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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25108714 No.25108714 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>25105630

>Obligatory Flare/Spark Tutorial


>SEC lawsuit

>Staggered Spark token distribution

>XRP Ledger

>Flare Finance source code

>XRP/Flare Decentralized Finance

>XRP Richlist Stats

>Past /XSG/ threads:

>Insiders threads:

>Insider/UHNWI/Mellon threads:

>The Myth of Market Cap:


https://twitter.com/PRX0202 [Mr. Pool archives]

>What wallet do I use?
There is no right answer for this. Mostly personal preference and security vs. convenience.
Hot storage (with Spark support) - XUMM or Exodus.
Cold storage - Ledger/Trezor or Paper/Metal Wallet
Do not use Droplet wallet, it is a scam.

>> No.25108756
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>> No.25108763

These threads are going so fast I cant keep up.

>> No.25108768

Bumping this, this is the true XSG.

>> No.25108773
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2k eoy

>> No.25108779
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blessed baker

>> No.25108781

Just went and got some Arby's and the person in front of me paid for my meal, so naturally I passed it on.
We are going to make it.

>> No.25108783

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.25108786

What is this website?

>> No.25108790


>> No.25108802
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lol, always with these chinky bug people

>> No.25108805


>> No.25108818
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>> No.25108824


>> No.25108834
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>want to buy the bottom
>not sure what is bottom
>holding forever

>> No.25108840
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>> No.25108841

I found the presentation
Still looking for the image Pool posted before that

>> No.25108852
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>> No.25108856
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>> No.25108861
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Next stimulus on XRP-XLM stablecoins
Clarity urgent
Everything is accelerating
Schizophrenia slowly creeping through into our reality
The next couple of months will see if humanity is ready to peer through the Matrix
Veil after veil is be revealed

>> No.25108865

We are lightning,
Straying from the thunder,
Miracles of ancient wonder.

This will be the day we've waited for.
This will be the day we open up the door.
I don't wanna hear your absolution;
Hope you're ready for a revolution.
Welcome to a world of new solutions.
Welcome to a world of bloody evolution.
In time, your heart will open minds,
A story will be told,
And victory is in a simple soul.

>> No.25108873

Hint: in the OP

>> No.25108880


>Blood in the xrp streets

>> No.25108901 [DELETED] 
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>> No.25108902

xrp my balls
I've lost my life savings over this

>> No.25108923
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Most appropriate use of this vid yet. Hodling for $2000

>> No.25108933
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>> No.25108950

did anyone unironically lose a lot? I know there are a lot of shills on here

>> No.25108977


>> No.25108978
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>> No.25108983
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I’m not selling but this is definitely crazy

>> No.25109000

>post the pasta
>no shills
oyy vey

>> No.25109005

Lose alot of what? You only lose if you sell.

>> No.25109026

Just sold 95% of my XRP. I held through the pump, didn't sell any. The lawsuit is going to destroy ripple

>> No.25109050

You mean make them more powerful than you thought was ever possible.
The USA is about to become king again.

>> No.25109057


>> No.25109076


>> No.25109082

Nope, I didn't sell. Stop using the word "lose" unless you have sold.

>> No.25109086

hey guys should we tell /pol/?
Discordian tranny fudfags will unironically rope if /pol/ makes it too

>> No.25109089
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>> No.25109097
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I literally don't care if it goes to $0.01 I am never selling

>> No.25109098

Just went all in

>> No.25109101

No, you didn't.
There are only three possibilities:
>you sold because you're a newfag
>you never held
>you want more
That's it. Take your pick.
All of this was predicted years ago.

>> No.25109108

too many shills in /pol/ now
i don't want shills to make it

>> No.25109112

I I've been waiting for this dump, fren. Buying up broken dreams at discount prices is the best thing to do.

>> No.25109122
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>> No.25109129

FUCK i just traded my ALGO for XRP
did i fuck up bros? is ALGO going to skyrocket on news of stimulus being distributed over USDC? fuck

>> No.25109136

What do you think the chances are that they’re the same people?
Genuine question I’m curious what you think

>> No.25109145

/pol/ has already been offered this information.
Some reject it because of the Jew.
Some reject it because they're trannies.
Some reject it because they're mongs.
Those who would see the future have a bag.

>> No.25109153

Do you feel it XSG?


>> No.25109154

Just went all in XRP. I have 50,000. This is it homies. If it works I made it. If it doesnt, I kill myself.

>> No.25109160
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>> No.25109166
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>> No.25109184
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>> No.25109185

I got banned for trying to tell /pol/. It's sad, I genuinely care about them and the movement.

>> No.25109186

please go below 0.2 please go below 0.2 I WANT TO ACCOOMULATE MORE ANONS

>> No.25109192

They're mutually exclusive, save for swingies.

>> No.25109216

How are you cowards dealing with tge current dip? Did you panic sell like a cuckold or did you buy all you can to hodl until it moons?

>> No.25109217

I didn't lose because I didn't sell but my PnL is in the red if that's what you ask.
However like any non-retard investor I only bought as much as I'm comfortable losing and even if XRP would be worth zero I wouldn't really care. I mean I'd be pissed that we didn't get our moon for sure but I wouldn't be FiNnacIaLy RuiNeD like some retard keep saying.

>> No.25109222
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Lead the way, Lieutenant.

