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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 111 KB, 1901x673, anss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2506264 No.2506264 [Reply] [Original]

The chinks are up and theyre buying even more of this coin? What did they mean buy this?

This announcement is gonna be huge. Is this really the next ETH?

>> No.2506269

it's already down again

>> No.2506270
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>> No.2506275

Chinks have been up all day nigger.

>> No.2506289

got dam etherum guy is scary looking

>> No.2506307

>tfw I almost bought this when it was $1
Kill me now.

On another note, Do you think there's still time to buy? I really want to believe it, but my common sense says it will fuck me over.

>> No.2506328
File: 63 KB, 1370x671, ansath.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, this is not a PnD. This is the next ETH and is the oldest blockchain in China. It is now just getting western exposure.

Also, see pic attached. It literally just broke the ATH.

>> No.2506341

Wait til this coin gets listed on poloniex. Then you'll really want to kill yourself.

>> No.2506353

I realize this. It's just that I have terrible experiences with buying at ATM. Don't want to baghold this for a week until the next growth happens when I could buy at the dip. Or this could reach another all time high soon and I get fucked

>> No.2506398

It just reached all time high and there is a HUGE announcement in 4 days.

>> No.2506453

What kind of announcement? Source?

>> No.2506464

There's no fucking announcement there is a conference

>> No.2506514

>implying that the conference won't have announcements

Why do you think theres a fucking timer on the website.

>> No.2506531

The shit in the conference has already been fucking announced

>> No.2506537

>e oldest blockchain in China.

>> No.2506554

oldest of any relevance is fairly well confirmed

>> No.2506565


>I don't know what a fucking conference is

>> No.2506567

i was involved with dogecoin in 2014 and antshares was not around

>> No.2506577

They gonna rebrand in 4 days because ants man wtf is that and that fuckstain of a logo holy shit.

But yeah gainz though I'd buy in the sooner the better.

Best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, second best time is now.

>> No.2506583

is there gonna be another dip? i wanna sell now and buy the dip again later

>> No.2506592

we 7$ now

>> No.2506601

Don't try to time the market anon, just hold for the long run. That's where the real money is made. You can't time the market.

>> No.2506605

Have to wagecuck in half an hour, what do I do? Sell or hold?

>> No.2506610

hodl..... it's not even the 22nd yet

>> No.2506616

I know, but i don't have much money invested, i only have 12 ANS

>> No.2506625

Only bought 9 thanks to coinbase.

At least Cadillac territory... right?

>> No.2506665
File: 132 KB, 1024x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't get ahold of any right now

>tfw missing the out of the biggest opportunity in crypto ever

>> No.2506684

Should I sell some of my ETH to get in on this shitcoin?

If it crashes after I do I'm going to be so fucking angry

>> No.2506719

I did. Not sure how to feel. I hate touching my ETH in cold storage but this was my first time where I felt FOMO bleeding out of every orifice. Hope it pays off!

>> No.2506730

Don't worry this will be $10+ tomorrow. Literally the next ETH.

>> No.2506735

considering it's recovering from every trough and there is news to buy I'd go in but set up a sell wall senpai a lam

>> No.2506742

I expect this to be a 30 billion dollar coin

>> No.2506772
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Look at how Vitalik sits, man, legs like an anime girl wtf. Love the bastard tho

>> No.2506796
File: 1.51 MB, 634x344, fish.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped another btc in at ATH 266k
is it going to keep going up?

>> No.2506809

it looks like it

>> No.2506825

H-how would Vitalik look as a trap?

>> No.2506853


Look at his fucking face you faggot. It is the epitome of masculine

>the slight male pattern balding
>that jaw
>the brow


>> No.2506869

275k when?

>> No.2506875

The guy is a fucking meth-skeleton
Doot doot

>> No.2506876

Is the memegod actually on meth or does he just have the exact meth look? This guy is a retard. I now understand why Satoshi is anonymous

>> No.2506926
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>> No.2506995

I remember watching eth go from $2, to 6$ to $11 to $16....everytime thinking fuck oh well I missed it

>> No.2507020

he's a math-skeleton

>> No.2507058

Oh man the memes

>> No.2507062


>> No.2507086


>> No.2507106

wow this is not going to stop
wallet maintenance tho

>> No.2507115

>bittrex price keeps pumping up
>eastern market price keeps dumping
what the fuck is this disconnect

>> No.2507136

yeah its weird, they had their ATH like an hour ago and its still almost a dollar and a half less than the biggest western ANS exchange (bittrex)

>> No.2507155

omg wall is being destroyed like a champ
we going to $10 soon

>> No.2507157

How am I meant to buy if 10 sell walls appear every time I set a price? what the fuck

>> No.2507167


>> No.2507175


>> No.2507182


are the fucking chinks arbitraging us? holy moley

>> No.2507184

That 40 cent drop

>> No.2507188

>buy order goes through at 280
>260 within 10 seconds

I'm going to kill myself.

