25157319

Only a tiny portion will be locked per case so you should stake everything to increase your chances of being picked

>> No.25157383

So if I stake say 100k in a court how much do you stand to lose in the event you choose incoherently? Say general court for instance
I never saw this info on the site

>> No.25157449

i am worried about doing the transaction in case it goes wrong and i lose all of my kleros coins :(

>> No.25157485

transactions are atomic - it either works or it doesn't - either way you're not going to magically lose your coins doing a transaction w/ them

>> No.25157523

Nvm I found the info
α ⋅ min stake ⋅ weight. The α parameter
determines the number of tokens to be redistributed after a ruling
You won't lose anything

>> No.25157564
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i am too scared to do it so i will just hold i think. i hope they do some ui changes to make it appear safer or something. i am not very smart either so i might vote wrong and thats not good for the cases. thanks anyways and good luck kleros jurors

>> No.25157613

I'm scared too man I don't think it would be really difficult issues to think about but I'm retarded so in my head I imagine I just fuck it up and lose all my tokens lol

>> No.25157658

yeah putting up over 50 thousand kleros coins in a transaction isnt very comfy. i know i wont lose them, only a tiny amount if i vote wrong but its so easy to lose your coins in crypto

>> No.25157687

then fuck off pussy

>> No.25157698

How did you even manage buy PNK if you find it that difficult? Staking is literally as easy as buying from Uniswap

>> No.25157785
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dont be mean but ill leave the thread since im not a juror
exchanges take my fiat and i dont care. maybe kleros take my kleros coins when i stake, that i fear, even if i know ill get them back
good luck with your case

>> No.25158032

Ok anons I staked 100k. 2% of selection. So its only an eth shovel if youre staking about a million tokens, I see now.