>> No.25109231
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MFW the niggers who sold their XRP will get 1 XRP/month as UBI in 2021

>> No.25109236
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>> No.25109238

I only "lost" unrealized gains by not selling my stack. But I'm still not in the red.

>> No.25109240

Is this our Phantom Pain?

>> No.25109259
File: 96 KB, 795x650, 1117D29A-1774-4287-B8AC-555E686F5004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope we all have the best Christmas ever

>> No.25109261

mfw this will be my last look upon this great planet before pioneering the future of mankind among the stars

>> No.25109266

/pol/ here. I've been building my stack since July by swinging. If anybody knows to long Jewish scams, it's /pol/.

>> No.25109270

Imagine not buying the dip

>> No.25109282

>GF just texted me "Is it going to 0? I heard you can't get it on coinbase anymore"

>> No.25109291
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Only the strong survive

>> No.25109294
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more regulatory clarity today. things are moving quickly

>> No.25109299

buy signal

>> No.25109300
File: 123 KB, 796x637, 09BC9A1D-3F60-4445-97C3-DE527E80A25D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked and dare I say based

>> No.25109330

Guys any chance we break the 0.2 and go to 0.11 in the next 12h ? I'm gonna go sleep soon and im shorting with a Take profit at 0.12. Will triple my bags if it happens.

>> No.25109336
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I've got another schizo thing that I've never seen in here, far as I know, I'm the only who realises this. I've posted it before but everyone skipped over this

There is a now deceased author: Stuart Wilde. He wrote some schizo shit though it seems to be mostly true. I'm pretty sure in his book Ivory Tower where he meets the Lady of the Lake (guardian spirit) she shows him visions of the future

Stuart mentions that the best thing to invest in is something called like 'water water, splash, splash' figured it was cryptic but it resurfaced in my mind this year

When you splash the water, what does it create?


>> No.25109338
File: 145 KB, 800x1200, 9B27E038-EBA0-4A2D-B1F8-40546CECC7E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw rekt by unnecessary government intervention

>> No.25109350
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You will own 1 xrp
and you'll be happy

>> No.25109354

maybe, it's definitely possible
but do you think it's possible?

>> No.25109360

Insane amounts of kikey sell pressure
on this shitstain board. Hodl.

>> No.25109363

Sold and bought more when it dipped

>> No.25109369
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Bought 95% of my 13k stack at .20 cents.

>> No.25109370

Was just thinking could this whole thing be the answer to all the shill fud from the past few months?
>xrp can’t be $2k because;
>muh market cap
>muh Jed/Larsen/BG richer than bezos
>all other price related muhs

What if xrp gets decoupled from ripple and the founders and anyone else who received xrp as part of the founding process has to give their xrp up as part of the court ruling, that immediately eliminates all the muhs.

>> No.25109374

/pol/ here too saw a thread from you frens on our board on 19/11. We poltards are all smoothbrain bbc cuck loving swinging schizos. Feel free to bring more here.

>> No.25109379

Pretty schizo, I like it

>> No.25109386

Not a FUDster but what do you think of the Max Keiser news claiming Coinbase will delist them?

>> No.25109388

>bro posting
>telling thots about your holdings
>taking advice from thots
No one is fooled, man. The fud has gone so deep that this doesn't even register.

>> No.25109389

There's a point where it tips
There's a point where it breaks
There's a point where it bends
And a point we just can't take

There's a line that we'll cross
And there's no return
There's a time and a place
No bridges left to burn

>> No.25109395

The only moon mission that won't succeed is their actual moon mission.

>> No.25109401

Somebody plz explain:
> Jay clayton resigned 1 day after initiating a lawsuit against Ripple Labs.

>> No.25109403

What if every US citizen gets 1 XRP and its value is $2000 just like Trump wants the amount to be.

>> No.25109415

hey neat, i just moved up to the next level today. hooray. hope it keeps dumping a few more days so i can put more in

>> No.25109417

I think its possible but I also think with Clayton stepping down and crypto mom coming to motorboat my bags tomorrow, we might start to feel some long pressure in the enxt 48h. But ... only 72h FUD isnt what I call a great shakedown... Id be really disapointed if we dont spend at least a month or two under 1 cent :(.

>> No.25109419

Have to bump my own post because I want some occultist to see it

>> No.25109429
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Some of us are already here.

>> No.25109441

so how many suicides since I last asked a few hours ago?

>> No.25109449
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>> No.25109452

/pol/ has always been here

>> No.25109457
File: 319 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20201223-170239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stu here. Can confirm. Next stop $1.

>> No.25109465

Add some excerps or screenies of the texts and I'll have a serious look
Otherwise good find anon

>> No.25109462

So.. you uh didn't sell during the mini pump but decide to sell during the shake out? It's a good time to buy right now...

>> No.25109469

Do what you feel. But the way we rocketed up from almost .2 I feel like the time is running short.
Don't miss the launch

>> No.25109474

you are one of the strongest
99% cant take 2 months of 1 cent

>> No.25109480

I know, right? How fucking mad will the weak willed be when xrp moons and we make it withoun't them?

I can already see the mass suicides!
Nicely done!

>> No.25109486

Who is this and how does it relate to Ripple?