>> No.2507193

its back up tho

>> No.2507198
File: 71 KB, 499x280, Red-Dawn-Main-Review2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's up with that ?

>> No.2507199

I sold at 7.15 wait for dip why do i beat myself up

>> No.2507203

Stfu u weak cunt. Just ride it out. Holy fuk

>> No.2507205

ughh have to do wage cuck things in the morning

>> No.2507212

Is this still a good time to hop in?

>> No.2507214

Me too shit sucks, will go to bed once i buy back in below 7 and just hold

>> No.2507215


nobody knows, leaning towards no

>> No.2507217

now or never honestly

>> No.2507219

Did it just break Bittrex?

>> No.2507221

do it faggot

>> No.2507226


>> No.2507230

Wallets are in maintenance, so there's that.

Am I to assume I will miss this because of "maintenance"?

>> No.2507235


Honestly considering calling out to watch candles go up and down

>> No.2507238

>Sold at .280

hopefully it drops down to .270 again, just for kicks.

>> No.2507245

yeah does anyone know anything about the wallets being in maintenance?

>> No.2507250

Its gonna go down right? Sweet Jesus I want more.

>> No.2507255

It did, boy do I feel like a badass now, I got a couple more ants in my pocket.

>> No.2507256

270 now
its not too late yet
all abroad

>> No.2507261

what if it never go back up again?

>> No.2507271

then you lose money welcome to crypto

>> No.2507276

but but biz motto is buy high sell low right
r-rright guys?

>> No.2507281

Then whatever, very high chance I will be able to cash out with my 200 dollars back by the 21st

>> No.2507282


>> No.2507295

Yes look at the marketcap on Bittrex rise. Honestly it's gaining 100 btc every few minutes. I've watched it go from 5000 to now around 7000 in the last hour

>> No.2507296

these fucking 10k,20k,30k satoshi gaps are making me money god fken dam thank u chinese

>> No.2507304

when do i fucking buy? i'm resisting buying at an all time high but it won't fucking go down

>> No.2507317

buy below 280000 sats..

going well over 350k sats tn

>> No.2507336
File: 37 KB, 320x278, 1414650646325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sell wall is ruining everything. It will never reach 290 ever again, I guess it's over now.

>> No.2507337

sell order getting bigger and thicker
is this the end of the rise?

>> No.2507338


>> No.2507342

get back in when it crashes back down to $3

>> No.2507352

buy wall coming up

>> No.2507358
File: 48 KB, 1108x727, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with the huge price difference (20%~) between the 2 chink exchanges?

>> No.2507362

it will go to 10 dollars tonight. bitcoin is about to crash so everything is about to crash

>> No.2507370
File: 10 KB, 300x168, ironfisting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2507379

Smaller volume means more price manipulation.


>> No.2507391

Pretty common to see for most coins

>> No.2507415


>> No.2507419

reminder to buy the dip

>> No.2507424

Damn bought a little too soon on the dip o well, just got to hold. Bed time have fun with the ride

>> No.2507429

tfw buy at 260k and instantly drops to 240k

>> No.2507455

Based whales giving out 9 dollars for 6

>> No.2507485

That was seriously the stupidest whale i've ever seen. Gives out a massive buying opportunity for those who missed 5 hours ago.

>> No.2507501

you're dumb. Chinese use their own exchanges, this is westerners FOMO'ing hard (to quote someone else)

>> No.2507510

That 46btc sell wall is going to impede progresss

>> No.2507525

>Sell-Order for my initial investment set at $10
all those based ants

>> No.2507530

>Look away for a minute
>Has gone up to 0.0029 and back down to 0.0027
>Sheeit, I'll catch it this time when gets back up
>Implodes down to 0.0024


>> No.2507548

I don't think they realize it just makes people want to buy more

>> No.2507550

This shit is going to become a bag hardcore isn't it?

>> No.2507554

The Amerifags need to wake up and pump this shit again.

>> No.2507557

bagholding intensifies

>> No.2507560

Awh fuck

Panic sell or hodl?

>> No.2507561

What the fuck was he doing?
So much strong support, people frothing between the legs for more ANS

>Better dump my 10k ANS now before i make too much money

>> No.2507565

sell now? please help

>> No.2507567

no lmao

>> No.2507571

i wouldn't be suprised if this shit shot all the way back up to 290k

>> No.2507575


It's gonna hit 300k tonight

>> No.2507576

They did it again too it just blows my fucking mind. Are a majority not looking at the asian charts? This seriously has to be the best buy opportunity i've ever seen.

