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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25079512 No.25079512 [Reply] [Original]

>p-please let me eat your cum, master
>please tell me you have cum gum, master

>> No.25079548

And to top it all off, they don't even offer work equipment, you have to supply your own.

>> No.25079615

>$12/hr to start with unlimited growth potential
just work there and quit after training to fuck em

>> No.25079655

Kek, capitalism was a mistake

>> No.25079668

>please suck our cocks
>please bust your ass for 12 an hour
>provide your own work station
The fucking local Target pays more for significantly less work while also having fucking health benefits. Imagine working for 12 a fucking hour for these absolute assfucks.

>> No.25079778

>sales rep
Steal their leads and just give them to the next wedding company.

>> No.25079791

Also the local food delivery drivers here make fucking like 16-18 plus tip, and I dont even live in cali or anything

>> No.25079810

I am tempted to apply to these now that I am over qualified just to fuck with them.

>> No.25079860

Only wetbacks, nigs, convicts & Junkies at the homeless shelter would do this kind of work

>> No.25079895

Doesn't matter. The fact that these shitheads are allowed to do this in the first place already shows how flawed this country is. This is not as uncommon as you think. Go to indeed.com right now and go to random ass job postings. Most employers are faggots

>> No.25079925

Hey Nigger! Get a job!

>> No.25079944

Most security posts start at $11-12. You can literally get paid more to sit on your phone or laptop all day.

>> No.25080057

no, most of them would work at the local walmart and get paid 13-14 bucks an hour doing mediocre work
t. worked at walmart for 2 years

>> No.25080182
File: 229 KB, 934x676, 1591791809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least they don't burn down the American flag like the left is doing.

>> No.25080329

...what the fuck drugs are you doing, down syndrome? Fucking crack addicts infesting my thread

>> No.25080344

Imagine being anything other than a national socialist

>> No.25080398

What kind of weak shit is this?
>well republicans are retarded, but let's change the subject!
Shut the fuck up. Both sides have retards (burning the flag isn't one of them because this country isn't america anymore. It's an oligarchy neo feudalistic country). Republicans are the more retarded ones for embracing the pic in the op and basically being okay with allowing communism for employers i.e. giving them all the power while also basically acting as Big Brother (ironically, republicans are the real commies. Just that instead of wanting power for government [which btw I hate this government too], you'd rather give it all to employers. We're basically in a totalitarian country. Freedom of speech is a lie too since employers can fire you if you express controversial shit in your social media for instance (I don't have one, but that's besides the point).

This is no longer america and we have no freedom. We live in an oligarchy where we are cattle to employers.

>> No.25080405

only a liberal democrat would pay 12 bucks, offer health insurance and not provide secure equipment.

>> No.25080431

Uhhh no, retard. Don't try to soin this shit to cope. Paying shit wages is literally what gets republican employer dicks hard. Republicans are the ones against livable wages for instance. Stop by going full retard

>> No.25080445

*ignore "by"

>> No.25080468

dude, take this babby tier shit back to /pol/ or whatever lefty shithole equivalent you came from and keep it there.
>omg goyims republicans are like soooooooo bad lollll dems are so smart xD and nice :)
you are too retarded for this board. stop posting, and leave.

>> No.25080473

working hard used to mean life/death when it was getting up at 6am and subsistence farming; it mattered. now imagine applying that concept which I think is important to modern life, it gets lost and jumbled and becomes kind of stupid.
hard work is important but being some wage slave.. naw. i've done business development, technical sales and inside sales.. kind of sucks.

>> No.25080509

This coming from the retard that uses facial emojis. Fucking hell, this board is dead

>> No.25080525
File: 125 KB, 720x720, 1606476978316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which democrat politician will regulate wedding companies to make them pay me more? Or is this just a "red team sucks, yea blue team also sucks but fuck red team" partisan retard post?

>> No.25080593

Lmao please tell me you're not a samefag that changed their ID?
And I already explained that it is republicans that are anti workers and like to exploit the ever living fuck out of them while giving employers basically no real leash which you need when dealing with sociopaths.
>regulate wedding companies
It's not about the fucking wedding industry. It's about how employers can basically ask for the dumbest of shits. Normally, it wouldn't matter because you could just choose some other company, but that doesn't work when the majority of companies are filled with assholes

It's also not some individual politician that decides this shit so I don't even understand where you're going with that

>> No.25080645

I don't see the problem here. Just don't apply to the job. Are you saying they should be forced by the government to offer you more money? By giving more power to the government you are limiting your own freedom.

