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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 111 KB, 931x467, like_btc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25106695 No.25106695 [Reply] [Original]

>silently moons
XSN's fundamentals are tied to Bitcoin (LN, native trading), unlike many of the shitcoins being advertised here. Current atmosphere is only amplifying the reasoning for a product like Stakenet. Your keys, your wallet, your exchange.

>> No.25106873
File: 55 KB, 1796x343, con-next.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(XSN uses Connext.)

>> No.25107317

>At Connext, our goal is to build the cross-chain routing and micropayment layer of the decentralized web. Vector sits on top of Ethereum, evm-compatible L2 blockchains, and other turing-complete chains, and enables instant, near free transfers that can be routed across chains and over liquidity in any asset.

Out of the box, it supports the following features:

- Conditional transfers with arbitrary generality routed over one (eventually many) intermediary nodes.
- Instant cross-chain and cross-asset transfers/communication. Works with any evm-compatible chain.
- Plug in support for non-evm turing complete chains.
- Simplified deposits/withdraw, just send funds directly to the channel address from anywhere and use your channel as a wallet!
- Native e2e gas abstraction for end-users.
- Transfers to offline recipients.

>> No.25107727
File: 136 KB, 1436x828, efferum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25108683

XSN is garbage. It's a scam, created by the same people who created PoSW and now think they can get away with another scam.

There is BILLIONS of fucking dollars in wrapped BTC assets and not just WBTC, but more decentralized versions like renBtc. BILLIONS of fucking dollars.

Lightning network is NEVER going to work. It's not economically viable nor is it feasible. Can't you tell you're being scammed? Look at how the devs act, constantly running shill campaigns and finding anyway possible to justify this terrible 'investment,' that will leave you completely broke.

Nobody is going to give some XSN masternode holding wojack any BTC. It doesn't even make any sense to do it anyway considering that the lightning network is not only unstable, but it's far too costly. Anybody with brains, like the BILLIONS OF FUCKING DOLLARS of BTC are on Ethereum earning fees.

This is dead on arrival. No amount of justification is going to help this 'investment.' If I had to guess, I think these developers will end up in jail before this is done. These are shady pieces of shit and can't wait until the SEC busts these scam artists.

It's only a matter of time. You're basically the same as the XRP holders.

>> No.25108926
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>> No.25108990
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>> No.25109059

You're a fucking moron, so of course you would reference something you've never read. It doesn't matter, it won't work and even if it did, there is too much opportunity cost. You won't be able to figure out why it won't work though because you get all your information from scammer developers.

I mean, look at the fucking team. You have a total fucking moron, JoPark, who isn't a fucking developer arguing about the merits of lightning network with experts in the field. What the fuck does that imbecile know? This the same piece of shit that said USDT will be accepted by vendors. Are you fucking kidding me? USDT???

That's how you can tell they are either fucking morons or have no integrity. I'd say it's a combination. They should never gave that fucking moron JoPark any authority. This was doomed to failure even before he started making decisions, but they really fucked themselves by letting that scumbag make any decisions. They need to fire his ass ASAP.

But yeah, you're going to lose all your money. I feel like I'm talking to an XRPer. You guys are all the same. Evidence of a scam, yet you're so fucking delusional that you can't see it, so you're going to lose all your money.

This time, they are going to jail though. Scamming is fraud. Fuck that team. Fucking scammer pieces of shit.

>> No.25109243

They might be going to jail, but before that, I'm entitled to my pump, which is coming.