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File: 304 KB, 800x1213, bellcurve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25111680 No.25111680 [Reply] [Original]

stonkler edition


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>Weekly /smg/ update

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>> No.25111725


>> No.25111736

I’m glad that MARA is raping me.

>> No.25111770
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1 man with autism made 10% of the posts last thread

>> No.25111780
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GHIV is getting a rest. Come back tomorrow morning.

>> No.25111792

ive been watching stocks for 3 months and just started buying them a little under a month so far how am i doing?

>100 on corsair

>145 on calls so far
>300 on my portfolio overall right

its me. i spam every thread all day

>> No.25111798

buy BX

>> No.25111801
File: 56 KB, 828x620, 103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a look at TD Ameritrade's margin rates.

Fucking stupid high compared to RobinGay.

>> No.25111826

What's a good price right now to buy SPY? I'm thinking around $235
Permabull Stocktwits FAGS need not answer

>> No.25111828

What is the next FCEL?

Also what the fuck happened to the so called crash everyone was hyping up thst was gonna happen 21/22 December, shit judt keeps rising

>> No.25111833

guys I'm going to kill myself, other people have money, why do other people have money it's just not fair bros, wtf, why do they have money and I don't this is bullshit I'm ending it all right the fuck now

>> No.25111834
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2x your gains anons sell puts on covered stocks

>> No.25111860

you should prob save up some money to put into your portfolio

>> No.25111863
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Anon %gain is what matters not dollar amount

>> No.25111871
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>> No.25111872

My limit order for 11 didn't fill today. I'm not FOMOing this time. That's how I bagheld APXT for 4 weeks.

>> No.25111874

like wtf my parents could've just given me a bunch of money but they didn't that's bullshit, other people have parents that give them money, but I didn't this is bullshit wtf

should I buy GME weeklies now?

>> No.25111877

up like 17-18%

>> No.25111904 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 620x826, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you max out your IRA and 401k every year for 15 years you will be a millionaire. imagine being a millionaire before 40. planning on it and banging half of easter europe / south america with the dividends

>> No.25111909

It's ok, anon.
No one will miss you.

>> No.25111920
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>> No.25111929
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>Just killed a man
>CCP wants their bread
>Now an investor leaves them dead
>Gains had just begun
>But now you've gone and thrown it all awaaaaaay

>Didn't mean to buy the dip
>But I'll stay strong and hodl aaall year loooong
>Dip some more, dip some more, 'cause nothing really matters

>> No.25111945
File: 530 KB, 828x1792, 0A8FBCA6-F05D-4CAE-A393-A3F0F5673973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fib extension since we entered the fiat era

We could tag 4000level then usual retrace is 61.8, if we get covid21 I could see 38.2 but that’s back up the truck and dump it all in level. As you can see it acted as resistance twice.

>> No.25111963
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Who else should I follow?

>> No.25111965

Good thing I bought JD and not BABA.

>> No.25111969
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Got away with it ;).

>> No.25111974

Should I sell MARA tomorrow?

>> No.25111983

so markets close early tomorrow right? What time

>> No.25111990

You will never see the S&P500 below 3000 again in your lifetime. Should've bought in March, retard.

>> No.25111994
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Good evening I love Ryan Cohen

>> No.25111995
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TA on a mobile chinese trading app. whew lad

>> No.25112006

no guys you don't understand other people have money and I don't it's just not fair

this is bullshit why do they have money and I don't

I've thought about it for days, maybe weeks now, and I just can't get over it, wtf

>> No.25112010

No you fucking idiot you were supposed to buy the dip today. Do you not listen?

>> No.25112017

I got: 2 McChickens, large fries, and large coke
the fries were $3.72(!) i got fucking jewed on fries

>> No.25112019

how are my parents such god damn idiots they didnt retire with a million? theyre old and still working and have nothing. fuck sake

>> No.25112021

I want to fuck her and Tasha Keeney so hard

>> No.25112023

You aren't banging any eastern Euros when you're 5'6", sorry anon

>> No.25112025
File: 3 KB, 312x400, Greek_uc_theta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you feel it es em gee? The inexorable March of time? With every second we draw ever closer to expiry. We draw ever closer to completely surrendering your money to me for no personal gain. Tick tock. Tick tock.

>> No.25112028

The price is right

Post your reply then

>> No.25112047

Margin is the devil. You may be patient and willing to HODL but your broker is not. If you buy the dip and it keeps dipping then you're forced to take losses. There are 2 ways I have lost money in the stock market: positions with an expiration and positions on margin.

>> No.25112049
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>/smg/ still hasn't found it yet

>> No.25112051
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>> No.25112052

>should I buy GME weeklies now?
I thought you were killing yourself? Fucking drama queen

>> No.25112053

clf tranny

>> No.25112057

I bought the dip, then it dipped more.

>> No.25112061

I'm looking to invest my life savings and I don't want to invest in an ETF. Is ARKK or ARKG a good bet?

>> No.25112063

need to buy tomorrow lads the jews will try to ruin Christmas remember do the needful

>> No.25112073

well the thing is, I saw on my favorite website r*ddit that a bunch of people make lots of money on something called calls

no one's ever paid me to call them in my life wtf that's not fair why do they make so much money off of calls

>> No.25112076

yes of course! what could go wrong with that

go all in bro so you get super rich when it goes up

>> No.25112079

everyone itt
i am not your personal analyst
that is all

>> No.25112080

Buy Xiaomi

>> No.25112084

I bought it as close and I'm fine so i don't know where you thought the dip was gonna end

>> No.25112090

>no one's ever paid me to call them in my life wtf that's not fair why do they make so much money off of calls

hahahaha oh my god thats so funny dude hahahaha you should be a professional comedian or something man I'm just dying laughing here hahahaha

>> No.25112107

hey guys, should i buy blockbuster stock?

