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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 43 KB, 1659x150, bancor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2507208 No.2507208 [Reply] [Original]

This is going to be another DAO isn't it. You guys ready for another hard fork?

>> No.2507293


>> No.2507306

That's actually solid, because I know exactly what flaw he's talking about and if they're fixing it I have complete faith in the project

easy 10x

>> No.2507311
File: 411 KB, 386x438, Danger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now we just need all the pol blockheads to comeback and relaunch NGR on the bancor network so we can finally kill this jewcoin.

>> No.2507347

I'm glad you have faith. I think this is going to go down in flames.

>> No.2507351
File: 10 KB, 480x360, (((them))).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easily. anyone who trusts ((((them)))) with their money is an absolute retard

>> No.2507369

can you expand?

>> No.2507383

It'll be another zcash. Expect a 93% crash in the first day

>> No.2507396

For it to crash that hard, eth will need to drop about 60%-80% as well

>> No.2507407

>he thinks a project is solid after being "hacked" during the token sale to boost the net amount of money


>> No.2507435

this token is no exception

>> No.2507442

When was the net amount of money boosted? What do you mean?

>> No.2507448

Have any proof of your claims that it was hacked during the ICO or you just bullshitting?


back to >>>/pol/ kiddies

>> No.2507456

I think he means the DDOS attack which was used as an excuse to remove the cap and increase the time limit. Altho I think is bullshit that those of us who did invest after this fact had our funds effectively slashed by 20% for the reserve. Very shitty

>> No.2507459
File: 952 KB, 717x880, You have to go back.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying the jews dont scam people of their money on a regular basis

>> No.2507475

Letting the ICO run longer is to the developers detriment, why do people not understand this? The market cap growing before the ico removes the coiled spring effect of such a highly hyped coin. Then again, you will see how this ICO shit never mattered when Bancor gets a 2 Billion dollar market cap in a matter of weeks/months.

>> No.2507481

Yeah, if you were actually on /biz/ for more than a week, you'd know they got "ddosed" and extended it two hours

>do you have proof

actually fuck off

>> No.2507503
File: 158 KB, 1200x675, 1497615968096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The market cap growing before the ico removes the coiled spring effect of such a highly hyped coin.

You can't be serious. You actually think they are going to release a workable product? Do you know nothing about (((them)))? Just face it, you fell for the biggest (((ICO))) scam yet.

>> No.2507511

was actually in on the ico, stay mad when the coin goes 10x

>> No.2507519

>haha if i put le meme parentheses around things randomly people won't be able to tell i don't have a real argument haha le JOOS amirite lol am i fitting in le epic dank 4chan maymay culture yet???

>> No.2507524

Dude its over, you all got scammed out of your money in a textbook money grab.

>> No.2507526

>i'm in on the ico but I have no idea what happened during the first hour where literally 10% of the transactions were going through


>> No.2507537

cant wait to collect your salty no-banc tears

>> No.2507543

it literally didn't matter because anything over the cap still went into the reserve

>> No.2507549

I've been in a couple ICO's and they are safe. I can also buy and sell your ass if I wanted to. I love the pathetic jokes people make because they missed an ico that was history in the making.

>> No.2507556

What does this coin do that any of the other 700 coins that are out there can't?
>b-but the creator of the euro is on board! it cant be a scam
look at the EU. its at the end of its road. how is having that guy on the board going to do this coin ANY good?
additionally centralizing crypto goes COMPLETELY against what it was created to do.
>b-but ETH is centralized!!!
that's a shitcoin too. far too overvalued

>> No.2507592

>What does this coin do that any of the other 700 coins that are out there can't?
Instant decentralized liquidity and stable, predictable prices of altcoins. Did you even read the whitepaper?

>> No.2507616

>Instant decentralized liquidity and stable, predictable prices of altcoins
So basically the current financial system but using bancor instead of the usd?

You must be extremely short sighted to not understand how the future of cryptocurrency will look. None of those will be an issue, not because of (((bankor))). Simply by shifting reliance from the USA to BTC will make the price of crypto stable, and btc is already incredibly liquid, and cant be stopped by anybody, exempting the btc network going down which will never happen by its design.

>> No.2507621

Bancor might achieve ripples cap this year with good marketing, because of their connections. Nobancors cope.

>> No.2507633

>So basically the current financial system but using bancor instead of the usd?
no retard, hence decentralized

really clear you didn't read the whitepaper so there's no point in discussing this with you

>> No.2507643

> and btc is already incredibly liquid,
liquidity of ALTCOINS, can u read? apparently not lmao

no bancorers cope hard like >>2507621 said

>> No.2507644

>hence decentralized
not decentralized when the price can be inflated/deflated to become stable

>> No.2507659

Wrong, there's a price floor.

Go read the whitepaper retard

>> No.2507665

stop supporting jews and maybe i will

anything made by jews is automatically made to fuck the goyim over, even if the jews didnt initially mean to

>> No.2507695

LOL enjoy wagecucking my friend

>> No.2507700

enjoy living on the side of the road my friend

>> No.2507726
File: 54 KB, 804x281, your future.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2507750
File: 766 KB, 680x659, your future.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2507756

can you two homos just fuck already and get it over with?

>> No.2507769


>> No.2507783
File: 12 KB, 258x245, keksimus maximus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cant even argue with me, has to resort to saying im going to be wagekeking and am a cuck.

Even ARK is better than this shit. The sunk-cost fallacy is VERY strong in this one.

>> No.2507797


>> No.2507832
File: 136 KB, 440x522, (((you))).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wont be selling those bags, all the anons here have inoculated themselves from the jewish problem

>> No.2507836


>> No.2507852
File: 7 KB, 188x250, 1497833624506s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you even have an argument?

>> No.2507856

>no denial of cuckoldry

>> No.2507881
File: 490 KB, 449x401, Girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He obviously doesn't have an argument, or he would've laid it out eloquently and enlightened everyone in the thread to how idiotic I am for not trusting der juden.

>> No.2507909


>> No.2507920
File: 429 KB, 399x614, you fell for a scam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2507935

>not an argument
neither is "DA JOOS"


>> No.2507936
File: 244 KB, 1200x810, 1465858313654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>back to >>>/pol/ kiddies
/biz/ has always been a natsoc board

>> No.2507959

what? we're the jews dumbass

>> No.2507967
File: 195 KB, 798x770, holy shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DA JOOS isn't an argument
>The jews' single purpose has been to scam people since they first existed
>The jews have always ruined anything they touch

I think you need some education on the Jews buddy. You should head over to >>>/pol/.
You might even learn something about history.

>> No.2507977

not an argument

>> No.2508000

If my argument isn't an argument, then what is yours? You haven't posted a single thing that says your (((token))) is worth anything but bags that you'll be left holding after Galia steals it all?

>> No.2508074

I bet the fix will be along the lines of (((centralization)))

>> No.2508311

>I've been in a couple ICO's and they are safe
I assume they weren't BAT or ZEN?

>> No.2508326

I have 103 ETH on that (((shit))), I think I am going to wait a week then see whats up