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File: 86 KB, 1065x735, bitfinex-btcusd-Jun-19-2017-15-21-57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2513484 No.2513484 [Reply] [Original]

you have a few hours left to sell

>> No.2513509

Your triangle sucks, even if you're right.

>> No.2513524

>fork uncertainty is being resolved
>btc ready to pop


lmao kys

>> No.2513530

>that professional chart analysis
tell me your secret anon, how do you predict the market so accurately

>> No.2513547

according to your own technical analysis, bitcoin could just as easily break out to the upside

>> No.2513672

it's zoomed in


this is what I'm trying to prevent, sell now

not likely

>> No.2513694

Mental illness general?

What's everyones zodiac sign?

My horoscope told me to hodl today.

>> No.2513755

my horoscope told me op is a nocoiner faggot

>> No.2513911
File: 142 KB, 2457x1251, btc28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're going to the moon, senpai

>> No.2513926

your horoscope was wrong

I become a nocoiner when the chart says to cash out, and an even richer coiner when the chart says to buy back

>> No.2513968
File: 134 KB, 853x1025, 1496616788345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what a memetriangle looks like
hope you payed attention op

>> No.2514016

You have no evidence of anything. Chart patterns are meaningless because charts are simply a measure of an unpredictable action.

>> No.2514023

you chart doesn't say to cash out

>> No.2514081
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>> No.2514124
File: 57 KB, 2453x1213, dgb1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TA works, it's a self fulfilling prophecy

>> No.2514143

Only if everyone believes the same thing.

>> No.2514155

elliot waves is probably more accurate

>> No.2514196
File: 86 KB, 2450x1254, lisk4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good traders do

>> No.2514233
File: 68 KB, 2044x510, nxs1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2514309


yep. others get so hung up on the why's of it all that they miss the opportunities. that's ok. more for me.

>> No.2514346

Doesn't change the fact that TA is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Any trader can draw those meme triangles. Ever wondered why they always break up?

>> No.2514385
File: 105 KB, 1065x735, bitfinex-btcusd-Jun-19-2017-16-15-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, this is bad TA


>> No.2514386
File: 84 KB, 2458x1251, lbry12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ye? i just told you fagit

>> No.2514408


because you don't understand what you are looking at? that's my guess.

>> No.2514439

Fibonacci levels are self-fulfilling prophecies as well. Tell everyone implicitly that 24.6 is the resistance, and watch as everyone puts up their sell orders there.

>> No.2514467
File: 84 KB, 2467x469, waves16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doesn't make it any less real you dumb nigger

now pump my waves

>> No.2514476

It's real for a stupid reason. Companies like Goldman Sachs use Machine Learning to predict prices. Keep playing with meme triangles instead of following the crypto manipulation.

>> No.2514548

>speculations on the value of nothing
its like you missed the entire point of crypto.

>> No.2514752


I agree, gonna be a bloodbath before August 1st and perhaps even after. I'm cashing out and all inning on miners.

>> No.2515004


Individuals like me use ML to predict prices. I feel bad for people who can't do mathematics. Not bad enough to give the money back, though.

>> No.2515086
File: 680 B, 37x20, MacDs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit guys OP is right. dont invest in Macdonalds. This was his hidden message.

>> No.2515319

Which approach are you using? Just a mix of everything? I'm doing a deep learning approach. What are you feeding in?

>> No.2515358

OP, the price is going to do what it wants to, not what your studies and lines on a screen tells it to do.

>> No.2515390

> "Guise the miners have just all agreed to activate segwit before august the 1st I'm cashing out it's gonna be a bloodbath"

Great idea.

>> No.2515396

Red pilling: You can predict prices. The people who know how won't fucking tell you, because it ruins the process.

>> No.2515472
File: 71 KB, 1251x590, bitfinex-btcusd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hes right though

>> No.2515495


You think the normies will understand what a fork is and not just cash out? You think alts wont have a bloodbath when this happens? You think we aren't ready for a big dip? It's gonna be fucking great in a year or two, btc will be 4k, but right now is not a good time to be buying.

>> No.2515519
File: 76 KB, 500x484, 1414354111685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2515527

so will ETH pump

>> No.2515553

Maybe at first, but ETH is still tied to bitcoin.

>> No.2515566
File: 75 KB, 552x555, 1495723917004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


so what you're saying is... dump everything into litecoin ...

