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File: 37 KB, 240x236, csm_bitcoin_logo_DDAEEA68FA_seeklogo_com_png__PNG_Image__299_x_300_pixels__4003e5afda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25152342 No.25152342 [Reply] [Original]

The bankers invade any country that aren't under their control, because they want complete rule over the world. Syria, Libya, Iraq, Nazi Germany etc. Why would they let some random nerds make their own currency all of a sudden? If Bitcoin started to become a real problem for the bankers, they would just shut it down.

How do you refute this?

>> No.25152362
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You can't really shut down Bitcoin anon

>> No.25152366

Dude you can't fud bitcoin anymore just stop

>> No.25152391

I would refute it by saying it's not possible.
The kikes finally realized it and now even some of them are buying it.

>> No.25152396


Nazi Germany attacked first, the rest of those countries weren't attacked for "control of the world" they were attacked because of false claims made by retarded intelligence agencies and military.

Gold isn't a problem for bankers and Bitcoin is digital gold. Fiat still has its place, its just one other asset class for billionares to profit off at the end of the day. If gold isn't a threat then nor is bitcoin.

>> No.25152417

Lmao, fud as weak as a kitten with downs

>> No.25152420

>just shut it down
You will refute it yourself by failing to answer how they would do this

>> No.25152430

They already tried many times adversity feed bitcoin and it only grows stronger soon it will bring the bankers to heel

>> No.25152453

if they can't stop something, they corner the market. Look at gold and silver for examples. I'm a BTC bull, but OP sort of has a point.

I'm just not sure what cornering the market would look like in this case. I guess pricing out normies, for one, and then capturing much of the supply, but even then the distribution is sort of even in a way that no one entity will ever be able to capture it all. For instance, I think JPM has enough silver as to have captured that entire market.

>> No.25152477

The problem with BTC is iron hands. Most of the supply is not for sale, in literal NEVER SELLING YOU KIKES-hands

>> No.25152487

what country would they raid exactly..

>> No.25152489

Banks, the ruling banks, know that everyone has a price, anon

>> No.25152498
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>they would just shut it down
they would but they can’t

>> No.25152508

>random nerds
>he doesnt realize btc is china-controlled

>> No.25152552

I'm not fudding. I just put 30% of my net worth into Bitcoin, and I'm gonna continue buying. But something in the back of my mind makes me worried about the Jews. They have spent so much time building up their worldwide empire. Why would they not do everything in their power to shut down competing currencies?

>> No.25152569

Yeah, the intelligence agencies make false claims about "weapons of mass destruction" etc. But what it was really all about was control of their central banks. Libya and Syria were both incredibly rich and successful countries, free of usury, before the Jews had enough.

>> No.25152585

Make more laws about it. Shut down exchanges etc. Make it illegal to own and trade crypto.

>> No.25152664

The SEC probably won't even be able to stop the XRP scam my guy. The government is incompetent and can only go after the simplest of targets which bitcoin certainly is not. There is political gridlock, politicians constantly rotating in and out of power who are fixated on other things, and well the state is just terribly slow to do anything when it comes to new markets like this. By the time the parasitic political class thinks to act to defend fiat, there will have already been institutional adoption so it will become politically infeasible to take action against bitcoin. We're already seeing that.

All the invasions you mentioned are the state going after another centralized target: another government. That's simple they just drop bombs and shit. It's an old game they are accustomed to.

Bitcoin is like an organic guerrilla warfare movement that just gets stronger and more popular with the passage of time. Imagine a US army that was 3x weaker and 3x more incompetent going into a more determined Vietnamese resistance.

It's not that's retarded shitcoiner FUD.

>> No.25152709

The whole world is controlled by the jews though, even China. So they could potentially all agree to ban crypto trading one after the other.

>> No.25152737

> USA bans all withdrawals from BTC to fiat
> Sanctions any country that uses BTC
> Can't use your BTC anywhere
Tell me why this would be impossible

>> No.25152740

bitcoin will never be a problem for bankers, brainlet, the same way they aren't against gold.

>> No.25152752

How’s the governments war on drugs going?

>> No.25152760

>USA bans gold and forbid any country to use gold
sounds ridiculous? same with bitcoin.
also the new SEC chairman is probitcoin.