>> No.25109490

who cares about cuckbase. We shared information showing no exchange is obligated to delist for the next 5 years no matter the trial issue. However coinbase are trying to get credited as a bank or official security exchange thingy ? Maybe they will delist all shitcoins even though they dont have to so they get this certification they want and their IPO.

>> No.25109501
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>> No.25109506
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HAHA found it !

>> No.25109507

nobody knows. but it's interesting, isn't it?

this twitter guy thinks it's because he has ties to Goldman Sachs, who are debuting a new cross-border payments solution. idk, seems a tad specious, but whatever it's /xsg/ we are breadcrumb junkies: https://twitter.com/Santiag78758327/status/1341857181143101450

>> No.25109516

Lost over 900 dollars, this dip, don't even care, I've spent more on prostitutes

>> No.25109521

its easy when youre dirt poor and its your only chance of getting huge bags.

>> No.25109525
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>> No.25109527

20 cents holding
testing 25 for the third time
this can be it

>> No.25109533

I don't have it anymore. I read it years ago. He's written a number of them but I'm sure it's in his book Ivory Tower

>> No.25109548

Depends on how much you're paying for prostitutes.

>> No.25109555

/pol/ and /biz/ have been synonymous from the start

>> No.25109559

>He didnt sell at 60 cents

I fucking told you cripples that your little bullrun was just whales cutting their losses by coordinating one final pump just to dump on you all. You will never see 30 cents ever again

>> No.25109560

This is true, I came here from because/pol/ suggested I did to get rich off cryptos.

>> No.25109566

This call could eventually allow Ripple to list on traditional stock exchanges and potentially open it up to a far wider market, which means that there could be extremely positive price action in the long term,” Hao said.
Wouldn't this be the result of calling it a security anyway?

>> No.25109575

I like it but do you have a photo of the page that's on? Sounds like something one could easily misremember. Also can you provide more proof of the author predicting the future?

>> No.25109576

There was also the purge mask incident. And the Fox News Christmas tree picture incident.

>mfw Mr Pool is actually a super powerful AI that has dominion over the entire internet and has future predictive powers by manipulating the present.

>> No.25109577

im betting 90% of my net value on this so yeah
if I loose I stay poor
if not im the new 4 %

>> No.25109582

Buying the dip my country printed 42% of its all time currency this year. (Canada) POG! They also just gave everyone more money! EPIC SAUCU

>> No.25109598
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>> No.25109608
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Hester Pierce, Jay Clayton's replacement at SEC and a big fan of digital assets, nicknamed Crypto Mom by manchildren

>> No.25109610

It used to feel like a fairy tale
Now it seems we were just pretending
We'd fix our world
Then on our way to a happy ending

Then it turned out life
Was far less like a bedtime story
Than a tragedy
With no big reveal of the hero's glory

And it seems we weren't prepared
For a game that wasn't fair

Do we just go home?
Can we follow through?
When all hope is gone,
There is one thing we can do

Let's just live!
Day by day and not be conquered by our sorrows
The past can't hold us down
We must break free
Inside we're torn apart
But time will mend our hearts
Move onward not there yet
So let's just live!

>> No.25109613

>You will never see 30 cents ever again
>You will never see 45 cents ever again
>You will never see 20 cents ever again
>You will never see 46 cents ever again

>> No.25109623

>all this war with Iran rhetoric

I was hoping Mansur wouldn't be right about this one not gonna lie

>> No.25109635

Right now I have 3k xrp, that is pretty much all of my savings and I have no income at all. I might be receiving a few thousand for a work injury in the next few weeks; would be very dece if XRP drops to like .01 during that time and I can secure myself a tasty 10 or 20k bag.
thanks for reading my blog

>> No.25109646

lolll this one might be my favorite virgin vs chad meme. damn thats good

>> No.25109659
File: 207 KB, 978x978, 1606859542640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmmm remind me of something...
They really lack creativity don't they.

>> No.25109673

XRP is too big to fail. If it goes under millions of people will be ded. They won't let it happen.

>> No.25109674

My apologies
The book is called the art of redemption

>> No.25109675

"Hester Peirce is an SEC Commissioner and fierce advocate for smart, pro-innovation regulation of the crypto industry."

>> No.25109678

/pol/, /XSG/, and /PMG/ are the path to success.

>> No.25109680
File: 31 KB, 678x356, 1_SM8DT4aLmBYkVUKMG7MASA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can Charles Hoskinson be trusted?

>> No.25109686

if our coins get converted to shares its not bad either, well basically have bought pre IPO so were getting rich either way yes. Dont even know why the price dropped. I mean I shorted because the market would but I am feeling zero stress through losing 70% of my net worth on paper in 2 days. Ill start feeling bad if every coin moons without us and we miss bullrun.

>> No.25109687

if xrp goes sub10 im selling all my gold YOLO all in

>> No.25109691


>> No.25109707

Isn't that all transaction though? Isn't it just as likely they are selling?

>> No.25109712

thanks for the link, that thread is really interesting one:
fucking breadcrumbs. still hesitating buying that dip :>

>> No.25109713
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>> No.25109747
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where are the survivors?

>> No.25109757

Is this TGR, /biz/bros? Are we resetting?

S...someone tell me we're resetting.


>> No.25109766
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>> No.25109776

Trump wrote the Art of the Deal for 2016. He wrote the Art of Redemption for 2020.

