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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25132060 No.25132060 [Reply] [Original]

What's happening?

>> No.25132161

Nothing is happening. Everything is fine, you fucking idiot. Are you from Blocknet? I hate all kinds of people, but there is nobody I hate more than a Blocknetcuck. How does it feel to know Stakenet is vastly superior in every way? Your developers will never be able to compete with Stakenet developers. At best, they can serve us drinks on our yacht while we celebrate and then prostitute out their wives as they cry themselves to sleep, knowing they've wasted 6 years of their lives only to be surpassed by Stakenet and its partners. How that must make you seethe knowing that a Stakenet investor will soon be having sex with your wife.

>> No.25132201
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Perfectly hatched plan to BTFO of fudding swingies while simultaneously making people realize that there's a fully functional LN DEX to use instead. Essentially BTFO of two birds with a single hacking russian. Perfect, and unironically bullish as fuck. (not for swingies though kek, enjoy watching your frozen xsn in Cryptopia 2.0)

>> No.25132350

unfortunately, the pump isn't real. Livecoin is just down bc it got attacked.
Anyway, XSN is a solid long term hold.

>> No.25132533

Too bad, I got excited. Up almost 200%

>> No.25132654

What’s happening? You are witnessing an unrivaled price discovery mission. Livecoin rugged, because they knew XSN is moving to Kraken. XSN was basically 90% of the volume on Livecoin.

>> No.25132882

Fuck all these blocknetcucks. The Stakenet developers told us not to hold our funds on Livecoin. There is nothing wrong. Imagine using blocknetcuck exchange. Nobody will use it. They have shit developers that can't hold a candle to Stakenet developers who are better in every way. I can't wait to see their faces when they realize they only job they can get after Stakenet and partners put them out of business is to prostitute their wives to Stakenet investors. I will fuck the blocknetcuck developers wives. How does that make them feel? 6 years.

>> No.25132892

Big if Kraken
Are the blocknet blockkeks getting a Kraken listing? If not then they are BTFO by the superior xsn chads

>> No.25133011

I’m from Blocknet so what! Every time you say my name I’ll be here. Got a problem with that?! We developed a bot just so I can shut you all down because you’re nothing but dirt beneath my boot

>> No.25133110

You blocknetcuck. How does it make you feel to know that I'll be having sex with all the blocknet developer's wives? How does that make you feel you blocknetcuck. How do they feel knowing that in 6 years they have to bend the knee to superior Stakenet developers and soon Stakenet investors will be having sex with their wives? Tell me how that makes you feel.

>> No.25133156

We teamed up with DARPA too
Incase you’re dumb and don’t even know what that mean https://www.foxnews.com/politics/dems-deploying-darpa-funded-information-warfare-tool-to-promote-biden

You cannot win. We will not lose. Expect us.

>> No.25133183

>Implying they're feeling anything right now having lost all of their hard earned XSN from non-stop fudding and swinging these past 6 months.

>> No.25133201

Holy shit I’m up on XSN!!!!

>> No.25133204

You blocknetcuck and your blocknetcuck investor. How will it make you feel to kiss your girlfriends and wives knowing that a Stakenet investor had sex with them? How does that make you feel? Now go get me some coffee before I have sex with your wife.

>> No.25133215

i will be the second ilon mask

>> No.25133245

Enjoy semen in you`re coffee, dumbass.

>> No.25133389

You blocknetcuck. I will have sex with your wives. Remember that. The blocknetcuck developers and their investors will have my children after I have sex with their wives. And you will work for me. Get that in your head and remember it for the rest of your life.

>> No.25133414
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Enjoy getting your ass rammed repeatedly by the Stakenet DEX soon.

>> No.25133522

Jokes on you. I like that!

>> No.25133550
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It's fine, I've got a masternode fetish too m8.

>> No.25133577


>> No.25133681

Loving XSN's demise. Price hitting all time lows and now out of the top 500. The only exchange it's on is a scam exchange and on the brink of collapse. Inject this shit in to my veins!

>> No.25133812
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Well I'm not, faggot. My masternodes will give me more sexual pleasure from 10/10 bitches than your vapid dilating boipussy ever could.

>> No.25133880
File: 418 KB, 1343x1062, stakenet make it chart 1594650790765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never selling.