>> No.25152775


Wealthy countries? Sure. Threatening a power quite literally on a scale a thousand times larger the United States? Not even close.

>> No.25152779

Not really, since the bankers already control 90%+ of the gold supply. This is not the case with Bitcoin.

>> No.25152790

But... how? Like how would they enforce any of that at a global scale. Can you give me an example of a similar action they've done?

>> No.25152834

bitcoin will become a reserve asset and central banks will own some

>> No.25152839

World Economic Forum and the media start pushung claims of how Bitcoin is funding terrorists, drug dealing and child pornography and then both the US and EU write laws that says you cannot trade crypto anymore and will label you a potential terrorist for doing so. Then out sanctions on other third world countries (or stop giving them aid) if they don't follow suit.

>> No.25153000

>How do you refute this?
if they invade china i would call it a win-win

>> No.25153015

this entire thread is so bullish.

>> No.25153016

they could try, but it's in no interest to anyone.
this, they don1T give a fuck

>> No.25153278

I don't understand why. If their money became worthless and people started using Bitcoin to transact, leaving out the banks, then of course the bankers would suffer.

>> No.25153311

Won’t happen they have to give the illusion that bitcoin isn’t a threat to fiat and that fiat is fine, if they start banning alternatives everyone with any money will just go straight into the only other fiat alternative.. gold

>> No.25153317

Ok, that's bullish for Monero.

>> No.25153354

Global currency resets happen every 100 years or so. This move towards a new reserve instrument is wanted by all parties.
The only escape hatch for indebted western nations is to abandon their currencies (ie. default on loans). There must be a new apolitical reserve system put in place before this can happen.
stop being a brainlet

>> No.25153409

Why stop bitcoin? They will just adopt it to their own ends. The bankers don’t outright sanction or forbid anything. They adapt and overcome.

>> No.25153428
File: 155 KB, 890x501, rgD0FO1pELgkuXZzWC2NQk0vJZUUjxMl6o9MBX7WwDM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

difference is that all Bitcoins can be controlled by a single powerful party from a single point in space - all you need is 51% of the hash power and no one will be able to send Bitcoin and the gov't can double spend as much as they want rendering Bitcoin worthless

drugs and gold cannot be controlled by a single powerful party from a single point in space - you can't stop people from transacting gold or drugs, you'd need to surveil and police every inch of the planet 24hours a day

people should remember that once governments ban Bitcoin all commercial miners will be forced to shut down
the ones that continue mining despite the ban will soon go bankrupt as the prices fall and they can't stay profitable
meanwhile governments can mine as much as they want without having to be profitable, governments have no interest in earning Bitcoins, only destroying Bitcoin and saving their own currencies

another thing to keep in mind is that just as Jelle Zijlstra's and William White's plan for central banks is still in full effect
they said that central banks would eventually become the buyers of last resort for all bonds and that central banks would have to artificially keep the price of gold low so that they could stack as much as possible
once bonds and currencies start crumbling they will let the price of gold soar and mobilize it to protect their currencies, keeping their power alive

Bitcoin is fucked no matter what happens
we're all just here to make some quick bucks before it goes to zero

>> No.25153430
File: 8 KB, 228x221, images (29).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>biz talking about geopolitics

>> No.25153498

>The bankers don’t outright sanction or forbid anything. They adapt and overcome.
this x1000.
its beyond most normies comprehension. The bankers absolutely *want* a reserve base that keeps rising in value forever. Why?
They print money on the excuse of that reserve base....I'm not talking about old fashioned 10x reserve base....there is no longer an actual ratio they keep...BUT the excuse of reserve base rising is the justification they use to print 1000x more fiat.
This solves their problems. (ie. a non-debt reserve base)

>> No.25153520

30% of your NW is fudding yourself

>> No.25153533

You can't refute it, Bitcoin can be shut down by literally banning crypto exchanges and removing the source code from GitHub/Bitbucket/Gitlab


>> No.25153547

>its beyond most normies comprehension
You understimate Bitcoin whales

>> No.25153551

>literally banning crypto exchanges
CFTC has already declared bitcoin a commodity
Banking rules have already given banks ability to custody bitcoin
change your fud folder homo, get some new shit....