>> No.25109778
File: 2.37 MB, 1280x720, wojak gets a call from bogdanoff.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone give me a QRD on what the fuck is going on?

>> No.25109779

Ty fren, we need more book recommendations I think. Looks good.
>For decades, modern seekers have experimented and studied with many diverse teachers and religions, but Stuart Wilde says in that toward the end of a long spiritual journey we all seek the same thing: redemption. None of us is perfect, and yet through embracing that imperfection and reconciling it, we become a complete being—encompassing both the light and the dark.
>As Stuart says: “Many mystics, holy people, and even the Hopi Indians have predicted a new age of enlightenment, and they are not wrong in my view. It has arrived, and with it has come a whole host of fascinating phenomena never seen before. We are stepping into a magical new era . . . the age of forgiveness.”
>It is when the ivory tower of the ego’s ideas falls that we can then embrace a new humility, allowing us to become ever more genuine, compassionate, and real. In this fascinating book, Stuart makes the point that the process of redemption and forgiveness comes from incorporating the Three Graces in one’s heart: tenderness, generosity, and respect.

>> No.25109795

he's going to rope himself come friday

>> No.25109796

please let this happen please

>> No.25109806
File: 223 KB, 828x735, 7DD35313-D8B3-4568-A5B1-1DDFC4E49FAF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ruh roh

>> No.25109817

were going to the moon

>> No.25109822
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>> No.25109823


>> No.25109826
File: 1.08 MB, 900x1200, xrp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I'm all in xrp and feel I have enough.
I want some % of my portfolio in other coins.
What should I accumulate next?

>> No.25109833

nah max is based. he has like a milly bitcoin he dont need no xrp m8

>> No.25109840

Dont have the book anymore, called the art of redemption. Was hoping an anon here might have it.

I also remember him saying Iceland or Greenland would prosper and the fed having trillions in reserve but makes out like they're in debt. He writes similar to David Icke but says the ayys are just shape-shifting demons, and everyone worships an ovate orange ball in the sky that everyone thinks is God (the sun) and mentions the demiurge black sphere oppressing humanity. Its a decent read

>> No.25109848

I really like the title too actually, I think many of us here are neet schizos that wasted their lives on schizo theories instead of networking and getting a job, and were all hoping this is our redemption arc. Which also means we are completely delusional and simping XRP but thats OK. Our weakness can end up being our strength. No one has iron hands like a deluded simp.
Think of XRP like staying friendzoned 10 years and never giving up untill you finally raw dog that thot balls deep in the poopbox. Then you have literal gold shitnuggets on your tip.

>> No.25109865

Organised chaos

>> No.25109867
File: 34 KB, 397x297, 2020-12-24_01-45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bitcoin pioneer
>As I've said for years, XRP is an exit scam
Oh and I'm supposed to listen to what he has to say.
SEC offered exchanges the possibility to continue listing (((securities))) for 5 more years. XRP isn;t going anywhere.
Stay comfy fren. picrel

>> No.25109869

Your fucking asshole shit fucking schizos coin has cost me so much money.

>> No.25109884
File: 301 KB, 2160x2211, 1606365826413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just here to watch the flames

>> No.25109898

Thailand just went with Lumens tho.

>> No.25109899

Mr. Pool is Garlinghouse and Bearableguy123 is Schwartz?

>> No.25109905
File: 43 KB, 640x480, ru_get_in_we_make_motherland_great_again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you thought you could run?

>> No.25109906


>> No.25109908

>demiurge black sphere
The black sun represents all we don't see.

>> No.25109917

everything is down, same as before black friday, LET'S FREAK OUT!!!!!!!!!

>> No.25109929
File: 235 KB, 1080x1497, 20201223_194613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exchanges, like XRP holders, will go through the five stages of grief. Some are in denial or kicking & screaming in anger as we speak. Eventually they will delist if they deal with US customers. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news to holders. Exchanges won’t wait for lawsuits.

>> No.25109935
File: 175 KB, 1920x948, 1608721322227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can the chinks stop pumping, i want to ACOOMULATE

>> No.25109939

Another Bitcoin shill >>25109867
Fun pattern isn't it.

>> No.25109941

They have 5 years dumbass, try to keep up

>> No.25109964

>Blaming others for your decisions
Some were simply not meant to make it. The weak willed among us will falter.

>> No.25109967

I don't know if Trump wrote a book called the art of redemption but this book is called the art of redemption by Stuart Wilde. He died of a heart attack in like 2012 though I suspect he may have been murdered in some way

>> No.25109969
File: 1.01 MB, 1183x612, xrsink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gents its been an honor


>> No.25109979

thats the most retarded analogy ive seen so far and theres been many in the last few days

>> No.25109981

or don't dont take everything you hear from fat nobodies on twitter as gospel


>> No.25109982


>> No.25109997


>> No.25110002

Imagine all the main characters in The Big Short folding as soon as the going got rough.

>> No.25110009
File: 12 KB, 225x225, bune.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25110028

what's that and where's that from?

>> No.25110030

I don't think he fully understood either. Blacksun could be the demiurge or the dark star (black hole) in the centre of our galaxy just as 666 can represent the sun wheel or our spinning galaxy. I've gotten all sorts of weird answers and don't know what to make of it

>> No.25110045

For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?

