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File: 266 KB, 500x791, easyyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25134919 No.25134919 [Reply] [Original]

The entire crypto market is down, but INJ keeps going strong. It's been in beast mode for the last month going from $1 to $5!

I made $7k and continue to add to my position. They have some amazing tech. Let's get that money senpai!!

>> No.25134977

I guess that XRP slaughter isn't impacting everyone afterall

>> No.25135208

INJ is a monster. Huge backers and investors. It will be $10 real quickly

>> No.25135252

Oh anon pump me with some hopium. I'm really thinking 10 is achievable in the next few weeks.

>> No.25135336

you're right. it was just $2 like a week ago LOL. load the fuckin bag bro

>> No.25135481
File: 160 KB, 640x476, sponge_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone is hyping this project right now and for a good reason. It will be the biggest star of 2021

>> No.25135538
File: 22 KB, 601x508, 36717E8B-136C-401E-BFF3-0A69345D0727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw try to be happy I bought a 1k suicide stack at $2 but can’t get over the fact that I should have bought more

>> No.25135587
File: 22 KB, 334x506, pepe2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This started off as a small experimental part of my portfolio when it was sub $2. Now it's taking up a good 40% of my portfolio thanks to this pump.

>> No.25135647

lol yep it's now my largest alt holding and i dont regret it for a second

>> No.25135740

INJ is my #1 coin for 2021. We will see $10.

>> No.25135761

easy. $25 by summer

>> No.25135807

another PnD just like QRT, PRQ that started last friday. Good luck bag hodlers.

>> No.25135839

dumb fuck alert.. INJ has plenty of money and big name backers and great tech and dev team.. good luck shit talkers

>> No.25135915

a christmas eve shilling! ruthless

>> No.25135971

shit im banking on $50 by summer

>> No.25136038
File: 250 KB, 540x474, batmanin thisitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're coming for top 100 real soon senpai

>> No.25136289

INJ is unstoppable

solid fundamentals with great tech and market demand

the only project backed by both binance labs and binance ventures. founder was at binance for a few years before starting inj

CZ and the market maker will give the coin the old pumpy pump treatment as it sets precedent for any coins backed by binance labs and ventures

definitely will perform well in 2021/2022

>> No.25136366

oh shit didn't realize the binance backing. they will certainly give it a helluva pump

>> No.25136402


>> No.25136476

stupid cunt. we like making money. go scrape knees bitch

>> No.25136498

In q2 2021 this gem will hit the moon

>> No.25136575

INJ will be the best exchange period. Layer 2 with complex derivative trading-- BOOM

>> No.25136666

thats when the catastrophic DUMP will occur

>> No.25136748

just leave you uneducated prick

>> No.25136846
File: 94 KB, 521x500, FTX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and FTX doesn't even come close to what the team at Injective is doing

>> No.25136965

LOL hard pass- im gonna keep stacking my BTC bag sorrrrry

>> No.25137064

you do that. we'll get 1000% gains while you get 20% LMFAO

>> No.25137159

bingo- bitcoin shills will have decent gains, Injective bagholders will have life changing retire in Hawaii gains

>> No.25137245

crypto on this thing every fucking day damn it

>> No.25137333

Are you new? Go to your quarantined stock or precious metals thread boomer. We're here to make it, but to get a stable 10-15% return per year.

>> No.25137441

lmfao the amount of rookies on here is bind boggling

>> No.25137471

fuck FTX.. they stole from me on bullshit executions smfh

>> No.25137556
File: 135 KB, 640x401, skeletor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's all about finding the best projects that are undervalued.. this my friend is THE ONE

>> No.25137644

they fucked me up major on leveraged trades. so rigged

>> No.25137714

Im in
Very happy with my choices so far as alts are concerned

>> No.25137725

u right this is the biggest steal i've seen in years in crypto.. has top 10 potential

>> No.25137839
File: 8 KB, 275x183, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loaded my GRT profits into 800 INJ at 4.65, bring on my next 2x

>> No.25137878

wtf is GRT???

>> No.25137902

it's like getting ETH at $10

>> No.25138009

dude go to a different site if you don't like crypto. it's the new wave

>> No.25138058

their Solstice testnet was a fucking BEAST

>> No.25138160
File: 311 KB, 640x640, allgold_erthang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that sparked this big run

>> No.25138224

bullshit hype scam. the fandom will wear off fuckers

>> No.25138320

hey you inbred dummy hope you get coal tomorrow morning

>> No.25138379

if their mainnet is anything like the testnet, holy shit this will run like crazy

>> No.25138443
File: 6 KB, 250x245, 1605995995506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know you've made it when you have angry jeets fudding your threads.

>> No.25138499

they're like little cockroaches

>> No.25138595

dope meme lol they even do the memes right

>> No.25138630

>I guess that XRP slaughter isn't impacting everyone afterall
It is not even affecting XRP, to be honest.

All that happened due to the massive dip in value is that people are now buying large amounts of XRP in order to take advantage of the dip and profit once it booms as soon as the lawsuit is over.

Only the weak willed are getting fucked for panic selling during the dip like a bunch of tards!

>> No.25138639

Layer 2 great tech and devs. Solid fucking protocol

>> No.25138754
File: 175 KB, 640x335, injective 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone gets it! aka it's unstoppable