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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 614 KB, 1626x2740, History Blockchain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25092703 No.25092703 [Reply] [Original]

Salutations Graphers/Graphless

There is a lot of fud going around about The Graph tokenomics.
>4B tokens getting dumped on the marked in the coming 6-24 months

This is based on the fact that the tokens from early investors 'unlock' in said timeframe.

Framework Ventures is one of those. (largest Chain Link institutional investor in 2017)
''We have a long-term horizon for the tokens and do not plan on selling''.
Hint: they haven't sold anything so far.

'Locked' tokens are able to stake (delegate), aka making a income for the investors. Currently they already made 2.8M GRT (indexers + delegators).

Investors already see money being made (doing nothing), do u really think they will let go of this cash cow? Sure some will take initial out, but 4B tokens will mostly stay staked.

No one talks about the tokens being BURNED. Not sure why.
2 days ago, i saw 1.3M GRT was burned in total (all time). https://network.thegraph.com/
Its currently at 2.5M GRT burned. Mainnet live for a few days now.

What do u think happens to this burned number once we go parabolic in usage anon?
Tbh, usage is already going parabolic.

>> No.25092782
File: 450 KB, 1024x958, based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Graph Protocol is the foundation, upon which web 3.0 shall be built.

Millions of dApps will be built using this protocol.

And yes, this is the #4 coin.

>> No.25092840


yes the three on top is fine and then you put the pump'n'dump last. Dude. give up. We are not going to buy in so you can finally get rid of it.
Give up.
Its never going above 0.7 ever again.
more likely it will have the same fate as dentacoin.
Dont go on dentacoins reddit, there is seriously still people marooned on that PnD.
Dont be like them. Just sell now before it's too late.

>> No.25092919
File: 568 KB, 746x830, WE BACK 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To participate in the network, Indexers will need to stake GRT to provide services in the query market,

Delegators will need to delegate GRT to Indexers,

Curators will need to signal GRT on subgraphs to indicate which subgraphs should be indexed.

AKA token NEEDED. Front-end users might be able to pay in fiat in the future, but just like with Link, its GRT what is being moved in the background.

The Graph has become such a important public infrastructure, when The Graph goes down, DeFi and Web3 go down. Think about that for a second.

>> No.25093663

That image for the graph is such a weak fucking case -2/10

>> No.25093708

what's a better one?

>> No.25093748

GRT is bollocks.

>> No.25093899

Fuck off this is a pajeet tier kleros image

>> No.25093982
File: 21 KB, 368x722, Screen Shot 2020-12-23 at 12.30.22 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


listen i think this is a good project but the clear play is to wait until its ~20 cents. volume dropping. look at the buy vs. sell pressure. 18cents will be the lowest, but id buy 20-24 cents.

this has done 30X and its > 5 BILLION MCAP

wait guys