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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 34 KB, 1000x687, Ethereum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25064821 No.25064821 [Reply] [Original]

why is this piece of shit 1/3 of its ath, even with defi and eth 2.0, can someone explain?

>> No.25064863

good things come to those who wait

>> No.25064882

It won't be for long now.

>> No.25064922

congrats, you recognized an undervalued asset

>> No.25064995

still over valued for a inefficient re-incarnated printing press. bitcoin you chuck

>> No.25065009


>> No.25065085

it is a shitcoin. it will not exist in 5+ years along with 99% of the other coins. Defi is too powerful for the jew.

BTC will survive strictly as a store of wealth.
Litecoin will survive as digital silver for the broke plebs that can't afford BTC in the hyperinflated new world order.
XMR will survive in the underground economy as a way of transacting among the hordes of lower class depth grovelers that will be endlessly toiling away for nuggets of neoplasm

>> No.25065107

>eth 2.0
nope didn't happen

>> No.25065126
File: 102 KB, 862x992, RealVitalik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more and more people get slashed. eth2.0 is a fuck up

>> No.25065142

ath was alt ath too, I had 2k in airdrop tokens that turned to 100 in a year
lot of ICOs were requiring eth too buy
depending how you look at it the eth roadmap was closer to finishing then, than now, they thought they'd have staking in a year, and sharding in 2?

>> No.25065234

Staked Ether 1,283,552 ETH
Average Balance 32.17 ETH

with exchanges going into staking the supply of staked eth is only going to increase

>> No.25065262

It's like in the dotcom boom when Yahoo was initially larger than Google. Think ahead and make the right decision.

>> No.25065284

Because PoS is a scam, and we've been telling you that for 2 years.

>> No.25065314

too bad about it being declared a security by CFTC.


>> No.25065315

>30 people

>> No.25065325

PoS isn't necesarily a scam, but all current projects attempting it are

>> No.25065394
File: 255 KB, 2390x1194, Screen Shot 2020-12-22 at 1.12.16 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could explain the macro pressures which cause this, but you probably wouldn't understand. So ill explain it to you in the simplest terms: When BTC pump through big liquidity, ALT dump.

>> No.25065412

I've been trading ETC for awhile. Smol gains, but they're gains.

>> No.25065498

hence why americans aren't being allowed to stake on kraken unless using an exchange specific 2.0

>> No.25065531

best answer, thank you

>> No.25065573

Dangerously based.

>> No.25065611

>even with defi
this is why

>> No.25065686

Holy fucking based. This should be the first thing every newfag sees when they enter /biz/.

>> No.25065719

ETH 2.0 is not working well all your 32 eth will be zero hHhaahhahahhahahhahahahahhahhahahahahhahahahhhahhahahahhahahahahhahahahaahhahahahahahahahah

>> No.25065728

Spaghetti code

>> No.25065738

Because it's a double digit shitcoin

>> No.25065783

Explain how Bitcoin can survive and why Ethereum can't. Also SATs are programmable so DeFi is possible on Bitcoin

>> No.25065792
File: 585 KB, 1600x1055, 1598880797085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bbb...but...but my dividends!?!?! The SEC can't regulate those?!?!

>> No.25065830
File: 99 KB, 1038x742, 2342135645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google Howey test.

pic related

>> No.25065888

Every "expert" shills how undervalued it is and how itll be 1000 by eoy but this gay shit is tied to bitcoin like everything else. It pumps like 3 percent when bitcoin rallies and dumps 10 or more percent when btc drops a few hundred bucks. Its ridiculous and I beat myself up every day for being stuck with eth and only having .3 in btc. Im waiting for eth to hit 800 and then im out but who knows...could be waiting for an eternity at this point.

>> No.25065996


>> No.25066041

You are so short sighted. Every time btc goes on a run, alts follow months later. People switch between btc and alts to catch the fastest gain. Greed drives these pumps. Each pump is louder than the other.

>> No.25066063

>I beat myself up every day for being stuck with eth
Nigger that doesn't make any sense. It takes literally less than a minute to swap your ETH for shitcoins if you really don't believe in ETH.

>> No.25066172

Totally agree and I'll take this a step further in saying all of /biz/ agrees with anon's wisdom

>> No.25066226

You can't even audit the supply and it's also infinite. Also the lead dev and figurehead has a severe case of autism and spazzes out all the time about other projects

>> No.25066312

so americans wont be able to withdraw staked eth
there wasn't going to be withdrawls for a year anyway, they'll figure it out

>> No.25066341

ETH/BTC is @ the same price it was in MARCH 2016. You literally would have been better off just holding BTC

>> No.25066348

I would cum so hard if the SEC cucked every altcoin in existence. BTC would moon so hard.