>> No.25110051

Coinbase already issued a statement following the OCC release that they will not de-list XRP

>> No.25110059

Never used bunes sigil but I'm a fan of Astaroth

>> No.25110066


>> No.25110067

Look at XRP ledger volume, 1.6 bil XRP/CNY vs 16 bil other currencies.
XRP/CNY still follows the rest of the market

>> No.25110078

So is this shit crashing to zero or what?

What are these schizo theories I see? I Trump going to give everyone a Trump Bux card loaded with XRP?

>> No.25110087

I've also heard it represents saturn / satan.
Honestly it gets very hard to tell who is jewing who sometimes.

>> No.25110093
File: 10 KB, 200x200, 1525972139968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as a link marine who bought the dip I have this to say:

>> No.25110097
File: 217 KB, 418x226, dip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought another 5k... Call the SEC I don't give a fuck

>> No.25110104

Its more like:
>DEA comes in and says "Hey, we don't know about this so here's a general statement that says you're in the clear for 5 years while we figure it out."

>> No.25110112

Stop trying to fit in

>> No.25110131
File: 337 KB, 1500x1000, wakey wakey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based runes of banishment

>> No.25110132
File: 35 KB, 398x296, 2020-12-24_01-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm done BTFOing fudders for today. That was tiring but they'll never win. And I sure as hell will never sell. Forever comfy!
REMINDER that Binance will go offline for 1 hour at 2am UTC (in one hour) for a planned maintenance.
And another reminder to stay comfy frens. Pic related.

>> No.25110137

>Call the SEC
>I don't give a fuck
kek, based

>> No.25110155

400+ threads and there’s still retards who want spoon feeding mfw

>> No.25110161
File: 48 KB, 700x350, 432432423423423423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bless you fren
I too am off
Stay comfy skitzos
We are the future.

>> No.25110205

the loss isn't realised until your weak hands hit sell

>> No.25110210

Dump u fuck I bought xrpdown

>> No.25110212

If you never sell, you never lose.
XRP will do the dead cat bounce. Stock up on cheap coin now.
$1 in the next few weeks, $10 following soon.

>> No.25110219
File: 3.74 MB, 400x401, 1602445893895.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a BASED poster! And I trust you, sir!
Here's an image.

>> No.25110220

I'd give it a month. If it doesn't start recovering by then it's time to panic.

>> No.25110255
File: 444 KB, 1177x500, binance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25110261

rope yourself faggot

>> No.25110266


I don't own XRP, I'm mainly asking for my brother in law who bought it. I know it's a shitcoin and shouldn't ever be purchased, just asking for your opinions on it. I realize that was a mistake because you truly do have to be retarded to spend over a dollar investing in this horrific shitcoin.

>> No.25110275

I dont believe Max
Max knows that bitcoin is slow
Max knows the carbon taxes are coming
I think he is lying to buy more
Its must have been a big risk holding a million bitcoin back in the day...
Nah not xrp... Sudden problem.. drop it. Pack it up...
Nah nahh nah never selling.

>> No.25110281

Think my ID changed. The whole Satan/Saturn thing goes in circles and its not clear. Dark and Light is part of the whole creation. From my experiences Goetic demons seem fine and the larger picture is about increasing your awareness.

Thus Jesus said, I am the way, Christ is a way, not a last name. The "Light" or Fire of God is awareness which transcends knowledge

>> No.25110313

Said the plebbit spacing retard who cannot do any research on his own
Go ask your wifes boyfriend

>> No.25110315

confirmed china fud

and MERRY CHRISTMAS, JESUS won't forget your heresy.

>> No.25110331

how about you go suck your brother in laws dick you retarded faggot piece of shit

>> No.25110335

Is it true that holding XRP will soon be a felony in America?

>> No.25110336


>> No.25110344
File: 195 KB, 914x1280, 9mo2ue0c6bv01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys if my exchange de-lists xrp what happens to my xrp on that exchange? Does it just get obliterated?

>> No.25110349

Interesting, ty fren. I always struggled with the satan/saturn connections.
I'll be reading that book you recommended today.

>> No.25110361

yes sell now

>> No.25110366
File: 3.02 MB, 1836x2104, 1600214919059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25110372

Never store funds on an exchange anon. Withdraw asap.

>> No.25110389

i dont trust wallets. my friend said he lost xrp trying to transfer

>> No.25110412

It won't be delisted straight away. You'll be given notice for so many days etc.
But don't store crypto on an exchange unless you plan on doing trading.

>> No.25110428

No. They will send you a notice to withdrawal and you'll have a period in which you need to self custody or transfer to another exchange

Also... that's not happening

>> No.25110435

Please reconsider and do some research. It will take 5 minutes of googling for you to realise how silly your friend is.

>> No.25110437

fuck. This was all my savings.

>> No.25110453
File: 588 KB, 255x255, 1599369458176.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


HAHAHAHAHAHA. Just HOW MUCH did you foolish retards lose on this utter shitcoin? And when do you plan to kill yourselves?

>> No.25110464

If you get it, just look out for the Lady of the Lake part where she gives him a vision of the future. Unless some mandela shit is going on, because it stuck with me, he mentions the next best think to invest "some thing like water water splash splash"

I loaned the book out years ago and never got it back but about 3 months ago I was trying to meditate then that poppled into my mind and I thought Ripple

>> No.25110467

good job, now go buy some link to recover

>> No.25110472

Because he sent it to the wrong address...

