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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25111084 No.25111084 [Reply] [Original]

Which of these apply to you?

>> No.25111122

3 6 7 8 10 12

>> No.25111152

5, but only because it's true

>> No.25111153

1 3 6 12

>> No.25111157

>12 signs you are based

>> No.25111183

5 + 11, because fvck these le plebs.

>> No.25111185

0 - damn I must be a good employee

>> No.25111224

1 5 6 8 10 12

>> No.25111226

>they're all white people

>> No.25111233

>I do less than the bare minimum
>I KNOW I'm the smartest person in the office
>I'm unnoticeably less productive than colleagues
>I never apologize no matter what

looks like I'm a great employee.

>> No.25111240


>> No.25111242

3 I guess, I like to keep my 9-5 schedule to the minute unless I'm seriously behind.

None of the rest, I really like my job

>> No.25111248

5 but I'm not autistic enough to verbalize it so I'm well liked. But seriously though my coworkers are all fucking retarded, it's a bunch of gossiping old women. I just have to smile and affirm while they go on and on and on about who didn't wear a mask and who was in the bathroom for too lonG AHDN OH GOD FUCK I CANT BE A WAGIE ANYMORE PLEASE GOD JUST KILLM E

>> No.25111271

1-12, feels good man

>> No.25111296

3, 6, 10, 12
I don't think any of my supervisors could pick me out of a lineup if they tried.

>> No.25111299

4 6 and 10 are White?

>> No.25111320

Same here, based.

>> No.25111336

>implying i wagecuck

>> No.25111341

Also 5 usually a middle manager or an IT professional who won't get beyond entry level shit.

>> No.25111343

6 everytime no matter what, 8 not because I dont get along I can do that just fine but secretly I dont give a shit at all, 10 not because I hate the job but because Im a schizo and I cant maintain the job even if I wanted because it drives me insane

>> No.25111347

All my coworkers have PhDs, maybe you should have chosen a different field

>> No.25111360

1 6 7 12
3 can be argued but I always take what falls on my plate and finish it

>> No.25111404
File: 11 KB, 225x225, 96536BB2-C6BD-4F80-8865-D7B472E42E47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only 7. Work smarter not harder gay boys.

>> No.25111406

Should put effort into 7, would like to appear like I do more but dislike signalling that I'm doing a thing.

>> No.25111409

Only 1. Once 5+7 is reached its time to find a new job.

>> No.25111465
File: 867 KB, 1707x2158, 156322166113679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am guilty of literally every single one of these things and I secretly make a higher wage than every other person I work with.

>> No.25111496

2 3 6 12. 1 if I'd have to wage slave for more than 8 hours.

>> No.25111517

3. I'd do more if there was any demand or reason to do more but as it stands if I do more and become a workhorse people will come to expect more than workhorse things from me.

>> No.25111519

I work hard as fuck at my 30k/yr restaurant job and I don't even know why.

>> No.25111619

5 6 11
It's mind numbing unless you just throw yourself into it and try to make everything better. The problem then becomes that everyone else chose the mind numbing route.

>> No.25111625

all of them
fuck waging and fuck working for shekelstein
couldn't be assed to give a shit about any of these retards

>> No.25111691

> you regularly find yourself apologizing to people

>> No.25111773

Does ANYONE believe in their company's mission or values? Look, I'm just here for the paycheck (is what I would say if I had a job)

>> No.25111774

This. WfH has only intensified this. lol

>> No.25111813

Checked. Same.

>> No.25111857

Then why are you a wageslave?

>> No.25111944


I work from home so the rest don't really apply.

>> No.25111970

It helps if you do, a janitor might not need to care but engineers work better on things they believe in, and you sure as hell don't want an executive who doesn't believe in the mission

>> No.25112072

1 5 6 10 12

>> No.25112148

Same except for number 1. Instead I leave early. I check in 5 minutes before my schedule starts and I leave 5 minutes before my schedule ends.