>> No.25080654

Also, let me explain some shit to you. Republicans offshore jobs. Offshoring jobs has resulted in decline of unions. Decline of unions have resulted in less middle class jobs available.
Do the math, retard

>> No.25080665

imagine thinking political ideology is anything more than a label. if you subscribe to any or believe any exist youre retarded.

>> No.25080675

>By giving more power to the government you are limiting your own freedom.
By giving power to employers you are limiting your freedom. Fucking commie (if you are confused about me calling you a commie, read this: >>25080398 ).

>> No.25080694

Objectively false, retard. Here's an example: >>25080654

Also, baby boomers fucked this economy. Baby boomers are also largely republicans. Not a fucking coincidence

>> No.25080695

Ah I see it's a schizopost with a democratic flare and a weird belief that it's 1995 and Democrats give a shit about unions.

>> No.25080723

I get paid 18$ an hour at fedex, do better.

>> No.25080738

Also just unionize

>> No.25080753

Again, dumbass, it is an objective fact that offshoring jobs has weakened unions.

Here is a generational stat:
when baby boomers had a median age of 35, they owned 21% of all the nation's wealth (u.s.). Millennials of the same median age? 3%. Baby boomer owned literally 7x the wealth millennials do at the same median age. Now they own 57% of all the wealth). They also had lower barrier to entries for the same job (they didn't need a bachelor's degree).

Back to the union shit and proof its republicans that killed unions (offshoring is a tactic republicans use. Example:
"Senate Republicans blocked a Democratic bill on Tuesday to end tax deductions enjoyed by companies that close their U.S. plants and move overseas".
Google: "Republicans block ending offshore jobs tax breaks"
for the article of this specific example.

Btw, not a coincidence how republican owned businesses such as walmart and amazon are anti union

>> No.25080774

I get paid 20. This isn't me, retard. I'm just showing how shit this country is. Also, 18 an hr ain't shit. You're poor as fuck, but are too retarded to see that.

>> No.25080791
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It's also an objective fact that democrats had 40 years to give a fuck about unions and didn't. Your posts read like Bruce Springsteen got in a time machine from 1982 and came to the future.

>google "thing"

What else was in the bill, retard?


Shitty bait.

>> No.25080831

ITT: morons that don't realize that getting your foot in the door in a sales job's means commissions and making tons of money. The $12 an hour means nothing if you get good at this job

It could literally be free and still be a good opportunity

>> No.25080894

it literally says unlimited growth potential in the ad. I didn't even see that part I just intuitively knew it because I'm not a retard

And here you are debating the merits of capitalism versus communism and unions and shit and somebody else is going to get that opportunity and dab on you

>> No.25080896

You're a dumb mother fucker for trying to shift the blame when it is republicans that are doing everything in their power to prevent unions. Idiot trying tk save face.

Your posts read like a down syndrome kid that failed first grade

>what else was in the bill
Read the fucking article, retard. What I said was all that mattered anyways. Read the fucking article if you don't believe me, you dumb bitch. It clearly shows republicans try to offshore the shit out of jobs, you STUPID sheep.

bezos is the embodiment of a republican, retard even if he's not open about it. He treats his workers like dogs and is anti unions. Unions are left leaning as at their core, unions act as a way to take away power of employers and give them to the workers. That is anti republican

>> No.25080910 [DELETED] 


Kek. Suck my nuts, normalfag.

>> No.25080924
File: 116 KB, 344x342, 051439EC-44E4-4D53-9291-EF0CB52ACDDE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It could literally be free and still be a good opportunity
Working for free...

What a cum muncher

>it literally says unlimited growth potential in the ad
are you 12? You stupid negative IQ bitch. That is just another way of saying "the cap is how many sales you get", not some promotional bullshit.