>> No.2515579

you mean ANS?

>> No.2515589

everything will crash

when I said "sell" I meant all your coins

>> No.2515597

Dump into USDT. You'll also get free 5% on USD if you sell the top of the panic.

>> No.2515611

i still dont fully understand how USDT can be a crypto but still tied to USD but I will believe you

>> No.2515631

or just hold, unlike you pusshanded faggots.

>> No.2515646

USDT can move in a range of ±5% during big rallies or selloffs. USDT pumps when people panic sell in Poloniex because USDT doesn't have unlimited supply.

>> No.2515653

There isn't going to be a fork because miners are activating segwit before August.

>> No.2515656

if you sell before a crash and buy back once the crash is over, you will have more coins than if you held

you aren't brave, you are dim

>> No.2515733

You are talking as if a crash happening in the immediate term is a certainty. That would be a good move only if a crash was indeed coming. We aren't even trending down yet.
>ITT: Fortune tellers
Wait for confirmation of the trend before calling it.

>> No.2515799

pls tell me how

>> No.2515896
File: 118 KB, 1065x735, bitfinex-btcusd-Jun-19-2017-18-2-32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's coiling even faster than I anticipated, and the bollinger is about to pinch on us

time is running out /biz/, please tell me you heeded my warning and sold

>> No.2515927


Exactly. What would motivate me to disclose specifics of what I am doing? Impressing dipshits on 4chan? Not a chance. It took me 8 years of higher education and 20 years of field work to get where I am wrt practicing machine learning.


Sorry, but see above. You can't afford my consulting rate. Learn it on your own. You will be better off in the long run.

>> No.2515953


few hours left to sell... literally nothing has changed in the market.

Sweet memerangles though.

>> No.2516003

toe to toe back to back lets go

>> No.2516029

20 years is a long time. You've been into ML that long? Instead of ML I'm probably going the blockchain route, so there's choices to be made.

>> No.2516048

I'm not that good. See >>2515927
You might need 20 years until you can.

>> No.2516087

I'm in a swing play with an alt and I'm probably gonna reach my price target in a week or two. Should I sell now for maximum safety or just hold before the rug REALLY gets pulled? Already sold half to be safe.

>> No.2516115

What if it breaks to the upside?

>> No.2516141

could you at least set me on the right track? what books or fields of study do i need to look into?

>> No.2516147



>> No.2516154

OP is a faggot and hasnt realised that.

>> No.2516163


>> No.2516180

Computer Science…

Machine Learning is just Optimization in essence.

>> No.2516193

almost all alts will be dragged down with btc, liquidate to fiat and buy the bottom

too many other factors are indicating downward

>> No.2516204


My graduate work involved numerical solutions to the type of optimization problems that you see at the heart of many ML algorithms. That was my entry point. If I was a young fella, I would definitely make sure I was an expert in blockchain. He who understands blockchain and can also design good code around the concept has a chance to make a fortune starting right about now.

>> No.2516217
File: 23 KB, 461x510, 1294456684714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making predictions from imaginary lines drawn on an imaginary chart

I know TA is supposed to be retarded but op is taking it to a whole new level.

>> No.2516240


I know, I just think a couple will do well on the initial spike down then they all will be fucked

I'll wait till tomorrow then play it safe and cash out

>> No.2516265

Machine Learning is intriguing and has something amazing about it, but I think the "right" choice is blockchain at this moment. I think I won't regret it in the long run.

Thanks for the reply, sepai.

>> No.2516268

Lmao. Anon why would you waste time with complicated algorithms and simulations when you can just draw lines over the chart and/or apply fancy filters to the price movement?

>> No.2516280


OK, but answer a question for me. What is your mathematics background? Do you actually want to understand what you are doing at a deep level, or do you just want to try to apply the concepts?

>> No.2516340

>What is your mathematics background?
plug n chug calc I and II is my math background. wanted to learn proofs but quickly lost interest.

>Do you actually want to understand what you are doing at a deep level, or do you just want to try to apply the concepts?
well I don't want to swing too far in either direction if you know what I mean. on the one hand, I don't want to specialize in some tiny niche of ML and get a PhD, but on the other hand I don't want to be a brainless monkey applying shit I don't understand.

>> No.2516366


Because the way I do it, I can sit in my yard doing bong hits and playing fetch with my dog while my system watches 1000 stocks for me and cherry picks the best opportunities to act on.

