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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2505500 No.2505500 [Reply] [Original]

admin, make the fucking /crypto/ board already for the coinfagging that kills all other discussion

>> No.2505512

i recommend the name /shill/ instead

>> No.2505523

>I'm angry because these people are making money while im not

>> No.2505524

PLEASE. When I get rich I don't want to have the stink of nocoiners on me

>> No.2505529
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t. missing out on CPC

>> No.2505607

Let me guess, you're a nocoiner? Dumb frogposter.

>> No.2505738

This isn't r eddit. I say the admin does NOT! We can't have a bazillion boards.

>> No.2505786

It's sad because discussions here used to be productive and fun but now they're all threads about shitcoins and if you don't agree with them you just 'want to be poor'. Regardless, I'm just waiting for my approval for the kingmakers' onion at this point.

>> No.2505818

If you can't beat them join them i say