GME has made me 4x my money already, and people keep saying it's like blockbuster so it sounds like i'll 4x my money there too??

>> No.25112115

are you saying I should buy calls on that car brand's stock?

I don't know brand that is what brand of car is that tell me now this is bullshit you're making money off of that aren't, while I'm sitting here not making money off of it that's bullshit tell me what brand it is

I'm gonna go ask my parents maybe they'll tell me what kind of car that is to apologize for never giving me money

>> No.25112118

Evidently not at $12.72. Down $150 so far.

>> No.25112130
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>> No.25112136


>> No.25112142
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>> No.25112145

really? do you think I could be a stand-up comedian? stand-up comedian's make so much money and I don't wtf that's not fair

here's another joke I really like I think you'll find it funny too


>> No.25112164

the stock that went up 20% in 5 years? ok

>> No.25112191
File: 29 KB, 600x337, download (10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ARKK and ARKG are literally etfs you mongoliod

>> No.25112197

Well at least you got all the Monday through Tuesday gains. Right?

>> No.25112199

Are we getting a video update this week? :^)

>> No.25112204

im dead

>> No.25112205
File: 329 KB, 360x270, 1603675119296.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here. Most of /smg/ is still sleeping on it. 682 shares @ $3.56 cost basis. Moon mission is just starting on it.

>> No.25112208

Today was both a curse and a blessing. MARA raped me but it can’t go any lower so I’ll just buy more shares and even make a profit from this disaster.

>> No.25112210

Yea MCD calls are basically free money if you watch the stock. Nice fat divvy too if you own shares

>> No.25112216
File: 122 KB, 397x575, Annotation 2020-08-31 053535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sounds like my kind of stock.

>> No.25112225

The McChicken is the perfect meal to browse /smg/ to

>> No.25112232


>> No.25112243
File: 57 KB, 663x564, Screenshot from 2020-12-23 21-08-35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this... is the power of dividends.

>> No.25112245

sony is really undervalued for real guys if you want to hold some boomer shit long term. ps4 is 100% winning the console war soon and nintendo doesnt have jack shit and every single person is asking for ps5. sony is releasing their own EV soon and its already finished

i dont invest in things that kill animals.

>> No.25112264
File: 196 KB, 1500x1000, funny-putin-vladimir-memes-humor-images-fun-1XB1Col.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's not vegan.


>> No.25112271

Xiaomi's solid, I bought their airpod clones a year ago and they haven't broken yet, got em at like $30 too

>> No.25112276

They just don’t make em like they used to

>> No.25112279

Patience, young one. The BIG GREEN WADS is an elusive prey.

>> No.25112281

yes 1.2% bro :^) just keep reinvesting them and youll have money in 86 years

>> No.25112297
File: 1 KB, 216x216, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember how bearish the sentiment was in here at IPO? Apologize.

>> No.25112313

Non-divened “people” rekt beyond recovery

>> No.25112314

Dont tell me you FOMOd today at 12.72

>> No.25112319

Thank you OCGN anon from pre market

>> No.25112327

would be good if the dollar didn't lose 10% of its value

>> No.25112328
File: 543 KB, 1100x1556, yande.re 405389 ass cameltoe capcom_fighting_jam dress ingrid_(street_fighter) pantyhose street_fighter tagme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fresh off the presses from today. Buy XIACF

Yup. They're the best bang for buck in smartphones and growing more popularity. /g/ has shilled them for years in the smartphone general.

>> No.25112330

Use coupons

>> No.25112337

Better invest in whale oil futures

>> No.25112340

I tried a TTCF product tonight and I have some really bad news for you, it's fucking dogshit

>> No.25112341

I didnt buy :(
Next IPO ripple

>> No.25112361
File: 148 KB, 680x661, Found+this+on+the+know+your+meme+page+you+can+_0b795e464cae452ac86a2a560c3efd10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slow & steady wins the race

>> No.25112366

wont that be delisted soon

>> No.25112369

Always bet on /g/, they know their shit

>> No.25112373
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>Chink smartphones
No thanks

>> No.25112375

What makes you say that?

>> No.25112399
File: 65 KB, 958x622, gme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take a 1 month break
>come back to this
what the fuck

>> No.25112400
File: 113 KB, 1240x766, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can i assume this 800k volume spike was a huge 800k block buy

>> No.25112412

What should I buy with 10k tomorrow

>> No.25112413


>> No.25112433

next guy who ever what ever he spams im buying..we all called him a faggot

>> No.25112437

im not personally buying it but it really does have a lot going for it boomer-wise. good long term hold

the chinese are ruling the market soon you might as well get used to them

>> No.25112443
File: 289 KB, 1079x1487, Screenshot_20201223-181700_Kiwi Browser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TSMC has a better dividend and this chart

>> No.25112446


>> No.25112461
File: 718 KB, 1170x1955, 6F4B9F9E-2585-45C2-B851-6BEC90DB9119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want to bet on the company trying to take market share away from Apple huawei & Samsung?

>> No.25112464

vale leaps for 2023 is what he bought a few days ago and they havent moved yet

hes in steel for now so its gonna be a minute before he shills anything else. he bought intel too awhile ago

>> No.25112478
File: 163 KB, 905x828, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

+50% is honestly pretty tame in this market
turns out this wasn't going to be easy money since hedge funds are really stubborn and buying puts to keep the price down

how many times are we going to see this trick?

>> No.25112485
File: 110 KB, 768x1024, 3969566 - Joe_Biden politics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most vegan food does. But it's still making me money.

>> No.25112493

im ready for shills

>> No.25112503

>+50% is honestly pretty tame in this market
it's fucking GME
it was supposed to crash and burn the fuck down at 12

>> No.25112506

Is buying ETFs a good way to invest for retirement or will I be over diversifying?