>> No.25080925

you dont know enough about economics to talk as authoritatively as you do. the major economic policies that have fucked us were instituted by "either side" (its really a monolith).
penned by HW bush, passed by Clinton; offshoring jobs to mexico.
>repeal glass stegal
authored by literally industry ( the more """"right"""" wing ceos), signed into law by clinton
>endless money printing
really started by W Bush, continued by Obama, continued by Trump

Now you're at the MUH BUT IM A DEMOCRAT AND I DONT LIKE CLINTON OR OBAMA stage and should understand my point. no politician subsribes to any moral ideology or economic philosophy and are simply acting in search of money and power. there are no overarching ideologies discernable today, your stupid MUH PICK A SIDE retardation is laughable. Boomers may be bad but you do not understand anywhere near enough to actually know why.

Its entirely talking points engineered specifically to play on vague moral ideas of the normie (You), in order to make you focus on picking a side rather than literally anything else happening.

>> No.25080932

Imagine being banned for /pol/ posting. Stupid socialists

>> No.25080941

Nigger. Speak english

>> No.25080975

I took a job like this door to door sales. commission only. I'm retiring this week. I'm 37

Everyone in here needs a major tude adjustment

>> No.25080991

Have you even taken economics classes? No? That's what I thought. Shit the fuck up, you uneducated swine. Also, you ignore what was stated about republicans fighting for tax deductions by offshoring. Enough said, retard. You can't even fucking read or maybe you can and you know this makes you look bad so you just change the subject instead of address it. Nice one, dumbass

>Boomers may be bad but you do not understand anywhere near enough to actually know why.
Because they hoard wealth, you stupid asswipe. Imagine trying to gaslight me by saying "you don't know! You're too young!!" stupid ape.

>> No.25081010

If you just call everything a scam but you never put in any effort into anything you're never going to get anywhere. Not everything is a scam. You never know. The worst that could happen is that you quit And find another job. My guess is that this company is growing, probably regionally or nationally. Go ahead and don't join growing companies I guess

>> No.25081027

Post proof you're rich. Btw, larp aside (or even if not even larp), working for free is slavery. You're an idiot either way

>> No.25081028 [DELETED] 

No one here supports democrats or republicans, only anti-establishment candidates. Your appeals to pretend democrats care about this shit when they've never fucking done anything when they were in power with a supermajority proves all the shit you say is just lies and the words of someone so retarded they think that pelosi talking about wage hikes means they will actually do something rather than deliberately fumble the ball and let republicans poison pill it, because the uniparty works as one big club and you're not in it. Now fuck off somewhere else, fag.

>> No.25081043


lol I hope someone goes postal and kills whoever wrote that

>> No.25081045

>it's okay to get your ass rammed with no lube
Not everybody is a faggot

>> No.25081062


go back to red.dit you fucking nigger

>> No.25081078

Na, I quite clearly stated I find this government to be incompetent as shit. You just can't read. I said of the two, republicans are the most retarded. Most of government is a waste of tax payer money.

>> No.25081101


Says the retard with the brownish ID. Kys faggot ass cum muncher. Eat dicks

>> No.25081103

>Have you even taken economics classes?
have a bachelors in quant econ and am entering a grad track in january.
>Also, you ignore what was stated about republicans fighting for tax deductions by offshoring.
You completely miss the point and focus on one policy absolutely missing the forest for the trees. Remember when Obama gave the largest tax cut on the top earners ever? Does this mean all supposed democrats are onboard? No because the fucking monolith of power does not skew.
>Because they hoard wealth
Thats barely even a small part. youre literally just drinking 4chan coolaid to scream about MUH BOOOOOMERS without knowing why.

Im not gaslighting you; you legitimately have no idea what youre talking about, and are retarded. Your highschool has at leats one fucking US gov or microecon class, go take it, try and learn something, report back when you graduate normfag.

>> No.25081113 [DELETED] 

>I've taken econ classes! I'm an expert!

Holy fuck you're clearly like 18 kek.

>> No.25081132

Get some skills retard lol imagine being so much of a loser you can’t get a decent job

>> No.25081155

>Remember when Obama gave the largest tax cut on the top earners ever?
Yes. Both sides are retarded. I never said otherwise. Trump did this too fyi

>Does this mean all supposed democrats are onboard? No because the fucking monolith of power does not skew.
What he did was a right tactic move as trinkle down economics is a belief that came from the right

>Thats barely even a small part.
Lol. Them owning 57% of all the nation's wealth (and having 7x what millennials had at the same median age) is a "small" part of it? What the fuck, bitch?