>> No.25153554

>all you need is 51% of the hash power and no one will be able to send Bitcoin and the gov't can double spend as much as they want rendering Bitcoin worthless

and how exactly will they achieve that?

>> No.25153576

>Bitcoin can be shut down by literally banning crypto exchanges and removing the source code from GitHub/Bitbucket/Gitlab
Exchange fiat ramps help but aren't necessary to make the market.

Bitcoin doesn't need third party repos managers and I suggest you don't fud things you don't understand.

>> No.25153579

>banning crypto exchanges
>removing source code from github

wow you're really stupid, never speak again. you are 100% a retard.

>> No.25153627

You mean like what happened in 2013 when the ONLY single exchange and fiat onramp to bitcoin was shut down, founders arrested, and exchanges banned in all of China when Bitcoin was an internet meme money only a couple billion in marketcap?
Oh yeah that time

>> No.25153654


Rules can change, this page can be all green or all red.
Bitcoin can be shut down


>Bitcoin doesn't need third party repos managers
Yeah sure bro

It already happened one time. I didn't say Bitcoin will go to shit, I only said it COULD be shut down, that's a huge difference

You guys are the same thinking GRT would go straight to 1$ wihout crashing, meanwhile I warned you many times. I enjoyed my 6x and fucked off.

>> No.25153662

OP is an absolute retard that doesn't have a clue about how global politics work, but there's a point that bitcoin has been pure profit without the people benefiting the most having to spend a dime on security, that will change sooner or later. Large bitcoin whales will eventually have to spend some of their profits getting on the good side with governments of smaller countries, and also for keeping a large hash power so that even if it becomes unprofitable the network remains secure.

But that is a fact, bitcoin has been all profits and no cost until now, but sooner than later holders will have to find a way to cooperate to keep the network and it access to financial markets secure.

>> No.25153673
File: 22 KB, 480x360, 1449189494956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bitcoin is fucked no matter what happens
>we're all just here to make some quick bucks before it goes to zero
kek, goldbug boomers and their narrative

>> No.25153679

you need to stop being a retard and you're clearly trolling as a shill for some shit coin nobody should buy.

>> No.25153693

How do you "ban all exchanges?" even the one's that are legally allowed to trade bitcoin in their country?

How do you delete the backups of bitcoin off every developer or every person that ever cloned the bitcoin repo?

Speak out of your ass more, boomer.

>> No.25153710

You are truly retarded and you didn't read, I never said that. I actually started with 300$ in 2015 and crypto trading has been the best investment of my life. I still can't believe how much I've accumulated from just 300$

envy is brutal isn't it

>> No.25153732

Not only that, but Gaddafi wanted to create a transcontinental, gold-backed currency for all of Africa. That's pretty much why (((they))) killed him.

>> No.25153745

>Bitcoin can be shut down by literally banning crypto exchanges and removing the source code from GitHub/Bitbucket/Gitlab
>what is black market
>what are existing bitcoins
>what is p2p transfer

>> No.25153747

They were enough of a threat for the US to begin destabilizing them.

>> No.25153770

Satoshi didn't even use the meme repo management software.... don't think he even used git... boomer shills don't know the difference anyway.

>> No.25153771

Only AMPL can liberate us with its elastic supply protocol

>> No.25153776

where do you think the bankers will store their wealth? in worthless fiat?

>> No.25153797

not to mention at this point almost nobody is seeing bitcoin as a credible threat to the traditional banking system. and this is on purpose. after financial adoption it will be too big to kill. so scaling is held back.

>> No.25153799

please read my comment before replying
>"people should remember that once governments ban Bitcoin all commercial miners will be forced to shut down "
>"the ones that continue mining despite the ban will soon go bankrupt as the prices fall and they can't stay profitable"
>"meanwhile governments can mine as much as they want without having to be profitable, governments have no interest in earning Bitcoins, only destroying Bitcoin and saving their own currencies"

>> No.25153803

>How do you refute this?

I'd avoid the person asking the question the same way I avoid homeless people on the street.

>> No.25153812

>Bitcoin can be shut down
not really there are countries out there that would never ban it. switzerland for example.