>> No.25134027

Nigga you dumb? Look at the chart, it doubled

>> No.25134144

You're actually retarded, no surprise you hold turknet. If you think these sudden 100% price jumps are legit trading action then I don't know what to tell you. Livecoin has literally just collapsed. And any turknet coins that were still on the exchange are now gone. If XSN ever get listed on another exchange then they gonna get dumped hard by livecoin scammers. Maybe Blocknet will do the scammers a favour and list XSN on their dex so they can dump them. Would be sweet sweet karma lol

>> No.25134223

Oh you’re a blocknet faggot. Got it

>> No.25134903

Let's all laugh at stakenet!

This from an XSN team member:
"We aren’t rushing a new exchange, this deal has been ongoing since August. The listing on this exchange is part of something much bigger and has a specific timeline which so far we are not deviating from even with recent events"

And you faggots eat that shit up. You guys have been trying to get on an exchange for 5 months and still no progress and still none of you cucks question it. You can't even buy XSN now but your devs say you're not going to rush things because 'mUh TiMeLiNe!!1!' You retards deserve everything you get

>> No.25135460


>> No.25135507


>> No.25135613
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>> No.25135649

>volume: 400 bucks

>> No.25135721

I'm sure sites like CMC have a hard time to track a correct prize of XSN right now. But hey, if anyone actually knows where I can BUY XSN for 230 sat please let me know because I will buy it!

>> No.25135782

The global average on delta says 22k sats kek so I guess some places are at the other end

>> No.25135795

Just another opponent (BOND) crushing it..

>> No.25135803


>> No.25135911


A wild turk fag appears!

>> No.25135962 [DELETED] 

Listen, you blocknetcuck!!! EVerything is fine. The developers said it was FINE you fucking idito. Go fuck yourself. You will watch me fuck Blocknetcuck developers wives you FUCKING IDIOT. FUCK YOU. EVERYTHING IS FINE YOU MORON!!!! Go fuck yourself. I will fuck your wifE!!! IDIOT. GET ME COFFEE you bitch!!!!

>> No.25136003

this has happened to other coins right? what happened to price when new exchange listed after the previous was hacked? the price tanked cuz everyone rushing to sell the shit coin?

>> No.25136006

>Listen, you blocknetcuck!!! EVerything is fine. The developers said it was FINE you fucking idito. Go fuck yourself. You will watch me fuck Blocknetcuck developers wives you FUCKING IDIOT. FUCK YOU. EVERYTHING IS FINE YOU MORON!!!! Go fuck yourself. I will fuck your wifE!!! IDIOT. GET ME COFFEE you bitch!!!!
what did he mean by this

>> No.25136010 [DELETED] 

FUCK you blocknetcuck!!! EVerything is fine. The developers said it was FINE you fucking idito. Go fuck yourself. You will watch me fuck Blocknetcuck developers wives you FUCKING IDIOT. FUCK YOU. EVERYTHING IS FINE YOU MORON!!!! Go fuck yourself. I will fuck your wifE!!! IDIOT. GET ME COFFEE you bitch!!!!

>> No.25136048
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>> No.25136051

>the price tanked cuz everyone rushing to sell the shit coin?
Yes, which is why you should sell it for 200 sats the first thing you do. Please, take the initiative.

>> No.25136106

Too late to sell for 200 sats. If it ever gets listed on an exchange again livecoin scammers are gonna dump the hell out of it with the huge stash they stole

>> No.25136217
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As far as I know they stole btc, not xsn. So unless Liveshit is indeed nefarious I'm not worried about xsn being dumped. And then again, why would they dump if they could just hold it for a year and dump it when it reaches $100? Are you really that much of a brainlet?

>> No.25136222

You're a fucking idiot. Everything is fine you fucking moron. It has nothing to do with Stakenet. Stakenet investors will fuck Blockenetcuck developer's wives in front of them and they will watch. You fucking idiot! Fuck you!

>> No.25136225

This is what gonna happen when they keep refusing to list on proper exchange, stop deluding yourself and put your remaining money in better places anons

>> No.25136249

El idioto. Livecoin left the XSN withdrawal open, but disabled other major coins. This means most people withdrew their funds in XSN in the last 24h.

>> No.25136407

lmao the type of person who leaves their coins on an exchange isn't they type who checks for stakenet updates everyday. The vast majority of those coins are now gone. And if by some miracle stakenet ever get listed on an exchange again and is worth more than zero, they're gonna get DUMPED!

>> No.25136494

Actually too late to buy for 200 sats. Its at 850 now, 40% more than yesterday.

