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25062654 No.25062654 [Reply] [Original]

Explain me.

The fully diluted mcap (5B$) is already priced in. The balancing price is between .45 to .80$ (1B$ circ mcap).

Why the fuck would you sell at loss?
Let’s say that it crashes in 5-6 months, wouldn’t you keep it for a year to recover?
You think it will just $XRP crash and never recover? It’s a useless money coin for you to not believe in it? You think we are talking about something not necessary?

This shit is basically a center pillar of the ENTIRE crypto market. And the token isn’t a governance token. IT’S A FUCKING NECESSARY TOKEN!!

>> No.25062908

No competitors, nothing to drive the price or make devs actualy work, product already live for years, thiss juss a moneygrab, sell and never look back

>> No.25063366
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>> No.25063737 [DELETED] 

I think like you OP, I'll never sell at a loss. I just wanted to go to sleep while tethered, I can't trust sleeping on crypto anymore.

>> No.25064316

There is at least one competitor though, I'm hedging my bets with them.

>> No.25064491 [DELETED] 

I sold at a loss because I think INJ has the potential to go to 10-100 billion market cap next year

>> No.25064570

if xrp loses their lawsuit its the end of every crypto that uses its currency as a symbol of trusting their tech more than just saying bro its just a type of currency

>> No.25064650


>> No.25064668
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Bro just shift into KAI and PRQ. You have to get off the ride at some point. Move to a new ride that is going up.

I am exiting PRQ at $10 and KAI at $1

>> No.25064918

Is there any revenue model for the token or is it just muh supply will get lower once its staked and burned? If so, how far should this go with 9 billion tokens waiting to be released. This is madness

>> No.25065161

you're the 1m chart anon, stop it already

>> No.25065245
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Never touched this pnd jeet bullshit. Dyor on DMG and stop being sucker for ranjesh /biz shills.

>> No.25065288

>bought DMG
>calling anyone else a sucker

>> No.25065359

x7 gains in 3 days and x25 if you bought at ICO
eat my ass pajeet

>> No.25065777

Redpill me on kai
I sat out on Ocean and INJ and regret it

>> No.25066103
File: 1004 KB, 659x663, Graph logo new meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This shit is basically a center pillar of the ENTIRE crypto market. And the token isn’t a governance token. IT’S A FUCKING NECESSARY TOKEN!!


>> No.25066195

>buying on top

>> No.25066321

Dude, this is the classic pump and dump.

Accept it
Its over

Just look at the HUNDREDS of other shitcoins that get pumped on the first week and they just bleed month after month for years.

Dont believe me? Look at Harmony One.

>> No.25066355

so I shouldn't have bought at $1?

>> No.25066388

lol you must be joking comparing Harmony with The Graph, there's a reason it had billions in volume and listed immediately in big exchanges nigga

yeah it may drop further but who fucking cares, this shit will be top 10 sooner or later

fuck you retard double digit iq

>> No.25066397
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>> No.25066423

going for another dump.
Sell now and buy at .40

>> No.25066457


You are trying to convince yourself that this will keep going up, but that fact is that it will not.

Sure, the project is good and it has already been working without this token. But it wont be in the top 10.

This is a classic pump and dump. Stop being delusional.

>> No.25066519

7x gains what are you even talking about nigga

>> No.25066628

This will hit at least $4. Anyone who says otherwise is a tumbling cunt.

>> No.25066642

>fully diluted mcap
No such thing

>> No.25066676

Hopefully i can double my stack with the dip tn.
so far
b .47
s .68
b. .46
s .56

Currently have buy order set for .38|

I also bought PRQ at .32 havent moved anything

>> No.25066716

This has almost 0 volume now lmao..

It will be full of bagholders trying to convine this will still go up


>> No.25066772

>#7 coin in volume 24h

>> No.25066863

bros I had some spare cash lying around, never did crypto and invested in this like not even 24 hours before it popped off to .70 (iirc about .40 or .50) idk what's the outlook and I need copium.

>> No.25066910

have an order for 0.36, maybe I am asking too much. Going to sleep now. Good luck anon.

>> No.25066932

i fell for the prank of people saying it would go to a dollar 2 nights ago

I'm above what I started with now tho. Saved myself with the second dip

>> No.25066990

>tfw the lawsuit was filed on purpose to boost xrp

>> No.25067055

Extremely based.

>> No.25067255

Most of the imbeciles fuding GRT have no clue Graphql was created by Facebook to make them more MONEY. They dont realize silicon valley has been jizzing thier pants about graph db's for 2 years now. If you dont know why at this point your dumb.

>> No.25067353

it's going back to it's real valuation at sub 40c before christmas.
it has been riding the hype train for too long now

>> No.25067438

don't care. I want more money

>> No.25067467

actually its real value is $10

>> No.25067472

Where do you think it'll stabilize at ?
0.30 USD ? 0.20 ? 0.10 ?
I know you don't have a crystal ball but i'd like to hear based /big/ OGs who would real frens and give us their well explained and rational answers / opinions.