>> No.25066375

When neoplasm moon, sirs?

>> No.25066471

>You can't even audit the supply and it's also infinite.
Inflation is capped at 2% which is pretty reasonable. Also, with EIP-1559 ETH the supply can actually shrink.
>Also the lead dev and figurehead has a severe case of autism and spazzes out all the time about other projects
If you look at a lot of other open source projects which are very successful now, a lot of them were started by a single person with a quirky personality.

>> No.25066492

I don't think you get my point. Ethereum and the whole DeFi ecosystem is too powerful for the current status quo power structure.

I'm sorry to crush your dreams of living in a cyberpunk dystopia where we all transact with smart contracts, but this isn't going to happen. Plan on another 50+ years of neoliberal globalism with some CBDCs sprinkled in.

>> No.25066541

ETH has had 2x the gains of BTC this year you faggot

>> No.25066646

>I don't think you get my point. Ethereum and the whole DeFi ecosystem is too powerful for the current status quo power structure.
DeFi will continue growing because you can't keep people from using it even if you forbid it. Just look at BitTorrent and the Tor network for example. You can't ban decentralized structures, that's one of their biggest selling points.

>> No.25066798



>> No.25066817

US are so fucking chucked Wtf. How the fuck do Americucks dare to call themselves land of the free? Crypto is exposing how they are the least free people on the fucking planet. Fucking Pajeets have more freedom

>> No.25066841


>> No.25066953

Well you got me there.....except

No one, and I mean NO ONE spends cash like Americans, which without your little shithole would be scrubbed of the map to accommodate these Pajeets that work at 30% of the wage your overlordes are paying you

>> No.25067053

ETH may even flip BTC one day, the network effects of development grow exponentially, the more that is built one ETH, the more that is possible to be built on ETH
Take for example DeFI how it started as some protocols, then that paves the way for new assets, derivatives, insurance etc. With every new innovation, it opens a whole new world. Imagine not wanting to have your worth attached to something like that

>> No.25067335
File: 63 KB, 957x500, 1608041674265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

xmr will also be the store of value of the superwealthy that wish to protect themselves from the socialist cyborg death squads roaming the earth enforcing wealth redistribution. A few silly words is essentially an offshore bank, I think that appeals more to the top 1% than the lower class?

>> No.25067388

Yes, this anon gets it. We are now in a stage where people are discovering the possibilities of a completely new technology. It seems like only this year people are really starting to realize the potential of smart contracts. The more you dig into the DeFi ecosystem, the more you get impressed with the possibilities and what the future will bring when the big players jump in as well and connect real-world assets with the blockchain.
When you realize what is going to happen in the next couple of years it's impossible to not be very bullish on ETH. ETH might tank next month, maybe in mid 2021. It will certainly have at least one other correction in the near future. But I think it's a pretty safe bet to say that ETH will be a very important asset in 5-10 years. And those who haven't gotten in now will be in deep regret just like those who have heard about Bitcoin in the early years but didn't get on the bandwagon (e.g. me).

>> No.25067481

ethies want to pretend like it already has happened, and the best case scenario for its implementation played out

>> No.25067672

You're all acting like the whole Ethereum network is going to die if something unexpected is going to happen. They're just going to hard fork the blockchain and continue if that happens. No big deal.

>> No.25067844

Blockchain will allocate the resources of the world to the people that use them the most efficiently. Soon Americans will be the pajeets of the world because they are forever cucked out of DeFi

>> No.25068781

You should probably buy Bitcoin.

>> No.25068808

soon anon, $800


>> No.25068974

hahahaha.. you really think the US will shoot itself in the knee while the rest of the world adopts the tech?

>> No.25069058

They're doing it as we speak.

>> No.25069122

I reeeeally don't think you XRPtards should use the word "adoption." XRP was never adopted by anybody, and it was never intended to be. Its a charity drive for Brad and David to buy new Lambo's while you people donate, and are given outlandish false promises in return.

>> No.25069168

i was talking about Eth 2.0

>> No.25069250

Imagine actually being this fucking retarded. Buying Ethereum right now is like buying Bitcoin in 2014. BE 1559, A massive burn is occurring soon as well that will essentially cap Ethereum's supply much smaller than it is now forever.

>> No.25069264
File: 580 KB, 640x617, Chad Hoskinson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because for two years nothing will happen for eth.
Otherwise Cardano is the Ethereum 2.0. Buy all ADA you can!

>> No.25069310

>can't afford BTC
You never bought any crypto.

>> No.25069316

it doesn't pass the howey test no matter what maxicucks think.
That's because you have to run a node to stake.