Also, will TD Ameritrade be okay for retirement account?

>> No.25112509

buy the god damn vale leaps

>> No.25112512

>how many times are we going to see this trick?

The number of times they pull this stunt is the number of shots everyone has to take at the celebratory Melvin Capital Bankruptcy party

>> No.25112513

So many times I considered picking up some SNE and wondering how long (and comfy) of a hold it could be. Part of me is also thinking of waiting for a substantial dip (some kind of bad news that doesn't reflect it's current price).

I'm definitely not letting it go. I originally had a $6 price target for sometime early next year, but you say it can get into the double digits range by mid next year?

>> No.25112529

Majority of companies run on cheap debt and are zombies with no actual value outside of that.

Why not just buy the parts that perform?

>> No.25112539

i mean thats what boomers and safe shit does is diversify. if you dont want to you can probably just do shit like baba, aapl, and amzn

if i was going for a boomer fund i would probably diversify etfs because were in a massive dot com bubble right now

>> No.25112543

China fud is the only fud I've seen against xiaomi. It's a legitimate concern but again - this is the same logic that prevented people from buying NIO when it was sub $10. Trump is an e-celebrity by next month, not the president, so who cares what he thinks. Biden's more willing to play a more neutral ground with China.

Not completely dismissing it, but I have doubts Xiaomi would be delisted. Chinese stocks in general seem unphased by this and if it was a real concern I'd assume institutions would pull out. Instead, many are rallying.

>> No.25112544
File: 42 KB, 460x456, 120625466_655537745165534_6462884566231110965_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha funny cat food man bought another 3% of the company at $16 and hired the law firm hestia and permit used. HedgeEye put a $50 price target on it and Cramer mentioned it on CNBC.

>> No.25112552

If you don't want to spread your portfolio too thin you could always just buy ETF's that cover the entire market like SPY.

Not too sure what TD Ameritrade's fees are but if you're not doing a whole lot of transactions it should be fine

>> No.25112561
File: 121 KB, 1140x693, 9DC05BBB-94A6-4BB5-AD8D-ABF93D622477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you consider value?

>> No.25112564

I'm just saying even the dumb vegan crowd knows when they're getting fucked, the stock could still do well but they have a terrible meme product on the shelf

>> No.25112568

The amount of people who dont actually understand options and are still playing them in this market makes me both extremely scared and extremely happy. I get to run train all day just buying calls before these idiots fomo in and then turning around and selling covered calls for ludicrous prices

>> No.25112574

>it was supposed to crash and burn the fuck down at 12
it did

>> No.25112589

Thank RH and WSB for that

>> No.25112595

what? i would just do a 20 strike price maybe 30. it has a 40 price target

>> No.25112596


>> No.25112598
File: 60 KB, 552x554, 42184712374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but like...... WHY
I literally see ZERO reasons for it to have a future

I mean crash down to 0 once it went from 14 to 12

>> No.25112600
File: 58 KB, 676x828, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boomer shitposting is so adorable to watch for some reason
same shit I see in yahoo financial conversations

>> No.25112616

if it didnt have HIV in the name id buy

>> No.25112620
File: 63 KB, 720x739, 1603578261261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasted dubs

>> No.25112634

no one is buying GME for the fundamentals lol
stop being retarded

i trimmed down hard myself because Q3 showed everyone that Gamestop has no fucking fundamentals and the rally is purely from Cohen speculation for CHWY 2.0

>> No.25112647

I regret nothing

>> No.25112648

Read Ryan Cohen's letter he attached to this last amended 13D

>> No.25112657

>but like...... WHY
>I literally see ZERO reasons for it to have a future

wtf? HOW

>> No.25112660

>I literally see ZERO reasons for it to have a future

Gamestop is a household name and people still go there to buy games, they haven't been keeping up with recent trends however.

The gameplan is for them to reinvent themselves to compete with the other big boys which is what Cohen wants.

>> No.25112675

I love how his answer is basically "I just gotta fucking eat man nobody says the article is good"

>> No.25112676
File: 165 KB, 750x1334, B8745E08-E0AE-4B07-8384-92DC6227D942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my portfolio please

What is /smg/ buying this week? What are you watching?

I have about 70k unused margin to play with

>> No.25112684

It dies when Cohen says so.

>> No.25112708

it's GME you retard wtf is GTE

>> No.25112717

Jesus this man's having a mental breakdown over someone arguing with his point, sad.

>> No.25112742

I'm thinking SPY/VOO and then some that cover the healthcare market, tech, international, and maybe one or two more sectors. Money managers seem like a scam and I'd rather just do it myself and it seems like ETFs would be fine. But i really have no idea/experience.

>> No.25112750
File: 9 KB, 411x387, 1587240861352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do any /smg/anons here live strictly off of their stock gains? My dad is kicking me out.

>> No.25112764

I hope he gets paid regardless

>> No.25112767

IM staying on all night to find a cheapo crab, .50-6.00 to go all in on thats just ready to blast off

>> No.25112790


>> No.25112800
File: 559 KB, 2998x1891, download (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a chance chang

>> No.25112810

Cohen is an activist investor he sees potential in the GME brand and website. As long as he is in it and it looks like he's attempting to take over the board, the stock will be very interesting.

>> No.25112813

prolly wouldnt be hard just e whore and buy stocks lol

>> No.25112838
File: 939 KB, 1275x628, Quock - commie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got fucked today, biz... and not in a good way...

>> No.25112850

How to do?

>> No.25112855

>Money managers seem like a scam

They are, one of "Financial Advisors" or "Money Managers" main metrics on how they get paid is how much of their client's assets they can convert to their institutions, not to mention the ridiculous fees you spend when you could press a couple buttons and achieve the same thing.