>> No.25153823

what if some US intel agency accumulated millions of bitcoin in 2009-2011 and they are now memeing it into a world reserve asset, coming out on top. ever thought about that?
some central bankers have nothing against bitcoin, they see it as a good store of value, just not a good form of money.

>> No.25153831

>governments have no interest in earning Bitcoins, only destroying Bitcoin
fucking retarded shit. destroying bitcoin is like killing the alarm that blares about life conditions ebbing away. won't change shit you still die.

>> No.25153830

You forget that yes they could potentially take control of the network. This would take a global agreement, like China and Russia would have to agree with America (impossible). Also, 85% of bitcoins ever have already been mined.

>> No.25153835

>people should remember that once governments ban Bitcoin all commercial miners will be forced to shut down
note to people replying to this tard. see how they make grand sweeping proclamations? governments all across the world will causally be able to stop people running computer code?

no point in continue talking to xir, because next he will just say "if an asteroid hits" or "if they shutdown the whole internet".

these retarded poorfags are so deep into self-cope that they require the end of humanity to justify their shitty decisions.

>> No.25153840


>> No.25153852

Gold, stocks, property, and in the new digital currencies that they will "print" which will replace fiat.

>> No.25153854

There won't be an alt season you oaf. Protection against hyperinflation is not "exposure to crypto." Protection against hyperinflation is buying a share of Bitcoin's 21 million fixed supply and holding. Altcoins are basically minature central banks printing their own shitcoins out thin air, running huge marketing campaigns, and selling their garbage to investors.

Only retards from the ones who bought alts during 2017's Bitcoin Bullrun are the same retards that are betting such retards will exist for the 2021 Bitcoin Bullrun. Protip, the only retard in the room is you when Bitcoin takes off to 100K and none of the alts follow, but rather dump to go back into Bitcoin's protocol.

>> No.25153857

and bitcoin in case they have to run.

>> No.25153897


>> No.25153900

>global agreement

Insert 100K new bitcoin nodes
Own Bitcoin

>> No.25153916

what these morons fail to see most importantly is currency getting devalued != dead. every fiat currency gets devalued to spinsterish over time. this is not a problem this is the desired behavior by the bankers and governments. nobody want to have massive debt in something they can't devalue at will. makes you very vulnerable.

>> No.25153918

Whoops wrong thread.

>> No.25153938

*shiterins fucking autocorrect

>> No.25153953

>You guys are the same thinking GRT would go straight to 1$
Lol right
You're the one thinking /biz/ are all the same guy

>> No.25153971
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>> No.25153972

Sorry but the defi casino is strong juju, I’ve made more money on uniswap this year than 7 years of trading, I expect it will continue into spring.

>> No.25153975
File: 65 KB, 215x300, TheSchiffHasSailed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do you refute this?

>> No.25153978

Nice tricks

>> No.25154017
File: 28 KB, 700x483, AauNxrf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bankers OWN bitcoin core you retard. Its kiterally controlled by the Bilderbergs since they invested millions and millions on blockstream.

>> No.25154168

Im worried about how safe of an investment bitcoin and crypto in general can be too but considering the other options of investing I think its the only smart thing to do. Stock trading is a meme unless you’re holding for fucking ages or already made it and have friends in high places, metals are only for SHTF use, and real estate or any other similar things require a major amount of time investment most of us dont want to do. Crypto is risky but the rewards are real, so many people got a second chance at life just by making a slight investment into this shit. Even IF it shut down it would never die for good so just fucking hold for a while until it eventually skyrockets again. Bankers wouldnt shut down an opportunity to make money thats retarded, they would just discourage others or get in before all the normies can. Just dont buy shitcoins or buy like one that looks promising and be comfy

>> No.25154723

bankers aren't threatend by bitcoin. bankers can make money with any currency

>> No.25154741

only retards believe banks are anti bitcoin. most of them are pro bitcoin and love the ideology behind it

>> No.25154754

Protip: The rich and elite are always 100 steps ahead of you. They own more BTC than you could ever hope for. As usual, we are here for the scraps.

>> No.25154769

So 250k eoy 2021?

>> No.25154778


>> No.25154809

the scraps are enough though
46M millionaires exist in world only 21M bitcoin
....given a normal distribution it means that the "average" millionaire will have about .3 btc