>> No.25110474

Best wallet for xrp or any coin is ELLIPAL imagine buying a ledger.

>> No.25110480
File: 1.47 MB, 680x680, 354565463.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25110502

The memes are converging. Can you feel it?

>> No.25110504

13512 for 100k xrp
Still up
Mfw fud means nothing

Iron hands of steel

>> No.25110507

Do you see $1 soon as well? Nice. I've had this all mapped out including this dump.

>> No.25110519

So far I lost... oh... that can't be right. Says here that I actually made money. That's weird.

>> No.25110529

there's no way that 2keoy and trump wanting 2k to americans is just a coincidence

>> No.25110536
File: 3 KB, 197x130, 559833f8b1741c8b997b3e65e03e4529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25110556


Lets see some proofs or you're both poor retards who lost everything.

>> No.25110559

I want to creampie Stacy Herbert so fucking bad.

>> No.25110573

Kill myself over money? You don't get it do you? Oh well. Enjoy that negativity swarming in your mind. Must be hard to sleep at night.

>> No.25110580
File: 86 KB, 800x534, 1606138884381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exatly. They ate shit for two years but in the end they were right. Just like the schizos will be fren, diamond hands.

>> No.25110583

Haha is XRP the greatest scamcoin of 2020?
After all the Spark Hype there was only a deep dive

>> No.25110591

Can't believe I got XRP at 22 cents. Feels like stealing at these levels.

>> No.25110593
File: 4 KB, 1146x41, zerps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

avg cost 0.19

>> No.25110599
File: 97 KB, 422x437, E96AE0DF-05E1-4B82-A3A1-E4DA3B25BA5C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah let me dox myself to while I’m at it

>> No.25110606
File: 212 KB, 946x2048, Ep8_EwvWwAIIJDM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

..Last Redpill I'm dropping

The SEC's director of enforcement Andrew Cerseney(also a part at Debevoise and Plimpton) is acting as Ripples lawyer in the case against the SEC..
Read that multiple times until it sinks in.

>> No.25110614

Can you fuck better than Max Keiser?

>> No.25110616
File: 80 KB, 1387x702, 7645744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll post the page / paragraph here when I come across it

>> No.25110630

Well I'm down $800 but I doubled my stack

>> No.25110631
File: 2.90 MB, 1080x2112, 1601104072787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25110635

Big if true.

>> No.25110656
File: 149 KB, 1242x817, 86DDBB0B-3DC0-4713-86BF-B72A3766FD85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who here still in profits and feelin' comfy?

>> No.25110675

People don't understand how fast this suit is going to move. They want to compare it to KIN, EOS etc...

It's going to be over before it's even mainstream

>> No.25110676

i kek'ed

>> No.25110679
File: 216 KB, 946x2048, Ep8_Ew1WwAAs_XC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's very true. Pic is related.

>> No.25110681
File: 31 KB, 480x480, 1600236093893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone have that post from melon saying xrp will look dead? but its not? I think that is happening now.

>> No.25110700

delete this fren. Don't show people your xerps.

whoa wtf. Substantial if substantiated.

>> No.25110701

STRONG support at 20-25

>> No.25110710

Then you're shortsighted.

>> No.25110714


>> No.25110757
File: 67 KB, 614x768, beautiful girl portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these threads are moving so fast that I don't have time to read the thing before a new one is made
to the holders that SOLD at the first hint of danger, you are lacking FAITH
this entire year has been one giant media gaslight, how could you fall for this obvious fud? HOW?!

>> No.25110766


Read these two posts. If you are selling your XRP right now, you are an idiot.. Do not listen to fudders. Only true schizos will understand the two posts below




>> No.25110787
File: 128 KB, 512x512, 1500069376029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're already here

>> No.25110801
File: 343 KB, 1035x1035, VICTORYORNOTHING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to achieve complete and irreversible Ripple schizophrenia and never come back. NEVER!

>> No.25110814
File: 331 KB, 1170x593, 3C9C1B95-E266-45F4-A6B6-7C81648FDEBB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking checked.

>> No.25110824

seems more like a necessary procedure or an inauguration than a lawsuit from my perspective

>> No.25110835

Bune worshipers fucking fudding us.

>> No.25110843

1.3 billion for ripple company is like a pickle

they will pay it and carry on

All these cheap xrpies got gobbled up by whales and the same guys who panic sold at 0.2 will panic buy again at $1

you know this is all true kek

>> No.25110847

It's probably going to be sooner than later depending on mama crypto

>> No.25110848

>these threads are moving so fast that I don't have time to read the thing before a new one is made
Reminds me of /b/ circa 2006 desu. Was mayhem.

>> No.25110865

I moved from /pol/ 6 months ago since it's just full of shit, occasionally go back for a few minutes to end up back here. Plus the reCaptcha is a pain in the ass over there and embedded videos don't load for some reason.

>> No.25110882
File: 209 KB, 379x254, carlos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else think the coinbase delisting (and then a mass delisting by other big exchanges) could actually happen? Think about it this way, if the great shakeout if true, exchanges delisting would also completely stop any normies from being able to re-enter, or more importantly, stop any hodlers from being able to add to their stacks. Then big players can accumulate OTC and all of a sudden, it's getting relisted on big exchanges trading for much much much more than what it was worth before.