>> No.2516755

Anon, ultra check em, on timestamp.

I think >>2516268 was being sarcastic. I think the smarter the harder it is to note sarcastic internet comments. Or dense.

>> No.2516774
File: 118 KB, 1065x735, bitfinex-btcusd-Jun-19-2017-18-56-27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're starting to jitter, the implosion could happen at any moment now

>> No.2516802

>Please still don't know they can make money from short selling.

No wonder they all freak out over a drop. You can make money on both directions.

>> No.2516829

Until what, we drop to $2200 max?
Not worried

>> No.2516997

that's why I'm warning these newcoiners to sell


>> No.2517017

a lot of fat markets tighten today

>> No.2517021


What kind of timescale we talking for this drop?

>> No.2517076

All timescales at this point. That's the "scary" part.

>> No.2517125


So the graph suggests that this could happen within the next few hours?

Sorry, I'm new to TA

>> No.2517191

The meme triangles signal traders that a breakout happens near the ending of a pennant/flag/meme. Maybe it won't break down, but everyone who uses this kind of TA is expecting a big move in the new few hours.

>> No.2517217
File: 91 KB, 1065x735, coinbase-btcusd-Jun-19-2017-19-20-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bollinger is tightening up even closer than the last two dumps

any moment, but could stall as late as 2 AM eastern

>> No.2517282

TA is a valid approach to forecast price movement, but op is clearly a babby - you never base call on single signal.

>> No.2517335

>bollinger is tightening up even closer
So is my sphincter.

>> No.2517338

I think OP is a babby, but I share his sentiment checking against other indicators, sentiment, and fundamentals^1.

1) See https://etherscan.io/ and https://ethstats.net/ Since ETH and BTC move in parallel anyway.

>> No.2517371

You see that, >>2516366

While you were busy arguing about your stupid machine learning op just made another spectacular prediction through a simpleton filter with a fancy name. Be like op anon.

>> No.2517861


Nah, I got it. I was just being a smartass. Plus I had just gotten back in from the bong/dog.

>> No.2517881

not using a single signal, not a babby. trying to help babbies

>> No.2517913

upwards meme triangle means we break UP not down

>> No.2518119

This triangle is 50/50 with chance of rain.

>> No.2518176

Ok, let's give it a thought.

The last two corrections took 16-20 hours to unfold and showed that almost all of ETH based currencies still follow the BTC trail.

Before the last dip, BTC traced a by-the-book head and shoulders pattern (in the 4 hour candles) that is now retraced back to 80% length of its neckline.

The price is heading for a retest of the $2630 - $2650 resistance, to an extent encouraged by the passing of the 50% threshold Segwit2x miners' support that happened today.

If it gets rejected for a second time (and LTC keeps on eating market share), then we are getting closer to OP's scenario. Still, it is far-fetched to see a price drop of $500-$600 in the next days.

>> No.2518632

wait a minute so theres a chance?

>> No.2518876

You thought there wasn't a chance? Look at other trading communities. Some people are deep into short positions.

>> No.2518989
File: 24 KB, 259x400, 1485947638349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one thing i have learned that is always true with regard to crypto : the more confident someone sounds in their prediction, the less you should listen to them

>> No.2520166



It's starting to look more like my prediction than yours, stupid faggot.

>> No.2520207

>one thing i have learned that is always true with regard to crypto : the more confident someone sounds in their prediction, the less you should listen to them

True. I fucking hate how people come here and authoritatively say "You have been warned." like they know anything.

>> No.2520215

please stop spreading misinformations

>> No.2520477

To be honest, it is not misinformation. That is his prediction.

Well, he calls it in a weird way, but it is still hitting resistance. It can try to go up, but this is like the 5th time it tests and doesn't break up. The walls aren't even big. People just don't want to buy.

>> No.2520594

>coming from people who learned technical trading last night

>> No.2520820

Hitting resistance again. FUCKING DECIDE ALREADY.

>> No.2520914
File: 90 KB, 1065x735, bitfinex-btcusd-Jun-19-2017-23-6-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

minor correction, it will reach fibonacci resistance and then crash

this is your true final warning

>> No.2520963
File: 36 KB, 685x547, $index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he luvs his pogs

you still have no idea...

>> No.2520986

That fall would be outrageous.

>> No.2520988

Bitcoin bears are going to get BTFO'd so hard.

>> No.2521109

Unless it does go down.