SPY already covers the entire market so you don't need to buy an ETF to cover every single sector, if you believe one sector will perform better you can throw more money into that.

Also consider the time you have to research/manage your portfolio, most people are fine throwing most of their money into an ETF and YOLO'ing a small portion when their cousin tells them to.

>> No.25112865

You spent $40,000 on a pennystock?

>> No.25112884


>> No.25112886

>My dad is kicking me out.
Streetwalker anon can host you for a minimum fee

>> No.25112897
File: 251 KB, 1146x1089, 1604979050200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25112903

wait with margin couldnt i just take all margin and put it on a boomer stock and hold it for free money and use the gains to pay back the 2%?

>> No.25112915

Stocktwits says it’s jerkmates

>> No.25112919

Your gains would have to offset the fee, sometimes the market goes down in which case you couldnt pay off the fee

>> No.25112922

>spending gains

hell to the no

>> No.25112931

Nigga GTE has 10x capability in my opinion, it’s definitely a long term hold but I’m planning on selling no lower than 3.00

>> No.25112935

Read what?

>> No.25112936
File: 288 KB, 1158x792, 499f249b4a1daf0826080d541538492c40c9864cb44d237ae17cb2e6fcb6f910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not living alone but I woke up at 8:30am today, bought a single TSLA call daily, sold it at 9am for $1k profit, and went right back to sleep. I made all my bills twice over without even getting off my back. It's certainly doable, buttttttttt

it's easy to think about the ez greens. Nobody buys an option thinking it's a bad idea, they only reach that point when its too late. I could have lost $700 and if I relied on the market for subsistence, that would have been a fucking pain. Get a part time job and a cheap studio apt at least if you truly intend this.

>> No.25112939


>> No.25112957

literally any article on options

>> No.25112966

yeah but what if i just hold the boomer stock forever?

>> No.25112969

>fag id

ignore this one

>> No.25112995

>Raj id
Nice try, poo

>> No.25112996

I have 80k in stocks. I was just wondering if anyone here lives like that

That's my mentality too. But we've been getting at each for a while and it finally hit its breaking point

Nice. I already have a part time job and plan on moving into an apartment after Christmas

>> No.25112998
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So they will pass this shit tomorrow when I'm out for Christmas, might have to place some futures positions and accept the loss if it dumps

>> No.25113008

get roommates

>> No.25113025
File: 184 KB, 1242x838, FD0FA668-EF7F-49A7-8D8E-79EFC2AA82E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking chink stocks

>> No.25113030

>buying chinese stocks
why would you do this?

>> No.25113050

Bro if that green text is real, it’ll be hilarious since they’ll all be in the meme holiday spirit and probably pass it

That literally just means 2k worth of PLTR for me

>> No.25113059

It would still have to outpace your broker's interest fees to be worthwhile

>> No.25113066
File: 118 KB, 852x420, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're already beating Huawei.

>Data from Counterpoint Research revealed that Xiaomi saw a 46% year-on-year (YoY) jump in shipments which amounted to 46.2 million handsets during the July – September quarter, while Apple saw a 7% drop in shipments to 41.7 million units during the same period. Canalys echoed a similar view saying Apple’s shipments declined 1% YoY while Xiaomi’s surged 45% YoY during the same quarter.

>> No.25113074

its 2.5% per year? i thought it was just 2.5% on whatever margin amount you take

>> No.25113075
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>invest in palantir as a true patriot
>invest in chinese stocks to negate your partiorism

it only makes sense they would cancel each other out

>> No.25113082

They just tell me about theta or some shit not how to flip options or handle this market

>> No.25113086

>find a cheap apartment
>find an apartment
kek no. You will never find a cheap apartment right now, especially a one bedroom. He'll be living at a shelter or paying out the nose for an Airbnb

>> No.25113087
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>> No.25113104

do jews have the power to trade overnight? or is it just because its a chinese stock and its morning there?

>> No.25113109


>> No.25113110

Do you have a job? And 2nd the other guy see if any of your friends want to share a place. I know a group of 5 that rents a 5br house and they're paying like $450/mo each

>> No.25113121
File: 407 KB, 250x250, 1608372237160.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any discount meme stocks?

>> No.25113126

what exactly is the point of buying anything but VTI...

>> No.25113128

If any broker charged 2.5% per year everyone would be borrowing, mine charges monthly

>> No.25113138

>Hong Kong stock exchange

>> No.25113139

nvm on the job I didn't read your post all the way. 80k in stocks you could generate some nice income too by selling options

>> No.25113144

Poor bustard, he just wants to make it

>> No.25113151

Maybe you should google how to flip options then :^)

>> No.25113157

Not with that Commie McConnell gargoyle in senate. He'll shit on anything the house passes if it's democrat approved. Literally the opposite of holiday cheer, when he dies he'll probably turn onto an immovable salt statue rooted to the floor of congress and cursing legislation that crosses his shadow

>> No.25113178

My portfolio is up 30% this week I think I’m finally figuring it out bros

>> No.25113181

WTF THATS A SCAM literal retard tax

>> No.25113187

Then when corona 2.0 comes out the market pulls down 50% and you account goes to 0
You can rebalance periodically like the leveraged ETFs but the transaction costs will kill you and the only reason tqqq and soxl do well is just how good the tech sector has performed. But if the bubble pops and it takes years to recover you can say bye bye to 90% of your money.
So don't mess with leverage unless it's a leveraged ETF and even then it's risky.

>> No.25113189

depends on the state my man. oklahoma for one is cheap as fuck, and it's not even a shithole in the right places. just boring and depressing as god damn

>> No.25113201

Bros please help me with options. What’s something to look into?

