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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 197 KB, 1170x550, F14FBB87-1030-400B-B885-706675279B86.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25073796 No.25073796 [Reply] [Original]

I heard it’s comfy what do you say anon?

>> No.25073886
File: 20 KB, 970x291, THAR SHE BLOWS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*fart noises*

>> No.25073955

Holding 5k. We'll see

>> No.25074103

it's dumping so hard i wouldn't even mind look

>> No.25074252


Why did you talked about it?!

It's dumping, oh wait... it will pump again anyways

>> No.25074399


Oh I see why

the website is down and people are panic selling




>> No.25074504

I'm still down since I sold too early. It could dump harder and i'd be happy

>> No.25074537

I think i'll pick up a fat stack on this opportunity

>> No.25074568


Welcome on board anons

100k is suicide stack here

>> No.25075549

Did you not read my post? I'm in pain sir. I sold too early. I got a little bit but it's nothing compared to my original stack.

>> No.25075572


Thank you. Feels comfy

>> No.25075967

250k stack here. Why the fuck are we dumping?

>> No.25076447


Misread sorry anon

Hope you'll be back in the family

>> No.25076488

Either some whale mega sold them, or because the site is down for maintenance, so people are getting pajeet vibes from it.
Timing coincides with the second one.


>> No.25076548

ddos website to buy cheaper

>> No.25076571

how about both

>> No.25076588

bought a fuck truck load at 2 cents and entered the geyser. making $1,000 a day. kek.

not fucking selling.

>> No.25076602

website maintence is a literal nothingburger.

>> No.25076788

How much

>> No.25076793


that's probably a lie anon
you'd need like 10 millions UNN to get that much in a day
did you really put 20k in a potential rugpull with no github, no product and put all your tokens up for LP? surely you can't be that retarded ?

>> No.25076877

*200k err

>> No.25076882

Yes, so its probably a whale who had too much stake on the coin and got too scared on the website news, so he rushed to sell.

Case solved.

>> No.25077035

Website still isn't back up 5 hours later
I hold 26k but desu this doesn't give me a lot of confidence.

>> No.25077176

>imagine caring about the website

>> No.25077287

I hope they get back up with a new website desu. It could be why it's down now.

>> No.25077307

Oh wait, the website is up for me.

>> No.25077402

It never even went down for me lol

>> No.25077420


>> No.25078062

Literally anon team disguised behind white names. The only person corresponding for them is a chink.

No mention of their VCs having any relationship with them. Please do some basic homework

>> No.25078285

You're pathetic


>> No.25078366
File: 387 KB, 2048x2048, 1608656810819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally anon team disguised behind white names.
Interview with the project lead, Michael Beck :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rb8nQEy-H1A
More about Michael Beck:

New hire: https://medium.com/union-finance-updates-ideas/manos-e-megagiannis-joins-union-as-infrastructure-information-security-officer-3ff3e6d36c05

>No mention of their VCs having any relationship with them.

>> No.25078449

His post screams "repill me on UNN" as he cannot do his own basic homework. He needs to be spoofed.

>> No.25078633

fucking Binance follows me too. What's your point? and who the fuck is this literal who?

>> No.25078683

>no mentions from Alameda
>no mentions from Spark
>wrong NIO

these 3 were the only things going for UNN which happens to be fake. Nothing else matters. A new generation of bagholders are born

>> No.25078702

fuck me glad my uniswap didnt go through

>> No.25078822

I do think the Alameda connection is true though. One of the FTX wallets received a shit ton of UNN. Beringwaters is also into Solana and Serum... both are basically owned by Alameda.

>> No.25078868

>>no mentions from Alameda

Alameda mentions no one on their website, you disingenuous pajeet nigger.

Alameda funding UNN is all over the news.

Do you think UNN would be allowed to get away with using Alameda's name without being blasted with lawsuits? Kys retard.

>> No.25078954

This kid is clearly fudding to buy in cheaper.
I just increased my stack to 1mm, it's still undervalued. Follow the smart money.

>> No.25078986

Holy shit. Does that make you a top 10 wallet?

>> No.25079046

Don't you know? Posts such as >>25078822 and >>25078062 are literals "give me a quick run down" written by lazy autistic neets who cannot into DYOR. They project their own FUD to be spoonfed key information that will change their minds. You can be sure they bought a bag by now.

>> No.25079074

Meant >>25078683 not >>25078822

>> No.25079113

You realize anyone can do a writeup and post this right?

Even Nasdaq news is open to most "writers" these days.

I love how much cope goes into defending your bags

>> No.25079122

Been looking at this since that red pill thread from yesterday. Now might be a good entry.

>> No.25079135

Here is a classic example


>> No.25079184
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Pajeets must make so much money off biz

>> No.25079274

And anyone can be sued by ding so. You have absolutely no proof to validate your claims. Not falling for your FUD, pajeet.

>> No.25079378

>and who the fuck is this literal who?

Another pajeet retard begging to be spoonfed because he cannot grasp DYOR. mZ is UNN's technical advisor.

>Union’s technical advisor is Michael Zargham, who has a PhD in systems engineering. He has a special focus on the control and optimization of distributed systems. Zargham is the founder and CEO of BlockScience, a company dealing with researching, analyzing, designing, and engineering complex decentralized networks.


>> No.25079601

Interesting. So BlockScience was also advisor to Graph, Ocean Protocol and Balancer.

>> No.25079779

Asking SBF directly on Telegram about Alameda. Let's see if he can confirm/deny

>> No.25080824


>> No.25080858

40k stack here, waiting for take off

>> No.25080884
File: 73 KB, 1299x669, unn_investors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I will address common FUD.

FUD: "No MVP, no Github"
DEBUNKED: they have about 20 devs working on this shit and will release GH links next month, they are currently in the process of auditing the code.