>> No.2507585

Mmm cheap ants

>> No.2507589

looks like I can sell now and buy in lower, no?

>> No.2507590

[bagholds internally]

>> No.2507591

selling shortly before or right after the conference
>remember digibyte

>> No.2507600

Whales are shaking out the weak hands. Hold.

>> No.2507602

When is the conference?

>> No.2507603

Whens the confrence?

>> No.2507607

Itll explode after the conf

>> No.2507611

Dubs confirms


>> No.2507617


antshares dot org

conference is on the 22nd

>> No.2507622

>Crashing this coin
>With no weakhanded survivors!

>> No.2507626

yes, could go both ways

>> No.2507628

The conference news is already out isn't it?

>> No.2507629
File: 8 KB, 250x250, 1494830912484s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when u crash it put up a low sell wall and have people buy it up so they can't buy in as quick when you crash it again.

>> No.2507640

Will certianly rise, no way it can drop from a conference advertising it, question is how much.

>> No.2507645

Buy now. Seriously. This is gonna be a $500 coin.

>> No.2507646


>> No.2507648


>get in ants at 220k
>try to short
>panick more than i've ever panicked
>make losses for the first time



>> No.2507656

>shorting cryptos

>> No.2507662

Fuck I wish I had more of a limit on cuckbase, 46 ans only

>> No.2507663

>$500 coin
Worst case of shilling I've ever seen.

>> No.2507668


Why the fuck are you Shorting in the greatest bull market of all time

>> No.2507669

dont listen to him cuck hes pulling ur chain

>> No.2507671

You think more!!??!?!

>> No.2507685
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>> No.2507688


>> No.2507705
File: 196 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170619-082854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I gonna make it brahs? When will I be driving lambos? I'm only 18 lol

>> No.2507711


Destined to be a chinese bagholder

>> No.2507719

fuark waiting on my deposit to GDAX to post so I can get more of this shit. Everyone chill the fuck out I need this fucking lambo

>> No.2507721

You wish you had my bags

>> No.2507736

Nah, you can keep them, and keep them, and keep them..

>> No.2507739

dont think that sell wall is a whale , just some idiot legitimately trying to sell off his ants

>> No.2507746

I've been in ANS for a few days now and all I can say to anyone wanting in is that no time is a bad time, every day the ATH is broken, we get a dip then it recovers, rinse and repeat.
There is talk of pump and dumps, but it's really just people with weak hands dumping and then realising they are morons and buying back in.
Just Hodl and reap.
My prediction is 450 sats within 24hrs. If I'm wrong I will sell up and go buy a paintbrush to earn some money.

>> No.2507758

Please tell me you at least sold at ATH a couple of hours ago and bought it back again

>> No.2507787

And like clockwork it's starting to recover again.

>> No.2507809

If you check the Chinese exchanges it should be around 250 sats to match their prices, so if it goes up to 289/290 sell and it will surely drop back to match the Chinese markets, so then rebuy.
It's like taking candy from a baby.

>> No.2507844

I was asleep, so no

>> No.2507859

alright fags. what should I set my bid at, is 0.0021 too low?

>> No.2507861

Sell orders man, even if you don't get max profit you still make profit. Helps me sleep and not not worry about prices as much.

>> No.2507865

anyone got a link to ANS on a chinese exchange the one I went to was hard to read lol

>> No.2507870

ID set it to .230 and hope for the best. I dont see it falling to .21, at least not soon.

Then again I didnt see it going from 1 dollar to 4 to fucking 8 dollars either.

>> No.2507873

wtf 77btc sell wall at 250

>> No.2507887

Was wondering the same, maybe this Anon knows >>2507809

>> No.2507903


>> No.2507907

Color me corrected didnt even notice it. Gonna sell and put in a .210 buy order myself and get me some more ants. And regret it later if it doesnt work out

>> No.2507937

how do you view it in sats instead of CNY?

>> No.2507940

I put it at 0.0021...the biggest CNY market is already down to an equivalent of $5.64 / 0.00215 and I feel like it's going to snap back to the trend line it was on. here's to good luck.

>> No.2507948

Im worried it will be a long stressful tumbling down for a couple of days

>> No.2507962

got dammit these chinks are really testing my hands

>> No.2507965

fine by me...I want to get in cheap

>> No.2507969

H&S forming?

>> No.2508035

fugggg so many weak hands panic selling

>> No.2508086

8 dollars when?

>> No.2508205

Buy Walls comin in hot

>> No.2508226

neckline forming...

>> No.2508250

upsidedown batman hamburger formation

>> No.2508386

Just sold 2 ETH and purchased ANS. I hope this is the coin that makes me rich.

>> No.2508893

Its the flag waving chink formation at 15mins int