>> No.25113204

yeah but getting scalped on EVERY FUCKING OPTION TRADE starts to take its toll. Seriously yesterday I watched people buying MSTR $320 calls at ~$40 completely skipping my """$39.75""" sell. These jews are really pushing it

>> No.25113209

Yep but it's a minimum wage job. I don't have any friends who can even afford to rent. If I make friends
I'm too scared of options. I just buy SPACs and SPAC warrants.

>> No.25113216
File: 27 KB, 1031x310, myport.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im long on tqqq i dont believe in leverage decay

>> No.25113220

the problem with chasing momentum and growth is the winds change. every idiot here who had a good year thinks they are a genius and know the art of trading, but if they were actually smart they'd be multimillionaires right now because the market has been doing the same thing for 8 years. anyone with eyes that see clearly and only a little bit of capital who thinks like this should be rich as fuck by now, but you really don't see many people getting rich and quitting their jobs b/c of stock gains, but you see a whole lot of newly minted geniuses bragging about the 4 figures they made off tesla and nio recently.
maybe a few of you will get lucky and will be able to pivot when the winds change, and they are, right now, as we speak, but the truth is you clowns are going to get absolutely ass-wrecked in a matter of months, get mad, forswear stocks, and then all the dumb boomers in index funds will pass you up and you'll be waiting their tables in their comfy retirement.
i actually pity everyone who has had an easy ride just getting in to the stock market, they haven't learned shit. i took my licks, have a portfolio full of divvy boys now, and have more insight on the market and how it works than any of momentum chasing retards.

>> No.25113239
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If I make friends from work then maybe I'll get them as roommates*

>> No.25113249

>this is your brain on OPTI


>> No.25113251

incredibly based

>> No.25113254

>I'm too scared of options

There are safer option plays you can do like selling covered calls

>> No.25113256

Wendy's is a better chart from the March lows

>> No.25113271

one of the best ways to use leverage is to use HELOC. Interest is typically the lowest across normie borrowing lines and in leafland you can write it off if you use the borrowed money to buy stonks

>> No.25113283

You need to get some better execution. Maybe Vanguard? lol

>> No.25113310

I hope they pass the new check bill Thursday. I'd get $4000 extra (married). Thank of the T shares I could buy... blah why thank when the calculator is just a click away; 137 more roughly @ 29 per. Glorious.

>> No.25113326

I've considered that but the ones I hold don't have options (DMYD, THBR). If anything, buying options on Chamath's SPACs' (IPOD, IPOE, IPOF) should be an easy play

>> No.25113328
File: 1.96 MB, 500x280, tumblr_o6pvwwSeZi1s2wio8o1_r1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know about the great reset

All of us are going to be fucked, only answer is withdraw gains now and go on a cocaine, hooker, cyberpunk 2077 marathon

>> No.25113332


>> No.25113344

to get higher return rates than VTI obviously

>> No.25113358

Don’t get cocky m8

Congrats and all that stuff

I was up 20% on my portfolio a month ago, crashed down to like -5%. This week I broke even, and now up 3%. All in a month.

Keep at it m8.

>> No.25113367

we dont have 200,000 dollars and a house paid off already

>> No.25113370
File: 207 KB, 498x498, 77.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sold SWI 1/15/2021 15 Puts and feel cocky.

>> No.25113379
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Based JD

>> No.25113396

Is it worth getting a a HELOC?

>> No.25113411

As long as you're not a retard even just having a HELOC is good for your credit

>> No.25113430

How about this:

Buy TQQQ, take the profits every 3 months and buy VTI with it. If your down after 3 months, just keep buying into TQQQ for a lower average price

>> No.25113434

>accepted job at a financial services company
>"Oh btw anon you can't have a personal trading account it's a conflict of interest"

what the fuck do I do

>> No.25113439
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Chingchong government is clearly trying to gain more control over the company, depending on how shit looks when it comes down even more I might start buying at 220

>> No.25113461

Quit and then every month send them a photo of your gains and tell them to eat shit

>> No.25113468

i hope they chop mas balls off for losing me money

>> No.25113501

just disclose every trade you do. imo the paperwork and hassle isnt worth it. Try asking for a work around

>> No.25113512

theres no point in vti. i dont want to sound like one of those newfags who thinks hes smarter then warren buffet but im up 17% just starting. i wont buy boomer shit unless im rich

lol i have never seen a happy wagecuck

>> No.25113518

Get a wife

>> No.25113521
File: 3.91 MB, 270x481, minorities.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is questrade good to go with for a leaf if I'm mainly going to put money into US companies?
Wish I didn't live in a 3rd world country but I gotta make it work

>> No.25113529

Monopoly legislation
Xi is afraid the market is getting too frothy

>> No.25113530

it is.

>> No.25113534

What's the appeal of Chinese stocks? Like why would you risk the CCP just fucking your ass?

>> No.25113540

It's got the best options rates if you can't get into ibroker, if you're just buying and selling get WS

>> No.25113550

amazon already mooned and this is a chinese amazon still growing

>> No.25113555

How would they know? You also could ask a relative to set up an account in their name.

>> No.25113556
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I will NEVER buy a Chinese stock

>> No.25113564

Stocks aren't very popular in China. Real Estate is the primary form of investment.

>> No.25113566
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>> No.25113578

what trading platofrms do you guys recommend

>> No.25113583

How many shares of amazon outstanding vs baba?

>> No.25113585

look up Norbits gambit

>> No.25113590

Sounds chinese, forgive me if I'm a little suspicious, chang.

>> No.25113602

Sam are you ok?

>> No.25113606

its chinese apple and apple already mooned

>> No.25113610

Can confirm, I'm not a retard.

>> No.25113625

Hello everyone I love Cathie Wood she is cute and makes me money.