>> No.25110883

Down 15k anon. Still holding and still in profit

>> No.25110884

all you've got to do is buy and hold
and keep holding
I don't have it saved but I remember... also xrp doesn't look dead to me yet, but to some maybe
I mean it's still at it's "normal" price

>> No.25110889

its been a wild fucking 24 hour ride
i need to get some sleep

>> No.25110890


>> No.25110925

Ripple is literally in bed with the same people suing them. How do people not see that this is all orchestrated. WAGMI

>> No.25110926

may i stand unshaken, amidst a clash of worlds

>> No.25110931

He has left the SEC, but his profile is still on the website as per picrel.
Btw, Debevoise and Plimpton are one of the most elite lawfirms in the world, and this guy is a top partner there. Plus they have Michael Kellogg who has argued 14 (Fourteen) cases in the Supreme Court in his career. I think Ripple will be fine lol.

>> No.25110940

kek, same, that was around the time someone shilled xrp on /pol/ and I became a schizo

any particular reason for the traffic on /b/ then or was just a popular hangout?

>> No.25110969
File: 1.79 MB, 2000x2000, 1 in 4 trillion chance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25110978

imagine all of the weaponized autism on one board

>> No.25110992
File: 25 KB, 400x400, sLo6S_PW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can almost picture Brad calling Jay on the phone

"hi bro it's your last week in the office can you do us a huge favor? Our Jewish overlords need the nomies to be priced out for good"

>> No.25110999
File: 78 KB, 605x658, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please, /xsg/, please fellow schizo bros, tell me I'm gonna make it.
Forgive me lord for I have sinned.

I went into XRPDOWN to make a quick profit to buy more XRP with it, and I got stuck at $1.200 and couldn't sell fast enough at $1.230 before it dumped to hell

Please bros tell me XRP will drop to $0.22 again and that I'll be able to sell my XRPDOWN to buy back in XRP.

I can't sleep and literally considering killing myself.

What should I do?

>> No.25111001
File: 15 KB, 203x204, Drsq72An-cdLads0YXf1vB4_jzOJmUxQ6J0sgwLcT4w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're fucking with Goetia you better be very careful about the terms and conditions of your agreements and your ritual hygiene anon. take that shit seriously

t. someone speaking from experience

>> No.25111004

what am i lookin at here

>> No.25111009


>> No.25111013

Using elite firms on the SEC is literally like cracking a peanut with a sledgehammer. Ripple are going to completely BTFO them no contest. This is why Garlingchad has insisted on not settling and actually fighting the case outright; he has called the SEC's bluff and knows he can win.

>> No.25111017

Yet there are teenage retards who have never accomplished anything or done any research posting in this thread who believe that they know more about law and crypto than these men because they once bought a few chainlink LOL

>> No.25111020

Yep..You understand.

This is why I am still accumulating.

>> No.25111022
File: 212 KB, 1125x843, A5C8A074-EEC2-49C3-8C2F-12AE9D0E5D26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the lore runs ducking deep and I’m glad that WAGMI

>> No.25111031

Coinbase can list securities, so no. That won't happen. There is too much money involved and the waiting for a final verdict is worth it.
That other exchange that delisted XRP had the total volume of a Happy Meal and done so for publicity.
Don't worry about that aspect of the situation.

>> No.25111033
File: 28 KB, 326x348, sadpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my ID is also "Rig"

>> No.25111046

If any FUDers are still here, can they explain to me: How did the SEC approve a deal with Moneygram and Ripple, who use XRP - yet they bring forth this suit? Curious. Its almost like its all theatre.

>> No.25111055

finally someone knows whats up

>> No.25111065

WTF, what redpill? He's currently at SEC, how can he act as Ripple's lawyer?

>> No.25111074

Checked and checked. It might go down below .10 as prophecied but your greed will get you to bad places one day.

>> No.25111075
File: 26 KB, 656x468, 1600826335698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its ogre, only darkness now

>> No.25111076

Fuark wish I could get more rn but im all in

>> No.25111080

read the ID

>> No.25111085

My only regret is putting my GRT gains into XRP at 48c instead of waiting for the dip, oh well you win some you lose some

>> No.25111097

There is an above post that explains this, you were supposed to dig but here an explanation. Former Director but now is top partner at the worlds most powerful lawfirm representing a case against his former employer.

>> No.25111102
File: 304 KB, 1170x1452, C6D17725-8877-4681-BC6C-73CD19B5F0B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quick little digit check here.

>> No.25111107

In plain sight.

>> No.25111109

I imagine the exchanges may let you convert xrp but you wouldn’t be able to buy any more. This would be a strong sell signal to normies.

>> No.25111111

Last time I play with leveraged tokens
I swear on my life if it gets to $1.200 again I'll never do it

And I promise 25% of my assets as humanitarian donations if XRP 2k

>> No.25111118

When will you faggots finally sell? Goddamn your stupid shitcoin ruined everything.