FUD: "They are a social marketing firm trying to jump in on the DeFi hype https://unn.finance/wp-content/uploads/ucp/template-digital-marketing-consulting.png"
DEBUNKED: Desiner had a brainfart and uploaded too many files, in addition their webhost left the media assets dir indexable. There's literally other files in the same dir with the same modification date with DeFi shit plastered all over. https://unn.finance/wp-content/uploads/ucp/template-new-template.png

FUD: "No name team"
DEBUNKED: Alameda Research backed, faggot. Columbia graduates.

FUD: "Token not needed"
DEBUNKED: There are 3 tokens, UNN, uUNN, pUNN. You trade UNN here. Governance tokens are the standard in DeFi space and thats how large investors will be able to steer decisions for the firm by voting, it's literally in their whitepaper.

Circulating supply: ~500m
Mcap: ~16.5m
Whitepaper: https://unn.finance/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/UNION-Whitepaper-DRAFT.Oct_.2020.pdf
Contract: https://etherscan.io/token/0x226f7b842e0f0120b7e194d05432b3fd14773a9d
Chart: https://www.dextools.io/app/uniswap/pair-explorer/0x7f1da3697236d4a5e0efd2a99de5d9c076937856
Trade: https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x226f7b842e0f0120b7e194d05432b3fd14773a9d

>> No.25080912
File: 126 KB, 1203x808, founders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UNN - the DeFi insurance. DeFi space is booming and has a TVL (total value locked) of $12b USD, it's going to be a major focus point in the coming bullrun, but DeFi has it's risks - hacks, gas price spikes are a common ocucrence and it can leave you in the red.

UNN is building a platform where participants can provide and buy insurance for the unknowns, this goes much deeper and you'd better DYOR by reading the whitepaper desu. DeFi insurance is guaranteed to be a BIG market in 2021, UNN is positioning itself uniquely among the first comers to this space.

Even if you ignore the above get this: it's backed by ALAMEDA RESEARCH. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/union-raises-3-9m-minimize-140000387.html

Who the fuck you ask? Alameda Research, the crypto trading firm managing the largest portfolios and trading 1-1.5bil crypto assets PER DAY. Listen fucks, CZ has never lost in his fucking life and Alameda Research folks do not back pajeet rugpulls, this alone is all the info you need to get in.

Sam Bankman-Fried, CEO and co-founder of Alameda Research and FTX.com was Joe Biden's second largest donor, below Bloomberg himself. What are the odds a faggot running an off-shore gambling ring (with a bet on the US Presidential Election outcome) will cough up his shit for a pajeet rugpull?

Still want more?

The 3rd party doing KYC failed MULTIPLE times and they couldn't do the presale as planned therefore whales and peasants like us got pretty much the same chances to get in on the ground floor.

Assets are NOT locked, there's not a whale that will dump on your ass a week in, there's one fucker trying to get out with a 2x and he has like 200 ETH worth left but it's being gobbled up.

It has strong support at around 0.03 and this is where you fuckers get in.

>> No.25081002


>> No.25081362

Still holding the support really well.

>> No.25081456

its down 20% since yesterday faggot

>> No.25081483

Thank you dude. I only lose 1000 dollars if you're wrong so please keep posting king

>> No.25081516

>failed IDO twice
>WordPress website
>website down twice in a day

Do you trust these guys launching a complex Layer 2 Defi insurance product? Lmfao

>> No.25081535
File: 332 KB, 1080x992, Screenshot_20201223-162652_Telegram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The literal state of the shills here

>> No.25081563

These guys didn't say they were backed by anyone in this article though.

>> No.25081622

This board has gone down hill that's for sure but UNN is underrated so the hype is warranted

>> No.25081718

what about BeringWaters anon? They list Union as one of their investments on their homepage

>> No.25081721


>> No.25081951

Can you provide a source for this? Thanks

>> No.25081980

Where do I buy this shit

>> No.25082019

Click on the red trade button. It'll take you to uniswap - https://www.dextools.io/app/uniswap/pair-explorer/0x7f1da3697236d4a5e0efd2a99de5d9c076937856

>> No.25082062

I feel stupid but I fell for thai scam. Lost 20% and sold into NU.
Why is it a scam? Try to talk to the "people" in the telegram group - These are bots !!
Sold immediately. I don't care if it goes up more, this will eventually go to zero. Better invest in good projects. I can't believe I fell for it.. sigh.

>> No.25082102


>> No.25082111

>it didn't moon immediately after i bought it, so it must be a scam

The project hasn't been fully released yet. The only listing is on Uniswap. Anybody who buys this now is waaay to early.

>> No.25082184

It's not about mooning or not , it's about the telegram group filled with bots. This is scam signal.

>> No.25082301

>it's about the telegram group filled with bots. This is scam signal.

Post screenshots nig.

>> No.25082948

I've been in TG for a while and this is BS

>> No.25084012

Come on pal that's not even legit FUD

>> No.25084459 [DELETED] 

tfw you've been telling the bagholders to leave before its too late and it's already in its first stage of the price discovery phase downwards.

guys, please double up this high conviction holds of yours. lets all make it together. LMAO

>> No.25084482

tfw you've been telling the bagholders to leave before its too late and it's already in its first stage of the price discovery phase downwards. guys, please double down on this high conviction hold of yours. lets all make it together. LMAO

>> No.25085826

Bump for knowled

>> No.25086261

>bump for pajeets

>> No.25086938

Have another BUMP

>> No.25086979

>BUMP to save my heavy bags

take them away from me please

>> No.25087947

You'll be buying mine in 3 weeks. Screencap this.

>> No.25087957

Ivy League PhD you dumb nigger