>> No.25113629

It's sort of an honour code thing, I guess if they go under investigation or whatever they're allowed to see what I've done

good call

>> No.25113641
File: 35 KB, 1286x960, XOM TQQQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll see you at the yacht club in 20 years bro.

>> No.25113654
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Good abortion stocks good disruptive technology stocks. Yes very good. Good pussy

>> No.25113660

curious, where do we get these lists? are they from wsb? and when do people announce theyre going to pump these stocks?

>> No.25113662

get an account an IB because their exchange rate fees is based off their forex trading, so it's basically peanuts (still as cheap as $2 for a $100K transcation) compared to the garbage 1.3% exchange rate fee you pay

norbert's gambit will potentially cost you much more than 2% in volatile unstable times (like now when DXY dumps more than the exchange rate fee while you wait for DLR.U to settle, never mind opportunity cost)

>> No.25113677
File: 56 KB, 1271x571, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me i'm not gonna get shrekt tomorrow

>> No.25113681

you have 400k on tqqq?

>> No.25113708
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>Hello everyone I love Cathie Wood she is cute and makes me money.

>> No.25113712
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>> No.25113756

that's way too many different strikes tickers and expiries to effectively manage

>> No.25113762

Not yet, that's just from a portfolio backtesting website. I used it to laugh at XOM bagholder one time.

>> No.25113764
File: 243 KB, 1280x853, 1608087326191d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good money for easy life. Yes sir, we make it off wood. I love woods and big arkk. We moon friend all day. Moon and pussy. So good. Good DD

>> No.25113802
File: 162 KB, 404x331, 1562726653734.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bad meme; you're not funny

>> No.25113809

anybody trade SPY options or ES?
looking for books / guides / series that helped you when learning
any tips very much appreciated!

>> No.25113813

What do you think of BNKU, 3x leveraged US banks for the next few months?

>> No.25113852
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LOL i have 1k shares at 10.75, but I agree my other 1k did not fill at 11.00$ should I be happy or sad????

>> No.25113862
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>> No.25113872

I lost everything 3 months ago. Changed my strategy and hit my yearly goal in basically 2 months, today. It definitely humbled the fuck out of me

>> No.25113881

god cryptofags drive me fucking insane. i keep seeing these xrp fags STILL buying this shit it hasnt moved in 3 fucking years. you could of tripled your money in the last 2 years buying fucking anything in stocks

>> No.25113882

I’m thinking of buying TSMC, but idk, thoughts?

Seems like the only thing that could stop them would literally be china invading taiwan

>> No.25113912

stocklet and total /biz/ newfag here. Just got a quick question
How many shares of a company do you need to be considered a legitimate shareholder? like someone who can partake in shareholder meetings with a company?

>> No.25113925

>china invading taiwan
why do people think that this equates to Taiwan's industry becoming nationalized lol
did hong kong businesses get turned into commie shit once they were assimilated?

TSM is a multi-national company at this point

>> No.25113937

their parents should have taught them about stocks

>> No.25113945

Cultists are the worst, even some of the more popular stocks have them

>> No.25113958

I am up 27% THIS YEAR!!! i WAS down 42% on October 30th fUck the elections! trump won civ war now

>> No.25113965
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That's nice

>> No.25113968


>> No.25113988

Can't believe this is the same guy that did Akame Ga Kill

>> No.25114000

Depends on the IPO filing. Generally the SEC keeps 10% as a lower threshold rule of thumb for having enough clout to require special regular reporting.

>> No.25114010

MARA is looking really fucking good for trading tomorrow. Super oversold.

>> No.25114017

I’m feeling a McRib tonight. Anyone want anything?

>> No.25114031

i know its probably bad karma but i thoroughly enjoy watching ripple niggers get bogged by the SEC

>> No.25114045
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Internet coins are the future anon. Just hold

>> No.25114065

It'll happen to all cryptocurrencies eventually. Tether was literally cryptofiat.
BTC will be last because dumb fuck hedgies got suckered into the top and they will fight it like mad.

>> No.25114070

I don't own any shitcoins. I like day trading, not really sure if coins will have any real value in the future

>> No.25114083

We getting a Santa Rally?

>> No.25114086

not true. 10% gain on a $1,000 investment is equal to a 1000% gain on a $10 investment.
10% gain on $10 doesn't make a difference

>> No.25114088

shitlink and their stupid fat faggot checker shirt slav nigger is next god i cant wait to see them lose everything

>> No.25114107

i thought MARA would dump today but faggots in here told me it wouldn't during premarket. not based

>> No.25114113

Who bought my bitf bags at the top today? sold at 3.33 kek

>> No.25114115

last time I trusted a random nigger on BIZ was in may or july on Workhorse, I, made 20k off that geeing in at 4 then went to 20 i,m in for 1000 shares

>> No.25114121

I noticed some brokers really fuck you over, in the past I've watched the real time data and it passes over more favourable prices. With IBKR Pro I haven't had this issue, executions are good.

>> No.25114139

PSTH is getting Starlink, announcing after the new year.

>> No.25114140
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Well, I'm out.
This is going down. I should have sold when it became a political stock and no longer about numbers. I didn't and that was a greedy mistake.

Happens though.
Don't invest in China. It's not worth it. We all get burned there.

>> No.25114143
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>> No.25114160
File: 133 KB, 756x945, 45526ec86f1d92b86d9426eabe3964c47cf15e96720bec74d7ffd1eb3aea2240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey niggers what SPACs should I BUY???

>> No.25114161

is there any way i can like exchange my good stocks for boomer stocks or something without having to cash them out?

would rather hold my shit in boomer stocks then pay jew taxes

>> No.25114172
File: 18 KB, 272x227, 6535135485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I won't be trying this many different options at once again.
RIP me

>> No.25114173

I don’t ever come to /biz/ but I did tonight and it reminded me how shitty this board is. God cryptofags are the worst

>> No.25114175

Thought Musk wasn't splitting starlink off for a few more years?

