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File: 154 KB, 2000x668, UNION2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25143288 No.25143288 [Reply] [Original]

For your Christmas present, I thought I'd give you a free 50x (or more)

UNN / ETH LP (or, Geyser, if you will) is the perfect thing to enter right now if you are bullish on ETH, and you should be.

The insurance bubble will indeed be real. Geyser APY goes down as the token goes down, and pump as the token goes up. This current level is a ludicrously good buy, as you see :

Small fish buy the token just for spec, and many don't have enough ETH to put any meaningful position in the geyser.

- Union go down? Spec buyers buy dips, many merely for quicker flips. You gain UNN via selling your ETH

- Union go up? Geyser APR's go up.

It's the sort of self-fulfilling thing we saw with AMPL, which pulled more than 100x in 3-4 months, but on a whole other level, as insurance layers will need to beef up.

If you look into Union's writing, they're essentially building a layer 2 to combat risk, but also took KYC and regulations very, very seriously. Why do you think most countries were not able to buy in the "public sale" and now a massive shake-out is happening? They want your UNNIES.

"We believe our regulatory compliance creates as valuable a mote as the technology and the community. " /// "The demand for protection far outstrips the capacity right now. Only ~2% of TVL is insured at this point. Even with a conservative assumption, you are looking at a 10x gap to be filled."

UNION is the perfect 50x for 2021. Do not sell. Do not swing. Only geyser until the rewards are done (6 months) - Reward yourself with the fact that you were early, and will likely retire next year.
Remember this in spring.

To enter the Geyser, go here : https://app.uniswap.org/#/add/0x226f7b842e0f0120b7e194d05432b3fd14773a9d/ETH

Split your UNN / ETH 50% / 50%, then enter it here: https://geyser.unn.finance/

Good luck out there.


>> No.25143621

Ready for the pump

>> No.25143713

Honestly I'd just stop paying attention to this until the geyser rewards are done. We may have some spec 2-3-4x's or whatever but the meat of the uptrend (and I fully believe this will eventually curve upward like the old BTC / LINK parabola) will be usage.

Do not settle for a 5x on this.

>> No.25143815

Delete this.

>> No.25143999

This is unironically the next grt run. Also just a crazy solid long term hold too. The bottom is in, frens

>> No.25144370

Checked. 99.9 cents 2021.

>> No.25145427

....so if this moons, geyser APR will moon too? won't this cause like...mass FOMO? is that why AMPL 120x'd?

>> No.25145690
File: 310 KB, 1796x904, Screen Shot 2020-12-25 at 12.40.22 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok fuck it lets GO.

>> No.25145840

make the geysers bigger. need more UNNies

>> No.25145882

Also remember UNN has some of the biggest names backing it

>> No.25146239

just bought a huge bag.

whats next???

>> No.25146362

380% APR on something that can 20x is insane desu. Hodl.

Geyser for 5 months.

>> No.25146807

5 cents in january.

25 cents by summer geyser end.

>> No.25146871

feel like its weird that i have to send my liquidity tokens to their geyser contract and can't see that I own them anymore

>> No.25146878

I have a bunch of unn sitting in my meta mask wallet
How do I geyser it? Is it like some sort of loan?

>> No.25147015

You can still check your allocation on https://apy.vision/

>> No.25147161

100k stacklet here. That dump did have me worried, but now that's out of the way, I have full confidence in this

>> No.25147352

this is a nigger rugpull

>> No.25147358


>> No.25147373

>To enter the Geyser, go here : https://app.uniswap.org/#/add/0x226f7b842e0f0120b7e194d05432b3fd14773a9d/ETH
>Split your UNN / ETH 50% / 50%, then enter it here: https://geyser.unn.finance/

>> No.25147544

im a new retard never done this before

why do you need to spit 50 50 unn/eth ?

why do i have to add liquidity in uni first then do geyser?

I tried to do geyser directly from the page but it does not show my unn balance from metamask

>> No.25147665

Yes you need to add liquidity first and Geyser the liquidity pool tokens.

>> No.25147973

so the geyser thing is like staking?! would it be worth all the trouble if I only put like $200 in total? I think it's easier to just get the UNN tokens and wait till it gets listed on exchanges.

>> No.25148255

This is a good move. But if you plan to hold them longer term you might as well stake.

Keep in mind they have the CEO of BlockScience as an advisor on board. BlockScience is balls deep in the Graph and Ocean Protocol.

>> No.25148363

thanks for the input senpai

>> No.25148574

Why would you bother to get in on the geyser if you expect the coin to go parabolic?
It's 400% APY (but only available for 6 months, so you won't x5 over that time period)
If you are confident the coin will x50 in less than a year, why would you bother holding the ETH to get in on the geyser? You'd make more swapping the ETH for UNN.

>> No.25148733

It's a hedge, and you also gain, in theory, 200% more UNN just by holding it if you do the whole geysering period. It's higher risk and you buy/sell both ways. Also, APY goes up when the token price goes up.

>> No.25148736

Leave cheap shitcoins, don’t be an dumper! Go Base and make profit while they are making Rebase!

>> No.25149194

Shoo shoo

>> No.25149332

Geyser is giving insane rewards right now. Stake 25k UNN for 3 months and get 1.2M UNN back.

>> No.25149344

Check out ventures.beringwaters.com anon
They've listed UNN as one of their investments
Their other investments include AAVE, YFI, SNX

You decide if a top-tier VC with fingers in SNX and YFI will ever invest in a rugpull

>> No.25149397

lol no, i'm staking 25k and I get a bit more than 100 UNN/day. That's 4k per month or 12k over 3 months.
You might get slightly more by adding in your daily gains and compounding. But consider that you'd have to pay over $50 in gas to withdraw and restake everytime.
You'd have to be retarded to think you'd get 1.2M UNN. That's 1% of the total UNN supply.

>> No.25149556

Those are nice numbers though. Will consider putting it in the gyser

>> No.25149623

what's the point of getting 1.2M UNN if in 3 months the shit will be worth 1/10th of what it is today?

Not shitting on this project particularly, but can you name me a project (besides YFI) that hasn't gone to shit after 3 months? or where whales don't dump all their reward tokens on you?

>> No.25149706

The devs have their tokens locked away for 180 days.

>> No.25149850

This is correct

>> No.25149946

How does one get this shitcoin? Retard here who's never used uniswap. I keep all my ETH on coinbase like a cuck

>> No.25150053

Yes, there is no way this can go wrong

>> No.25150475

You actually get a fraction of the estimated rewards.

>> No.25150719

The way they display the reward in the geyser is honestly quite sketchy...

>> No.25150750

I have 490 LP tokens and only make like 310 rewards every day.

>> No.25150873

Yeah people have complained about it in the telegram but they don't seem to care.

>> No.25150908

My point is, it's not going to be a disaster in the future because a lot of people won't have millions in rewards.