I also have a bachelors in econ, you stupid retard

>> No.25081171
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>> No.25081180

Holy fuck you're clearly 18 kek.
(argue like a child and I'll do the same, faggot)

I make 20 an hr. Not a lot, but you're a dumb fuckface if you think well paying jobs are plentiful. Idiot. I bet you don't even have a job. I bet your dumbass doesnt even invest either lol

>> No.25081264

>I also have a bachelors in econ, you stupid retard
Doubt. Your lack of understanding of anything reads clearly in your psots
>Yes. Both sides are retarded
youre so adjacant to understanding things and yet still are retarded. its incredible.
>What he did was a right tactic move as trinkle down economics is a belief that came from the right
So when the left does something you still blame the right. its incredible how actually retarded you are.
>Them owning 57% of all the nation's wealth (and having 7x what millennials had at the same median age) is a "small" part of it? What the fuck, bitch?
you report a symptom and not the cause. you have barely surface level understanding of everything youre talking about. If you really have a degree then holy shit we're all fucked.

>> No.25081300

>Doubt. Your lack of understanding of anything reads clearly in your psots
ditto. Seems you're still a student too. Doesn't even seem you've done internships

>youre so adjacant to understanding things and yet still are retarded. its incredible.
Not a counter argument, dumb fuckface

>So when the left does something you still blame the right. its incredible how actually retarded you are.
Yes considering it is LITERALLY a tactic from the right.Stupid ass I actually have to explain this.. Lol

>you report a symptom and not the cause. you have barely surface level understanding of everything youre talking about. If you really have a degree then holy shit we're all fucked.
They lucked out due to world war 2 boosting the economy and then they hoarded the wealth. Then they proceeded to make things fucked for the following generations.
I think it's beyond hilarious how you keep going on about "there's so much more to it!" without actually saying shit because you have nothing.

>> No.25081329

just don't apply for it?
you freaking out over a job ad makes me think you're an incel lmao

>> No.25081347

People like you is what ends up killing the meaning of words

>> No.25081393

hey, retard. I'm going to sleep so you better make your next post count

>> No.25081430

>considering it is LITERALLY a tactic from the right.Stupid ass I actually have to explain this.. Lol
Almost like politics has no ideology and act however is convenient. proving my original post. You force every idea through your smooth brain square holes of right and left like playdough. Im not typing anymore, you fail to properly synthesize words you read and the thoughts you type.

>> No.25081432

>30 posts over a random ad
>isn't an incel

>> No.25081460


>> No.25081464

>I make 20hr
>is looking at / raging over a 12/hr job

>> No.25081492

>Almost like politics has no ideology and act however is convenient.
That's fucking bullshit. There are people that CLEARLY lean one way or the other while some MIX, but you are basically telling me that fox for instance can be seen as a "left wing" media. LMFAO. Holy shit, shut the fuck up.

Get absolutely bodied by this point alone. Go finish your masters and get a job already. Bye, bitch.

Eat a bag of dicks. I'm off to bed now so I'm out

>> No.25081518

if that's supposed to mean "liar", fuck you. My issue is with how shit this country is as a whole. It's not something retard republicans can understand as republicans are beyond selfish in nature


I'm off to bed now if there are no comments by the time I refresh

>> No.25081635
File: 4 KB, 160x160, EmvjFa3XcAYgZpY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but you are basically telling me that fox for instance can be seen as a "left wing" media
Again, you fail to synthesize literally everything you read. Thats not my point at all. You read at a 4th grade level at best and definitely do not have a degree.

>> No.25081636

>facial emojis
you are like 12 years old
stop posting

>> No.25081642

>fast-paced wedding company
lmao what does this even mean?
I bet it's owned by an insufferable Karen-tier bitch

>> No.25081918

>we go hard
ok eat shit

>> No.25082846

op is underage

>> No.25083051

It’s the best when they want to hire you as a slave, but they demand you act happy and grateful for it. Who the fuck is grateful for twelve dollars an hour lol.

>> No.25083469

That would be why those postings are still up.
Same for looking for a place for rent. Most everything good is already taken.
Neither party is left leaning, shill. Go bother /pol/.