>> No.25114179

Since 1997 Hong Kong was treated as a separate country. Yeah China owned it but it was able to rule itself. But starting this year that changed. Wouldn't surprise me a bit if china moved in totally next year. Best way to look at it is the U.S - Puerto Rico setup. We own it but we let them basically fuck off and do whatever. In exchange though they get the shaft by the U.S govt when shit happens. Also they can't vote in U.S elections even though they're U.S citizens.

>> No.25114191
File: 165 KB, 1220x782, AVGO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you call that dividends? check out AVGO if you are serious about safe and high yield dividends.

>> No.25114210

Boy does that not fit any of their selection criteria they were talking about for literal months

>> No.25114222

IPOC AMCI GHIV FIII all will run big next month

>> No.25114231
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>> No.25114239

i still dont get how compound interest makes that much money

>> No.25114255

Investing in China was never a good idea, I don't get why people take the risk, they don't abide by the system, they can do whatever the fuck they want. There are plenty of emerging markets out there, even india is infinitely safer.

>> No.25114272

All of them.

>> No.25114278

because it compounds every day
your gay "high yield" savings nigger account compounds every YEAR

>> No.25114292

If you held luckin shares when it delisted you could have made bank.

>> No.25114301

>Politicians allowed to have personal trading accounts
>Not civilians

really makes ya think

>> No.25114304


>> No.25114325

Time + reinvestment and/or buying more shares each month. Simple really. Same principle as VTI or VOO (they pay out divvies to). The younger you start the less upfront money you need v.s the older you get the more seed money you need to make up the difference. I'd say age 40 is the point of no return. You either start then or just give it up.

>> No.25114330

i thought you just got dividends every 3 months and reinvest them

>> No.25114334

Of course you could have made money in certain situations, but that doesn't mean it's safe to do. Most of the time you will lose money. You can make money off of scams too if you enter and exit at the right time.

>> No.25114366

not only that but Taiwan is prone to earthquakes so you are better off parking your money at AVGO if you want something similar to TSM.

>> No.25114410

>hedgies got suckered into the top and they will fight it like mad.
No they won't, there were a ton of them buying in at ~10k around mid 2019 and they panic sold when BTC dumped on them, over 70 crypto focused hedgefunds closed up before the end of 2019. People have to remember that there are massive groups that has been playing with crypto for years and now they have more rich people hedgefund algorithms to play with.. that's why it would be better for BTC to actually do a decent correction now before trying to push 30k, because if it keeps going up like this then the crash will be even worse with long squeezes all over the place and crypto exchanges with massive liquidations issues pushing price down even further

>> No.25114425

>After the new year
Oh I was going to buy FDs tomorrow for a Christmas announcement

>> No.25114430

What compounds daily and isn't a high risk REIT or some shit?

>> No.25114461
File: 35 KB, 474x752, 1608260155049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bitcoin only go up. You would be dumb to not play bitcoin. This is the best play out. Everyone buy bitcoin and so you should too

>> No.25114468

my point was more that private companies and China co-exist, if anything, CCP knows better than anyone else that private companies are far more efficient and successful than state-run garbage
my concern with TSM is more with China assimilating Taiwan peacefully and nudging TSM to supply to US-sanctioned companies (e.g. Huawei). that shit adds more realistic geopolitics risk that will FUD the market. No one cares about some tinfoil fear of China invading Taiwan because that makes China too much of a target
Unlike Russia and Crimea, Taiwan's industry is actually relevant worldwide, especially with Apple

>> No.25114472


>> No.25114484

Why even bother posting a spac above 12? Nobody is buying that shit.

>> No.25114486

any stock compounds daily, doesn't necessarily mean it compounds up :^)

>> No.25114519

>because if it keeps going up like this then the crash will be even worse with long squeezes all over the place and crypto exchanges with massive liquidations issues pushing price down even further
Perhaps that would be better in the long run. The real value of crypto is in the tech, but they all cling to btc, which is being marketed as the new gold.

>> No.25114525

I'm self employed so I'm not gonna be able to snag an IB account.
Probably gonna go with questrade for now since it looks like WS doesn't let you hold usd so you're paying conversion fees every time. I don't plan on investing too much to start so norbert's gambit shouldn't save me a lot

>> No.25114528

i wish i was rich to have boomer shit running in the background

>> No.25114536

So what's going to be the big play for tomorrow, boys and ladies?

>> No.25114588

Short coal due to supply side from Santa getting out of check.

>> No.25114600

Quality post

>> No.25114601


>> No.25114613

Buy nothing and post wojaks.

>> No.25114623

Dubs of truth confirm this to be true.

>> No.25114630

Riding the OPTI rocket depending on volume in the morning.

>> No.25114633

Cash out end of day until orange man pass stimulate paper

>> No.25114638

Broadcom is fabless, the idea is that the world is becoming more and more reliant on semiconductor tech. TSMC runs 52% of worldwide semiconductor manufacturing, i.e. the gravy train will never stop for them

>> No.25114639

Ok? Buy the next day spacs shit the bed. We’re due for one of those days soon. All those stocks will break $20 easy

>> No.25114653

Bitcoin is some deep state ploy to harvest the whole computational power of planet earth to break cryptographic hashes.

>> No.25114672
File: 39 KB, 499x496, 1607385430663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Words of wisdom. I'm up 31% this month, but still down 20% for the year. But I definitely learned some valuable lessons the hard way. That alone has helped me become a better trader even with a shitty little meme account. If you count the gains I made from crypto (which I'm not fucking with ever again) and PM's, I essentially broke even in my financial endeavors. As long as you don't give up and be willing to accept your mistakes and learn from them, you'll be better at it.