>> No.25111126

Did the same, waiting to buy back into XRP though

>> No.25111127

You are too late anon
Kek I shilled xrp a few times on /pol/
Made a few esoteric crypto threads

>> No.25111134

ching chong ding aling to yu too chang

>> No.25111136

dumbass, you should consider moving to stocks, crypto is not for you

>> No.25111142

uh, stop risking more than you can afford to lose?

like fuck me, i could have shorted XRP, 1000 could have been 13k by now, but i had zero confidence in being able to plot that out without insider knowledge about SEC fud. some indicators picked up the short a week or two prior but shit man, shorting the bottom belly or longing the forseeable top is always a shitty position.

ride those and make positions known during discovery phase.

close with a loss and wait to reenter again i guess? big boy pants and ballsy decisions await you bro, be blessed.

>> No.25111161


>> No.25111166
File: 5 KB, 200x200, marveled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dem some numerals

>> No.25111175

But it's not that coinbase can list securities, in the case of XRP, there's a chance they could be caught selling what was an unregistered security.

>> No.25111188

I'm literally considering killing myself right now
I can't bare it anymore, so please spare the shitposting

Any price points and % recommendations please?

>> No.25111191

If your cryptocurrency can be sued, it is not a cryptocurrency simple as

>> No.25111207


>> No.25111209

Bascially this >>25110978
It was the most popular board at the time and an english imageboard was a new concept. You'd post and within seconds that thread was on page 6.

>> No.25111212


You're about to lose 80 grand. You already lost over 80k in the last few weeks.

LMFAO AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH. No wonder you retards are so angry.

This coin is going to 0.


>> No.25111214
File: 440 KB, 1170x910, 645FBA88-BBF0-4705-9B7F-8B2E191506B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something is happening here.

>> No.25111225

new thread
new thread

>> No.25111227

No crypto is being sued. But thanks for playing

>> No.25111232
File: 2.86 MB, 460x818, 1607803354397.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if your cryptocurrency can exist without your company
it's a crypto, simple as

>> No.25111237

P-p-p-please s-sell

>> No.25111249

But the SEC gave a period of 5 years grace in this case. The argument is complete FUD senpai

>> No.25111252

I put 3 k xrp into grt at launch and I swapped back for 15k xrp. I'm comfy af

>> No.25111262

Merry Christmas I just prevented you from committing suicide in the future.

>> No.25111282

Yeah, my bad, too many threads/tabs open on XRP, plus you wrote
>The SEC's director
>The SEC's ex-director
So as I see, https://www.sec.gov/biography/ceresney-andrew is not updated...

>done so for publicity.
You can't be serious...

>> No.25111291
File: 1.11 MB, 356x200, 1604907771138.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, look at yourself dude. This is fun money to me.

>> No.25111314

As an #XRP holder, I do not, nor have i ever been, under the impression that I am entitled to shareholder rights for purchasing the virtual currency XRP.


>> No.25111339

Yeah I put my 1k stack and all my XLM and ALGO into GRT right as it launched as well, sold around 70c and bought an extra 5k XRP sitting at 8k atm but if I had waited a day I'd be in the >10k club

>> No.25111342


>> No.25111395


>> No.25111402

OH nooooooo! I'm definitely gonna kms and just leave the 850k in BTC/ETH holdings

>> No.25111441
File: 1008 KB, 2048x1721, Screenshot_20201223-204226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry sweaty this has been debunked as Chinese FUD.

>> No.25111471

Okay lets say i put in 10k worth of xrp and ended up with $2000
Id still sell, thats money in your BANK ACCOUNT stoopid.Not sitting in some soon to be delisted shitcoin.
Learn to take a loss like a man.

>> No.25111495

trips confirm i keep my short open with a 0.12 TP. Now just crossing fingers I dont get liquidated at 0,3 cause its pumping.

>> No.25111501


>> No.25111524
File: 8 KB, 320x320, reeeeeeeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25111527

Christmas present?
Like Pools xmas drops??

>> No.25111536

oh c'mon, you're not even trying anymore

>> No.25111538

When does the GME-style short squeeze begin

>> No.25111592

wow that is the most checked ID Ive ever seen its better than full digits.

>> No.25111605
File: 237 KB, 750x1064, FB25F5F1-391D-42F3-9153-A4F20BDDEF1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.25111648

So is it all just political theater? Is clarity finally coming?

>> No.25111669

My computer crashes when trying to view this and Xi keeps calling me. What does it say?

>> No.25111677

Yes and yes.

>> No.25111743
File: 845 KB, 720x720, 1604465977846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25111768


>> No.25111771
File: 524 KB, 500x744, bag holding competition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shitposting and trolling morons isn't negativity. Not a single ounce of negativity in my head. I sleep like a baby. Keep holding those bags bro. kek. Maybe learn to not let internet strangers trigger you so much.

>> No.25111831
File: 194 KB, 1125x1125, 0976C1C1-2060-4FAD-BAB3-FD5116178CC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25111847

we're back at 0.30 in binance at least

>> No.25111859

Ok what the fuck is going on

>> No.25111891

I hope you lose everything and rope

>> No.25111917

And just like that, the FUDsters vanish.

>> No.25112128

checked playing with leveraged tokens one last time too.

>> No.25112161


>> No.25112182
File: 211 KB, 1541x1029, IMG-20201223-WA0026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could we be launching right now?

>> No.25112234

We get a gift before Christmas according to Mr Pool.

When we really launch tho I doubt we'll have time to guess.

>> No.25112265