>> No.25067486

I got memed into buying eRDSL instead of GRT

>> No.25067563

~30c end of year. then hover around 20-30c until the next crypto wave comes around, and if it's lucky it'll get picked up, but I doubt it. It'll be left in the trash like other hypecoins

>> No.25067636

Dude thank you!
So what is the most high risk but at the same time high reward move one could make for the short term ? Swing trade on high volume / highly volatile coins ? Watching new listings on Binance and buying after the first major dip and then dumping after 2-5x ? I know I'm kinda asking much here, but i am really not sure how to proceed with the measly 30k i have.

>> No.25067685

even if i or someone give you so specific advice, you shouldn't listen to it. you gotta get a feel for it and make your own call. you're gonna fuck up, a lot - but you might be lucky enough to understand it after a while

>> No.25067718

I had about 2k invested in XRP and doubled that when it pumped. Then I put my whole stack into grt at .12 which gave me a stack of around 35k. Then I fucked up and sold at .58 the day after it had hit its max. I then rebought at .68

I'm still sitting at a solid 4x from this shit but I'd like to get back to 20k before I bail.

>> No.25067730

I understand, still where do you see the advantages and disadvantages of the different types of avenues i could go on ?

>> No.25067869
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I think you could loose money, or make money.

>> No.25067920

Give it to me straight, is it going to reach a dollar or not? Is it even going to .80? I’m just trying to get out of the casino ahead.

>> No.25067983

"Experienced" guys, say no. Tbh, i'd cut my losses and at most keep a 10k bag bought at a price of 0.50 USD and that's it.

I personally don't give a fuck and will go balls deep with swing trading and new listing pumps to go from 30k to 300k and then gtfo of this whole insanity. I just want to chill in SEA. If i don't make it, i'll put a bullet in my head. Either way i'm good.

>> No.25068098

Just FOMO back in later like you always do Biz. Been stable at 50 cent for the last 5 days. Dosnt matter how you look at it. Keep Fudding. i give 0 fucks. i remember the Fuds about Chainlink. Sell Hodl. i dont care. I WILL NEVER SELL. FUCK YOU NEWFAGS.

>> No.25068136
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you're the bagholder now

>> No.25068287
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>> No.25068401
File: 41 KB, 474x584, ThinkAboutIt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No joke, no shill, just looking out for fellow neets/incels wanting to make it... GRT is being EXTREMELY MANIPULATED for the sake of swing trading. It's not a good idea at all to HODL it. AT ALL. Not now especially. OGs who have been long in this game, are saying you should only consider hodling it if you buy it at 0.10 - 0.20 USD. Othr than that it's only useful for swing trading. Sorry buddy boyos.

>> No.25068462

>Implying that monopoly is a bad thing in business
Anon, I...

>> No.25068481

$1 eoy screen cap this

>> No.25068588
File: 55 KB, 1050x591, WorkGoyWork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what ? 2x ? You need to learn to swing trade or find coins that are about to pump hard. Anything other than that will get you nowhere in a reasonable amount of time. It's fucked up how much delusion one has before being blackpilled by seeing how these fuckers organize in whale pump and dump groups and shill the shit out of stuff on the backs of others who buy in on their fake hopium.

>> No.25068870

well at least yesterday they let us know beforehand.. i thought it was a larp, but found out fast enough that it wasn't

>> No.25068944

> The fully diluted mcap (5B$) is already priced in

What makes you think that Anon?

Just like when UNI went to 8$, as they factored the fully diluted mcap, right?

>> No.25068993

yeah you could buy coins that will x10 eoy
but at least1 eoy for grt is pretty much guaranteed
that's around a 99% chance of getting at least 100% increase in your investment in just a week and a half
jfc this crypto thing is so easy

>> No.25069099

Cope if you are 99% certain it'll reach 1 USD. If it reached 0.50 USD naturally and wasn't extremely manipulated, i'd be as optimistic as you, but seeing how brutal the manipulation is and has been since the very early rise of the price, especially now ( the ping pong between 0.50 and 0.60 ) .... i lost all hopium in GRT.

>> No.25069188


Bro there is no manipulation.
It's just Fibonacci lines, as always...

>> No.25069342


It’s definitely combination lf manipuation + price action greed .

I do think they are not going to let die this YET

>> No.25069430 [DELETED] 

this token has 0 utility priced in, if you think theres any way this is still going to have a chainlink-level of facemelting pump you're really going to be surprised once next year starts

>> No.25069452

this token has 0 utility priced in, if you think theres any way this isnt going to have a chainlink-level of facemelting pump you're really going to be surprised once next year starts

>> No.25069573

Got both $ocean and $inj and sold both. Probably too early for $inj but i felt it was topping already.

I’m on $rlc $grt (till just above 1B$ mcap for the moment) and of course $btc.

Dyor on $rlc and $eRLC coming. It might be an easy x2-x3.

>> No.25070013




>> No.25070082

ok anon, you're trying really hard huh

>> No.25070416

Don’t sell at loss. Baghold the fuck out of it if you can’t make a gain at .68. That’s below the 1B$ mcap.
It should happens.

>> No.25070566


Or do the needful and buy PNK for a 10x. Not selling for a loss is stupid, because you will lose a lot more on opportunity costs, sir.