>> No.25114673

No, I’m literally worried the Chinese will invade and forcibly take over TSMC, investors be damned

>> No.25114674

>spac is at 15 dollars
>spac will get to 20 on anons word
>measly 25% gain

Give me sub 12 or kindly see yourself out.

>> No.25114677

Gross, a filthy Chinese company. I will literally never touch a disgusting Chinese stock.

>> No.25114695
File: 49 KB, 213x400, 400.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck im getting the boomer itch bros.....

i just watched this video on youtube and he showed an example of someone who bought boomer stocks early in life and then quit and someone who bought boomer stocks later in life and the dude who started earlier had millions dollars more

FUCK WHY DONT I HAVE MONEY. i wish i had a way to steal money from people

>> No.25114699

which one of mommys ETFs will get me the best gains next year?

>> No.25114703

There is no way in hell the $2000 stimulation check gets passed.

>> No.25114707

that and boil the oceans

>> No.25114710

I think they’ll break 30 personally I’m just guaranteeing 20

>> No.25114736

Should I sell Amazon? I’ve had it for several years now (bought at like $900). It seems to be crabbing in the $2900-$3100 range. I’m up 3x at this point and am not sure if its time to put my money in something else.

>> No.25114737

>i wish i had a way to steal money from people

There is only two ways for this to happen, but it requires you to either have black skin or a long nose. Do you have either?

>> No.25114749

i know in america fraud is basically legal but im too stupid to even get started

>> No.25114755


>> No.25114778

nah if you held through this crabfest it means itll probably go up soon would fucking suck if you sell and then it goes up after but if its the only money you have to invest and you have a good idea then maybe

>> No.25114787

Someone bake a new thread please. Good stocks need research done on them yes.

>> No.25114805

china is already hated by the entire world because of covid
you think they will alienate the rest of the world even more with a blatant invasion of Taiwan?
come on that's too insulting to the CCP

don't get me wrong, there are plenty of opportunities outside of TSM, it's just silly to dwell on FUD like this. TSM is a stable boomer stock for a reason, your real black swan event is a massive earthquake that knocks out the fabs for a few days, even a blackout for a few seconds can cause millions in losses (like what happened to Samsung), never mind a huge earthquake out of nowhere, not China

Typhoons not a problem though since Taiwan is a (big) island, that's more damaging with inland areas

>> No.25114814

Ask this; would you sell the only company that lets you buy almost "whatever" and ships it to your door from the comfort of your house? (plus does other shit that rakes in money). Yeah WMT is a close 2nd but they don't got the range of product that amazon has.

>> No.25114826

don't matter when the CCP is a huge threat to Taiwan and for having Winnie-the-Pooh dick sucking Joe Biden. Taiwan is fucked

>> No.25114836

It's pretty simple, just claim you've donated something expensive and write it off on your taxes. Go to the dump, pick up a dresser or a bed, take it to Good Will, you've just donated a $1000 bed and dresser set that can be deducted from your taxes. Claims are hard to dispute for personal deductions.

>> No.25114839
File: 283 KB, 2560x1440, Screenshot from 2020-12-23 22-58-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm putting 9009 on SOXS, the triple-levereged superconductor short fund.

>> No.25114863

Stimulation will be a group effort. The Pakistani people will have to wait for their gender surgery unfortunately

>> No.25114874

i mean like cashapp scams and shit but yeah

>> No.25114888

One word: cash. Do a part time gig on the side and get paid in cash. Hell pick up a hammer or pair of plies and be the neighbor hood handy man or become the neighbor hood yard mower (cause kids are lazy fucks now anyway)

>> No.25114928

I fucking laughed my ass off at the gender studies thing written in there. That shit is a blatant money laundering scheme. The kikes really phoned that one in, looks like the coronahoax is getting to them as well.

>> No.25114937
File: 103 KB, 742x912, EFS5aW6VUAAyd6P.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is bili bili still going up?

I wanted to buy in a dip, but they been green for a while

>> No.25114960

i scam people

>> No.25114987
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>> No.25115017

by making 40 posts in smg with a 2k account

>> No.25115019

why do you think semiconductors are headed down? and for how much longer? was going to buy SOXL, now im changing my mind

>> No.25115030

50% PLTR 50% ARKK
33%. PLTR 33% ARKK 33% LGVW?

>> No.25115033

Smart. Sometimes I shill junk just to mess with retards in here too.

>> No.25115051
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Are we still going all in?

>> No.25115078


>> No.25115107
File: 319 KB, 1446x2048, EjLEVHUVkAEmpei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having a 3 to 4 digit account

You, everyone in here that uses an edgy username to attention whore and every GME holder desu

We just wanted a place to talk about stocks...now its pure fagotry

>> No.25115142


>> No.25115148


>> No.25115151

Newfag here(been here since September 2020) but was it really better before GME became a thing here?

>> No.25115173

Because the 23 and 51 day moving averages just crossed for both the SOXL and the SOXS, suggesting they might both reverse. The Nasdaq also seems to be petering out, and the SOXL and NASDAQ are closely linked.

Disclaimer: I am a novice trader. Pls correct me if you think I'm on the wrong track.

>> No.25115181

hes just jealous he didnt get in gme because it went up 30% in 2 days plus if you were smart and sold before q3 and bought back in you would of made fucking bank

i use the term he loosely because he is clearly a tranny animefag. animefags are worse than anything. and to answer your question no this was a good year for investing

>> No.25115338

did you shill gik because i made money on that by buying the dip so jokes on you

>> No.25115371

no and im not him just saying how hes a scammer

>> No.25115416
File: 1.67 MB, 1000x1000, cunny sweater.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saved thanks