>> No.25136834

No its not lol, other exchanges don't have any volumes. Anyone who hold more than 1000 xsn is in dip shit now

>> No.25136916

Where my 1 mom chads at? Pretty comfy right now

>> No.25137497

wait what, where did you get this info from fren

>> No.25138731
File: 46 KB, 998x1080, 1606295332277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now das wassup, ma nigga..
I'm glad XSN community has some high IQ niggers.
Perfectly summed up.

>> No.25138921
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Hail Hydra my nigga. All patient masternode hodlers are gonna make it.

>> No.25139049
File: 12 KB, 207x244, 1608698230494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>almost fell for the XSN scam at 50 cents
>luckily came to my senses
Merry chrimsmas discord trannies

>> No.25139281
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Merry Christmas my fudding blocknet nigga.

>> No.25139323

Guys guys guys let be mature here. We Blockcuks can be the bigger person here and list XSN on our product and let them fuck our wives too to make us all feel better. Let’s be the better project. What say you all?

>> No.25139594
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>> No.25139663
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I see you're finally coming to your senses blockcucks. Very good! I've got a feeling we're off to a great start in this new relationship. If you guys promise to stop fudding Stakenet I can consider a future master/slave relationship with you guys (including your wives, of course). XSN $100 2021, Blocknet $10 2021. You can be Bitcoin's Litecoin to our Stakenet. If I were you guys I'd think deeply and carefully about this offer.

>> No.25139763
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Pfft- like I'd ever get rid of my cute lil stakies

>> No.25139826

Yes masta, but only on the condition that we receive all of your Turks to do our bidding. Deal?

>> No.25140111
File: 449 KB, 2048x2048, 1606408766695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You drive a hard bargain. Turks are... hard to control. But I'll see what I can do. From my perspective this day marks the beginning of a potentially prosperous relationship. As long as you guys uphold your end of the bargain you've got yourselves an ally in me.

>> No.25140919

Trips seal the deal masta

>> No.25141316
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I'm a man of my word. From today onward I'll be nice to you guys and go back to shitting solely on the CZ bots. Also you guys really ought to remove your petty Blocknet mention bot, it's too easy to make fun of in a bad light. Merry Christmas Blocknetters.

>> No.25142355

Brainlet here, where do you even buy this if livecoin is fucked?

>> No.25142414
File: 426 KB, 777x897, 1596178777247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck pajeets
Fuck turkroaches
Fuck binance
Fuck blocknet
Fuck central bankers
Fuck niggers
Fuck kikes

XSN $100 2021

>> No.25142460

A few options exist. Try your hands on the stakenet dex, or you could try beaxy. You could also keep an eye on the new (top5) exchange listing that is supposedly coming very soon. There's also stakecube. I currently suggest the dex.

>> No.25142529

Man if you haven't bought large amounts of xsn before the livecoin hacked you've missed out on cheap stakies. New exchange listing will most likely be next week.

>> No.25142594

This. It appears /biz/ missed out again, but then again we have been flooded with tourists and newfags.

>> No.25142613

I'm sure there are many /biz/nessmen that have bought xsn in the last few years, i was one of them.

>> No.25142859

It's been next week for the last five weeks. I'm still holding but I'm not sure if I believe they actually have any kind of listing lined up. They were probably talking about stakecube and backtracked when they saw we weren't as impressed as they thought we'd be with landing a literal who tree fiddy in volume chink exchange.

>> No.25142998
File: 66 KB, 812x319, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They were probably talking about stakecube and backtracked
Stakecube was an unexpected surprised that the community did, not the xsn team.

Pic related
>in the coming days

>> No.25143082

That's a downright lie, no one has claimed the exchange listing as next week besides the last 24hrs. Stakecube was completely random listing after they did a pol on twitter.

>> No.25143107

Sounds like he doesn't even know the name of the exchange. If he knew he'd just say it.

>> No.25143116

>what is NDA
Dude don't act like some dumb cunt.

>> No.25143121

>It's been next week for the last five weeks.

no, it hasnt. thats just /biz/ and discord speculation.

>> No.25143188

Explain why do other tokens can announce in advance about their listing, but xsn can't? Enjoy keep getting lied over and over

>> No.25143240

NDA literally means they have to let the exchange annouce the listing first. They legally are not allowed to tell us the listing date or which exchange it is or risk losing the listing. Imagine having the iq of a dumb nigger you fucking third world monkey.

>> No.25143266

Look at these dumb pajeets and blockcucks still fudding xsn even though livecoin just got hacked. New exchange is coming, xsn won.

>> No.25144019

Sure dude. Soon :)

>> No.25144109

>1 post by this id
Go back cuck.